#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "DrawUtils.h" #include "logger.h" #define COLOR_WHITE Color(0xffffffff) #define COLOR_BLACK Color(0, 0, 0, 255) #define COLOR_BACKGROUND COLOR_BLACK #define COLOR_TEXT COLOR_WHITE #define COLOR_TEXT2 Color(0xB3ffffff) #define COLOR_AUTOBOOT Color(0xaeea00ff) #define COLOR_BORDER Color(204, 204, 204, 255) #define COLOR_BORDER_HIGHLIGHTED Color(0x3478e4ff) enum { BOOT_OPTION_WII_U_MENU, BOOT_OPTION_HOMEBREW_LAUNCHER, BOOT_OPTION_VWII_SYSTEM_MENU, BOOT_OPTION_VWII_HOMEBREW_CHANNEL, }; static const char* menu_options[] = { "Wii U Menu", "Homebrew Launcher", "vWii System Menu", "vWii Homebrew Channel", }; static const char* autoboot_config_strings[] = { "wiiu_menu", "homebrew_launcher", "vwii_system_menu", "vwii_homebrew_channel", }; int autobootOption = -1; void readAutobootOption(){ FILE* f = fopen("autoboot.txt", "r"); if (f) { char buf[128]{}; fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f); fclose(f); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(autoboot_config_strings) / sizeof(char*); i++) { if (strncmp(autoboot_config_strings[i], buf, strlen(autoboot_config_strings[i])) == 0) { autobootOption = i; break; } } } } void writeAutobootOption(){ FILE* f = fopen("autoboot.txt", "w"); if (f) { if (autobootOption >= 0) { fputs(autoboot_config_strings[autobootOption], f); } else { fputs("none", f); } fclose(f); } } bool getQuickBoot() { auto bootCheck = CCRSysCaffeineBootCheck(); if (bootCheck == 0) { nn::sl::Initialize(MEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx, MEMFreeToDefaultHeap); char path[0x80]; nn::sl::GetDefaultDatabasePath(path, 0x80, 0x00050010, 0x10066000); // ECO process FSCmdBlock cmdBlock; FSInitCmdBlock(&cmdBlock); auto fileStream = new nn::sl::FileStream; auto *fsClient = (FSClient *) memalign(0x40, sizeof(FSClient)); memset(fsClient, 0, sizeof(*fsClient)); FSAddClient(fsClient, FS_ERROR_FLAG_NONE); fileStream->Initialize(fsClient, &cmdBlock, path, "r"); auto database = new nn::sl::LaunchInfoDatabase; database->Load(fileStream, nn::sl::REGION_EUR); CCRAppLaunchParam data; // load sys caffeine data // load app launch param CCRSysCaffeineGetAppLaunchParam(&data); // get launch info for id nn::sl::LaunchInfo info; auto result = database->GetLaunchInfoById(&info, data.titleId); delete database; delete fileStream; FSDelClient(fsClient, FS_ERROR_FLAG_NONE); nn::sl::Finalize(); if (!result.IsSuccess()) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("GetLaunchInfoById failed."); return false; } if (info.titleId == 0x0005001010040000L || info.titleId == 0x0005001010040100L || info.titleId == 0x0005001010040200L) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Skip quick booting into the Wii U Menu"); return false; } if (!SYSCheckTitleExists(info.titleId)) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Title %016llX doesn't exist", info.titleId); return false; } MCPTitleListType titleInfo; int32_t handle = MCP_Open(); auto err = MCP_GetTitleInfo(handle, info.titleId, &titleInfo); MCP_Close(handle); if (err == 0) { nn::act::Initialize(); for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { char uuid[16]; result = nn::act::GetUuidEx(uuid, i); if (result.IsSuccess()) { if (memcmp(uuid, data.uuid, 8) == 0) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Load Console account %d", i); nn::act::LoadConsoleAccount(i, 0, 0, 0); break; } } } nn::act::Finalize(); ACPAssignTitlePatch(&titleInfo); _SYSLaunchTitleWithStdArgsInNoSplash(info.titleId, nullptr); return true; } return false; } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("No quick boot"); } return false; } static void initExternalStorage(void){ nn::spm::Initialize(); nn::spm::StorageListItem items[0x20]; int32_t numItems = nn::spm::GetStorageList(items, 0x20); bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { if (items[i].type == nn::spm::STORAGE_TYPE_WFS) { nn::spm::StorageInfo info{}; if (nn::spm::GetStorageInfo(&info, &items[i].index) == 0) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Using %s for extended storage", info.path); nn::spm::SetExtendedStorage(&items[i].index); ACPMountExternalStorage(); nn::spm::SetDefaultExtendedStorageVolumeId(info.volumeId); found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Fallback to empty ExtendedStorage"); nn::spm::VolumeId empty{}; nn::spm::SetDefaultExtendedStorageVolumeId(empty); nn::spm::StorageIndex storageIndex = 0; nn::spm::SetExtendedStorage(&storageIndex); } nn::spm::Finalize(); } void bootSystemMenu(void){ nn::act::Initialize(); nn::act::SlotNo slot = nn::act::GetSlotNo(); nn::act::SlotNo defaultSlot = nn::act::GetDefaultAccount(); nn::act::Finalize(); if (defaultSlot) { //normal menu boot SYSLaunchMenu(); } else { //show mii select _SYSLaunchMenuWithCheckingAccount(slot); } } void bootHomebrewLauncher(void){ uint64_t titleId = _SYSGetSystemApplicationTitleId(SYSTEM_APP_ID_MII_MAKER); _SYSLaunchTitleWithStdArgsInNoSplash(titleId, nullptr); } static void launchvWiiTitle(uint32_t titleId_low, uint32_t titleId_high){ // we need to init kpad for cmpt KPADInit(); // Try to find a screen type that works CMPTAcctSetScreenType(SCREEN_TYPE_BOTH); if (CMPTCheckScreenState() < 0) { CMPTAcctSetScreenType(SCREEN_TYPE_DRC); if (CMPTCheckScreenState() < 0) { CMPTAcctSetScreenType(SCREEN_TYPE_TV); } } uint32_t dataSize = 0; CMPTGetDataSize(&dataSize); void* dataBuffer = memalign(0x40, dataSize); CMPTLaunchTitle(dataBuffer, dataSize, titleId_low, titleId_high); free(dataBuffer); } void bootvWiiMenu(void){ launchvWiiTitle(0x00000001, 0x00000002); } void bootHomebrewChannel(void){ launchvWiiTitle(0x00010001, 0x4f484243); // 'OHBC' } int handleMenuScreen(void){ OSScreenInit(); uint32_t tvBufferSize = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(SCREEN_TV); uint32_t drcBufferSize = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(SCREEN_DRC); uint8_t* screenBuffer = (uint8_t*) memalign(0x100, tvBufferSize + drcBufferSize); OSScreenSetBufferEx(SCREEN_TV, screenBuffer); OSScreenSetBufferEx(SCREEN_DRC, screenBuffer + tvBufferSize); OSScreenEnableEx(SCREEN_TV, TRUE); OSScreenEnableEx(SCREEN_DRC, TRUE); DrawUtils::initBuffers(screenBuffer, tvBufferSize, screenBuffer + tvBufferSize, drcBufferSize); DrawUtils::initFont(); uint32_t selected = 0; bool redraw = true; while (true) { VPADStatus vpad{}; VPADRead(VPAD_CHAN_0, &vpad, 1, NULL); if (vpad.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_UP) { if (selected > 0) { selected--; redraw = true; } } else if (vpad.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_DOWN) { if (selected < sizeof(menu_options) / sizeof(char*) - 1) { selected++; redraw = true; } } else if (vpad.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_A) { break; } else if (vpad.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_X) { autobootOption = -1; writeAutobootOption(); redraw = true; } else if (vpad.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_Y) { autobootOption = selected; writeAutobootOption(); redraw = true; } if (redraw) { DrawUtils::beginDraw(); DrawUtils::clear(COLOR_BACKGROUND); // draw buttons uint32_t index = 8 + 24 + 8 + 4; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(menu_options) / sizeof(char*); i++) { if (i == selected) { DrawUtils::drawRect(16, index, SCREEN_WIDTH - 16*2, 44, 4, COLOR_BORDER_HIGHLIGHTED); } else { DrawUtils::drawRect(16, index, SCREEN_WIDTH - 16*2, 44, 2, (i == (uint32_t) autobootOption) ? COLOR_AUTOBOOT : COLOR_BORDER); } DrawUtils::setFontSize(24); DrawUtils::setFontColor((i == (uint32_t) autobootOption) ? COLOR_AUTOBOOT : COLOR_TEXT); DrawUtils::print(16*2, index + 8 + 24, menu_options[i]); index += 42 + 8; } DrawUtils::setFontColor(COLOR_TEXT); // draw top bar DrawUtils::setFontSize(24); DrawUtils::print(16, 6 + 24, "Tiramisu Boot Selector"); DrawUtils::drawRectFilled(8, 8 + 24 + 4, SCREEN_WIDTH - 8 * 2, 3, COLOR_WHITE); // draw bottom bar DrawUtils::drawRectFilled(8, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 24 - 8 - 4, SCREEN_WIDTH - 8*2, 3, COLOR_WHITE); DrawUtils::setFontSize(18); DrawUtils::print(16, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 8, "\ue07d Navigate "); DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH - 16, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 8, "\ue000 Choose", true); const char* autobootHints = "\ue002 Clear Autoboot / \ue003 Select Autboot"; DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + DrawUtils::getTextWidth(autobootHints) / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 8, autobootHints, true); DrawUtils::endDraw(); redraw = false; } } DrawUtils::deinitFont(); free(screenBuffer); return selected; } int main(int argc, char **argv){ if (!WHBLogModuleInit()) { WHBLogCafeInit(); WHBLogUdpInit(); } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Hello from Autoboot"); initExternalStorage(); if (getQuickBoot()) { return 0; } readAutobootOption(); int bootSelection = autobootOption; VPADStatus vpad{}; VPADRead(VPAD_CHAN_0, &vpad, 1, NULL); if ((bootSelection == -1) || (vpad.hold & VPAD_BUTTON_PLUS)) { bootSelection = handleMenuScreen(); } if (bootSelection >= 0) { switch (bootSelection) { case BOOT_OPTION_WII_U_MENU: bootSystemMenu(); break; case BOOT_OPTION_HOMEBREW_LAUNCHER: bootHomebrewLauncher(); break; case BOOT_OPTION_VWII_SYSTEM_MENU: bootvWiiMenu(); break; case BOOT_OPTION_VWII_HOMEBREW_CHANNEL: bootHomebrewChannel(); break; } } else { bootSystemMenu(); } return 0; }