#include "MenuUtils.h" #include "ACTAccountInfo.h" #include "DrawUtils.h" #include "icon_png.h" #include "logger.h" #include "version.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define AUTOBOOT_MODULE_VERSION "v0.1.2" const char *autoboot_config_strings[] = { "wiiu_menu", "homebrew_launcher", "vwii_system_menu", "vwii_homebrew_channel", }; template std::string string_format(const std::string &format, Args... args) { int size_s = std::snprintf(nullptr, 0, format.c_str(), args...) + 1; // Extra space for '\0' auto size = static_cast(size_s); auto buf = std::make_unique(size); std::snprintf(buf.get(), size, format.c_str(), args...); return std::string(buf.get(), buf.get() + size - 1); // We don't want the '\0' inside } int32_t readAutobootOption(std::string &configPath) { FILE *f = fopen(configPath.c_str(), "r"); if (f) { char buf[128]{}; fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f); fclose(f); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(autoboot_config_strings) / sizeof(char *); i++) { if (strncmp(autoboot_config_strings[i], buf, strlen(autoboot_config_strings[i])) == 0) { return i; } } } return -1; } void writeAutobootOption(std::string &configPath, int32_t autobootOption) { FILE *f = fopen(configPath.c_str(), "w"); if (f) { if (autobootOption >= 0) { fputs(autoboot_config_strings[autobootOption], f); } else { fputs("none", f); } fclose(f); } } int32_t handleMenuScreen(std::string &configPath, int32_t autobootOptionInput, const std::map &menu) { auto screenBuffer = DrawUtils::InitOSScreen(); if (!screenBuffer) { OSFatal("Failed to alloc memory for screen"); } uint32_t tvBufferSize = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(SCREEN_TV); uint32_t drcBufferSize = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(SCREEN_DRC); DrawUtils::initBuffers(screenBuffer, tvBufferSize, (void *) ((uint32_t) screenBuffer + tvBufferSize), drcBufferSize); if (!DrawUtils::initFont()) { OSFatal("Failed to init font"); } int32_t selectedIndex = autobootOptionInput > 0 ? autobootOptionInput : 0; int autobootIndex = autobootOptionInput; // "Convert" id to index int32_t offset = 0; for (auto &item : menu) { if ((uint32_t) selectedIndex == item.first) { selectedIndex = offset; break; } offset++; } if (autobootIndex > 0) { offset = 0; for (auto &item : menu) { if ((uint32_t) autobootIndex == item.first) { autobootIndex = offset; break; } offset++; } } bool redraw = true; while (true) { VPADStatus vpad{}; VPADRead(VPAD_CHAN_0, &vpad, 1, nullptr); if (vpad.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_UP) { selectedIndex--; if (selectedIndex < 0) { selectedIndex = 0; } redraw = true; } else if (vpad.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_DOWN) { if (!menu.empty()) { selectedIndex++; if ((uint32_t) selectedIndex >= menu.size()) { selectedIndex = menu.size() - 1; } redraw = true; } } else if (vpad.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_A) { break; } else if (vpad.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_X) { autobootIndex = -1; redraw = true; } else if (vpad.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_Y) { autobootIndex = selectedIndex; redraw = true; } if (redraw) { DrawUtils::beginDraw(); DrawUtils::clear(COLOR_BACKGROUND); // draw buttons uint32_t index = 8 + 24 + 8 + 4; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < menu.size(); i++) { if (i == (uint32_t) selectedIndex) { DrawUtils::drawRect(16, index, SCREEN_WIDTH - 16 * 2, 44, 4, COLOR_BORDER_HIGHLIGHTED); } else { DrawUtils::drawRect(16, index, SCREEN_WIDTH - 16 * 2, 44, 2, (i == (uint32_t) autobootIndex) ? COLOR_AUTOBOOT : COLOR_BORDER); } std::string curName = std::next(menu.begin(), i)->second; DrawUtils::setFontSize(24); DrawUtils::setFontColor((i == (uint32_t) autobootIndex) ? COLOR_AUTOBOOT : COLOR_TEXT); DrawUtils::print(16 * 2, index + 8 + 24, curName.c_str()); index += 42 + 8; } DrawUtils::setFontColor(COLOR_TEXT); // draw top bar DrawUtils::setFontSize(24); DrawUtils::drawPNG(16, 2, icon_png); DrawUtils::print(64 + 2, 6 + 24, "Boot Selector"); DrawUtils::drawRectFilled(8, 8 + 24 + 4, SCREEN_WIDTH - 8 * 2, 3, COLOR_WHITE); DrawUtils::setFontSize(16); DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH - 16, 6 + 24, AUTOBOOT_MODULE_VERSION AUTOBOOT_MODULE_VERSION_EXTRA, true); // draw bottom bar DrawUtils::drawRectFilled(8, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 24 - 8 - 4, SCREEN_WIDTH - 8 * 2, 3, COLOR_WHITE); DrawUtils::setFontSize(18); DrawUtils::print(16, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 8, "\ue07d Navigate "); DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH - 16, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 8, "\ue000 Choose", true); const char *autobootHints = "\ue002 Clear Autoboot / \ue003 Select Autoboot"; DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + DrawUtils::getTextWidth(autobootHints) / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 8, autobootHints, true); DrawUtils::endDraw(); redraw = false; } } DrawUtils::beginDraw(); DrawUtils::clear(COLOR_BLACK); DrawUtils::endDraw(); DrawUtils::deinitFont(); // Call GX2Init to shut down OSScreen GX2Init(nullptr); free(screenBuffer); int32_t selected = -1; int32_t autoboot = -1; // convert index to key if (selectedIndex >= 0 && (uint32_t) selectedIndex < menu.size()) { selected = std::next(menu.begin(), selectedIndex)->first; } if (autobootIndex >= 0 && (uint32_t) autobootIndex < menu.size()) { autoboot = std::next(menu.begin(), autobootIndex)->first; } if (autoboot != autobootOptionInput) { writeAutobootOption(configPath, autoboot); } return selected; } nn::act::SlotNo handleAccountSelectScreen(const std::vector> &data) { auto screenBuffer = DrawUtils::InitOSScreen(); if (!screenBuffer) { OSFatal("Failed to alloc memory for screen"); } uint32_t tvBufferSize = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(SCREEN_TV); uint32_t drcBufferSize = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(SCREEN_DRC); DrawUtils::initBuffers(screenBuffer, tvBufferSize, (void *) ((uint32_t) screenBuffer + tvBufferSize), drcBufferSize); if (!DrawUtils::initFont()) { OSFatal("Failed to init font"); } int32_t selected = 0; bool redraw = true; while (true) { VPADStatus vpad{}; VPADRead(VPAD_CHAN_0, &vpad, 1, nullptr); if (vpad.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_UP) { if (selected > 0) { selected--; redraw = true; } } else if (vpad.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_DOWN) { if (selected < (int32_t) data.size() - 1) { selected++; redraw = true; } } else if (vpad.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_A) { break; } if (redraw) { DrawUtils::beginDraw(); DrawUtils::clear(COLOR_BACKGROUND); // draw buttons uint32_t index = 8 + 24 + 8 + 4; int32_t start = (selected / 5) * 5; int32_t end = (start + 5) < (int32_t) data.size() ? (start + 5) : data.size(); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { auto &val = data[i]; if (val->miiImageSize > 0) { // Draw Mii auto width = 128; auto height = 128; auto target_height = 64u; auto target_width = 64u; auto xOffset = 20; auto yOffset = index; for (uint32_t y = 0; y < target_height; y++) { for (uint32_t x = 0; x < target_width; x++) { uint32_t col = (((x) *width / target_width) + ((target_height - y - 1) * height / target_height) * width) * 4; uint32_t colVal = ((uint32_t *) &val->miiImageBuffer[col + 1])[0]; if (colVal == 0x00808080) { // Remove the green background. DrawUtils::drawPixel(x + xOffset, y + yOffset, COLOR_BACKGROUND.r, COLOR_BACKGROUND.g, COLOR_BACKGROUND.b, COLOR_BACKGROUND.a); } else { DrawUtils::drawPixel(x + xOffset, y + yOffset, val->miiImageBuffer[col + 1], val->miiImageBuffer[col + 2], val->miiImageBuffer[col + 3], val->miiImageBuffer[col]); } } } } if (i == selected) { DrawUtils::drawRect(16, index, SCREEN_WIDTH - 16 * 2, 64, 4, COLOR_BORDER_HIGHLIGHTED); } DrawUtils::setFontSize(24); DrawUtils::setFontColor(COLOR_TEXT); std::string finalStr = val->name + (val->isNetworkAccount ? (std::string(" (NNID: ") + val->accountId + ")") : ""); DrawUtils::print(72 + 16 * 2, index + 8 + 32, finalStr.c_str()); index += 72 + 8; } DrawUtils::setFontColor(COLOR_TEXT); // draw top bar DrawUtils::setFontSize(24); DrawUtils::print(16, 6 + 24, "Select your Account"); auto curPage = (selected / 5) + 1; auto totalPages = data.size() % 5 == 0 ? data.size() / 5 : data.size() / 5 + 1; DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH - 50, 6 + 24, string_format("%d/%d", curPage, totalPages).c_str()); DrawUtils::drawRectFilled(8, 8 + 24 + 4, SCREEN_WIDTH - 8 * 2, 3, COLOR_WHITE); // draw bottom bar DrawUtils::drawRectFilled(8, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 24 - 8 - 4, SCREEN_WIDTH - 8 * 2, 3, COLOR_WHITE); DrawUtils::setFontSize(18); DrawUtils::print(16, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 8, "\ue07d Navigate "); DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH - 16, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 8, "\ue000 Choose", true); if (start > 0) { DrawUtils::setFontSize(36); DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH - 30, 68, "\uE01B", true); } if (end < (int32_t) data.size()) { DrawUtils::setFontSize(36); DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH - 30, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 40, "\uE01C", true); } DrawUtils::endDraw(); redraw = false; } } DrawUtils::beginDraw(); DrawUtils::clear(COLOR_BLACK); DrawUtils::endDraw(); DrawUtils::deinitFont(); // Call GX2Init to shut down OSScreen GX2Init(nullptr); free(screenBuffer); auto i = 0; nn::act::SlotNo resultSlot = 0; for (auto const &val : data) { if (i == selected) { resultSlot = val->slot; } i++; } return resultSlot; } void handleUpdateWarningScreen() { FILE *f = fopen(UPDATE_SKIP_PATH, "r"); if (f) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Skipping update warning screen"); fclose(f); return; } auto screenBuffer = DrawUtils::InitOSScreen(); if (!screenBuffer) { OSFatal("Failed to alloc memory for screen"); } uint32_t tvBufferSize = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(SCREEN_TV); uint32_t drcBufferSize = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(SCREEN_DRC); DrawUtils::initBuffers(screenBuffer, tvBufferSize, (void *) ((uint32_t) screenBuffer + tvBufferSize), drcBufferSize); if (!DrawUtils::initFont()) { OSFatal("Failed to init font"); } DrawUtils::beginDraw(); DrawUtils::clear(COLOR_BACKGROUND_WARN); DrawUtils::setFontColor(COLOR_TEXT); // draw top bar DrawUtils::setFontSize(48); const char *title = "! Warning !"; DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + DrawUtils::getTextWidth(title) / 2, 48 + 8, title, true); DrawUtils::drawRectFilled(8, 48 + 8 + 16, SCREEN_WIDTH - 8 * 2, 3, COLOR_WHITE); DrawUtils::setFontSize(24); const char *message = "The update folder currently exists and is not a file."; DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + DrawUtils::getTextWidth(message) / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 24, message, true); message = "Your system might not be blocking updates properly!"; DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + DrawUtils::getTextWidth(message) / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 + 0, message, true); message = "See https://wiiu.hacks.guide/#/block-updates for more information."; DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + DrawUtils::getTextWidth(message) / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 + 24, message, true); // draw bottom bar DrawUtils::drawRectFilled(8, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 24 - 8 - 4, SCREEN_WIDTH - 8 * 2, 3, COLOR_WHITE); DrawUtils::setFontSize(18); const char *exitHints = "\ue000 Continue / \ue001 Don't show this again"; DrawUtils::print(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 + DrawUtils::getTextWidth(exitHints) / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 8, exitHints, true); DrawUtils::endDraw(); while (true) { VPADStatus vpad{}; VPADRead(VPAD_CHAN_0, &vpad, 1, nullptr); if (vpad.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_A) { break; } else if (vpad.trigger & VPAD_BUTTON_B) { f = fopen(UPDATE_SKIP_PATH, "w"); if (f) { // It's **really** important to have this text on the stack. // If it's read from the .rodata section the fwrite will softlock the console because the OSEffectiveToPhysical returns NULL for // everything between 0x00800000 - 0x01000000 at this stage. const char text[] = "If this file exists, the Autoboot Module will not warn you about not blocking updates"; fputs(text, f); fclose(f); } break; } } DrawUtils::clear(COLOR_BLACK); DrawUtils::endDraw(); DrawUtils::deinitFont(); free(screenBuffer); }