#include "dynload_function_replacements.h" #include "globals.h" #include "loader_defines.h" #include "logger.h" #include #include #include DECL_FUNCTION(OSDynLoad_Error, OSDynLoad_Acquire, char const *name, OSDynLoad_Module *outModule) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("Looking for module %s", name); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < gModuleData->number_modules; i++) { if (strcmp(name, gModuleData->modules[i].module_export_name) == 0) { *outModule = (OSDynLoad_Module) (MODULE_MAGIC | i); return OS_DYNLOAD_OK; } } OSDynLoad_Error result = real_OSDynLoad_Acquire(name, outModule); if (result == OS_DYNLOAD_OK) { return OS_DYNLOAD_OK; } return result; } DECL_FUNCTION(OSDynLoad_Error, OSDynLoad_FindExport, OSDynLoad_Module module, BOOL isData, char const *name, void **outAddr) { OSDynLoad_Error result = real_OSDynLoad_FindExport(module, isData, name, outAddr); if (result == OS_DYNLOAD_OK) { return OS_DYNLOAD_OK; } if (((uint32_t) module & MODULE_MAGIC_MASK) == MODULE_MAGIC) { uint32_t moduleHandle = ((uint32_t) module) & MODULE_ID_MASK; if (moduleHandle >= gModuleData->number_modules) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Invalid module handle was encoded in OSDynLoad_Module %d (%08X)", moduleHandle, module); return result; } auto *curModule = &gModuleData->modules[moduleHandle]; DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("Try to find export %s in module %s", name, curModule->module_export_name); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < curModule->number_export_entries; i++) { auto *curExport = &curModule->export_entries[i]; if (strcmp(name, curExport->name) == 0) { if (isData && curExport->type == WUMS_FUNCTION_EXPORT) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Requested data Export but only found a function export"); return OS_DYNLOAD_INVALID_MODULE_NAME; } *outAddr = (void *) curExport->address; DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("SUCCESS! Set outAddr to %08X. It's from module %s function %s", curExport->address, curModule->module_export_name, curExport->name); return OS_DYNLOAD_OK; } } } return result; } RPLFileInfo_v4_2 fileInfoBuffer; DECL_FUNCTION(LOADED_RPL *, LiFindRPLByName, char *name) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < gModuleData->number_modules; i++) { auto *curModule = &gModuleData->modules[i]; if (strcmp(name, curModule->module_export_name) == 0) { fileInfoBuffer.tlsModuleIndex = 0; gLoadedRPLData[i].fileInfoBuffer = &fileInfoBuffer; // will be copied to the LiImportTracking array gLoadedRPLData[i].loadStateFlags = 0x0; gLoadedRPLData[i].entrypoint = 0x1; //needs to be != 0; gLoadedRPLData[i].funcExports = (Export *) (FUNCTION_EXPORT_MAGIC + i); gLoadedRPLData[i].numFuncExports = 1; gLoadedRPLData[i].dataExports = (Export *) (DATA_EXPORT_MAGIC + i); gLoadedRPLData[i].numDataExports = 1; return &gLoadedRPLData[i]; } } return real_LiFindRPLByName(name); } DECL_FUNCTION(uint32_t, __OSDynLoad_InternalAcquire, char *name, void *out, uint32_t u1, uint32_t u2, uint32_t u3) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < gModuleData->number_modules; i++) { auto *curModule = &gModuleData->modules[i]; if (strcmp(name, curModule->module_export_name) == 0) { return 0; } } return real___OSDynLoad_InternalAcquire(name, out, u1, u2, u3); } Export ourExportThing; DECL_FUNCTION(Export *, LiBinSearchExport, Export *exports, int numExports, char *name) { auto isFunc = (((uint32_t) exports) & EXPORT_MASK) == FUNCTION_EXPORT_MAGIC; auto isData = (((uint32_t) exports) & EXPORT_MASK) == DATA_EXPORT_MAGIC; if (isFunc || isData) { uint32_t moduleHandle = ((uint32_t) exports) & EXPORT_MAGIC_MASK; if (moduleHandle > gModuleData->number_modules) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_LOADER_ERR("Invalid module handle was encoded in Export %d (%08X)", moduleHandle, exports); return nullptr; } auto *curModule = &gModuleData->modules[moduleHandle]; DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_LOADER_VERBOSE("Try to find export %s in module %s", name, curModule->module_export_name); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < curModule->number_export_entries; i++) { auto *curExport = &curModule->export_entries[i]; if (strcmp(name, curExport->name) == 0) { if ((isFunc && curExport->type == WUMS_FUNCTION_EXPORT) || (isData && curExport->type == WUMS_DATA_EXPORT)) { ourExportThing.value = curExport->address; ourExportThing.name = 0; return &ourExportThing; } } } return nullptr; } return real_LiBinSearchExport(exports, numExports, name); } DECL_FUNCTION(int32_t, LiFixupRelocOneRPL, LOADED_RPL *rpl, void *imports, uint32_t unknown) { auto rplAddress = (uint32_t) rpl; if (rplAddress >= (uint32_t) &gLoadedRPLData[0] && rplAddress < (uint32_t) &gLoadedRPLData[gModuleData->number_modules]) { // Skip if this is our fake RPL return 0; } return real_LiFixupRelocOneRPL(rpl, imports, unknown); } DECL_FUNCTION(int32_t, sCheckOne, LOADED_RPL *rpl) { auto rplAddress = (uint32_t) rpl; if (rplAddress >= (uint32_t) &gLoadedRPLData[0] && rplAddress < (uint32_t) &gLoadedRPLData[gModuleData->number_modules]) { // Skip if this is our fake RPL return 0; } return real_sCheckOne(rpl); } function_replacement_data_t dynload_function_replacements[] = { REPLACE_FUNCTION_VIA_ADDRESS(__OSDynLoad_InternalAcquire, 0x32029054, 0x101C400 + 0x0cc54), REPLACE_FUNCTION_VIA_ADDRESS(LiFindRPLByName, 0x32004BC4, 0x01004bc4), REPLACE_FUNCTION_VIA_ADDRESS(LiBinSearchExport, 0x320002f8, 0x010002f8), REPLACE_FUNCTION_VIA_ADDRESS(sCheckOne, 0x32007294, 0x01007294), REPLACE_FUNCTION_VIA_ADDRESS(LiFixupRelocOneRPL, 0x320059f0, 0x010059f0), REPLACE_FUNCTION(OSDynLoad_Acquire, LIBRARY_COREINIT, OSDynLoad_Acquire), REPLACE_FUNCTION(OSDynLoad_FindExport, LIBRARY_COREINIT, OSDynLoad_FindExport), }; uint32_t dynload_function_replacements_size = sizeof(dynload_function_replacements) / sizeof(function_replacement_data_t);