twitter-team 01dbfee4c0 Open-sourcing Tweetypie
Tweetypie is the core Tweet service that handles the reading and writing of Tweet data.
2023-05-19 16:20:06 -05:00

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package com.twitter.tweetypie
package handler
import com.twitter.botmaker.thriftscala.BotMakerResponse
import com.twitter.bouncer.thriftscala.Bounce
import com.twitter.finagle.tracing.Trace
import com.twitter.relevance.feature_store.thriftscala.FeatureData
import com.twitter.relevance.feature_store.thriftscala.FeatureValue.StrValue
import com.twitter.service.gen.scarecrow.thriftscala.TieredAction
import com.twitter.service.gen.scarecrow.thriftscala.TieredActionResult
import com.twitter.tweetypie.core.TweetCreateFailure
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.TweetCreateState
object Spam {
sealed trait Result
case object Allow extends Result
case object SilentFail extends Result
case object DisabledByIpiPolicy extends Result
val AllowFuture: Future[Allow.type] = Future.value(Allow)
val SilentFailFuture: Future[SilentFail.type] = Future.value(SilentFail)
val DisabledByIpiPolicyFuture: Future[DisabledByIpiPolicy.type] =
def DisabledByIpiFailure(
userName: Option[String],
customDenyMessage: Option[String] = None
): TweetCreateFailure.State = {
val errorMsg = (customDenyMessage, userName) match {
case (Some(denyMessage), _) => denyMessage
case (_, Some(name)) => s"Some actions on this ${name} Tweet have been disabled by Twitter."
case _ => "Some actions on this Tweet have been disabled by Twitter."
TweetCreateFailure.State(TweetCreateState.DisabledByIpiPolicy, Some(errorMsg))
type Checker[T] = T => Future[Result]
* Dummy spam checker that always allows requests.
val DoNotCheckSpam: Checker[AnyRef] = _ => AllowFuture
def gated[T](gate: Gate[Unit])(checker: Checker[T]): Checker[T] =
req => if (gate()) checker(req) else AllowFuture
def selected[T](gate: Gate[Unit])(ifTrue: Checker[T], ifFalse: Checker[T]): Checker[T] =
req =>, ifFalse)()(req)
def withEffect[T](check: Checker[T], effect: T => Unit): T => Future[Result] = { t: T =>
* Wrapper that implicitly allows retweet or tweet creation when spam
* checking fails.
def allowOnException[T](checker: Checker[T]): Checker[T] =
req =>
checker(req).rescue {
case e: TweetCreateFailure => Future.exception(e)
case _ => AllowFuture
* Handler for scarecrow result to be used by a Checker.
def handleScarecrowResult(
stats: StatsReceiver
handler: PartialFunction[(TieredActionResult, Option[Bounce], Option[String]), Future[Result]]
): Checker[TieredAction] =
result => {
Trace.record("com.twitter.tweetypie.Spam.scarecrow_result=" +
* A bot can return a custom DenyMessage
* If it does, we substitute this for the 'message' in the ValidationError.
val customDenyMessage: Option[String] = for {
botMakeResponse: BotMakerResponse <- result.botMakerResponse
outputFeatures <- botMakeResponse.outputFeatures
denyMessageFeature: FeatureData <- outputFeatures.get("DenyMessage")
denyMessageFeatureValue <- denyMessageFeature.featureValue
denyMessage <- denyMessageFeatureValue match {
case stringValue: StrValue =>
case _ =>
} yield denyMessage
(result.resultCode, result.bounce, customDenyMessage),
withEffect(DoNotCheckSpam, (_: AnyRef) => stats.counter("unexpected_result").incr())