twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
Please note we have force-pushed a new initial commit in order to remove some publicly-available Twitter user information. Note that this process may be required in the future.
2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

99 lines
3.5 KiB

namespace java com.twitter.interaction_graph.thriftjava
#@namespace scala com.twitter.interaction_graph.thriftscala
#@namespace strato com.twitter.interaction_graph
// These could be either a Vertex or an edge feature name
// when you add a new feature, update and
enum FeatureName {
num_retweets = 1
num_favorites = 2
num_mentions = 3
num_direct_messages = 4
num_tweet_clicks = 5
num_link_clicks = 6
num_profile_views = 7
num_follows = 8
num_unfollows = 9
num_mutual_follows = 10
address_book_email = 11
address_book_phone = 12
address_book_in_both = 13
address_book_mutual_edge_email = 14
address_book_mutual_edge_phone = 15
address_book_mutual_edge_in_both = 16
total_dwell_time = 17
num_inspected_statuses = 18
num_photo_tags = 19
num_blocks = 20
num_mutes = 21
num_report_as_abuses = 22
num_report_as_spams = 23
num_tweet_quotes = 24
num_push_opens = 25
num_ntab_clicks = 26,
num_rt_favories = 27,
num_rt_replies = 28,
num_rt_tweet_quotes = 29,
num_rt_retweets = 30,
num_rt_mentions = 31,
num_rt_tweet_clicks = 32,
num_rt_link_clicks = 33
num_shares = 34,
num_email_click = 35,
num_email_open = 36,
num_ntab_dislike_7_days = 37,
num_push_dismiss = 38,
num_push_report_tweet_click = 39,
num_push_report_user_click = 40,
num_replies = 41,
// vertex features after 128
num_create_tweets = 129,
// do remember to update the tests in InteractionGraphAggregationJobTest when adding new features but not updating agg_all
struct TimeSeriesStatistics {
1: required double mean;
// For computing variance online:
2: required double m2_for_variance;
3: required double ewma; // Exponentially weighted moving average: ewma_t = \alpha x_t + (1-\alpha) ewma_{t-1}
4: required i32 num_elapsed_days; // Total number of days since we started counting this feature
5: required i32 num_non_zero_days; // Number of days when the interaction was non-zero (used to compute mean/variance)
6: optional i32 num_days_since_last; // Number of days since the latest interaction happen
}(persisted="true", hasPersonalData = 'false')
struct VertexFeature {
1: required FeatureName name;
2: required bool outgoing; // direction e.g. true is num_retweets_by_user, and false is num_retweets_for_user
3: required TimeSeriesStatistics tss;
}(persisted="true", hasPersonalData = 'false')
struct Vertex {
1: required i64 user_id(personalDataType = 'UserId');
2: optional double weight;
3: list<VertexFeature> features;
}(persisted="true", hasPersonalData = 'true')
* These features are for an edge (a->b). Examples:
* (i) follow is whether a follows b
* (ii) num_retweets is number of b's tweets retweet by a
struct EdgeFeature {
1: required FeatureName name;
2: required TimeSeriesStatistics tss;
}(persisted="true", hasPersonalData = 'false')
struct Edge {
1: required i64 source_id(personalDataType = 'UserId');
2: required i64 destination_id(personalDataType = 'UserId');
3: optional double weight;
4: list<EdgeFeature> features;
}(persisted="true", hasPersonalData = 'true')
// these structs below are used by our ml pipeline
struct EdgeLabel {
1: required i64 source_id(personalDataType = 'UserId');
2: required i64 destination_id(personalDataType = 'UserId');
3: required set<FeatureName> labels(personalDataType = 'AggregateImpressionEngagementData');
}(persisted="true", hasPersonalData = 'true')