#include "gui/wxgui.h" #include "gui/GameUpdateWindow.h" #include "util/helpers/helpers.h" #include #include #include "util/helpers/SystemException.h" #include "gui/CemuApp.h" #include "Cafe/TitleList/GameInfo.h" #include "gui/helpers/wxHelpers.h" #include "wxHelper.h" std::string _GetTitleIdTypeStr(TitleId titleId) { TitleIdParser tip(titleId); switch (tip.GetType()) { case TitleIdParser::TITLE_TYPE::AOC: return _("DLC").ToStdString(); case TitleIdParser::TITLE_TYPE::BASE_TITLE: return _("Base game").ToStdString(); case TitleIdParser::TITLE_TYPE::BASE_TITLE_DEMO: return _("Demo").ToStdString(); case TitleIdParser::TITLE_TYPE::SYSTEM_TITLE: case TitleIdParser::TITLE_TYPE::SYSTEM_OVERLAY_TITLE: return _("System title").ToStdString(); case TitleIdParser::TITLE_TYPE::SYSTEM_DATA: return _("System data title").ToStdString(); case TitleIdParser::TITLE_TYPE::BASE_TITLE_UPDATE: return _("Update").ToStdString(); default: break; } return "Unknown"; } bool IsRunningInWine(); bool GameUpdateWindow::ParseUpdate(const fs::path& metaPath) { m_title_info = TitleInfo(metaPath); if (!m_title_info.IsValid()) return false; fs::path target_location = ActiveSettings::GetMlcPath(m_title_info.GetInstallPath()); std::error_code ec; if (fs::exists(target_location, ec)) { try { const TitleInfo tmp(target_location); if (!tmp.IsValid()) { // does not exist / is not valid. We allow to overwrite it } else { TitleIdParser tip(m_title_info.GetAppTitleId()); TitleIdParser tipOther(tmp.GetAppTitleId()); if (tip.GetType() != tipOther.GetType()) { std::string typeStrToInstall = _GetTitleIdTypeStr(m_title_info.GetAppTitleId()); std::string typeStrCurrentlyInstalled = _GetTitleIdTypeStr(tmp.GetAppTitleId()); std::string wxMsg = wxHelper::MakeUTF8(_("It seems that there is already a title installed at the target location but it has a different type.\nCurrently installed: \'{}\' Installing: \'{}\'\n\nThis can happen for titles which were installed with very old Cemu versions.\nDo you still want to continue with the installation? It will replace the currently installed title.")); wxMessageDialog dialog(this, fmt::format(fmt::runtime(wxMsg), typeStrCurrentlyInstalled, typeStrToInstall), _("Warning"), wxCENTRE | wxYES_NO | wxICON_EXCLAMATION); if (dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return false; } else if (tmp.GetAppTitleVersion() == m_title_info.GetAppTitleVersion()) { wxMessageDialog dialog(this, _("It seems that the selected title is already installed, do you want to reinstall it?"), _("Warning"), wxCENTRE | wxYES_NO); if (dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return false; } else if (tmp.GetAppTitleVersion() > m_title_info.GetAppTitleVersion()) { wxMessageDialog dialog(this, _("It seems that a newer version is already installed, do you still want to install the older version?"), _("Warning"), wxCENTRE | wxYES_NO); if (dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return false; } } // temp rename until done m_backup_folder = target_location; m_backup_folder.replace_extension(".backup"); std::error_code ec; while (fs::exists(m_backup_folder, ec) || ec) { fs::remove_all(m_backup_folder, ec); if (ec) { const auto error_msg = wxStringFormat2(_("Error when trying to move former title installation:\n{}"), GetSystemErrorMessage(ec)); wxMessageBox(error_msg, _("Error"), wxOK | wxCENTRE, this); return false; } // wait so filesystem doesnt std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); } fs::rename(target_location, m_backup_folder); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { forceLog_printf("GameUpdateWindow::ParseUpdate exist-error: %s at %s", ex.what(), target_location.generic_u8string().c_str()); } } m_target_path = target_location; fs::path source(metaPath); m_source_paths = { fs::path(source).append("content"), fs::path(source).append("code"), fs::path(source).append("meta") }; m_required_size = 0; for (auto& path : m_source_paths) { for (const fs::directory_entry& f : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(path)) { if (is_regular_file(f.path())) m_required_size += file_size(f.path()); } } // checking size is buggy on Wine (on Steam Deck this would return values too small to install bigger updates) - we therefore skip this step if(!IsRunningInWine()) { const fs::space_info targetSpace = fs::space(target_location); if (targetSpace.free <= m_required_size) { auto string = wxStringFormat(_("Not enough space available.\nRequired: {0} MB\nAvailable: {1} MB"), L"%lld %lld", (m_required_size / 1024 / 1024), (targetSpace.free / 1024 / 1024)); throw std::runtime_error(string); } } return true; } GameUpdateWindow::GameUpdateWindow(wxWindow& parent, const fs::path& filePath) : wxDialog(&parent, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxCAPTION | wxMINIMIZE_BOX | wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL | wxCLOSE_BOX), m_thread_state(ThreadRunning) { try { #if BOOST_OS_WINDOWS SetLastError(0); #endif if(!ParseUpdate(filePath)) throw AbortException(); } catch (const std::runtime_error& ex) { throw SystemException(ex); } auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); TitleIdParser tip(GetTitleId()); if (tip.GetType() == TitleIdParser::TITLE_TYPE::AOC) SetTitle(_("Installing DLC...")); else if (tip.GetType() == TitleIdParser::TITLE_TYPE::BASE_TITLE_UPDATE) SetTitle(_("Installing update...")); else if (tip.IsSystemTitle()) SetTitle(_("Installing system title...")); else SetTitle(_("Installing title...")); m_processBar = new wxGauge(this, wxID_ANY, 100, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(500, 20), wxGA_HORIZONTAL); m_processBar->SetValue(0); m_processBar->SetRange((sint32)(m_required_size / 1000)); sizer->Add(m_processBar, 0, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 5); wxButton* m_cancelButton = new wxButton(this, wxID_ANY, _("Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0); m_cancelButton->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &GameUpdateWindow::OnCancelButton, this); sizer->Add(m_cancelButton, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALL, 5); this->SetSizer(sizer); this->Centre(wxBOTH); wxWindowBase::Layout(); wxWindowBase::Fit(); m_timer = new wxTimer(this); this->Bind(wxEVT_TIMER, &GameUpdateWindow::OnUpdate, this); this->Bind(wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, &GameUpdateWindow::OnClose, this); m_timer->Start(250); m_thread_state = ThreadRunning; m_thread = std::thread(&GameUpdateWindow::ThreadWork, this); } void GameUpdateWindow::ThreadWork() { fs::directory_entry currentDirEntry; try { // create base directories for (auto& path : m_source_paths) { if (!path.has_stem()) continue; fs::path targetDir = fs::path(m_target_path) / path.stem(); create_directories(targetDir); } for (auto& path : m_source_paths) { if (m_thread_state == ThreadCanceled) break; if (!path.has_parent_path()) continue; const auto len = path.parent_path().string().size() + 1; for (const fs::directory_entry& f : fs::recursive_directory_iterator {path}) { if (m_thread_state == ThreadCanceled) break; currentDirEntry = f; fs::path relative(f.path().string().substr(len)); fs::path target = fs::path(m_target_path) / relative; if (is_directory(f)) { create_directories(target); continue; } copy(f, target, fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing); if (is_regular_file(f.path())) { m_processed_size += file_size(f.path()); } } } } catch (const std::exception& ex) { std::stringstream error_msg; error_msg << GetSystemErrorMessage(ex); if(currentDirEntry != fs::directory_entry{}) error_msg << fmt::format("\n{}\n{}",_("Current file:").ToStdString(), _pathToUtf8(currentDirEntry.path())); m_thread_exception = error_msg.str(); m_thread_state = ThreadCanceled; } if (m_thread_state == ThreadCanceled) { if(fs::exists(m_target_path)) fs::remove_all(m_target_path); } else m_thread_state = ThreadFinished; } GameUpdateWindow::~GameUpdateWindow() { m_timer->Stop(); if (m_thread.joinable()) m_thread.join(); } int GameUpdateWindow::ShowModal() { wxDialog::ShowModal(); return m_thread_state == ThreadCanceled ? wxID_CANCEL : wxID_OK; } void GameUpdateWindow::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event) { if (m_thread_state == ThreadRunning) { wxMessageDialog dialog(this, _("Do you really want to cancel the installation process?\n\nCanceling the process will delete the applied files."), _("Info"), wxCENTRE | wxYES_NO); if (dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return; m_thread_state = ThreadCanceled; } m_timer->Stop(); if (m_thread.joinable()) m_thread.join(); if(!m_backup_folder.empty()) { if(m_thread_state == ThreadCanceled) { // restore backup try { if(fs::exists(m_target_path)) fs::remove_all(m_target_path); fs::rename(m_backup_folder, m_target_path); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { forceLogDebug_printf("can't restore update backup: %s",ex.what()); } } else { // delete backup try { if(fs::exists(m_backup_folder)) fs::remove_all(m_backup_folder); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { forceLogDebug_printf("can't delete update backup: %s",ex.what()); } } m_backup_folder.clear(); } event.Skip(); } void GameUpdateWindow::OnUpdate(const wxTimerEvent& event) { if (m_thread_state != ThreadRunning) { Close(); return; } const auto processedSize = (sint32)(m_processed_size / 1000); if (m_processBar->GetValue() != processedSize) m_processBar->SetValue(processedSize); } void GameUpdateWindow::OnCancelButton(const wxCommandEvent& event) { Close(); }