twitter-team 01dbfee4c0 Open-sourcing Tweetypie
Tweetypie is the core Tweet service that handles the reading and writing of Tweet data.
2023-05-19 16:20:06 -05:00

42 lines
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package com.twitter.servo.decider
import com.twitter.decider.{Decider, Feature}
import com.twitter.servo.util.Gate
import com.twitter.servo.gate.DeciderGate
* Convenience syntax for creating decider gates
class DeciderGateBuilder(decider: Decider) {
* idGate should be used when the result of the gate needs to be consistent between repeated
* invocations, with the condition that consistency is dependent up on passing identical
* parameter between the invocations.
def idGate(key: DeciderKeyName): Gate[Long] =
* linearGate should be used when the probability of the gate returning true needs to
* increase linearly with the availability of feature.
def linearGate(key: DeciderKeyName): Gate[Unit] =
* typedLinearGate is a linearGate that conforms to the gate of the specified type.
def typedLinearGate[T](key: DeciderKeyName): Gate[T] =
linearGate(key).contramap[T] { _ => () }
* expGate should be used when the probability of the gate returning true needs to
* increase exponentially with the availability of feature.
def expGate(key: DeciderKeyName, exponent: Int): Gate[Unit] =
DeciderGate.exp(keyToFeature(key), exponent)
def keyToFeature(key: DeciderKeyName): Feature = decider.feature(key.toString)