twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
Please note we have force-pushed a new initial commit in order to remove some publicly-available Twitter user information. Note that this process may be required in the future.
2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

68 lines
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package com.twitter.timelineranker.common
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.StatsReceiver
import com.twitter.servo.util.FutureArrow
import com.twitter.timelineranker.core.CandidateEnvelope
import com.twitter.timelineranker.model.RecapQuery.DependencyProvider
import com.twitter.timelineranker.util.SearchResultUtil
import com.twitter.util.Future
* Truncate the search results by score. Assumes that the search results are sorted in
* score-descending order unless extraSortBeforeTruncation is set to true.
* This transform has two main use cases:
* - when returnAllResults is set to true, earlybird returns (numResultsPerShard * number of shards)
* results. this transform is then used to further truncate the result, so that the size will be the
* same as when returnAllResults is set to false.
* - we retrieve extra number of results from earlybird, as specified in MaxCountMultiplierParam,
* so that we are left with sufficient number of candidates after hydration and filtering.
* this transform will be used to get rid of extra results we ended up not using.
class RecapSearchResultsTruncationTransform(
extraSortBeforeTruncationGate: DependencyProvider[Boolean],
maxCountProvider: DependencyProvider[Int],
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver)
extends FutureArrow[CandidateEnvelope, CandidateEnvelope] {
private[this] val postTruncationSizeStat = statsReceiver.stat("postTruncationSize")
private[this] val earlybirdScoreX100Stat = statsReceiver.stat("earlybirdScoreX100")
override def apply(envelope: CandidateEnvelope): Future[CandidateEnvelope] = {
val sortBeforeTruncation = extraSortBeforeTruncationGate(envelope.query)
val maxCount = maxCountProvider(envelope.query)
val searchResults = envelope.searchResults
// set aside results that are marked by isRandomTweet field
val (randomTweetSeq, searchResultsExcludingRandom) = searchResults.partition { result =>
// sort and truncate searchResults other than the random tweet
val maxCountExcludingRandom = Math.max(0, maxCount - randomTweetSeq.size)
val truncatedResultsExcludingRandom =
if (sortBeforeTruncation || searchResultsExcludingRandom.size > maxCountExcludingRandom) {
val sorted = if (sortBeforeTruncation) {
SearchResultUtil.getScore(_) > SearchResultUtil.getScore(_))
} else searchResultsExcludingRandom
} else searchResultsExcludingRandom
// put back the random tweet set aside previously
val allTruncatedResults = truncatedResultsExcludingRandom ++ randomTweetSeq
// stats
allTruncatedResults.foreach { result =>
val earlybirdScoreX100 =
result.metadata.flatMap(_.score).getOrElse(0.0).toFloat * 100
Future.value(envelope.copy(searchResults = allTruncatedResults))