twitter-team 01dbfee4c0 Open-sourcing Tweetypie
Tweetypie is the core Tweet service that handles the reading and writing of Tweet data.
2023-05-19 16:20:06 -05:00

145 lines
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package com.twitter.tweetypie
package store
import com.twitter.finagle.tracing.Trace
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala._
object TweetStoreEvent {
* Parent trait for indicating what type of retry strategy to apply to event handlers
* for the corresponding event type. Different classes of events use different strategies.
sealed trait RetryStrategy
* Indicates that the event type doesn't support retries.
case object NoRetry extends RetryStrategy
* Indicates that if an event handler encounters a failure, it should enqueue a
* retry to be performed asynchronously.
case class EnqueueAsyncRetry(enqueueRetry: (ThriftTweetService, AsyncWriteAction) => Future[Unit])
extends RetryStrategy
* Indicates that if an event handler encounters a failure, it should retry
* the event locally some number of times, before eventually given up and scribing
* the failure.
case class LocalRetryThenScribeFailure(toFailedAsyncWrite: AsyncWriteAction => FailedAsyncWrite)
extends RetryStrategy
* Indicates that if an event handler encounters a failure, it should retry
* the event locally some number of times.
case object ReplicatedEventLocalRetry extends RetryStrategy
* The abstract parent class for all TweetStoreEvent types.
sealed trait TweetStoreEvent {
val name: String
val traceId: Long =
* Indicates a particular retry behavior that should be applied to event handlers for
* the corresponding event type. The specifics of the strategy might depend upon the
* specific TweetStore implementation.
def retryStrategy: RetryStrategy
abstract class SyncTweetStoreEvent(val name: String) extends TweetStoreEvent {
override def retryStrategy: RetryStrategy = TweetStoreEvent.NoRetry
abstract class AsyncTweetStoreEvent(val name: String) extends TweetStoreEvent {
def enqueueRetry(service: ThriftTweetService, action: AsyncWriteAction): Future[Unit]
override def retryStrategy: RetryStrategy = TweetStoreEvent.EnqueueAsyncRetry(enqueueRetry)
abstract class ReplicatedTweetStoreEvent(val name: String) extends TweetStoreEvent {
override def retryStrategy: RetryStrategy = TweetStoreEvent.ReplicatedEventLocalRetry
* A trait for all TweetStoreEvents that become TweetEvents.
trait TweetStoreTweetEvent {
val timestamp: Time
val optUser: Option[User]
* Most TweetStoreTweetEvents map to a single TweetEvent, but some
* optionally map to an event and others map to multiple events, so
* this method needs to return a Seq of TweetEventData.
def toTweetEventData: Seq[TweetEventData]
* The abstract parent class for an event that indicates a particular action
* for a particular event that needs to be retried via the async-write-retrying mechanism.
abstract class TweetStoreRetryEvent[E <: AsyncTweetStoreEvent] extends TweetStoreEvent {
override val name = "async_write_retry"
def action: AsyncWriteAction
def event: E
def eventType: AsyncWriteEventType
def scribedTweetOnFailure: Option[Tweet]
override def retryStrategy: RetryStrategy =
TweetStoreEvent.LocalRetryThenScribeFailure(action =>
FailedAsyncWrite(eventType, action, scribedTweetOnFailure))
* Functions as a disjunction between an event type E and it's corresonding
* retry event type TweetStoreRetryEvent[E]
case class TweetStoreEventOrRetry[E <: AsyncTweetStoreEvent](
event: E,
toRetry: Option[TweetStoreRetryEvent[E]]) {
def toInitial: Option[E] = if (retryAction.isDefined) None else Some(event)
def retryAction: Option[RetryStrategy] =
def hydrate(f: E => Future[E]): Future[TweetStoreEventOrRetry[E]] =
f(event).map(e => copy(event = e))
object TweetStoreEventOrRetry {
def apply[E <: AsyncTweetStoreEvent, R <: TweetStoreRetryEvent[E]](
event: E,
retryAction: Option[AsyncWriteAction],
toRetryEvent: (AsyncWriteAction, E) => R
): TweetStoreEventOrRetry[E] =
TweetStoreEventOrRetry(event, => toRetryEvent(action, event)))
object First {
/** matches against TweetStoreEventOrRetry instances for an initial event */
def unapply[E <: AsyncTweetStoreEvent](it: TweetStoreEventOrRetry[E]): Option[E] =
object Retry {
/** matches against TweetStoreEventOrRetry instances for a retry event */
def unapply[E <: AsyncTweetStoreEvent](
it: TweetStoreEventOrRetry[E]
): Option[TweetStoreRetryEvent[E]] =