#include "DrawUtils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include "MenuUtils.h" // buffer width #define TV_WIDTH 0x500 #define DRC_WIDTH 0x380 bool DrawUtils::isBackBuffer; uint8_t* DrawUtils::tvBuffer = nullptr; uint32_t DrawUtils::tvSize = 0; uint8_t* DrawUtils::drcBuffer = nullptr; uint32_t DrawUtils::drcSize = 0; // Don't put those into the class or we have to include ft everywhere static FT_Library ft_lib = nullptr; static FT_Face ft_face = nullptr; static Color font_col = {0xFFFFFFFF}; void* DrawUtils::InitOSScreen(){ OSScreenInit(); uint32_t tvBufferSize = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(SCREEN_TV); uint32_t drcBufferSize = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(SCREEN_DRC); auto *screenBuffer = (uint8_t *) memalign(0x100, tvBufferSize + drcBufferSize); if (screenBuffer == nullptr) { return nullptr; } OSScreenSetBufferEx(SCREEN_TV, screenBuffer); OSScreenSetBufferEx(SCREEN_DRC, screenBuffer + tvBufferSize); OSScreenEnableEx(SCREEN_TV, TRUE); OSScreenEnableEx(SCREEN_DRC, TRUE); return screenBuffer; } void DrawUtils::initBuffers(void* tvBuffer, uint32_t tvSize, void* drcBuffer, uint32_t drcSize) { DrawUtils::tvBuffer = (uint8_t*) tvBuffer; DrawUtils::tvSize = tvSize; DrawUtils::drcBuffer = (uint8_t*) drcBuffer; DrawUtils::drcSize = drcSize; } void DrawUtils::beginDraw() { uint32_t pixel = *(uint32_t*) tvBuffer; // check which buffer is currently used OSScreenPutPixelEx(SCREEN_TV, 0, 0, 0xABCDEF90); if (*(uint32_t*) tvBuffer == 0xABCDEF90) { isBackBuffer = false; } else { isBackBuffer = true; } // restore the pixel we used for checking *(uint32_t*) tvBuffer = pixel; } void DrawUtils::endDraw() { // OSScreenFlipBuffersEx already flushes the cache? // DCFlushRange(tvBuffer, tvSize); // DCFlushRange(drcBuffer, drcSize); OSScreenFlipBuffersEx(SCREEN_DRC); OSScreenFlipBuffersEx(SCREEN_TV); } void DrawUtils::clear(Color col) { OSScreenClearBufferEx(SCREEN_TV, col.color); OSScreenClearBufferEx(SCREEN_DRC, col.color); } void DrawUtils::drawPixel(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a) { float opacity = a / 255.0f; // put pixel in the drc buffer uint32_t i = (x + y * DRC_WIDTH) * 4; if (i + 3 < drcSize / 2) { if (isBackBuffer) { i += drcSize / 2; } if (a == 0xFF) { drcBuffer[i ] = r; drcBuffer[i + 1] = g; drcBuffer[i + 2] = b; } else { drcBuffer[i ] = r * opacity + drcBuffer[i ] * (1 - opacity); drcBuffer[i + 1] = g * opacity + drcBuffer[i + 1] * (1 - opacity); drcBuffer[i + 2] = b * opacity + drcBuffer[i + 2] * (1 - opacity); } } // scale and put pixel in the tv buffer for (uint32_t yy = (y * 1.5); yy < ((y * 1.5) + 1); yy++) { for (uint32_t xx = (x * 1.5); xx < ((x * 1.5) + 1); xx++) { uint32_t i = (xx + yy * TV_WIDTH) * 4; if (i + 3 < tvSize / 2) { if (isBackBuffer) { i += tvSize / 2; } if (a == 0xFF) { tvBuffer[i ] = r; tvBuffer[i + 1] = g; tvBuffer[i + 2] = b; } else { tvBuffer[i ] = r * opacity + tvBuffer[i ] * (1 - opacity); tvBuffer[i + 1] = g * opacity + tvBuffer[i + 1] * (1 - opacity); tvBuffer[i + 2] = b * opacity + tvBuffer[i + 2] * (1 - opacity); } } } } } void DrawUtils::drawRectFilled(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, Color col) { for (uint32_t yy = y; yy < y + h; yy++) { for (uint32_t xx = x; xx < x + w; xx++) { drawPixel(xx, yy, col); } } } void DrawUtils::drawRect(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t borderSize, Color col) { drawRectFilled(x, y, w, borderSize, col); drawRectFilled(x, y + h - borderSize, w, borderSize, col); drawRectFilled(x, y, borderSize, h, col); drawRectFilled(x + w - borderSize, y, borderSize, h, col); } void DrawUtils::drawBitmap(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t target_width, uint32_t target_height, const uint8_t* data) { if ( data[0] != 'B' || data[1] != 'M' ) { // invalid header return; } uint32_t dataPos = __builtin_bswap32(*(uint32_t*)&(data[0x0A])); uint32_t width = __builtin_bswap32(*(uint32_t*)&(data[0x12])); uint32_t height = __builtin_bswap32(*(uint32_t*)&(data[0x16])); if (dataPos == 0) { dataPos = 54; } data += dataPos; // TODO flip image since bitmaps are stored upside down for (uint32_t yy = y; yy < y + target_height; yy++) { for (uint32_t xx = x; xx < x + target_width; xx++) { uint32_t i = (((xx - x) * width / target_width) + ((yy - y) * height / target_height) * width) * 3; drawPixel(xx, yy, data[i + 2], data[i + 1], data[i], 0xFF); } } } static void png_read_data(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep outBytes, png_size_t byteCountToRead) { void** data = (void**) png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr); memcpy(outBytes, *data, byteCountToRead); *((uint8_t**) data) += byteCountToRead; } void DrawUtils::drawPNG(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, const uint8_t* data) { png_structp png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(png_ptr == NULL) { return; } png_infop info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); if(info_ptr == NULL) { png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, NULL, NULL); return; } png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, (void*) &data, png_read_data); png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); uint32_t width = 0; uint32_t height = 0; int bitDepth = 0; int colorType = -1; uint32_t retval = png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, &width, &height, &bitDepth, &colorType, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(retval != 1) { return; } uint32_t bytesPerRow = png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr); uint8_t* rowData = new uint8_t[bytesPerRow]; for(uint32_t yy = y; yy < y + height; yy++) { png_read_row(png_ptr, (png_bytep)rowData, NULL); for (uint32_t xx = x; xx < x + width; xx++) { if (colorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA) { uint32_t i = (xx - x) * 4; drawPixel(xx, yy, rowData[i], rowData[i + 1], rowData[i + 2], rowData[i + 3]); } else if (colorType == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB) { uint32_t i = (xx - x) * 3; drawPixel(xx, yy, rowData[i], rowData[i + 1], rowData[i + 2], 0xFF); } } } delete[] rowData; png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL); } void DrawUtils::initFont() { void* font = NULL; uint32_t size = 0; OSGetSharedData(OS_SHAREDDATATYPE_FONT_STANDARD, 0, &font, &size); if (font && size) { FT_Init_FreeType(&ft_lib); FT_New_Memory_Face(ft_lib, (FT_Byte*) font, size, 0, &ft_face); } } void DrawUtils::deinitFont() { FT_Done_Face(ft_face); FT_Done_FreeType(ft_lib); } void DrawUtils::setFontSize(uint32_t size) { FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(ft_face, 0, size); } void DrawUtils::setFontColor(Color col) { font_col = col; } static void draw_freetype_bitmap(FT_Bitmap* bitmap, FT_Int x, FT_Int y) { FT_Int i, j, p, q; FT_Int x_max = x + bitmap->width; FT_Int y_max = y + bitmap->rows; for (i = x, p = 0; i < x_max; i++, p++) { for (j = y, q = 0; j < y_max; j++, q++) { if (i < 0 || j < 0 || i >= SCREEN_WIDTH || j >= SCREEN_HEIGHT) { continue; } float opacity = bitmap->buffer[q * bitmap->pitch + p] / 255.0f; DrawUtils::drawPixel(i, j, font_col.r, font_col.g, font_col.b, font_col.a * opacity); } } } void DrawUtils::print(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, const char* string, bool alignRight) { wchar_t* buffer = new wchar_t[strlen(string) + 1]; size_t num = mbstowcs(buffer, string, strlen(string)); if (num > 0) { buffer[num] = 0; } else { wchar_t* tmp = buffer; while ((*tmp++ = *string++)); } print(x, y, buffer, alignRight); delete[] buffer; } void DrawUtils::print(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, const wchar_t* string, bool alignRight) { FT_GlyphSlot slot = ft_face->glyph; FT_Vector pen = {(int) x, (int) y}; if (alignRight) { pen.x -= getTextWidth(string); } for (; *string; string++) { uint32_t charcode = *string; if (charcode == '\n') { pen.y += ft_face->size->metrics.height >> 6; pen.x = x; continue; } FT_Load_Glyph(ft_face, FT_Get_Char_Index(ft_face, charcode), FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); FT_Render_Glyph(slot, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL); draw_freetype_bitmap(&slot->bitmap, pen.x + slot->bitmap_left, pen.y - slot->bitmap_top); pen.x += slot->advance.x >> 6; } } uint32_t DrawUtils::getTextWidth(const char* string) { wchar_t* buffer = new wchar_t[strlen(string) + 1]; size_t num = mbstowcs(buffer, string, strlen(string)); if (num > 0) { buffer[num] = 0; } else { wchar_t* tmp = buffer; while ((*tmp++ = *string++)); } uint32_t width = getTextWidth(buffer); delete[] buffer; return width; } uint32_t DrawUtils::getTextWidth(const wchar_t* string) { FT_GlyphSlot slot = ft_face->glyph; uint32_t width = 0; for (; *string; string++) { FT_Load_Glyph(ft_face, FT_Get_Char_Index(ft_face, *string), FT_LOAD_BITMAP_METRICS_ONLY); width += slot->advance.x >> 6; } return width; }