twitter-team 01dbfee4c0 Open-sourcing Tweetypie
Tweetypie is the core Tweet service that handles the reading and writing of Tweet data.
2023-05-19 16:20:06 -05:00

109 lines
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package com.twitter.tweetypie
package hydrator
import com.twitter.stitch.Stitch
import com.twitter.tweetypie.core.ValueState
import com.twitter.tweetypie.repository.ConversationControlRepository
import com.twitter.tweetypie.serverutil.ExceptionCounter
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.ConversationControl
private object ReplyTweetConversationControlHydrator {
type Type = ConversationControlHydrator.Type
type Ctx = ConversationControlHydrator.Ctx
// The conversation control thrift field was added Feb 17th, 2020.
// No conversation before this will have a conversation control field to hydrate.
// We explicitly short circuit to save resources from querying for tweets we
// know do not have conversation control fields set.
val FirstValidDate: Time = Time.fromMilliseconds(1554076800000L) // 2020-02-17
def apply(
repo: ConversationControlRepository.Type,
stats: StatsReceiver
): Type = {
val exceptionCounter = ExceptionCounter(stats)
ValueHydrator[Option[ConversationControl], Ctx] { (curr, ctx) =>
repo(ctx.conversationId.get, ctx.opts.cacheControl) {
case Return(conversationControl) =>, conversationControl)
case Throw(exception) => {
// In the case where we get an exception, we want to count the
// exception but fail open.
// Reply Tweet Tweet.ConversationControlField hydration should fail open.
// Ideally we would return ValueState.partial here to notify Tweetypie the caller
// that requested the Tweet.ConversationControlField field was not hydrated.
// We cannot do so because GetTweetFields will return TweetFieldsResultFailed
// for partial results which would fail closed.
}.onlyIf { (_, ctx) =>
// This hydrator is specifically for replies so only run when Tweet is a reply
ctx.inReplyToTweetId.isDefined &&
// See comment for FirstValidDate
ctx.createdAt > FirstValidDate &&
// We need conversation id to get ConversationControl
ctx.conversationId.isDefined &&
// Only run if the ConversationControl was requested
* ConversationControlHydrator is used to hydrate the conversationControl field.
* For root Tweets, this hydrator just passes through the existing conversationControl.
* For reply Tweets, it loads the conversationControl from the root Tweet of the conversation.
* Only root Tweets in a conversation (i.e. the Tweet pointed to by conversationId) have
* a persisted conversationControl, so we have to hydrate that field for all replies in order
* to know if a Tweet in a conversation can be replied to.
object ConversationControlHydrator {
type Type = ValueHydrator[Option[ConversationControl], Ctx]
case class Ctx(conversationId: Option[ConversationId], underlyingTweetCtx: TweetCtx)
extends TweetCtx.Proxy
private def scrubInviteViaMention(
ccOpt: Option[ConversationControl]
): Option[ConversationControl] = {
ccOpt collect {
case ConversationControl.ByInvitation(byInvitation) =>
ConversationControl.ByInvitation(byInvitation.copy(inviteViaMention = None))
case ConversationControl.Community(community) =>
ConversationControl.Community(community.copy(inviteViaMention = None))
case ConversationControl.Followers(followers) =>
ConversationControl.Followers(followers.copy(inviteViaMention = None))
def apply(
repo: ConversationControlRepository.Type,
disableInviteViaMention: Gate[Unit],
stats: StatsReceiver
): Type = {
val replyTweetConversationControlHydrator = ReplyTweetConversationControlHydrator(
ValueHydrator[Option[ConversationControl], Ctx] { (curr, ctx) =>
val ccUpdated = if (disableInviteViaMention()) {
} else {
if (ctx.inReplyToTweetId.isEmpty) {
// For non-reply tweets, pass through the existing conversation control
Stitch.value(, ccUpdated))
} else {
replyTweetConversationControlHydrator(ccUpdated, ctx)