twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

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package com.twitter.timelineranker.config
import com.twitter.conversions.DurationOps._
import com.twitter.util.Duration
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
* Information about a single method call.
* The purpose of this class is to allow one to express a call graph and latency associated with each (sub)call.
* Once a call graph is defined, calling getOverAllLatency() off the top level call returns total time taken by that call.
* That value can then be compared with the timeout budget allocated to that call to see if the
* value fits within the overall timeout budget of that call.
* This is useful in case of a complex call graph where it is hard to mentally estimate the effect on
* overall latency when updating timeout value of one or more sub-calls.
* @param methodName name of the called method.
* @param latency P999 Latency incurred in calling a service if the method calls an external service. Otherwise 0.
* @param dependsOn Other calls that this call depends on.
case class Call(
methodName: String,
latency: Duration = 0.milliseconds,
dependsOn: Seq[Call] = Nil) {
* Latency incurred in this call as well as recursively all calls this call depends on.
def getOverAllLatency: Duration = {
val dependencyLatency = if (dependsOn.isEmpty) {
} else {
latency + dependencyLatency
* Call paths starting at this call and recursively traversing all dependencies.
* Typically used for debugging or logging.
def getLatencyPaths: String = {
val sb = new StringBuilder
getLatencyPaths(sb, 1)
def getLatencyPaths(sb: StringBuilder, level: Int): Unit = {
sb.append(s"${getPrefix(level)} ${getLatencyString(getOverAllLatency)} $methodName\n")
if ((latency > 0.milliseconds) && !dependsOn.isEmpty) {
sb.append(s"${getPrefix(level + 1)} ${getLatencyString(latency)} self\n")
dependsOn.foreach(_.getLatencyPaths(sb, level + 1))
private def getLatencyString(latencyValue: Duration): String = {
val latencyMs = latencyValue.inUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
private def getPrefix(level: Int): String = {
" " * (level * 4) + "--"
* Information about the getRecapTweetCandidates call.
* Acronyms used:
* : call internal to TLR
* EB : Earlybird (search super root)
* GZ : Gizmoduck
* MH : Manhattan
* SGS : Social graph service
* The latency values are based on p9999 values observed over 1 week.
object GetRecycledTweetCandidatesCall {
val getUserProfileInfo: Call = Call("GZ.getUserProfileInfo", 200.milliseconds)
val getUserLanguages: Call = Call("MH.getUserLanguages", 300.milliseconds) // p99: 15ms
val getFollowing: Call = Call("SGS.getFollowing", 250.milliseconds) // p99: 75ms
val getMutuallyFollowing: Call =
Call("SGS.getMutuallyFollowing", 400.milliseconds, Seq(getFollowing)) // p99: 100
val getVisibilityProfiles: Call =
Call("SGS.getVisibilityProfiles", 400.milliseconds, Seq(getFollowing)) // p99: 100
val getVisibilityData: Call = Call(
dependsOn = Seq(getFollowing, getMutuallyFollowing, getVisibilityProfiles)
val getTweetsForRecapRegular: Call =
Call("EB.getTweetsForRecap(regular)", 500.milliseconds, Seq(getVisibilityData)) // p99: 250
val getTweetsForRecapProtected: Call =
Call("EB.getTweetsForRecap(protected)", 250.milliseconds, Seq(getVisibilityData)) // p99: 150
val getSearchResults: Call =
Call("getSearchResults", dependsOn = Seq(getTweetsForRecapRegular, getTweetsForRecapProtected))
val getTweetsScoredForRecap: Call =
Call("EB.getTweetsScoredForRecap", 400.milliseconds, Seq(getSearchResults)) // p99: 100
val hydrateSearchResults: Call = Call("hydrateSearchResults")
val getSourceTweetSearchResults: Call =
Call("getSourceTweetSearchResults", dependsOn = Seq(getSearchResults))
val hydrateTweets: Call =
Call("hydrateTweets", dependsOn = Seq(getSearchResults, hydrateSearchResults))
val hydrateSourceTweets: Call =
Call("hydrateSourceTweets", dependsOn = Seq(getSourceTweetSearchResults, hydrateSearchResults))
val topLevel: Call = Call(
dependsOn = Seq(