2022-08-22 22:21:23 +02:00

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@ *
@ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
@ *
@ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
@ *
@ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
@ *
@ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
@ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
@ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
@ * limitations under the License.
@ *
@ *****************************************************************************
@ * Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
@ *******************************************************************************
@ * @file
@ * ih264_mem_fns_neon.s
@ *
@ * @brief
@ * Contains function definitions for memory manipulation
@ *
@ * @author
@ * Naveen SR
@ *
@ * @par List of Functions:
@ * - ih264_memcpy_mul_8_a9q()
@ * - ih264_memcpy_a9q()
@ * - ih264_memset_mul_8_a9q()
@ * - ih264_memset_a9q()
@ * - ih264_memset_16bit_mul_8_a9q()
@ * - ih264_memset_a9q()
@ *
@ * @remarks
@ * None
@ *
@ *******************************************************************************
@* @brief
@* memcpy of a 1d array
@* @par Description:
@* Does memcpy of 8bit data from source to destination for 8,16 or 32 number of bytes
@* @param[in] pu1_dst
@* UWORD8 pointer to the destination
@* @param[in] pu1_src
@* UWORD8 pointer to the source
@* @param[in] num_bytes
@* number of bytes to copy
@* @returns
@* @remarks
@* None
@void ih264_memcpy_mul_8(UWORD8 *pu1_dst,
@ UWORD8 *pu1_src,
@ UWORD32 num_bytes)
@**************Variables Vs Registers*************************
@ r0 => *pu1_dst
@ r1 => *pu1_src
@ r2 => num_bytes
.p2align 2
.global ih264_memcpy_mul_8_a9q
@ Memcpy 8 bytes
vld1.8 d0, [r1]!
vst1.8 d0, [r0]!
subs r2, r2, #8
bne loop_neon_memcpy_mul_8
bx lr
@void ih264_memcpy(UWORD8 *pu1_dst,
@ UWORD8 *pu1_src,
@ UWORD32 num_bytes)
@**************Variables Vs Registers*************************
@ r0 => *pu1_dst
@ r1 => *pu1_src
@ r2 => num_bytes
.global ih264_memcpy_a9q
subs r2, #8
blt memcpy
@ Memcpy 8 bytes
vld1.8 d0, [r1]!
vst1.8 d0, [r0]!
subs r2, #8
bge loop_neon_memcpy
cmp r2, #-8
bxeq lr
add r2, #8
ldrb r3, [r1], #1
strb r3, [r0], #1
subs r2, #1
bne loop_memcpy
bx lr
@void ih264_memset_mul_8(UWORD8 *pu1_dst,
@ UWORD8 value,
@ UWORD32 num_bytes)
@**************Variables Vs Registers*************************
@ r0 => *pu1_dst
@ r1 => value
@ r2 => num_bytes
.global ih264_memset_mul_8_a9q
@ Assumptions: numbytes is either 8, 16 or 32
vdup.8 d0, r1
@ Memset 8 bytes
vst1.8 d0, [r0]!
subs r2, r2, #8
bne loop_memset_mul_8
bx lr
@void ih264_memset(UWORD8 *pu1_dst,
@ UWORD8 value,
@ UWORD8 num_bytes)
@**************Variables Vs Registers*************************
@ r0 => *pu1_dst
@ r1 => value
@ r2 => num_bytes
.global ih264_memset_a9q
subs r2, #8
blt memset
vdup.8 d0, r1
@ Memcpy 8 bytes
vst1.8 d0, [r0]!
subs r2, #8
bge loop_neon_memset
cmp r2, #-8
bxeq lr
add r2, #8
strb r1, [r0], #1
subs r2, #1
bne loop_memset
bx lr
@void ih264_memset_16bit_mul_8(UWORD16 *pu2_dst,
@ UWORD16 value,
@ UWORD32 num_words)
@**************Variables Vs Registers*************************
@ r0 => *pu2_dst
@ r1 => value
@ r2 => num_words
.global ih264_memset_16bit_mul_8_a9q
@ Assumptions: num_words is either 8, 16 or 32
@ Memset 8 words
vdup.16 d0, r1
vst1.16 d0, [r0]!
vst1.16 d0, [r0]!
subs r2, r2, #8
bne loop_memset_16bit_mul_8
bx lr
@void ih264_memset_16bit(UWORD16 *pu2_dst,
@ UWORD16 value,
@ UWORD32 num_words)
@**************Variables Vs Registers*************************
@ r0 => *pu2_dst
@ r1 => value
@ r2 => num_words
.global ih264_memset_16bit_a9q
subs r2, #8
blt memset_16bit
vdup.16 d0, r1
@ Memset 8 words
vst1.16 d0, [r0]!
vst1.16 d0, [r0]!
subs r2, #8
bge loop_neon_memset_16bit
cmp r2, #-8
bxeq lr
add r2, #8
strh r1, [r0], #2
subs r2, #1
bne loop_memset_16bit
bx lr