twitter-team 01dbfee4c0 Open-sourcing Tweetypie
Tweetypie is the core Tweet service that handles the reading and writing of Tweet data.
2023-05-19 16:20:06 -05:00

160 lines
6.4 KiB

package com.twitter.tweetypie.tweettext
import com.twitter.tweetypie.tweettext.TweetText._
import com.twitter.twittertext.Extractor
import java.lang.Character
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
object Truncator {
val Ellipsis = "\u2026"
* Truncate tweet text for a retweet. If the text is longer than
* either of the length limits, code points are cut off from the end
* of the text and replaced with an ellipsis. We keep as much of the
* leading text as possible, subject to these constraints:
* - There are no more than `MaxDisplayLength` characters.
* - When converted to UTF-8, the result does not exceed `MaxByteLength`.
* - We do not break within a single grapheme cluster.
* The input is assumed to be partial HTML-encoded and may or may
* not be NFC normalized. The result will be partial HTML-encoded
* and will be NFC normalized.
def truncateForRetweet(input: String): String = truncateWithEllipsis(input, Ellipsis)
* Truncate to [[com.twitter.tweetypie.tweettext.TweetText#OrginalMaxDisplayLength]] display
* units, using "..." as an ellipsis. The resulting text is guaranteed to pass our tweet length
* check, but it is not guaranteed to fit in a SMS message.
def truncateForSms(input: String): String = truncateWithEllipsis(input, "...")
* Check the length of the given text, and truncate it if it is longer
* than the allowed length for a Tweet. The result of this method will
* always have:
* - Display length <= OriginalMaxDisplayLength.
* - Length when encoded as UTF-8 <= OriginalMaxUtf8Length.
* If the input would violate this, then the text will be
* truncated. When the text is truncated, it will be truncated such
* that:
* - Grapheme clusters will not be split.
* - The last character before the ellipsis will not be a whitespace
* character.
* - The ellipsis text will be appended to the end.
private[this] def truncateWithEllipsis(input: String, ellipsis: String): String = {
val text = nfcNormalize(input)
val truncateAt =
truncationPoint(text, OriginalMaxDisplayLength, OriginalMaxUtf8Length, Some(ellipsis))
if (truncateAt.codeUnitOffset.toInt == text.length) text
else text.take(truncateAt.codeUnitOffset.toInt) + ellipsis
* Indicates a potential TruncationPoint in piece of text.
* @param charOffset the utf-16 character offset of the truncation point
* @param codePointOffset the offset in code points
case class TruncationPoint(codeUnitOffset: Offset.CodeUnit, codePointOffset: Offset.CodePoint)
* Computes a TruncationPoint for the given text and length constraints. If `truncated` on
* the result is `false`, it means the text will fit within the given constraints without
* truncation. Otherwise, the result indicates both the character and code-point offsets
* at which to perform the truncation, and the resulting display length and byte length of
* the truncated string.
* Text should be NFC normalized first for best results.
* @param withEllipsis if true, then the truncation point will be computed so that there is space
* to append an ellipsis and to still remain within the limits. The ellipsis is not counted
* in the returned display and byte lengths.
* @param atomicUnits may contain a list of ranges that should be treated as atomic unit and
* not split. each tuple is half-open range in code points.
def truncationPoint(
text: String,
maxDisplayLength: Int = OriginalMaxDisplayLength,
maxByteLength: Int = OriginalMaxUtf8Length,
withEllipsis: Option[String] = None,
atomicUnits: Offset.Ranges[Offset.CodePoint] = Offset.Ranges.Empty
): TruncationPoint = {
val breakPoints =
val ellipsisDisplayUnits =
val maxTruncatedDisplayLength = Offset.DisplayUnit(maxDisplayLength) - ellipsisDisplayUnits
val ellipsisByteLength =
val maxTruncatedByteLength = Offset.Utf8(maxByteLength) - ellipsisByteLength
var codeUnit = Offset.CodeUnit(0)
var codePoint = Offset.CodePoint(0)
var displayLength = Offset.DisplayUnit(0)
var byteLength = Offset.Utf8(0)
var truncateCodeUnit = codeUnit
var truncateCodePoint = codePoint
@tailrec def go(): TruncationPoint =
if (displayLength.toInt > maxDisplayLength || byteLength.toInt > maxByteLength) {
TruncationPoint(truncateCodeUnit, truncateCodePoint)
} else if (codeUnit != truncateCodeUnit &&
displayLength <= maxTruncatedDisplayLength &&
byteLength <= maxTruncatedByteLength &&
(codeUnit.toInt == 0 || !Character.isWhitespace(text.codePointBefore(codeUnit.toInt))) &&
!atomicUnits.contains(codePoint)) {
// we can advance the truncation point
truncateCodeUnit = codeUnit
truncateCodePoint = codePoint
} else if (breakPoints.hasNext) {
// there are further truncation points to consider
val nextCodeUnit =
codePoint += Offset.CodePoint.count(text, codeUnit, nextCodeUnit)
displayLength += Offset.DisplayUnit.count(text, codeUnit, nextCodeUnit)
byteLength += Offset.Utf8.count(text, codeUnit, nextCodeUnit)
codeUnit = nextCodeUnit
} else {
TruncationPoint(codeUnit, codePoint)
* Truncate the given text, avoiding chopping HTML entities and tweet
* entities. This should only be used for testing because it performs
* entity extraction, and so is very inefficient.
def truncateForTests(
input: String,
maxDisplayLength: Int = OriginalMaxDisplayLength,
maxByteLength: Int = OriginalMaxUtf8Length
): String = {
val text = nfcNormalize(input)
val extractor = new Extractor
val entities = extractor.extractEntitiesWithIndices(text)
extractor.modifyIndicesFromUTF16ToUnicode(text, entities)
val avoid = Offset.Ranges.fromCodePointPairs( => (e.getStart().intValue, e.getEnd().intValue))
val truncateAt = truncationPoint(text, maxDisplayLength, maxByteLength, None, avoid)