#include "globals.h" #include "logger.h" #include "sd_function_replacements.h" #include void initSDRefCount() { FSAInit(); auto client = FSAAddClient(nullptr); gSDMountRefCount = 0; if (client > 0) { auto res = FSAMount(client, "/dev/sdcard01", "/vol/external01", (FSAMountFlags) 0, nullptr, 0); if (res == FS_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("SDCard is already mounted, set ref counter to 16"); gSDMountRefCount = 16; } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Set ref counter to 0"); FSAUnmount(client, "/vol/external01", FSA_UNMOUNT_FLAG_BIND_MOUNT); } FSADelClient(res); } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Patch SDRefCount functions"); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sdrefcount_function_replacements_size; i++) { if (!FunctionPatcherPatchFunction(&sdrefcount_function_replacements[i], nullptr)) { OSFatal("AromaBaseModule: Failed to patch function for sd ref counting"); } } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Patch SDRefCount functions finished"); }