twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

473 lines
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Takes multiple successful EarlybirdResponses and merges them.
public class ThriftTermResultsMerger {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ThriftTermResultsMerger.class);
private static final SearchCounter BIN_ID_GAP_COUNTER =
private static final SearchCounter MIN_COMPLETE_BIN_ID_ADJUSTED_NULL =
private static final SearchCounter MIN_COMPLETE_BIN_ID_NULL_WITHOUT_BINS =
private static final SearchCounter MIN_COMPLETE_BIN_ID_OUT_OF_RANGE =
private static final SearchCounter RESPONSE_WITHOUT_DRIVING_QUERY_HIT =
private static final ThriftTermRequest GLOBAL_COUNT_REQUEST =
new ThriftTermRequest().setFieldName("").setTerm("");
* Sorted list of the most recent (and contiguous) numBins binIds across all responses.
* Expected to be an empty list if this request did not ask for histograms, or if it
* did ask for histograms for 0 numBins.
private final List<Integer> mostRecentBinIds;
* The first binId in the {@link #mostRecentBinIds} list. This value is not meant to be used in
* case mostRecentBinIds is an empty list.
private final int firstBinId;
* For each unique ThriftTermRequest, stores an array of the total counts for all the binIds
* that we will return, summed up across all earlybird responses.
* The values in each totalCounts array correspond to the binIds in the
* {@link #mostRecentBinIds} list.
* Key: thrift term request.
* Value: array of the total counts summed up across all earlybird responses for the key's
* term request, corresponding to the binIds in {@link #mostRecentBinIds}.
private final Map<ThriftTermRequest, int[]> mergedTermRequestTotalCounts = Maps.newHashMap();
* The set of all unique binIds that we are merging.
private final Map<ThriftTermRequest, ThriftTermResults> termResultsMap = Maps.newHashMap();
private final ThriftHistogramSettings histogramSettings;
* Only relevant for merging responses with histogram settings.
* This will be null either if (1) the request is not asking for histograms at all, or if
* (2) numBins was set to 0 (and no bin can be considered complete).
* If not null, the minCompleteBinId will be computed as the max over all merged responses'
* minCompleteBinId's.
private final Integer minCompleteBinId;
* Create merger with collections of results to merge
public ThriftTermResultsMerger(Collection<EarlybirdResponse> termStatsResults,
ThriftHistogramSettings histogramSettings) {
this.histogramSettings = histogramSettings;
Collection<EarlybirdResponse> filteredTermStatsResults =
this.mostRecentBinIds = findMostRecentBinIds(histogramSettings, filteredTermStatsResults);
this.firstBinId = mostRecentBinIds.isEmpty()
? Integer.MAX_VALUE // Should not be used if mostRecentBinIds is empty.
: mostRecentBinIds.get(0);
List<Integer> minCompleteBinIds =
for (EarlybirdResponse response : filteredTermStatsResults) {
Preconditions.checkState(response.getResponseCode() == EarlybirdResponseCode.SUCCESS,
"Unsuccessful responses should not be given to ThriftTermResultsMerger.");
Preconditions.checkState(response.getTermStatisticsResults() != null,
"Response given to ThriftTermResultsMerger has no termStatisticsResults.");
ThriftTermStatisticsResults termStatisticsResults = response.getTermStatisticsResults();
List<Integer> binIds = termStatisticsResults.getBinIds();
for (Map.Entry<ThriftTermRequest, ThriftTermResults> entry
: termStatisticsResults.getTermResults().entrySet()) {
ThriftTermRequest termRequest = entry.getKey();
ThriftTermResults termResults = entry.getValue();
adjustTotalCount(termResults, binIds);
addTotalCountData(termRequest, termResults);
if (histogramSettings != null) {
addHistogramData(termRequest, termResults, termStatisticsResults.getBinIds());
if (histogramSettings != null) {
addMinCompleteBinId(minCompleteBinIds, response);
minCompleteBinId = minCompleteBinIds.isEmpty() ? null : Collections.max(minCompleteBinIds);
* Take out any earlybird responses that we know did not match anything relevant to the query,
* and may have erroneous binIds.
private Collection<EarlybirdResponse> filterOutEmptyEarlybirdResponses(
Collection<EarlybirdResponse> termStatsResults) {
List<EarlybirdResponse> emptyResponses = Lists.newArrayList();
List<EarlybirdResponse> nonEmptyResponses = Lists.newArrayList();
for (EarlybirdResponse response : termStatsResults) {
// Guard against erroneously merging and returning 0 counts when we actually have data to
// return from other partitions.
// When a query doesn't match anything at all on an earlybird, the binIds that are returned
// do not correspond at all to the actual query, and are just based on the data range on the
// earlybird itself.
// We can identify these responses as (1) being non-early terminated, and (2) having 0
// hits processed.
if (isTermStatResponseEmpty(response)) {
} else {
// If all responses were "empty", we will just use those to merge into a new set of empty
// responses, using the binIds provided.
return nonEmptyResponses.isEmpty() ? emptyResponses : nonEmptyResponses;
private boolean isTermStatResponseEmpty(EarlybirdResponse response) {
return response.isSetSearchResults()
&& (response.getSearchResults().getNumHitsProcessed() == 0
|| drivingQueryHasNoHits(response))
&& response.isSetEarlyTerminationInfo()
&& !response.getEarlyTerminationInfo().isEarlyTerminated();
* If the global count bins are all 0, then we know the driving query has no hits.
* This check is added as a short term solution for SEARCH-5476. This short term fix requires
* the client to set the includeGlobalCounts to kick in.
private boolean drivingQueryHasNoHits(EarlybirdResponse response) {
ThriftTermStatisticsResults termStatisticsResults = response.getTermStatisticsResults();
if (termStatisticsResults == null || termStatisticsResults.getTermResults() == null) {
// If there's no term stats response, be conservative and return false.
return false;
} else {
ThriftTermResults globalCounts =
if (globalCounts == null) {
// We cannot tell if driving query has no hits, be conservative and return false.
return false;
} else {
for (Integer i : globalCounts.getHistogramBins()) {
if (i > 0) {
return false;
return true;
private static List<Integer> findMostRecentBinIds(
ThriftHistogramSettings histogramSettings,
Collection<EarlybirdResponse> filteredTermStatsResults) {
Integer largestFirstBinId = null;
List<Integer> binIdsToUse = null;
if (histogramSettings != null) {
int numBins = histogramSettings.getNumBins();
for (EarlybirdResponse response : filteredTermStatsResults) {
ThriftTermStatisticsResults termStatisticsResults = response.getTermStatisticsResults();
Preconditions.checkState(termStatisticsResults.getBinIds().size() == numBins,
"expected all results to have the same numBins. "
+ "request numBins: %s, response numBins: %s",
numBins, termStatisticsResults.getBinIds().size());
if (termStatisticsResults.getBinIds().size() > 0) {
Integer firstBinId = termStatisticsResults.getBinIds().get(0);
if (largestFirstBinId == null
|| largestFirstBinId.intValue() < firstBinId.intValue()) {
largestFirstBinId = firstBinId;
binIdsToUse = termStatisticsResults.getBinIds();
return binIdsToUse == null
? Collections.<Integer>emptyList()
// Just in case, make a copy of the binIds so that we don't reuse the same list from one
// of the responses we're merging.
: Lists.newArrayList(binIdsToUse);
private void addMinCompleteBinId(List<Integer> minCompleteBinIds,
EarlybirdResponse response) {
ThriftTermStatisticsResults termStatisticsResults = response.getTermStatisticsResults();
if (termStatisticsResults.isSetMinCompleteBinId()) {
// This is the base case. Early terminated or not, this is the proper minCompleteBinId
// that we're told to use for this response.
} else if (termStatisticsResults.getBinIds().size() > 0) {
// This is the case where no bins were complete. For the purposes of merging, we need to
// mark all the binIds in this response as non-complete by marking the "max(binId)+1" as the
// last complete bin.
// When returning the merged response, we still have a guard for the resulting
// minCompleteBinId being outside of the binIds range, and will set the returned
// minCompleteBinId value to null, if this response's binIds end up being used as the most
// recent ones, and we need to signify that none of the bins are complete.
int binSize = termStatisticsResults.getBinIds().size();
Integer maxBinId = termStatisticsResults.getBinIds().get(binSize - 1);
minCompleteBinIds.add(maxBinId + 1);
LOG.debug("Adjusting null minCompleteBinId for response: {}, histogramSettings {}",
response, histogramSettings);
} else {
// This should only happen in the case where numBins is set to 0.
Preconditions.checkState(histogramSettings.getNumBins() == 0,
"Expected numBins set to 0. response: %s", response);
"minCompleteBinIds: %s", minCompleteBinIds);
LOG.debug("Got null minCompleteBinId with no bins for response: {}, histogramSettings {}",
response, histogramSettings);
private void addTotalCountData(ThriftTermRequest request, ThriftTermResults results) {
ThriftTermResults termResults = termResultsMap.get(request);
if (termResults == null) {
termResultsMap.put(request, results);
} else {
termResults.setTotalCount(termResults.getTotalCount() + results.getTotalCount());
if (termResults.isSetMetadata()) {
results.getMetadata(), null));
* Set results.totalCount to the sum of hits in only the bins that will be returned in
* the merged response.
private void adjustTotalCount(ThriftTermResults results, List<Integer> binIds) {
int adjustedTotalCount = 0;
List<Integer> histogramBins = results.getHistogramBins();
if ((binIds != null) && (histogramBins != null)) {
histogramBins.size() == binIds.size(),
"Expected ThriftTermResults to have the same number of histogramBins as binIds set in "
+ " ThriftTermStatisticsResults. ThriftTermResults.histogramBins: %s, "
+ " ThriftTermStatisticsResults.binIds: %s.",
histogramBins, binIds);
for (int i = 0; i < binIds.size(); ++i) {
if (binIds.get(i) >= firstBinId) {
adjustedTotalCount += histogramBins.get(i);
private void addHistogramData(ThriftTermRequest request,
ThriftTermResults results,
List<Integer> binIds) {
int[] requestTotalCounts = mergedTermRequestTotalCounts.get(request);
if (requestTotalCounts == null) {
requestTotalCounts = new int[mostRecentBinIds.size()];
mergedTermRequestTotalCounts.put(request, requestTotalCounts);
// Only consider these results if they fall into the mostRecentBinIds range.
// The list of returned binIds is expected to be both sorted (in ascending order), and
// contiguous, which allows us to use firstBinId to check if it overlaps with the
// mostRecentBinIds range.
if (binIds.size() > 0 && binIds.get(binIds.size() - 1) >= firstBinId) {
int firstBinIndex;
if (binIds.get(0) == firstBinId) {
// This should be the common case when all partitions have the same binIds,
// no need to do a binary search.
firstBinIndex = 0;
} else {
// The firstBinId must be in the binIds range. We can find it using binary search since
// binIds are sorted.
firstBinIndex = Collections.binarySearch(binIds, firstBinId);
Preconditions.checkState(firstBinIndex >= 0,
"Expected to find firstBinId (%s) in the result binIds: %s, "
+ "histogramSettings: %s, termRequest: %s",
firstBinId, binIds, histogramSettings, request);
// Skip binIds that are before the smallest binId that we will use in the merged results.
for (int i = firstBinIndex; i < binIds.size(); i++) {
final Integer currentBinValue = results.getHistogramBins().get(i);
requestTotalCounts[i - firstBinIndex] += currentBinValue.intValue();
* Return a new ThriftTermStatisticsResults with the total counts merged, and if enabled,
* histogram bins merged.
public ThriftTermStatisticsResults merge() {
ThriftTermStatisticsResults results = new ThriftTermStatisticsResults(termResultsMap);
if (histogramSettings != null) {
return results;
* Takes multiple histogram results and merges them so:
* 1) Counts for the same binId (represents the time) and term are summed
* 2) All results are re-indexed to use the most recent bins found from the union of all bins
private void mergeHistogramBins(ThriftTermStatisticsResults mergedResults) {
private void setMinCompleteBinId(ThriftTermStatisticsResults mergedResults) {
if (mostRecentBinIds.isEmpty()) {
Preconditions.checkState(minCompleteBinId == null);
// This is the case where the requested numBins is set to 0. We don't have any binIds,
// and the minCompleteBinId has to be unset.
LOG.debug("Empty binIds returned for mergedResults: {}", mergedResults);
} else {
Integer maxBinId = mostRecentBinIds.get(mostRecentBinIds.size() - 1);
if (minCompleteBinId <= maxBinId) {
} else {
// Leaving the minCompleteBinId unset as it is outside the range of the returned binIds.
LOG.debug("Computed minCompleteBinId: {} is out of maxBinId: {} for mergedResults: {}",
minCompleteBinId, mergedResults);
* Check that the binIds we are using are contiguous. Increment the provided stat if we find
* a gap, as we don't expect to find any.
* See: SEARCH-4362
* @param sortedBinIds most recent numBins sorted binIds.
* @param binIdGapCounter stat to increment if we see a gap in the binId range.
static void checkForBinIdGaps(List<Integer> sortedBinIds, SearchCounter binIdGapCounter) {
for (int i = sortedBinIds.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
final Integer currentBinId = sortedBinIds.get(i);
final Integer previousBinId = sortedBinIds.get(i - 1);
if (previousBinId < currentBinId - 1) {
* Returns a view containing only the last N items from the list
private static <E> List<E> takeLastN(List<E> lst, int n) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(n <= lst.size(),
"Attempting to take more elements than the list has. List size: %s, n: %s", lst.size(), n);
return lst.subList(lst.size() - n, lst.size());
private void useMostRecentBinsForEachThriftTermResults() {
for (Map.Entry<ThriftTermRequest, ThriftTermResults> entry : termResultsMap.entrySet()) {
ThriftTermRequest request = entry.getKey();
ThriftTermResults results = entry.getValue();
List<Integer> histogramBins = Lists.newArrayList();
int[] requestTotalCounts = mergedTermRequestTotalCounts.get(request);
for (int totalCount : requestTotalCounts) {
* Merges search stats from several earlybird responses and puts them in
* {@link ThriftSearchResults} structure.
* @param responses earlybird responses to merge the search stats from
* @return merged search stats inside of {@link ThriftSearchResults} structure
public static ThriftSearchResults mergeSearchStats(Collection<EarlybirdResponse> responses) {
int numHitsProcessed = 0;
int numPartitionsEarlyTerminated = 0;
for (EarlybirdResponse response : responses) {
ThriftSearchResults searchResults = response.getSearchResults();
if (searchResults != null) {
numHitsProcessed += searchResults.getNumHitsProcessed();
numPartitionsEarlyTerminated += searchResults.getNumPartitionsEarlyTerminated();
ThriftSearchResults searchResults = new ThriftSearchResults(new ArrayList<>());
return searchResults;