2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
# include "gui/GameProfileWindow.h"
# include <wx/statbox.h>
# include <wx/sizer.h>
# include <wx/panel.h>
# include <wx/notebook.h>
# include <wx/stattext.h>
# include <wx/wupdlock.h>
# include <wx/slider.h>
# include "gui/helpers/wxHelpers.h"
# include "input/InputManager.h"
2022-08-26 04:03:26 +02:00
# include "resource/embedded/resources.h"
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
# endif
GameProfileWindow : : GameProfileWindow ( wxWindow * parent , uint64_t title_id )
: wxFrame ( parent , wxID_ANY , _ ( " Edit game profile " ) , wxDefaultPosition , wxSize { 390 , 350 } , wxCLOSE_BOX | wxCLIP_CHILDREN | wxCAPTION | wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL | wxSYSTEM_MENU ) , m_title_id ( title_id )
SetIcon ( wxICON ( X_GAME_PROFILE ) ) ;
m_game_profile . Reset ( ) ;
2022-08-26 19:41:42 +02:00
m_game_profile . Load ( title_id ) ;
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
this - > SetSizeHints ( wxDefaultSize , wxDefaultSize ) ;
auto * main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer ( wxVERTICAL ) ;
auto * m_notebook = new wxNotebook ( this , wxID_ANY , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , 0 ) ;
// general
auto * panel = new wxPanel ( m_notebook , wxID_ANY , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , wxTAB_TRAVERSAL ) ;
auto * sizer = new wxBoxSizer ( wxVERTICAL ) ;
auto * box_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer ( new wxStaticBox ( panel , wxID_ANY , _ ( " General " ) ) , wxVERTICAL ) ;
auto * box = box_sizer - > GetStaticBox ( ) ;
m_load_libs = new wxCheckBox ( box , wxID_ANY , _ ( " Load shared libraries " ) ) ;
m_load_libs - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " EXPERT OPTION \n This option will load libraries from the cafeLibs directory " ) ) ;
box_sizer - > Add ( m_load_libs , 0 , wxALL , 5 ) ;
m_start_with_padview = new wxCheckBox ( box , wxID_ANY , _ ( " Launch with gamepad view " ) ) ;
m_start_with_padview - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " Games will be launched with gamepad view toggled as default. The view can be toggled with CTRL + TAB " ) ) ;
box_sizer - > Add ( m_start_with_padview , 0 , wxALL , 5 ) ;
sizer - > Add ( box_sizer , 0 , wxEXPAND , 5 ) ;
// cpu
auto * box_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer ( new wxStaticBox ( panel , wxID_ANY , _ ( " CPU " ) ) , wxVERTICAL ) ;
auto * box = box_sizer - > GetStaticBox ( ) ;
auto * first_row = new wxFlexGridSizer ( 0 , 2 , 0 , 0 ) ;
first_row - > SetFlexibleDirection ( wxBOTH ) ;
first_row - > SetNonFlexibleGrowMode ( wxFLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED ) ;
first_row - > Add ( new wxStaticText ( box , wxID_ANY , _ ( " Mode " ) ) , 0 , wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL , 5 ) ;
wxString cpu_modes [ ] = { _ ( " Single-core interpreter " ) , _ ( " Single-core recompiler " ) , _ ( " Multi-core recompiler " ) , _ ( " Auto (recommended) " ) } ;
const sint32 m_cpu_modeNChoices = std : : size ( cpu_modes ) ;
m_cpu_mode = new wxChoice ( box , wxID_ANY , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , m_cpu_modeNChoices , cpu_modes , 0 ) ;
m_cpu_mode - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " Set the CPU emulation mode " ) ) ;
first_row - > Add ( m_cpu_mode , 0 , wxALL , 5 ) ;
first_row - > Add ( new wxStaticText ( box , wxID_ANY , _ ( " Thread quantum " ) ) , 0 , wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL , 5 ) ;
auto * quantum_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer ( 0 , 2 , 0 , 0 ) ;
quantum_sizer - > SetFlexibleDirection ( wxBOTH ) ;
quantum_sizer - > SetNonFlexibleGrowMode ( wxFLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED ) ;
wxString quantum_values [ ] = { " 20000 " , " 45000 " , " 60000 " , " 80000 " , " 100000 " } ;
m_thread_quantum = new wxChoice ( box , wxID_ANY , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , std : : size ( quantum_values ) , quantum_values ) ;
m_thread_quantum - > SetMinSize ( wxSize ( 85 , - 1 ) ) ;
m_thread_quantum - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " EXPERT OPTION \n Set the maximum thread slice runtime (in virtual cycles) " ) ) ;
quantum_sizer - > Add ( m_thread_quantum , 0 , wxALL , 5 ) ;
quantum_sizer - > Add ( new wxStaticText ( box , wxID_ANY , _ ( " cycles " ) ) , 0 , wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL , 5 ) ;
first_row - > Add ( quantum_sizer , 0 , wxEXPAND , 5 ) ;
box_sizer - > Add ( first_row , 0 , wxEXPAND , 5 ) ;
sizer - > Add ( box_sizer , 0 , wxEXPAND , 5 ) ;
panel - > SetSizer ( sizer ) ;
panel - > Layout ( ) ;
sizer - > Fit ( panel ) ;
m_notebook - > AddPage ( panel , _ ( " General " ) , true ) ;
// graphic
auto * panel = new wxPanel ( m_notebook , wxID_ANY , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , wxTAB_TRAVERSAL ) ;
auto * sizer = new wxBoxSizer ( wxVERTICAL ) ;
//m_extended_texture_readback = new wxCheckBox(panel, wxID_ANY, _("Extended texture readback"));
//m_extended_texture_readback->SetToolTip(_("Improves emulation accuracy of CPU to GPU memory access at the cost of performance. Required for some games."));
//sizer->Add(m_extended_texture_readback, 0, wxALL, 5);
auto * first_row = new wxFlexGridSizer ( 0 , 2 , 0 , 0 ) ;
first_row - > SetNonFlexibleGrowMode ( wxFLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED ) ;
/*first_row->Add(new wxStaticText(panel, wxID_ANY, _("Precompiled shaders")), 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5);
wxString precompiled_modes [ ] = { _ ( " auto " ) , _ ( " enable " ) , _ ( " disable " ) } ;
const sint32 precompiled_count = std : : size ( precompiled_modes ) ;
m_precompiled = new wxChoice ( panel , wxID_ANY , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , precompiled_count , precompiled_modes , 0 ) ;
m_precompiled - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " Precompiled shaders can speed up the load time on the shader loading screen. \n Auto will enable it for AMD/Intel but disable it for NVIDIA GPUs as a workaround for a driver bug. \n \n Recommended: Auto " ) ) ;
first_row - > Add ( m_precompiled , 0 , wxALL , 5 ) ; */
first_row - > Add ( new wxStaticText ( panel , wxID_ANY , _ ( " Graphics API " ) ) , 0 , wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL , 5 ) ;
wxString gapi_values [ ] = { " " , " OpenGL " , " Vulkan " } ;
m_graphic_api = new wxChoice ( panel , wxID_ANY , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , ( int ) std : : size ( gapi_values ) , gapi_values ) ;
first_row - > Add ( m_graphic_api , 0 , wxALL , 5 ) ;
2022-09-03 22:55:58 +02:00
first_row - > Add ( new wxStaticText ( panel , wxID_ANY , _ ( " Shader multiplication accuracy " ) ) , 0 , wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL , 5 ) ;
2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00
wxString mul_values [ ] = { _ ( " false " ) , _ ( " true " ) , _ ( " minimal " ) } ;
m_shader_mul_accuracy = new wxChoice ( panel , wxID_ANY , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , ( int ) std : : size ( mul_values ) , mul_values ) ;
m_shader_mul_accuracy - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " EXPERT OPTION \n Controls the accuracy of floating point multiplication in shaders. \n \n Recommended: true " ) ) ;
first_row - > Add ( m_shader_mul_accuracy , 0 , wxALL , 5 ) ;
/*first_row->Add(new wxStaticText(panel, wxID_ANY, _("GPU buffer cache accuracy")), 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5);
wxString accuarcy_values [ ] = { _ ( " high " ) , _ ( " medium " ) , _ ( " low " ) } ;
m_cache_accuracy = new wxChoice ( panel , wxID_ANY , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , ( int ) std : : size ( accuarcy_values ) , accuarcy_values ) ;
m_cache_accuracy - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " Lower value results in higher performance, but may cause graphical issues " ) ) ;
first_row - > Add ( m_cache_accuracy , 0 , wxALL , 5 ) ; */
sizer - > Add ( first_row , 0 , wxEXPAND , 5 ) ;
panel - > SetSizer ( sizer ) ;
panel - > Layout ( ) ;
sizer - > Fit ( panel ) ;
m_notebook - > AddPage ( panel , _ ( " Graphic " ) , false ) ;
//// audio
// auto panel = new wxPanel(m_notebook, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);
// wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
// m_disable_audio = new wxCheckBox(panel, wxID_ANY, _("Disable Audio"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxCHK_3STATE | wxCHK_ALLOW_3RD_STATE_FOR_USER);
// sizer->Add(m_disable_audio, 0, wxALL, 5);
// panel->SetSizer(sizer);
// panel->Layout();
// sizer->Fit(panel);
// m_notebook->AddPage(panel, _("Audio"), false);
// controller
auto panel = new wxPanel ( m_notebook , wxID_ANY , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , wxTAB_TRAVERSAL ) ;
wxBoxSizer * sizer ;
sizer = new wxBoxSizer ( wxVERTICAL ) ;
wxFlexGridSizer * profile_sizer ;
profile_sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer ( 0 , 2 , 0 , 0 ) ;
profile_sizer - > SetFlexibleDirection ( wxBOTH ) ;
profile_sizer - > SetNonFlexibleGrowMode ( wxFLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; + + i )
profile_sizer - > Add ( new wxStaticText ( panel , wxID_ANY , fmt : : format ( " {} {} " , _ ( " Controller " ) . ToStdString ( ) , ( i + 1 ) ) ) , 0 , wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL , 5 ) ;
m_controller_profile [ i ] = new wxComboBox ( panel , wxID_ANY , " " , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , 0 , nullptr , wxCB_DROPDOWN | wxCB_READONLY ) ;
m_controller_profile [ i ] - > SetMinSize ( wxSize ( 250 , - 1 ) ) ;
m_controller_profile [ i ] - > Bind ( wxEVT_COMBOBOX_DROPDOWN , & GameProfileWindow : : OnControllerProfileDropdown , this ) ;
m_controller_profile [ i ] - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " Forces a given controller profile " ) ) ;
profile_sizer - > Add ( m_controller_profile [ i ] , 0 , wxALL , 5 ) ;
sizer - > Add ( profile_sizer , 0 , wxEXPAND , 5 ) ;
panel - > SetSizer ( sizer ) ;
panel - > Layout ( ) ;
sizer - > Fit ( panel ) ;
m_notebook - > AddPage ( panel , _ ( " Controller " ) , false ) ;
main_sizer - > Add ( m_notebook , 1 , wxEXPAND | wxALL , 5 ) ;
this - > SetSizer ( main_sizer ) ;
this - > Layout ( ) ;
this - > Centre ( wxBOTH ) ;
ApplyProfile ( ) ;
GameProfileWindow : : ~ GameProfileWindow ( )
SaveProfile ( ) ;
void GameProfileWindow : : OnStreamoutSizeChange ( wxCommandEvent & event )
wxSlider * slider = wxDynamicCast ( event . GetEventObject ( ) , wxSlider ) ;
wxASSERT ( slider ) ;
wxStaticText * text = wxDynamicCast ( slider - > GetClientData ( ) , wxStaticText ) ;
wxASSERT ( text ) ;
text - > SetLabelText ( fmt : : format ( " {} MB " , slider - > GetValue ( ) ) ) ;
event . Skip ( ) ;
void GameProfileWindow : : OnControllerProfileDropdown ( wxCommandEvent & event )
wxComboBox * cb = wxDynamicCast ( event . GetEventObject ( ) , wxComboBox ) ;
wxASSERT ( cb ) ;
wxWindowUpdateLocker lock ( cb ) ;
const auto selected_value = cb - > GetStringSelection ( ) ;
cb - > Clear ( ) ;
cb - > Append ( wxEmptyString ) ;
auto profiles = InputManager : : get_profiles ( ) ;
for ( const auto & profile : profiles )
cb - > Append ( to_wxString ( profile ) ) ;
cb - > SetStringSelection ( selected_value ) ;
void GameProfileWindow : : SetProfileInt ( gameProfileIntegerOption_t & option , wxCheckBox * checkbox , sint32 value ) const
const auto state = checkbox - > GetValue ( ) ;
if ( state )
option . isPresent = true ;
option . value = value ;
option . isPresent = false ;
void GameProfileWindow : : ApplyProfile ( )
if ( m_game_profile . m_gameName )
this - > SetTitle ( fmt : : format ( " {} - {} " , _ ( " Edit game profile " ) . ToStdString ( ) , m_game_profile . m_gameName . value ( ) ) ) ;
// general
m_load_libs - > SetValue ( m_game_profile . m_loadSharedLibraries . value ( ) ) ;
m_start_with_padview - > SetValue ( m_game_profile . m_startWithPadView ) ;
// cpu
// wxString cpu_modes[] = { _("Singlecore-Interpreter"), _("Singlecore-Recompiler"), _("Triplecore-Recompiler"), _("Auto (recommended)") };
switch ( m_game_profile . m_cpuMode . value ( ) )
case CPUMode : : SinglecoreInterpreter : m_cpu_mode - > SetSelection ( 0 ) ; break ;
case CPUMode : : SinglecoreRecompiler : m_cpu_mode - > SetSelection ( 1 ) ; break ;
case CPUMode : : DualcoreRecompiler : m_cpu_mode - > SetSelection ( 2 ) ; break ;
case CPUMode : : MulticoreRecompiler : m_cpu_mode - > SetSelection ( 2 ) ; break ;
default : m_cpu_mode - > SetSelection ( 3 ) ;
m_thread_quantum - > SetStringSelection ( fmt : : format ( " {} " , m_game_profile . m_threadQuantum ) ) ;
// gpu
if ( ! m_game_profile . m_graphics_api . has_value ( ) )
m_graphic_api - > SetSelection ( 0 ) ; // selecting ""
m_graphic_api - > SetSelection ( 1 + m_game_profile . m_graphics_api . value ( ) ) ; // "", OpenGL, Vulkan
m_shader_mul_accuracy - > SetSelection ( ( int ) m_game_profile . m_accurateShaderMul ) ;
//// audio
// controller
auto profiles = InputManager : : get_profiles ( ) ;
for ( const auto & cb : m_controller_profile )
cb - > Clear ( ) ;
for ( const auto & profile : profiles )
cb - > Append ( to_wxString ( profile ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < InputManager : : kMaxController ; + + i )
const bool has_value = m_game_profile . m_controllerProfile [ i ] . has_value ( ) ;
if ( has_value )
const auto & v = m_game_profile . m_controllerProfile [ i ] . value ( ) ;
m_controller_profile [ i ] - > SetStringSelection ( wxString : : FromUTF8 ( v ) ) ;
m_controller_profile [ i ] - > SetSelection ( wxNOT_FOUND ) ;
void GameProfileWindow : : SaveProfile ( )
// update game profile struct
m_game_profile . Reset ( ) ;
// general
m_game_profile . m_loadSharedLibraries = m_load_libs - > GetValue ( ) ;
m_game_profile . m_startWithPadView = m_start_with_padview - > GetValue ( ) ;
// cpu
switch ( m_cpu_mode - > GetSelection ( ) )
case 0 : m_game_profile . m_cpuMode = CPUMode : : SinglecoreInterpreter ; break ;
case 1 : m_game_profile . m_cpuMode = CPUMode : : SinglecoreRecompiler ; break ;
case 2 : m_game_profile . m_cpuMode = CPUMode : : MulticoreRecompiler ; break ;
default :
m_game_profile . m_cpuMode = CPUMode : : Auto ;
const wxString thread_quantum = m_thread_quantum - > GetStringSelection ( ) ;
if ( ! thread_quantum . empty ( ) )
m_game_profile . m_threadQuantum = ConvertString < uint32 > ( thread_quantum . ToStdString ( ) ) ;
m_game_profile . m_threadQuantum = std : : min < uint32 > ( m_game_profile . m_threadQuantum , 536870912 ) ;
m_game_profile . m_threadQuantum = std : : max < uint32 > ( m_game_profile . m_threadQuantum , 5000 ) ;
// gpu
m_game_profile . m_accurateShaderMul = ( AccurateShaderMulOption ) m_shader_mul_accuracy - > GetSelection ( ) ;
if ( m_graphic_api - > GetSelection ( ) = = 0 )
m_game_profile . m_graphics_api = { } ;
m_game_profile . m_graphics_api = ( GraphicAPI ) ( m_graphic_api - > GetSelection ( ) - 1 ) ; // "", OpenGL, Vulkan
// controller
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; + + i )
if ( m_controller_profile [ i ] - > GetSelection ( ) = = wxNOT_FOUND )
m_game_profile . m_controllerProfile [ i ] . reset ( ) ;
continue ;
const wxString profile_name = m_controller_profile [ i ] - > GetStringSelection ( ) ;
if ( profile_name . empty ( ) )
m_game_profile . m_controllerProfile [ i ] . reset ( ) ;
m_game_profile . m_controllerProfile [ i ] = profile_name . ToUTF8 ( ) ;
// update game profile file
m_game_profile . Save ( m_title_id ) ;
void GameProfileWindow : : SetSliderValue ( wxSlider * slider , sint32 new_value ) const
wxASSERT ( slider ) ;
slider - > SetValue ( new_value ) ;
wxCommandEvent slider_event ( wxEVT_SLIDER , slider - > GetId ( ) ) ;
slider_event . SetEventObject ( slider ) ;
slider_event . SetClientData ( ( void * ) IsFrozen ( ) ) ;
wxPostEvent ( slider - > GetEventHandler ( ) , slider_event ) ;