twitter-team 617c8c787d Open-sourcing Unified User Actions
Unified User Action (UUA) is a centralized, real-time stream of user actions on Twitter, consumed by various product, ML, and marketing teams. UUA makes sure all internal teams consume the uniformed user actions data in an accurate and fast way.
2023-04-14 16:45:37 -05:00

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package com.twitter.unified_user_actions.adapter
import com.twitter.context.thriftscala.Viewer
import com.twitter.inject.Test
import com.twitter.timelineservice.thriftscala._
import com.twitter.unified_user_actions.adapter.tls_favs_event.TlsFavsAdapter
import com.twitter.unified_user_actions.thriftscala._
import com.twitter.util.Time
class TlsFavsAdapterSpec extends Test {
trait Fixture {
val frozenTime = Time.fromMilliseconds(1658949273000L)
val favEventNoRetweet = ContextualizedFavoriteEvent(
event = FavoriteEventUnion.Favorite(
userId = 91L,
tweetId = 1L,
tweetUserId = 101L,
eventTimeMs = 1001L
context = LogEventContext(hostname = "", traceId = 31L)
val favEventRetweet = ContextualizedFavoriteEvent(
event = FavoriteEventUnion.Favorite(
userId = 92L,
tweetId = 2L,
tweetUserId = 102L,
eventTimeMs = 1002L,
retweetId = Some(22L)
context = LogEventContext(hostname = "", traceId = 32L)
val unfavEventNoRetweet = ContextualizedFavoriteEvent(
event = FavoriteEventUnion.Unfavorite(
userId = 93L,
tweetId = 3L,
tweetUserId = 103L,
eventTimeMs = 1003L
context = LogEventContext(hostname = "", traceId = 33L)
val unfavEventRetweet = ContextualizedFavoriteEvent(
event = FavoriteEventUnion.Unfavorite(
userId = 94L,
tweetId = 4L,
tweetUserId = 104L,
eventTimeMs = 1004L,
retweetId = Some(44L)
context = LogEventContext(hostname = "", traceId = 34L)
val favEventWithLangAndCountry = ContextualizedFavoriteEvent(
event = FavoriteEventUnion.Favorite(
userId = 91L,
tweetId = 1L,
tweetUserId = 101L,
eventTimeMs = 1001L,
viewerContext =
Some(Viewer(requestCountryCode = Some("us"), requestLanguageCode = Some("en")))
context = LogEventContext(hostname = "", traceId = 31L)
val expectedUua1 = UnifiedUserAction(
userIdentifier = UserIdentifier(userId = Some(91L)),
item = Item.TweetInfo(
actionTweetId = 1L,
actionTweetAuthorInfo = Some(AuthorInfo(authorId = Some(101L))),
actionType = ActionType.ServerTweetFav,
eventMetadata = EventMetadata(
sourceTimestampMs = 1001L,
receivedTimestampMs = frozenTime.inMilliseconds,
sourceLineage = SourceLineage.ServerTlsFavs,
traceId = Some(31L)
val expectedUua2 = UnifiedUserAction(
userIdentifier = UserIdentifier(userId = Some(92L)),
item = Item.TweetInfo(
actionTweetId = 2L,
actionTweetAuthorInfo = Some(AuthorInfo(authorId = Some(102L))),
retweetingTweetId = Some(22L)
actionType = ActionType.ServerTweetFav,
eventMetadata = EventMetadata(
sourceTimestampMs = 1002L,
receivedTimestampMs = frozenTime.inMilliseconds,
sourceLineage = SourceLineage.ServerTlsFavs,
traceId = Some(32L)
val expectedUua3 = UnifiedUserAction(
userIdentifier = UserIdentifier(userId = Some(93L)),
item = Item.TweetInfo(
actionTweetId = 3L,
actionTweetAuthorInfo = Some(AuthorInfo(authorId = Some(103L))),
actionType = ActionType.ServerTweetUnfav,
eventMetadata = EventMetadata(
sourceTimestampMs = 1003L,
receivedTimestampMs = frozenTime.inMilliseconds,
sourceLineage = SourceLineage.ServerTlsFavs,
traceId = Some(33L)
val expectedUua4 = UnifiedUserAction(
userIdentifier = UserIdentifier(userId = Some(94L)),
item = Item.TweetInfo(
actionTweetId = 4L,
actionTweetAuthorInfo = Some(AuthorInfo(authorId = Some(104L))),
retweetingTweetId = Some(44L)
actionType = ActionType.ServerTweetUnfav,
eventMetadata = EventMetadata(
sourceTimestampMs = 1004L,
receivedTimestampMs = frozenTime.inMilliseconds,
sourceLineage = SourceLineage.ServerTlsFavs,
traceId = Some(34L)
val expectedUua5 = UnifiedUserAction(
userIdentifier = UserIdentifier(userId = Some(91L)),
item = Item.TweetInfo(
actionTweetId = 1L,
actionTweetAuthorInfo = Some(AuthorInfo(authorId = Some(101L))),
actionType = ActionType.ServerTweetFav,
eventMetadata = EventMetadata(
sourceTimestampMs = 1001L,
receivedTimestampMs = frozenTime.inMilliseconds,
sourceLineage = SourceLineage.ServerTlsFavs,
language = Some("EN"),
countryCode = Some("US"),
traceId = Some(31L)
test("fav event with no retweet") {
new Fixture {
Time.withTimeAt(frozenTime) { _ =>
val actual = TlsFavsAdapter.adaptEvent(favEventNoRetweet)
assert(Seq(expectedUua1) === actual)
test("fav event with a retweet") {
new Fixture {
Time.withTimeAt(frozenTime) { _ =>
val actual = TlsFavsAdapter.adaptEvent(favEventRetweet)
assert(Seq(expectedUua2) === actual)
test("unfav event with no retweet") {
new Fixture {
Time.withTimeAt(frozenTime) { _ =>
val actual = TlsFavsAdapter.adaptEvent(unfavEventNoRetweet)
assert(Seq(expectedUua3) === actual)
test("unfav event with a retweet") {
new Fixture {
Time.withTimeAt(frozenTime) { _ =>
val actual = TlsFavsAdapter.adaptEvent(unfavEventRetweet)
assert(Seq(expectedUua4) === actual)
test("fav event with language and country") {
new Fixture {
Time.withTimeAt(frozenTime) { _ =>
val actual = TlsFavsAdapter.adaptEvent(favEventWithLangAndCountry)
assert(Seq(expectedUua5) === actual)