twitter-team 01dbfee4c0 Open-sourcing Tweetypie
Tweetypie is the core Tweet service that handles the reading and writing of Tweet data.
2023-05-19 16:20:06 -05:00

359 lines
13 KiB

package com.twitter.tweetypie
package store
import com.twitter.concurrent.Serialized
import com.twitter.servo.cache.LockingCache.Handler
import com.twitter.servo.cache._
import com.twitter.tweetypie.repository.BookmarksKey
import com.twitter.tweetypie.repository.FavsKey
import com.twitter.tweetypie.repository.QuotesKey
import com.twitter.tweetypie.repository.RepliesKey
import com.twitter.tweetypie.repository.RetweetsKey
import com.twitter.tweetypie.repository.TweetCountKey
import com.twitter.util.Duration
import com.twitter.util.Timer
import scala.collection.mutable
trait TweetCountsCacheUpdatingStore
extends TweetStoreBase[TweetCountsCacheUpdatingStore]
with InsertTweet.Store
with AsyncInsertTweet.Store
with ReplicatedInsertTweet.Store
with DeleteTweet.Store
with AsyncDeleteTweet.Store
with ReplicatedDeleteTweet.Store
with UndeleteTweet.Store
with ReplicatedUndeleteTweet.Store
with AsyncIncrFavCount.Store
with ReplicatedIncrFavCount.Store
with AsyncIncrBookmarkCount.Store
with ReplicatedIncrBookmarkCount.Store
with AsyncSetRetweetVisibility.Store
with ReplicatedSetRetweetVisibility.Store
with Flush.Store {
def wrap(w: TweetStore.Wrap): TweetCountsCacheUpdatingStore = {
new TweetStoreWrapper(w, this)
with TweetCountsCacheUpdatingStore
with InsertTweet.StoreWrapper
with AsyncInsertTweet.StoreWrapper
with ReplicatedInsertTweet.StoreWrapper
with DeleteTweet.StoreWrapper
with AsyncDeleteTweet.StoreWrapper
with ReplicatedDeleteTweet.StoreWrapper
with UndeleteTweet.StoreWrapper
with ReplicatedUndeleteTweet.StoreWrapper
with AsyncIncrFavCount.StoreWrapper
with ReplicatedIncrFavCount.StoreWrapper
with AsyncIncrBookmarkCount.StoreWrapper
with ReplicatedIncrBookmarkCount.StoreWrapper
with AsyncSetRetweetVisibility.StoreWrapper
with ReplicatedSetRetweetVisibility.StoreWrapper
with Flush.StoreWrapper
* An implementation of TweetStore that updates tweet-specific counts in
* the CountsCache.
object TweetCountsCacheUpdatingStore {
private type Action = TweetCountKey => Future[Unit]
def keys(tweetId: TweetId): Seq[TweetCountKey] =
def relatedKeys(tweet: Tweet): Seq[TweetCountKey] =
getQuotedTweet(tweet).map(quotedTweet => QuotesKey(quotedTweet.tweetId)),
getShare(tweet).map(share => RetweetsKey(share.sourceStatusId))
// pick all keys except quotes key
def relatedKeysWithoutQuotesKey(tweet: Tweet): Seq[TweetCountKey] =
def apply(countsStore: CachedCountsStore): TweetCountsCacheUpdatingStore = {
val incr: Action = key => countsStore.incr(key, 1)
val decr: Action = key => countsStore.incr(key, -1)
val init: Action = key => countsStore.add(key, 0)
val delete: Action = key => countsStore.delete(key)
def initCounts(tweetId: TweetId) = Future.join(keys(tweetId).map(init))
def incrRelatedCounts(tweet: Tweet, excludeQuotesKey: Boolean = false) = {
Future.join {
if (excludeQuotesKey) {
} else {
def deleteCounts(tweetId: TweetId) = Future.join(keys(tweetId).map(delete))
// Decrement all the counters if is the last quote, otherwise avoid decrementing quote counters
def decrRelatedCounts(tweet: Tweet, isLastQuoteOfQuoter: Boolean = false) = {
Future.join {
if (isLastQuoteOfQuoter) {
} else {
def updateFavCount(tweetId: TweetId, delta: Int) =
countsStore.incr(FavsKey(tweetId), delta).unit
def updateBookmarkCount(tweetId: TweetId, delta: Int) =
countsStore.incr(BookmarksKey(tweetId), delta).unit
// these are use specifically for setRetweetVisibility
def incrRetweetCount(tweetId: TweetId) = incr(RetweetsKey(tweetId))
def decrRetweetCount(tweetId: TweetId) = decr(RetweetsKey(tweetId))
new TweetCountsCacheUpdatingStore {
override val insertTweet: FutureEffect[InsertTweet.Event] =
FutureEffect[InsertTweet.Event](e => initCounts(
override val asyncInsertTweet: FutureEffect[AsyncInsertTweet.Event] =
FutureEffect[AsyncInsertTweet.Event] { e =>
incrRelatedCounts(e.cachedTweet.tweet, e.quoterHasAlreadyQuotedTweet)
override val retryAsyncInsertTweet: FutureEffect[
] =
override val replicatedInsertTweet: FutureEffect[ReplicatedInsertTweet.Event] =
FutureEffect[ReplicatedInsertTweet.Event] { e =>
incrRelatedCounts(e.tweet, e.quoterHasAlreadyQuotedTweet)).unit
override val deleteTweet: FutureEffect[DeleteTweet.Event] =
FutureEffect[DeleteTweet.Event](e => deleteCounts(
override val asyncDeleteTweet: FutureEffect[AsyncDeleteTweet.Event] =
FutureEffect[AsyncDeleteTweet.Event](e => decrRelatedCounts(e.tweet, e.isLastQuoteOfQuoter))
override val retryAsyncDeleteTweet: FutureEffect[
] =
override val replicatedDeleteTweet: FutureEffect[ReplicatedDeleteTweet.Event] =
FutureEffect[ReplicatedDeleteTweet.Event] { e =>
.join(deleteCounts(, decrRelatedCounts(e.tweet, e.isLastQuoteOfQuoter)).unit
override val undeleteTweet: FutureEffect[UndeleteTweet.Event] =
FutureEffect[UndeleteTweet.Event] { e =>
incrRelatedCounts(e.tweet, e.quoterHasAlreadyQuotedTweet)
override val replicatedUndeleteTweet: FutureEffect[ReplicatedUndeleteTweet.Event] =
FutureEffect[ReplicatedUndeleteTweet.Event] { e =>
incrRelatedCounts(e.tweet, e.quoterHasAlreadyQuotedTweet)
override val asyncIncrFavCount: FutureEffect[AsyncIncrFavCount.Event] =
FutureEffect[AsyncIncrFavCount.Event](e => updateFavCount(e.tweetId,
override val replicatedIncrFavCount: FutureEffect[ReplicatedIncrFavCount.Event] =
FutureEffect[ReplicatedIncrFavCount.Event](e => updateFavCount(e.tweetId,
override val asyncIncrBookmarkCount: FutureEffect[AsyncIncrBookmarkCount.Event] =
FutureEffect[AsyncIncrBookmarkCount.Event](e => updateBookmarkCount(e.tweetId,
override val replicatedIncrBookmarkCount: FutureEffect[ReplicatedIncrBookmarkCount.Event] =
FutureEffect[ReplicatedIncrBookmarkCount.Event] { e =>
override val asyncSetRetweetVisibility: FutureEffect[AsyncSetRetweetVisibility.Event] =
FutureEffect[AsyncSetRetweetVisibility.Event] { e =>
if (e.visible) incrRetweetCount(e.srcId) else decrRetweetCount(e.srcId)
override val retryAsyncSetRetweetVisibility: FutureEffect[
] =
override val replicatedSetRetweetVisibility: FutureEffect[
] =
FutureEffect[ReplicatedSetRetweetVisibility.Event] { e =>
if (e.visible) incrRetweetCount(e.srcId) else decrRetweetCount(e.srcId)
override val flush: FutureEffect[Flush.Event] =
FutureEffect[Flush.Event] { e => Future.collect( }
* A simple trait around the cache operations needed by TweetCountsCacheUpdatingStore.
trait CachedCountsStore {
def add(key: TweetCountKey, count: Count): Future[Unit]
def delete(key: TweetCountKey): Future[Unit]
def incr(key: TweetCountKey, delta: Count): Future[Unit]
object CachedCountsStore {
def fromLockingCache(cache: LockingCache[TweetCountKey, Cached[Count]]): CachedCountsStore =
new CachedCountsStore {
def add(key: TweetCountKey, count: Count): Future[Unit] =
cache.add(key, toCached(count)).unit
def delete(key: TweetCountKey): Future[Unit] =
def incr(key: TweetCountKey, delta: Count): Future[Unit] =
cache.lockAndSet(key, IncrDecrHandler(delta)).unit
def toCached(count: Count): Cached[Count] = {
val now =
Cached(Some(count), CachedValueStatus.Found, now, Some(now))
case class IncrDecrHandler(delta: Long) extends Handler[Cached[Count]] {
override def apply(inCache: Option[Cached[Count]]): Option[Cached[Count]] =
private[this] def incrCount(oldCached: Cached[Count]): Option[Cached[Count]] = { { oldCount => oldCached.copy(value = Some(saferIncr(oldCount))) }
private[this] def saferIncr(value: Long) = math.max(0, value + delta)
override lazy val toString: String = "IncrDecrHandler(%s)".format(delta)
object QueueIsFullException extends Exception
* An implementation of CachedCountsStore that can queue and aggregate multiple incr
* updates to the same key together. Currently, updates for a key only start to aggregate
* after there is a failure to incr on the underlying store, which often indicates contention
* due to a high level of updates. After a failure, a key is promoted into a "tracked" state,
* and subsequent updates are aggregated together. Periodically, the aggregated updates will
* be flushed. If the flush for a key succeeds and no more updates have come in during the flush,
* then the key is demoted out of the tracked state. Otherwise, updates continue to aggregate
* until the next flush attempt.
class AggregatingCachedCountsStore(
underlying: CachedCountsStore,
timer: Timer,
flushInterval: Duration,
maxSize: Int,
stats: StatsReceiver)
extends CachedCountsStore
with Serialized {
private[this] val pendingUpdates: mutable.Map[TweetCountKey, Count] =
new mutable.HashMap[TweetCountKey, Count]
private[this] var trackingCount: Int = 0
private[this] val promotionCounter = stats.counter("promotions")
private[this] val demotionCounter = stats.counter("demotions")
private[this] val updateCounter = stats.counter("aggregated_updates")
private[this] val overflowCounter = stats.counter("overflows")
private[this] val flushFailureCounter = stats.counter("flush_failures")
private[this] val trackingCountGauge = stats.addGauge("tracking")(trackingCount.toFloat)
timer.schedule(flushInterval) { flush() }
def add(key: TweetCountKey, count: Count): Future[Unit] =
underlying.add(key, count)
def delete(key: TweetCountKey): Future[Unit] =
def incr(key: TweetCountKey, delta: Count): Future[Unit] =
aggregateIfTracked(key, delta).flatMap {
case true => Future.Unit
case false =>
.incr(key, delta)
.rescue { case _ => aggregate(key, delta) }
* Queues an update to be aggregated and applied to a key at a later time, but only if we are
* already aggregating updates for the key.
* @return true the delta was aggregated, false if the key is not being tracked
* and the incr should be attempted directly.
private[this] def aggregateIfTracked(key: TweetCountKey, delta: Count): Future[Boolean] =
serialized {
pendingUpdates.get(key) match {
case None => false
case Some(current) =>
pendingUpdates(key) = current + delta
* Queues an update to be aggregated and applied to a key at a later time.
private[this] def aggregate(key: TweetCountKey, delta: Count): Future[Unit] =
serialized {
val alreadyTracked = pendingUpdates.contains(key)
if (!alreadyTracked) {
if (pendingUpdates.size < maxSize)
else {
throw CachedCountsStore.QueueIsFullException
(pendingUpdates.get(key).getOrElse(0L) + delta) match {
case 0 =>
case aggregatedDelta =>
pendingUpdates(key) = aggregatedDelta
trackingCount = pendingUpdates.size
private[this] def flush(): Future[Unit] = {
for {
// make a copy of the updates to flush, so that updates can continue to be queued
// while the flush is in progress. if an individual flush succeeds, then we
// go back and update pendingUpdates.
updates <- serialized { pendingUpdates.toSeq.toList }
() <- Future.join(for ((key, delta) <- updates) yield flush(key, delta))
} yield ()
private[this] def flush(key: TweetCountKey, delta: Count): Future[Unit] =
.incr(key, delta)
.flatMap(_ => aggregate(key, -delta))
.handle { case ex => flushFailureCounter.incr() }