twitter-team 01dbfee4c0 Open-sourcing Tweetypie
Tweetypie is the core Tweet service that handles the reading and writing of Tweet data.
2023-05-19 16:20:06 -05:00

69 lines
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package com.twitter.tweetypie
package store
import com.twitter.gizmoduck.thriftscala.LookupContext
import com.twitter.gizmoduck.thriftscala.ModifiedAccount
import com.twitter.gizmoduck.thriftscala.ModifiedUser
import com.twitter.tweetypie.backends.Gizmoduck
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala._
trait GizmoduckUserGeotagUpdateStore
extends TweetStoreBase[GizmoduckUserGeotagUpdateStore]
with AsyncInsertTweet.Store
with ScrubGeoUpdateUserTimestamp.Store {
def wrap(w: TweetStore.Wrap): GizmoduckUserGeotagUpdateStore =
new TweetStoreWrapper(w, this)
with GizmoduckUserGeotagUpdateStore
with AsyncInsertTweet.StoreWrapper
with ScrubGeoUpdateUserTimestamp.StoreWrapper
* A TweetStore implementation that updates a Gizmoduck user's user_has_geotagged_status flag.
* If a tweet is geotagged and the user's flag is not set, call out to Gizmoduck to update it.
object GizmoduckUserGeotagUpdateStore {
val Action: AsyncWriteAction.UserGeotagUpdate.type = AsyncWriteAction.UserGeotagUpdate
def apply(
modifyAndGet: Gizmoduck.ModifyAndGet,
stats: StatsReceiver
): GizmoduckUserGeotagUpdateStore = {
// Counts the number of times that the scrubGeo actually cleared the
// hasGeotaggedStatuses bit for a user.
val clearedCounter = stats.counter("has_geotag_cleared")
// Counts the number of times that asyncInsertTweet actually set the
// hasGeotaggedStatuses bit for a user.
val setCounter = stats.counter("has_geotag_set")
def setHasGeotaggedStatuses(value: Boolean): FutureEffect[UserId] = {
val modifiedAccount = ModifiedAccount(hasGeotaggedStatuses = Some(value))
val modifiedUser = ModifiedUser(account = Some(modifiedAccount))
FutureEffect(userId => modifyAndGet((LookupContext(), userId, modifiedUser)).unit)
new GizmoduckUserGeotagUpdateStore {
override val asyncInsertTweet: FutureEffect[AsyncInsertTweet.Event] =
.onSuccess(_ => setCounter.incr())
.onlyIf { e =>
// only with geo info and an account that doesn't yet have geotagged statuses flag set
hasGeo(e.tweet) && (e.user.account.exists(!_.hasGeotaggedStatuses))
override val retryAsyncInsertTweet: FutureEffect[
] =
TweetStore.retry(Action, asyncInsertTweet)
override val scrubGeoUpdateUserTimestamp: FutureEffect[ScrubGeoUpdateUserTimestamp.Event] =
.onSuccess(_ => clearedCounter.incr())