twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
Please note we have force-pushed a new initial commit in order to remove some publicly-available Twitter user information. Note that this process may be required in the future.
2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

135 lines
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package com.twitter.timelineranker.visibility
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.Stat
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.StatsReceiver
import com.twitter.servo.repository.KeyValueRepository
import com.twitter.servo.util.Gate
import com.twitter.timelineranker.core.FollowGraphData
import com.twitter.timelineranker.core.FollowGraphDataFuture
import com.twitter.timelines.clients.socialgraph.SocialGraphClient
import com.twitter.timelines.model.UserId
import com.twitter.timelines.util.FailOpenHandler
import com.twitter.util.Future
import com.twitter.util.Stopwatch
object RealGraphFollowGraphDataProvider {
val EmptyRealGraphResponse = CandidateSeq(Nil)
* Wraps an underlying FollowGraphDataProvider (which in practice will usually be a
* [[SgsFollowGraphDataProvider]]) and supplements the list of followings provided by the
* underlying provider with additional followings fetched from RealGraph if it looks like the
* underlying provider did not get the full list of the user's followings.
* First checks whether the size of the underlying following list is >= the max requested following
* count, which implies that there were additional followings beyond the max requested count. If so,
* fetches the full set of followings from RealGraph (go/realgraph), which will be at most 2000.
* Because the RealGraph dataset is not realtime and thus can potentially include stale followings,
* the provider confirms that the followings fetched from RealGraph are valid using SGS's
* getFollowOverlap method, and then merges the valid RealGraph followings with the underlying
* followings.
* Note that this supplementing is expected to be very rare as most users do not have more than
* the max followings we fetch from SGS. Also note that this class is mainly intended for use
* in the home timeline materialization path, with the goal of preventing a case where users
* who follow a very large number of accounts may not see Tweets from their earlier follows if we
* used SGS-based follow fetching alone.
class RealGraphFollowGraphDataProvider(
underlying: FollowGraphDataProvider,
realGraphClient: KeyValueRepository[Seq[UserId], UserId, CandidateSeq],
socialGraphClient: SocialGraphClient,
supplementFollowsWithRealGraphGate: Gate[UserId],
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver)
extends FollowGraphDataProvider {
import RealGraphFollowGraphDataProvider._
private[this] val scopedStatsReceiver = statsReceiver.scope("realGraphFollowGraphDataProvider")
private[this] val requestCounter = scopedStatsReceiver.counter("requests")
private[this] val atMaxCounter = scopedStatsReceiver.counter("followsAtMax")
private[this] val totalLatencyStat = scopedStatsReceiver.stat("totalLatencyWhenSupplementing")
private[this] val supplementLatencyStat = scopedStatsReceiver.stat("supplementFollowsLatency")
private[this] val realGraphResponseSizeStat = scopedStatsReceiver.stat("realGraphFollows")
private[this] val realGraphEmptyCounter = scopedStatsReceiver.counter("realGraphEmpty")
private[this] val nonOverlappingSizeStat = scopedStatsReceiver.stat("nonOverlappingFollows")
private[this] val failOpenHandler = new FailOpenHandler(scopedStatsReceiver)
override def get(userId: UserId, maxFollowingCount: Int): Future[FollowGraphData] = {
getAsync(userId, maxFollowingCount).get()
override def getAsync(userId: UserId, maxFollowingCount: Int): FollowGraphDataFuture = {
val startTime = Stopwatch.timeMillis()
val underlyingResult = underlying.getAsync(userId, maxFollowingCount)
if (supplementFollowsWithRealGraphGate(userId)) {
val supplementedFollows = underlyingResult.followedUserIdsFuture.flatMap { sgsFollows =>
supplementFollowsWithRealGraph(userId, maxFollowingCount, sgsFollows, startTime)
underlyingResult.copy(followedUserIdsFuture = supplementedFollows)
} else {
override def getFollowing(userId: UserId, maxFollowingCount: Int): Future[Seq[UserId]] = {
val startTime = Stopwatch.timeMillis()
val underlyingFollows = underlying.getFollowing(userId, maxFollowingCount)
if (supplementFollowsWithRealGraphGate(userId)) {
underlying.getFollowing(userId, maxFollowingCount).flatMap { sgsFollows =>
supplementFollowsWithRealGraph(userId, maxFollowingCount, sgsFollows, startTime)
} else {
private[this] def supplementFollowsWithRealGraph(
userId: UserId,
maxFollowingCount: Int,
sgsFollows: Seq[Long],
startTime: Long
): Future[Seq[UserId]] = {
if (sgsFollows.size >= maxFollowingCount) {
val supplementedFollowsFuture = realGraphClient(Seq(userId))
.map(_.getOrElse(userId, EmptyRealGraphResponse))
.flatMap {
case realGraphFollows if realGraphFollows.nonEmpty =>
// Filter out "stale" follows from realgraph by checking them against SGS
val verifiedRealGraphFollows =
socialGraphClient.getFollowOverlap(userId, realGraphFollows) { follows =>
val combinedFollows = (sgsFollows ++ follows).distinct
val additionalFollows = combinedFollows.size - sgsFollows.size
if (additionalFollows > 0) nonOverlappingSizeStat.add(additionalFollows)
case _ =>
.onSuccess { _ => totalLatencyStat.add(Stopwatch.timeMillis() - startTime) }
Stat.timeFuture(supplementLatencyStat) {
failOpenHandler(supplementedFollowsFuture) { _ => Future.value(sgsFollows) }
} else {
override def getMutuallyFollowingUserIds(
userId: UserId,
followingIds: Seq[UserId]
): Future[Set[UserId]] = {
underlying.getMutuallyFollowingUserIds(userId, followingIds)