name: Calculate Next Version from release history on: workflow_dispatch: workflow_call: outputs: next_version: description: "The next semantic version" value: ${{ jobs.calculate-version.outputs.next_version }} next_version_major: description: "The next semantic version (major)" value: ${{ jobs.calculate-version.outputs.next_version_major }} next_version_minor: description: "The next semantic version (minor)" value: ${{ jobs.calculate-version.outputs.next_version_minor }} jobs: calculate-version: runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: next_version: ${{ steps.calculate_next_version.outputs.next_version }} next_version_major: ${{ steps.calculate_next_version.outputs.next_version_major }} next_version_minor: ${{ steps.calculate_next_version.outputs.next_version_minor }} steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Get all releases id: get_all_releases run: | # Fetch all releases and check for API errors RESPONSE=$(curl -s -o response.json -w "%{http_code}" "${{ github.repository }}/releases?per_page=100") if [ "$RESPONSE" -ne 200 ]; then echo "Failed to fetch releases. HTTP status: $RESPONSE" cat response.json exit 1 fi # Extract and sort tags ALL_TAGS=$(jq -r '.[].tag_name' response.json | grep -E '^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(-[0-9]+)?$' | sed 's/-.*//' | sort -V | tail -n 1) # Exit if no tags were found if [ -z "$ALL_TAGS" ]; then echo "No valid tags found." exit 1 fi echo "::set-output name=tag::$ALL_TAGS" # echo "tag=$ALL_TAGS" >> $GITHUB_STATE - name: Calculate next semver minor id: calculate_next_version run: | LATEST_VERSION=${{ steps.get_all_releases.outputs.tag }} # strip 'v' prefix and split into major.minor LATEST_VERSION=${LATEST_VERSION//v/} IFS='.' read -r -a VERSION_PARTS <<< "$LATEST_VERSION" MAJOR=${VERSION_PARTS[0]} MINOR=${VERSION_PARTS[1]} # increment the minor version MINOR=$((MINOR + 1)) NEXT_VERSION="${MAJOR}.${MINOR}" echo "Major: $MAJOR" echo "Minor: $MINOR" echo "Next version: $NEXT_VERSION" echo "::set-output name=next_version::$NEXT_VERSION" echo "::set-output name=next_version_major::$MAJOR" echo "::set-output name=next_version_minor::$MINOR"