#include #include "BootUtils.h" #include "MenuUtils.h" #include "QuickStartUtils.h" #include "logger.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" void __fini_wut(); #define UPPER_TITLE_ID_HOMEBREW 0x0005000F #define TITLE_ID_HOMEBREW_MASK (((uint64_t) UPPER_TITLE_ID_HOMEBREW) << 32) static void StartAppletAndExit() { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Wait for applet"); ProcUIInit(OSSavesDone_ReadyToRelease); bool doProcUi = true; bool launchWiiUMenuOnNextForeground = false; while (true) { switch (ProcUIProcessMessages(true)) { case PROCUI_STATUS_EXITING: { doProcUi = false; break; } case PROCUI_STATUS_RELEASE_FOREGROUND: { ProcUIDrawDoneRelease(); launchWiiUMenuOnNextForeground = true; break; } case PROCUI_STATUS_IN_FOREGROUND: { if (launchWiiUMenuOnNextForeground) { bootWiiUMenu(); launchWiiUMenuOnNextForeground = false; } break; } case PROCUI_STATUS_IN_BACKGROUND: { break; } default: break; } OSSleepTicks(OSMillisecondsToTicks(1)); if (!doProcUi) { break; } } ProcUIShutdown(); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Exit to Wii U Menu"); deinitLogging(); __fini_wut(); _Exit(0); } void loadConsoleAccount(const char *data_uuid) { nn::act::Initialize(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < 13; i++) { char uuid[16]; auto result = nn::act::GetUuidEx(uuid, i); if (result.IsSuccess()) { if (memcmp(uuid, data_uuid, 8) == 0) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Load Console account %d", i); nn::act::LoadConsoleAccount(i, 0, nullptr, false); break; } } } nn::act::Finalize(); } class FileStreamWrapper { public: static std::unique_ptr CreateFromPath(std::string_view path, std::string_view mode = "r") { return std::unique_ptr(new FileStreamWrapper(path, mode)); } ~FileStreamWrapper() { mFileStream.reset(); FSDelClient(&mFsClient, FS_ERROR_FLAG_NONE); } nn::sl::details::IStreamBase &GetStream() { return *mFileStream; } private: explicit FileStreamWrapper(std::string_view path, std::string_view mode) { FSAddClient(&mFsClient, FS_ERROR_FLAG_NONE); FSInitCmdBlock(&mCmdBlock); mFileStream = std::make_unique(); mFileStream->Initialize(&mFsClient, &mCmdBlock, path.data(), mode.data()); } std::unique_ptr mFileStream{}; FSClient mFsClient{}; FSCmdBlock mCmdBlock{}; }; bool getQuickBoot() { // Waits until the quick start menu has been closed. TODO: abort this checks after a given time? auto bootCheck = CCRSysCaffeineBootCheck(); if (bootCheck == 0) { nn::sl::Initialize(MEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx, MEMFreeToDefaultHeap); char path[0x80]; nn::sl::GetDefaultDatabasePath(path, 0x80, 0x0005001010066000); // ECO process nn::sl::LaunchInfoDatabase launchInfoDatabase; nn::sl::LaunchInfo info; { // In theory the region doesn't even matter. // The region is to load a "system table" into the LaunchInfoDatabase which provides the LaunchInfos for // the Wii U Menu and System Settings. In the code below we check for all possible System Settings title id and // have a fallback to the Wii U Menu... This means we could get away a wrong region, but let's use the correct one // anyway const auto region = []() { if (SYSCheckTitleExists(0x0005001010047000L)) { // JPN System Settings return nn::sl::REGION_JPN; } else if (SYSCheckTitleExists(0x0005001010047100L)) { // USA System Settings return nn::sl::REGION_USA; } else if (SYSCheckTitleExists(0x0005001010047200L)) { // EUR System Settings return nn::sl::REGION_EUR; } return nn::sl::REGION_EUR; }(); auto fileStream = FileStreamWrapper::CreateFromPath(path); if (launchInfoDatabase.Load(fileStream->GetStream(), region).IsFailure()) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to load LaunchInfoDatabase"); return false; } } CCRAppLaunchParam data; // load sys caffeine data // load app launch param CCRSysCaffeineGetAppLaunchParam(&data); loadConsoleAccount(data.uuid); auto result = launchInfoDatabase.GetLaunchInfoById(&info, data.titleId); nn::sl::Finalize(); if (!result.IsSuccess()) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("GetLaunchInfoById failed."); return false; } if ((info.titleId & TITLE_ID_HOMEBREW_MASK) == TITLE_ID_HOMEBREW_MASK) { std::string homebrewPath = info.parameter; DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Trying to launch homebrew title: \"%s\"", homebrewPath.c_str()); if (auto err = RPXLoader_LaunchHomebrew(homebrewPath.c_str()); err != RPX_LOADER_RESULT_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_WARN("Failed to launch homebrew title: %s (%d)", RPXLoader_GetStatusStr(err), err); return false; } return true; } if (info.titleId == 0x0005001010040000L || info.titleId == 0x0005001010040100L || info.titleId == 0x0005001010040200L) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Skip quick starting into the Wii U Menu"); return false; } if (info.titleId == 0x0005001010047000L || info.titleId == 0x0005001010047100L || info.titleId == 0x0005001010047200L) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Launch Settings"); _SYSLaunchSettings(nullptr); return true; } if (info.titleId == 0x000500301001220AL || info.titleId == 0x000500301001210AL || info.titleId == 0x000500301001200AL) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Launching the browser"); loadConsoleAccount(data.uuid); SYSSwitchToBrowser(nullptr); StartAppletAndExit(); return true; } if (info.titleId == 0x000500301001400AL || info.titleId == 0x000500301001410AL || info.titleId == 0x000500301001420AL) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Launching the Eshop"); loadConsoleAccount(data.uuid); SYSSwitchToEShop(nullptr); StartAppletAndExit(); return true; } if (info.titleId == 0x000500301001800AL || info.titleId == 0x000500301001810AL || info.titleId == 0x000500301001820AL) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Launching the Download Management"); loadConsoleAccount(data.uuid); _SYSSwitchTo(SYSAPP_PFID_DOWNLOAD_MANAGEMENT); StartAppletAndExit(); return true; } if (info.titleId == 0x000500301001600AL || info.titleId == 0x000500301001610AL || info.titleId == 0x000500301001620AL) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Launching Miiverse"); loadConsoleAccount(data.uuid); _SYSSwitchTo(SYSAPP_PFID_MIIVERSE); StartAppletAndExit(); return true; } if (info.titleId == 0x000500301001500AL || info.titleId == 0x000500301001510AL || info.titleId == 0x000500301001520AL) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Launching Friendlist"); loadConsoleAccount(data.uuid); _SYSSwitchTo(SYSAPP_PFID_FRIENDLIST); StartAppletAndExit(); return true; } if (info.titleId == 0x000500301001300AL || info.titleId == 0x000500301001310AL || info.titleId == 0x000500301001320AL) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Launching TVii"); loadConsoleAccount(data.uuid); _SYSSwitchTo(SYSAPP_PFID_TVII); StartAppletAndExit(); return true; } if (info.titleId == 0x0005001010004000L) { // OSv0 DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Launching vWii System Menu"); bootvWiiMenu(); return true; } uint64_t titleIdToLaunch = info.titleId; switch (info.mediaType) { case nn::sl::NN_SL_MEDIA_TYPE_ODD: { if (!handleDiscInsertScreen(titleIdToLaunch, &titleIdToLaunch)) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Launch Wii U Menu!"); return false; } break; } default: { if (!SYSCheckTitleExists(titleIdToLaunch)) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Title %016llX doesn't exist", titleIdToLaunch); return false; } } } MCPTitleListType titleInfo; int32_t handle = MCP_Open(); auto err = MCP_GetTitleInfo(handle, titleIdToLaunch, &titleInfo); MCP_Close(handle); if (err == 0) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Launch %016llX", titleIdToLaunch); ACPAssignTitlePatch(&titleInfo); _SYSLaunchTitleWithStdArgsInNoSplash(titleIdToLaunch, nullptr); return true; } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Launch Wii U Menu!"); return false; } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("No quick start"); } return false; }