twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

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package com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.candidate_sources.base
import com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.models.TweetCandidate
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.functional_component.candidate_source.CandidateSource
import com.twitter.stitch.Stitch
* base trait for tweet authors based algorithms, e.g. topical tweet authors, twistly, ...
* @tparam Target target type
* @tparam Candidate output candidate types
trait TweetAuthorsCandidateSource[-Target, +Candidate] extends CandidateSource[Target, Candidate] {
* fetch Tweet candidates
def getTweetCandidates(target: Target): Stitch[Seq[TweetCandidate]]
* fetch authorId
def getTweetAuthorId(tweetCandidate: TweetCandidate): Stitch[Option[Long]]
* wrap candidate ID and TweetAuthorProof in Candidate
def toCandidate(authorId: Long, tweetIds: Seq[Long], score: Option[Double]): Candidate
* aggregate scores, default to the first score
def aggregator(scores: Seq[Double]): Double =
* aggregation method for a group of tweet candidates
def aggregateAndScore(
target: Target,
tweetCandidates: Seq[TweetCandidate]
): Seq[Candidate]
* generate a list of candidates for the target
def build(
target: Target
): Stitch[Seq[Candidate]] = {
// Fetch Tweet candidates and hydrate author IDs
val tweetCandidatesStitch = for {
tweetCandidates <- getTweetCandidates(target)
authorIds <- Stitch.collect(
} yield {
for {
(authorIdOpt, tweetCandidate) <-
authorId <- authorIdOpt
} yield tweetCandidate.copy(authorId = authorId)
// Aggregate and score, convert to candidate, _))
def apply(target: Target): Stitch[Seq[Candidate]] =
object TweetAuthorsCandidateSource {
final val DefaultScore: Double = 0.0