twitter-team 01dbfee4c0 Open-sourcing Tweetypie
Tweetypie is the core Tweet service that handles the reading and writing of Tweet data.
2023-05-19 16:20:06 -05:00

706 lines
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namespace java com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftjava
#@namespace scala com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala
include "com/twitter/context/feature_context.thrift"
include "com/twitter/expandodo/cards.thrift"
include "com/twitter/gizmoduck/user.thrift"
include "com/twitter/mediaservices/commons/MediaCommon.thrift"
include "com/twitter/mediaservices/commons/MediaInformation.thrift"
include "com/twitter/mediaservices/commons/TweetMedia.thrift"
include "com/twitter/servo/exceptions.thrift"
include "com/twitter/servo/cache/servo_repo.thrift"
include "com/twitter/tseng/withholding/withholding.thrift"
include "com/twitter/tweetypie/delete_location_data.thrift"
include "com/twitter/tweetypie/transient_context.thrift"
include "com/twitter/tweetypie/media_entity.thrift"
include "com/twitter/tweetypie/tweet.thrift"
include "com/twitter/tweetypie/tweet_audit.thrift"
include "com/twitter/tweetypie/stored_tweet_info.thrift"
include "com/twitter/tweetypie/tweet_service.thrift"
typedef i16 FieldId
struct UserIdentity {
1: required i64 id
2: required string screen_name
3: required string real_name
# obsolete 4: bool deactivated = 0
# obsolete 5: bool suspended = 0
enum HydrationType {
URLS = 2,
struct CachedTweet {
1: required tweet.Tweet tweet
// @obsolete 2: optional set<i16> included_additional_fields
3: set<HydrationType> completed_hydrations = []
// Indicates that a tweet was deleted after being bounced for violating
// the Twitter Rules.
// When set to true, all other fields in CachedTweet are ignored.
4: optional bool is_bounce_deleted
// Indicates whether this tweet has safety labels stored in Strato.
// See com.twitter.tweetypie.core.TweetData.hasSafetyLabels for more details.
// @obsolete 5: optional bool has_safety_labels
} (persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
struct MediaFaces {
1: required map<TweetMedia.MediaSizeType, list<MediaInformation.Face>> faces
enum AsyncWriteEventType {
// an enum of actions that could happen in an async-write (insert or delete)
enum AsyncWriteAction {
// obsolete MAIL_ENQUEUE = 3
// obsolete FACEBOOK_ENQUEUE = 5
// obsolete IBIS_ENQUEUE = 12
# This struct is scribed to test_tweetypie_failed_async_write after
# an async-write action has failed multiple retries
struct FailedAsyncWrite {
1: required AsyncWriteEventType event_type
2: required AsyncWriteAction action
3: optional tweet.Tweet tweet
} (persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
# This struct is scribed to test_tweetypie_detached_retweets after
# attempting to read a retweet for which the source tweet has been deleted.
struct DetachedRetweet {
1: required i64 tweet_id (personalDataType='TweetId')
2: required i64 user_id (personalDataType='UserId')
3: required i64 source_tweet_id (personalDataType='TweetId')
} (persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
struct TweetCacheWrite {
1: required i64 tweet_id (personalDataType = 'TweetId')
// If the tweet id is a snowflake id, this is an offset since tweet creation.
// If it is not a snowflake id, then this is a Unix epoch time in
// milliseconds. (The idea is that for most tweets, this encoding will make
// it easier to see the interval between events and whether it occured soon
// acter tweet creation.)
2: required i64 timestamp (personalDataType = 'TransactionTimestamp')
3: required string action // One of "set", "add", "replace", "cas", "delete"
4: required servo_repo.CachedValue cached_value // Contains metadata about the cached value
5: optional CachedTweet cached_tweet
} (persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
struct AsyncInsertRequest {
12: required tweet.Tweet tweet
18: required user.User user
21: required i64 timestamp
// the cacheable version of tweet from field 12
29: required CachedTweet cached_tweet
# 13: obsolete tweet.Tweet internal_tweet
19: optional tweet.Tweet source_tweet
20: optional user.User source_user
// Used for quote tweet feature
22: optional tweet.Tweet quoted_tweet
23: optional user.User quoted_user
28: optional i64 parent_user_id
// Used for delivering the requestId of a geotagged tweet
24: optional string geo_search_request_id
# 7: obsolete
# if not specified, all async insert actions are performed. if specified, only
# the specified action is performed; this is used for retrying specific actions
# that failed on a previous attempt.
10: optional AsyncWriteAction retry_action
# 11: obsolete: bool from_monorail = 0
# 14: obsolete
15: optional feature_context.FeatureContext feature_context
# 16: obsolete
# 17: obsolete
# 26: obsolete: optional tweet.Tweet debug_tweet_copy
27: optional map<tweet.TweetCreateContextKey, string> additional_context
30: optional transient_context.TransientCreateContext transient_context
// Used to check whether the same tweet has been quoted multiple
// times by a given user.
31: optional bool quoter_has_already_quoted_tweet
32: optional InitialTweetUpdateRequest initialTweetUpdateRequest
// User ids of users mentioned in note tweet. Used for tls events
33: optional list<i64> note_tweet_mentioned_user_ids
struct AsyncUpdatePossiblySensitiveTweetRequest {
1: required tweet.Tweet tweet
2: required user.User user
3: required i64 by_user_id
4: required i64 timestamp
5: optional bool nsfw_admin_change
6: optional bool nsfw_user_change
7: optional string note
8: optional string host
9: optional AsyncWriteAction action
struct AsyncUpdateTweetMediaRequest {
1: required i64 tweet_id
2: required list<media_entity.MediaEntity> orphaned_media
3: optional AsyncWriteAction retry_action
4: optional list<MediaCommon.MediaKey> media_keys
struct AsyncSetAdditionalFieldsRequest {
1: required tweet.Tweet additional_fields
3: required i64 timestamp
4: required i64 user_id
2: optional AsyncWriteAction retry_action
struct AsyncSetRetweetVisibilityRequest {
1: required i64 retweet_id
// Whether to archive or unarchive(visible=true) the retweet_id edge in the RetweetsGraph.
2: required bool visible
3: required i64 src_id
5: required i64 retweet_user_id
6: required i64 source_tweet_user_id
7: required i64 timestamp
4: optional AsyncWriteAction retry_action
struct SetRetweetVisibilityRequest {
1: required i64 retweet_id
// Whether to archive or unarchive(visible=true) the retweet_id edge in the RetweetsGraph.
2: required bool visible
struct AsyncEraseUserTweetsRequest {
1: required i64 user_id
3: required i64 flock_cursor
4: required i64 start_timestamp
5: required i64 tweet_count
struct AsyncDeleteRequest {
4: required tweet.Tweet tweet
11: required i64 timestamp
2: optional user.User user
9: optional i64 by_user_id
12: optional tweet_audit.AuditDeleteTweet audit_passthrough
13: optional i64 cascaded_from_tweet_id
# if not specified, all async-delete actions are performed. if specified, only
# the specified action is performed; this is used for retrying specific actions
# that failed on a previous attempt.
3: optional AsyncWriteAction retry_action
5: bool delete_media = 1
6: bool delete_retweets = 1
8: bool scribe_for_audit = 1
15: bool is_user_erasure = 0
17: bool is_bounce_delete = 0
18: optional bool is_last_quote_of_quoter
19: optional bool is_admin_delete
struct AsyncUndeleteTweetRequest {
1: required tweet.Tweet tweet
3: required user.User user
4: required i64 timestamp
// the cacheable version of tweet from field 1
12: required CachedTweet cached_tweet
# 2: obsolete tweet.Tweet internal_tweet
5: optional AsyncWriteAction retry_action
6: optional i64 deleted_at
7: optional tweet.Tweet source_tweet
8: optional user.User source_user
9: optional tweet.Tweet quoted_tweet
10: optional user.User quoted_user
11: optional i64 parent_user_id
13: optional bool quoter_has_already_quoted_tweet
struct AsyncIncrFavCountRequest {
1: required i64 tweet_id
2: required i32 delta
struct AsyncIncrBookmarkCountRequest {
1: required i64 tweet_id
2: required i32 delta
struct AsyncDeleteAdditionalFieldsRequest {
6: required i64 tweet_id
7: required list<i16> field_ids
4: required i64 timestamp
5: required i64 user_id
3: optional AsyncWriteAction retry_action
// Used for both tweet and user takedowns.
// user will be None for user takedowns because user is only used when scribe_for_audit or
// eventbus_enqueue are true, which is never the case for user takedown.
struct AsyncTakedownRequest {
1: required tweet.Tweet tweet
// Author of the tweet. Used when scribe_for_audit or eventbus_enqueue are true which is the case
// for tweet takedown but not user takedown.
2: optional user.User user
// This field is the resulting list of takedown country codes on the tweet after the
// countries_to_add and countries_to_remove changes have been applied.
13: list<withholding.TakedownReason> takedown_reasons = []
// This field is the list of takedown reaons to add to the tweet.
14: list<withholding.TakedownReason> reasons_to_add = []
// This field is the list of takedown reasons to remove from the tweet.
15: list<withholding.TakedownReason> reasons_to_remove = []
// This field determines whether or not Tweetypie should write takedown audits
// for this request to Guano.
6: required bool scribe_for_audit
// This field determines whether or not Tweetypie should enqueue a
// TweetTakedownEvent to EventBus and Hosebird for this request.
7: required bool eventbus_enqueue
// This field is sent as part of the takedown audit that's written to Guano,
// and is not persisted with the takedown itself.
8: optional string audit_note
// This field is the ID of the user who initiated the takedown. It is used
// when auditing the takedown in Guano. If unset, it will be logged as -1.
9: optional i64 by_user_id
// This field is the host where the request originated or the remote IP that
// is associated with the request. It is used when auditing the takedown in
// Guano. If unset, it will be logged as "<unknown>".
10: optional string host
11: optional AsyncWriteAction retry_action
12: required i64 timestamp
struct SetTweetUserTakedownRequest {
1: required i64 tweet_id
2: required bool has_takedown
3: optional i64 user_id
enum DataErrorCause {
// Returned on set_tweet_user_takedown when
// the SetTweetUserTakedownRequest.user_id does not match the author
// of the tweet identified by SetTweetUserTakedownRequest.tweet_id.
* DataError is returned for operations that perform data changes,
* but encountered an inconsistency, and the operation cannot
* be meaninfully performed.
exception DataError {
1: required string message
2: optional DataErrorCause errorCause
struct ReplicatedDeleteAdditionalFieldsRequest {
/** is a map for backwards compatibility, but will only contain a single tweet id */
1: required map<i64, list<i16>> fields_map
struct CascadedDeleteTweetRequest {
1: required i64 tweet_id
2: required i64 cascaded_from_tweet_id
3: optional tweet_audit.AuditDeleteTweet audit_passthrough
struct QuotedTweetDeleteRequest {
1: i64 quoting_tweet_id
2: i64 quoted_tweet_id
3: i64 quoted_user_id
struct QuotedTweetTakedownRequest {
1: i64 quoting_tweet_id
2: i64 quoted_tweet_id
3: i64 quoted_user_id
4: list<string> takedown_country_codes = []
5: list<withholding.TakedownReason> takedown_reasons = []
struct ReplicatedInsertTweet2Request {
1: required CachedTweet cached_tweet
// Used to check whether the same tweet has been quoted by a user.
2: optional bool quoter_has_already_quoted_tweet
3: optional InitialTweetUpdateRequest initialTweetUpdateRequest
struct ReplicatedDeleteTweet2Request {
1: required tweet.Tweet tweet
2: required bool is_erasure
3: required bool is_bounce_delete
4: optional bool is_last_quote_of_quoter
struct ReplicatedSetRetweetVisibilityRequest {
1: required i64 src_id
// Whether to archive or unarchive(visible=true) the retweet_id edge in the RetweetsGraph.
2: required bool visible
struct ReplicatedUndeleteTweet2Request {
1: required CachedTweet cached_tweet
2: optional bool quoter_has_already_quoted_tweet
struct GetStoredTweetsOptions {
1: bool bypass_visibility_filtering = 0
2: optional i64 for_user_id
3: list<FieldId> additional_field_ids = []
struct GetStoredTweetsRequest {
1: required list<i64> tweet_ids
2: optional GetStoredTweetsOptions options
struct GetStoredTweetsResult {
1: required stored_tweet_info.StoredTweetInfo stored_tweet
struct GetStoredTweetsByUserOptions {
1: bool bypass_visibility_filtering = 0
2: bool set_for_user_id = 0
3: optional i64 start_time_msec
4: optional i64 end_time_msec
5: optional i64 cursor
6: bool start_from_oldest = 0
7: list<FieldId> additional_field_ids = []
struct GetStoredTweetsByUserRequest {
1: required i64 user_id
2: optional GetStoredTweetsByUserOptions options
struct GetStoredTweetsByUserResult {
1: required list<stored_tweet_info.StoredTweetInfo> stored_tweets
2: optional i64 cursor
/* This is a request to update an initial tweet based on the creation of a edit tweet
* initialTweetId: The tweet to be updated
* editTweetId: The tweet being created, which is an edit of initialTweetId
* selfPermalink: A self permalink for initialTweetId
struct InitialTweetUpdateRequest {
1: required i64 initialTweetId
2: required i64 editTweetId
3: optional tweet.ShortenedUrl selfPermalink
service TweetServiceInternal extends tweet_service.TweetService {
* Performs the async portion of TweetService.erase_user_tweets.
* Only tweetypie itself can call this.
void async_erase_user_tweets(1: AsyncEraseUserTweetsRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Performs the async portion of TweetService.post_tweet.
* Only tweetypie itself can call this.
void async_insert(1: AsyncInsertRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Performs the async portion of TweetService.delete_tweets.
* Only tweetypie itself can call this.
void async_delete(1: AsyncDeleteRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Performs the async portion of TweetService.undelete_tweet.
* Only tweetypie itself can call this.
void async_undelete_tweet(1: AsyncUndeleteTweetRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Performs the async portion of TweetService.update_possibly_sensitive_tweet.
* Only tweetypie itself can call this.
void async_update_possibly_sensitive_tweet(1: AsyncUpdatePossiblySensitiveTweetRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Performs the async portion of TweetService.incr_tweet_fav_count.
* Only tweetypie itself can call this.
void async_incr_fav_count(1: AsyncIncrFavCountRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Performs the async portion of TweetService.incr_tweet_bookmark_count.
* Only tweetypie itself can call this.
void async_incr_bookmark_count(1: AsyncIncrBookmarkCountRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Performs the async portion of TweetService.set_additional_fields.
* Only tweetypie itself can call this.
void async_set_additional_fields(1: AsyncSetAdditionalFieldsRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Performs the async portion of TweetServiceInternal.set_retweet_visibility.
* Only tweetypie itself can call this.
void async_set_retweet_visibility(1: AsyncSetRetweetVisibilityRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Set whether the specified retweet ID should be included in its source tweet's retweet count.
* This endpoint is invoked from a tweetypie-daemon to adjust retweet counts for all tweets a
* suspended or fraudulent (e.g. ROPO-'d) user has retweeted to disincentivize their false engagement.
void set_retweet_visibility(1: SetRetweetVisibilityRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Performs the async portion of TweetService.delete_additional_fields.
* Only tweetypie itself can call this.
void async_delete_additional_fields(1: AsyncDeleteAdditionalFieldsRequest field_delete) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Performs the async portion of TweetService.takedown.
* Only tweetypie itself can call this.
void async_takedown(1: AsyncTakedownRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Update the tweet's takedown fields when a user is taken down.
* Only tweetypie's UserTakedownChange daemon can call this.
void set_tweet_user_takedown(1: SetTweetUserTakedownRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error,
3: DataError data_error)
* Cascade delete tweet is the logic for removing tweets that are detached
* from their dependency which has been deleted. They are already filtered
* out from serving, so this operation reconciles storage with the view
* presented by Tweetypie.
* This RPC call is delegated from daemons or batch jobs. Currently there
* are two use-cases when this call is issued:
* * Deleting detached retweets after the source tweet was deleted.
* This is done through RetweetsDeletion daemon and the
* CleanupDetachedRetweets job.
* * Deleting edits of an initial tweet that has been deleted.
* This is done by CascadedEditedTweetDelete daemon.
* Note that, when serving the original delete request for an edit,
* the initial tweet is only deleted, which makes all edits hidden.
void cascaded_delete_tweet(1: CascadedDeleteTweetRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Update the timestamp of the user's most recent request to delete
* location data on their tweets. This does not actually remove the
* geo information from the user's tweets, but it will prevent the geo
* information for this user's tweets from being returned by
* Tweetypie.
void scrub_geo_update_user_timestamp(1: delete_location_data.DeleteLocationData request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Look up tweets quoting a tweet that has been deleted and enqueue a compliance event.
* Only tweetypie's QuotedTweetDelete daemon can call this.
void quoted_tweet_delete(1: QuotedTweetDeleteRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Look up tweets quoting a tweet that has been taken down and enqueue a compliance event.
* Only tweetypie's QuotedTweetTakedown daemon can call this.
void quoted_tweet_takedown(1: QuotedTweetTakedownRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Replicates TweetService.get_tweet_counts from another cluster.
void replicated_get_tweet_counts(1: tweet_service.GetTweetCountsRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Replicates TweetService.get_tweet_fields from another cluster.
void replicated_get_tweet_fields(1: tweet_service.GetTweetFieldsRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Replicates TweetService.get_tweets from another cluster.
void replicated_get_tweets(1: tweet_service.GetTweetsRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Replicates a TweetService.post_tweet InsertTweet event from another cluster.
* Note: v1 version of this endpoint previously just took a Tweet which is why it was replaced
void replicated_insert_tweet2(1: ReplicatedInsertTweet2Request request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Replicates a TweetService.delete_tweets DeleteTweet event from another cluster.
void replicated_delete_tweet2(1: ReplicatedDeleteTweet2Request request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Replicates a TweetService.incr_tweet_fav_count event from another cluster.
void replicated_incr_fav_count(1: i64 tweet_id, 2: i32 delta) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Replicates a TweetService.incr_tweet_bookmark_count event from another cluster.
void replicated_incr_bookmark_count(1: i64 tweet_id, 2: i32 delta) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Replicates a TweetServiceInternal.set_retweet_visibility event from another cluster.
void replicated_set_retweet_visibility(1: ReplicatedSetRetweetVisibilityRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Replicates a TweetService.scrub_geo from another cluster.
void replicated_scrub_geo(1: list<i64> tweet_ids) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Replicates a TweetService.set_additional_fields event from another cluster.
void replicated_set_additional_fields(
1: tweet_service.SetAdditionalFieldsRequest request
) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Replicates a TweetService.delete_additional_fields event from another cluster.
void replicated_delete_additional_fields(
1: ReplicatedDeleteAdditionalFieldsRequest request
) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Replicates a TweetService.undelete_tweet event from another cluster.
* Note: v1 version of this endpoint previously just took a Tweet which is why it was replaced
void replicated_undelete_tweet2(1: ReplicatedUndeleteTweet2Request request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Replicates a TweetService.takedown event from another cluster.
void replicated_takedown(1: tweet.Tweet tweet) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Replicates a TweetService.update_possibly_sensitive_tweet event from another cluster.
void replicated_update_possibly_sensitive_tweet(1: tweet.Tweet tweet) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Fetches hydrated Tweets and some metadata irrespective of the Tweets' state.
list<GetStoredTweetsResult> get_stored_tweets(1: GetStoredTweetsRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)
* Fetches hydrated Tweets and some metadata for a particular user, irrespective of the Tweets'
* state.
GetStoredTweetsByUserResult get_stored_tweets_by_user(1: GetStoredTweetsByUserRequest request) throws (
1: exceptions.ClientError client_error,
2: exceptions.ServerError server_error)