twitter-team 01dbfee4c0 Open-sourcing Tweetypie
Tweetypie is the core Tweet service that handles the reading and writing of Tweet data.
2023-05-19 16:20:06 -05:00

189 lines
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package com.twitter.tweetypie
package handler
import com.twitter.flockdb.client.Cursor
import com.twitter.flockdb.client.PageResult
import com.twitter.flockdb.client.Select
import com.twitter.flockdb.client.StatusGraph
import com.twitter.flockdb.client.UserTimelineGraph
import com.twitter.flockdb.client.thriftscala.EdgeState
import com.twitter.stitch.Stitch
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.GetStoredTweetsByUserOptions
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.GetStoredTweetsByUserRequest
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.GetStoredTweetsByUserResult
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.GetStoredTweetsOptions
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.GetStoredTweetsRequest
object GetStoredTweetsByUserHandler {
type Type = FutureArrow[GetStoredTweetsByUserRequest, GetStoredTweetsByUserResult]
def apply(
getStoredTweetsHandler: GetStoredTweetsHandler.Type,
getStoredTweet: TweetStorageClient.GetStoredTweet,
selectPage: FutureArrow[Select[StatusGraph], PageResult[Long]],
maxPages: Int
): Type = {
FutureArrow { request =>
val options = request.options.getOrElse(GetStoredTweetsByUserOptions())
val startTimeMsec: Long = options.startTimeMsec.getOrElse(0L)
val endTimeMsec: Long = options.endTimeMsec.getOrElse(
val cursor = {
if (options.startFromOldest) Cursor.lowest else Cursor.highest
numTries = 0
).flatMap {
case (tweetIds, cursor) =>
val getStoredTweetsRequest = toGetStoredTweetsRequest(tweetIds, request.userId, options)
.map { getStoredTweetsResults =>
storedTweets =,
cursor = if (cursor.isEnd) None else Some(cursor.value)
private def toGetStoredTweetsRequest(
tweetIds: Seq[TweetId],
userId: UserId,
getStoredTweetsByUserOptions: GetStoredTweetsByUserOptions
): GetStoredTweetsRequest = {
val options: GetStoredTweetsOptions = GetStoredTweetsOptions(
bypassVisibilityFiltering = getStoredTweetsByUserOptions.bypassVisibilityFiltering,
forUserId = if (getStoredTweetsByUserOptions.setForUserId) Some(userId) else None,
additionalFieldIds = getStoredTweetsByUserOptions.additionalFieldIds
tweetIds = tweetIds,
options = Some(options)
private def getNextTweetIdsInTimeRange(
userId: UserId,
startTimeMsec: Long,
endTimeMsec: Long,
cursor: Cursor,
selectPage: FutureArrow[Select[StatusGraph], PageResult[Long]],
getStoredTweet: TweetStorageClient.GetStoredTweet,
maxPages: Int,
numTries: Int
): Future[(Seq[TweetId], Cursor)] = {
val select = Select(
sourceId = userId,
graph = UserTimelineGraph,
stateIds =
Some(Seq(EdgeState.Archived.value, EdgeState.Positive.value, EdgeState.Removed.value))
def inTimeRange(timestamp: Long): Boolean =
timestamp >= startTimeMsec && timestamp <= endTimeMsec
def pastTimeRange(timestamps: Seq[Long]) = {
if (cursor.isAscending) {
timestamps.max > endTimeMsec
} else {
timestamps.min < startTimeMsec
val pageResultFuture: Future[PageResult[Long]] = selectPage(select)
pageResultFuture.flatMap { pageResult =>
val groupedIds = pageResult.entries.groupBy(SnowflakeId.isSnowflakeId)
val nextCursor = if (cursor.isAscending) pageResult.previousCursor else pageResult.nextCursor
// Timestamps for the creation of Tweets with snowflake IDs can be calculated from the IDs
// themselves.
val snowflakeIdsTimestamps: Seq[(Long, Long)] = groupedIds.getOrElse(true, Seq()).map { id =>
val snowflakeTimeMillis = SnowflakeId.unixTimeMillisFromId(id)
(id, snowflakeTimeMillis)
// For non-snowflake Tweets, we need to fetch the Tweet data from Manhattan to see when the
// Tweet was created.
val nonSnowflakeIdsTimestamps: Future[Seq[(Long, Long)]] =
.traverse(groupedIds.getOrElse(false, Seq()))(getStoredTweet)
.map {
_.flatMap {
case GetStoredTweet.Response.FoundAny(tweet, _, _, _, _) => {
if (tweet.coreData.exists(_.createdAtSecs > 0)) {
Some((, tweet.coreData.get.createdAtSecs))
} else None
case _ => None
nonSnowflakeIdsTimestamps.flatMap { nonSnowflakeList =>
val allTweetIdsAndTimestamps = snowflakeIdsTimestamps ++ nonSnowflakeList
val filteredTweetIds = allTweetIdsAndTimestamps
.filter {
case (_, ts) => inTimeRange(ts)
if (nextCursor.isEnd) {
// We've considered the last Tweet for this User. There are no more Tweets to return.
Future.value((filteredTweetIds, Cursor.end))
} else if (allTweetIdsAndTimestamps.nonEmpty &&
pastTimeRange( {
// At least one Tweet returned from Tflock has a timestamp past our time range, i.e.
// greater than the end time (if we're fetching in an ascending order) or lower than the
// start time (if we're fetching in a descending order). There is no point in looking at
// any more Tweets from this User as they'll all be outside the time range.
Future.value((filteredTweetIds, Cursor.end))
} else if (filteredTweetIds.isEmpty) {
// We're here because one of two things happened:
// 1. allTweetIdsAndTimestamps is empty: Either Tflock has returned an empty page of Tweets
// or we weren't able to fetch timestamps for any of the Tweets Tflock returned. In this
// case, we fetch the next page of Tweets.
// 2. allTweetIdsAndTimestamps is non-empty but filteredTweetIds is empty: The current page
// has no Tweets inside the requested time range. We fetch the next page of Tweets and
// try again.
// If we hit the limit for the maximum number of pages from tflock to be requested, we
// return an empty list of Tweets with the cursor for the caller to try again.
if (numTries == maxPages) {
Future.value((filteredTweetIds, nextCursor))
} else {
userId = userId,
startTimeMsec = startTimeMsec,
endTimeMsec = endTimeMsec,
cursor = nextCursor,
selectPage = selectPage,
getStoredTweet = getStoredTweet,
maxPages = maxPages,
numTries = numTries + 1
} else {
// filteredTweetIds is non-empty: There are some Tweets in this page that are within the
// requested time range, and we aren't out of the time range yet. We return the Tweets we
// have and set the cursor forward for the next request.
Future.value((filteredTweetIds, nextCursor))