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synced 2025-02-04 04:36:25 +01:00
The optimization for colorbuffer resolution introduced in PR #706 is now enabled. This optimization changes the resolution of certain framebuffer textures, which may conflict with the texture resolution rules set by some graphic packs. As a result, if a graphic pack that specifies texture resolution rules is in use, the optimization will automatically be turned off to prevent any issues. To circumvent this, graphic packs can now include the setting "colorbufferOptimizationAware = true" in their rules.txt. This setting indicates that the pack has been updated to handle the resolution changes introduced by the optimization. Cemu will allow the optimization to remain enabled if resolution packs have this flag set.
335 lines
12 KiB
335 lines
12 KiB
#pragma once
#include "util/helpers/helpers.h"
#include "Cemu/ExpressionParser/ExpressionParser.h"
#include "Cafe/HW/Latte/Renderer/RendererOuputShader.h"
#include "util/helpers/Serializer.h"
#include "Cafe/OS/RPL/rpl.h"
#include "Cemu/PPCAssembler/ppcAssembler.h"
#include <variant>
#include "Cafe/HW/Latte/Renderer/Renderer.h"
#include "GraphicPack2Patches.h"
#include "util/IniParser/IniParser.h"
class GraphicPack2
enum class GP_SHADER_TYPE : uint8
PIXEL = 0,
GFXPACK_VERSION_6 = 6, // added memory extensions
GFXPACK_VERSION_7 = 7, // added fine-grained origin control in patch format (no more forced 4 byte alignment), .string directive (an alias to .byte) and support for more than one constant per data directive
struct TextureRule
// filter (texture must match these settings)
enum class MEM1_FILTER {
sint32 width = -1;
sint32 height = -1;
sint32 depth = -1;
std::vector<sint32> format_whitelist{};
std::vector<sint32> format_blacklist{};
std::vector<sint32> tilemode_whitelist{};
std::vector<sint32> tilemode_blacklist{};
} filter_settings;
// overwrite (if match found, these settings are overwritten)
sint32 width = -1;
sint32 height = -1;
sint32 depth = -1;
sint32 format = -1;
sint32 lod_bias = -1; // in 1/64th steps
sint32 relative_lod_bias = -1; // in 1/64th steps
sint32 anistropic_value = -1; // 1<<n
} overwrite_settings;
struct CustomShader
std::string source;
uint64 shader_base_hash;
uint64 shader_aux_hash;
bool isPreVulkanShader{}; // set to true for V3 packs since the shaders are not compatible with the Vulkan renderer
enum VarType
kDouble = 0,
kInt = 1,
using PresetVar = std::pair<VarType, double>;
struct Preset
std::string category; // preset category (empty for default)
std::string name; // displayed name
std::string condition;
std::unordered_map<std::string, PresetVar> variables;
bool active = false; // selected/active preset
bool visible = true; // set by condition or true
bool is_default = false; // selected by default
Preset(std::string_view name, std::unordered_map<std::string, PresetVar> vars)
: name(name), variables(std::move(vars)) {}
Preset(std::string_view category, std::string_view name, std::unordered_map<std::string, PresetVar> vars)
: category(category), name(name), variables(std::move(vars)) {}
Preset(std::string_view category, std::string_view name, std::string_view condition, std::unordered_map<std::string, PresetVar> vars)
: category(category), name(name), condition(condition), variables(std::move(vars)) {}
using PresetPtr = std::shared_ptr<Preset>;
GraphicPack2(fs::path rulesPath, IniParser& rules);
bool IsEnabled() const { return m_enabled; }
bool IsActivated() const { return m_activated; }
sint32 GetVersion() const { return m_version; }
const fs::path GetRulesPath() const { return m_rulesPath; }
std::string GetNormalizedPathString() const;
bool RequiresRestart(bool changeEnableState, bool changePreset);
bool Reload();
bool HasName() const { return !m_name.empty(); }
const std::string& GetName() const { return m_name.empty() ? m_virtualPath : m_name; }
const std::string& GetVirtualPath() const { return m_virtualPath; } // returns the path in the gfx tree hierarchy
const std::string& GetDescription() const { return m_description; }
bool IsDefaultEnabled() const { return m_default_enabled; }
bool AllowRendertargetSizeOptimization() const { return m_allowRendertargetSizeOptimization; }
void SetEnabled(bool state) { m_enabled = state; }
bool ContainsTitleId(uint64_t title_id) const;
const std::vector<uint64_t>& GetTitleIds() const { return m_title_ids; }
bool HasCustomVSyncFrequency() const { return m_vsync_frequency >= 1; }
sint32 GetCustomVSyncFrequency() const { return m_vsync_frequency; }
// texture rules
const std::vector<TextureRule>& GetTextureRules() const { return m_texture_rules; }
// presets
[[nodiscard]] bool HasActivePreset() const;
[[nodiscard]] std::string GetActivePreset(std::string_view category = "") const;
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<PresetPtr> GetActivePresets() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool IsPresetVisible(const PresetPtr& preset) const;
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<PresetVar> GetPresetVariable(const std::vector<PresetPtr>& presets, std::string_view var_name) const;
void ValidatePresetSelections();
bool SetActivePreset(std::string_view category, std::string_view name, bool update_visibility = true);
bool SetActivePreset(std::string_view name);
void UpdatePresetVisibility();
void AddConstantsForCurrentPreset(ExpressionParser& ep);
bool ResolvePresetConstant(const std::string& varname, double& value) const;
[[nodiscard]] const std::vector<PresetPtr>& GetPresets() const { return m_presets; }
[[nodiscard]] std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<PresetPtr>> GetCategorizedPresets(std::vector<std::string>& order) const;
// shaders
void LoadShaders();
bool HasShaders() const;
const std::vector<CustomShader>& GetCustomShaders() const { return m_custom_shaders; }
static const std::string* FindCustomShaderSource(uint64 shaderBaseHash, uint64 shaderAuxHash, GP_SHADER_TYPE type, bool isVulkanRenderer);
const std::string& GetOutputShaderSource() const { return m_output_shader_source; }
const std::string& GetDownscalingShaderSource() const { return m_downscaling_shader_source; }
const std::string& GetUpscalingShaderSource() const { return m_upscaling_shader_source; }
RendererOutputShader* GetOuputShader(bool render_upside_down);
RendererOutputShader* GetUpscalingShader(bool render_upside_down);
RendererOutputShader* GetDownscalingShader(bool render_upside_down);
LatteTextureView::MagFilter GetUpscalingMagFilter() const { return m_output_settings.upscale_filter; }
LatteTextureView::MagFilter GetDownscalingMagFilter() const { return m_output_settings.downscale_filter; }
// static methods
static void LoadAll();
static const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GraphicPack2>>& GetGraphicPacks() { return s_graphic_packs; }
static const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GraphicPack2>>& GetActiveGraphicPacks() { return s_active_graphic_packs; }
static void LoadGraphicPack(fs::path graphicPackPath);
static bool LoadGraphicPack(const fs::path& rulesPath, class IniParser& rules);
static bool ActivateGraphicPack(const std::shared_ptr<GraphicPack2>& graphic_pack);
static bool DeactivateGraphicPack(const std::shared_ptr<GraphicPack2>& graphic_pack);
static void ClearGraphicPacks();
static void WaitUntilReady(); // wait until all graphic packs finished activation
static void ActivateForCurrentTitle();
static void Reset();
bool Activate();
bool Deactivate();
static std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GraphicPack2>> s_graphic_packs;
static std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GraphicPack2>> s_active_graphic_packs;
static std::atomic_bool s_isReady;
template<typename TType>
void FillPresetConstants(TExpressionParser<TType>& parser) const
// fils preset variables with priority
// active && visible > active > default
const auto active_presets = GetActivePresets();
for(const auto& preset : active_presets)
for (auto& var : preset->variables)
parser.AddConstant(var.first, (TType)var.second.second);
for(const auto& preset : active_presets)
for (auto& var : preset->variables)
parser.TryAddConstant(var.first, (TType)var.second.second);
for (auto& var : m_preset_vars)
parser.TryAddConstant(var.first, (TType)var.second.second);
fs::path m_rulesPath;
sint32 m_version;
std::string m_name;
std::string m_virtualPath;
std::string m_description;
bool m_default_enabled = false;
bool m_allowRendertargetSizeOptimization = false; // gfx pack supports framebuffers with non-padded sizes, which is an optional optimization introduced with Cemu 2.0-74
// filter
std::optional<RendererAPI> m_renderer_api;
std::optional<GfxVendor> m_gfx_vendor;
bool m_enabled = false;
bool m_activated = false; // set if the graphic pack is currently used by the running game
std::vector<uint64_t> m_title_ids;
bool m_patchedFilesLoaded = false; // set to true once patched files are loaded
sint32 m_vsync_frequency = -1;
sint32 m_fs_priority = 100;
LatteTextureView::MagFilter upscale_filter = LatteTextureView::MagFilter::kLinear;
LatteTextureView::MagFilter downscale_filter = LatteTextureView::MagFilter::kLinear;
} m_output_settings;
std::vector<PresetPtr> m_presets;
// default preset vars
std::unordered_map<std::string, PresetVar> m_preset_vars;
std::vector<CustomShader> m_custom_shaders;
std::vector<TextureRule> m_texture_rules;
std::string m_output_shader_source, m_upscaling_shader_source, m_downscaling_shader_source;
std::unique_ptr<RendererOutputShader> m_output_shader, m_upscaling_shader, m_downscaling_shader, m_output_shader_ud, m_upscaling_shader_ud, m_downscaling_shader_ud;
template<typename T>
bool ParseRule(const ExpressionParser& parser, IniParser& iniParser, const char* option_name, T* value_out) const;
template<typename T>
std::vector<T> ParseList(const ExpressionParser& parser, IniParser& iniParser, const char* option_name) const;
std::unordered_map<std::string, PresetVar> ParsePresetVars(IniParser& rules) const;
std::vector<uint64> ParseTitleIds(IniParser& rules, const char* option_name) const;
CustomShader LoadShader(const fs::path& path, uint64 shader_base_hash, uint64 shader_aux_hash, GP_SHADER_TYPE shader_type) const;
void ApplyShaderPresets(std::string& shader_source) const;
void LoadReplacedFiles();
void _iterateReplacedFiles(const fs::path& currentPath, bool isAOC);
// ram mappings
std::vector<std::pair<MPTR, MPTR>> m_ramMappings;
// patches
void LoadPatchFiles(); // loads Cemuhook or Cemu patches
bool LoadCemuPatches();
void ParseCemuhookPatchesTxtInternal(MemStreamReader& patchesStream);
bool ParseCemuPatchesTxtInternal(MemStreamReader& patchesStream);
void CancelParsingPatches();
void ApplyPatchGroups(std::vector<PatchGroup*>& groups, const RPLModule* rpl);
void UndoPatchGroups(std::vector<PatchGroup*>& groups, const RPLModule* rpl);
void AddPatchGroup(PatchGroup* group);
sint32 GetLengthWithoutComment(const char* str, size_t length);
void LogPatchesSyntaxError(sint32 lineNumber, std::string_view errorMsg);
std::vector<PatchGroup*> list_patchGroups;
static std::recursive_mutex mtx_patches;
static std::vector<const RPLModule*> list_modules;
static std::vector<std::pair<MPTR, MPTR>> GetActiveRAMMappings();
void EnablePatches();
void UnloadPatches();
bool HasPatches();
const std::vector<PatchGroup*>& GetPatchGroups();
void ApplyPatchesForModule(const RPLModule* rpl);
void RevertPatchesForModule(const RPLModule* rpl);
static void NotifyModuleLoaded(const RPLModule* rpl);
static void NotifyModuleUnloaded(const RPLModule* rpl);
using GraphicPackPtr = std::shared_ptr<GraphicPack2>;
template <typename T>
bool GraphicPack2::ParseRule(const ExpressionParser& parser, IniParser& iniParser, const char* option_name, T* value_out) const
auto option_value = iniParser.FindOption(option_name);
if (option_value)
*value_out = parser.Evaluate<T>(*option_value);
return true;
return false;
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> GraphicPack2::ParseList(const ExpressionParser& parser, IniParser& iniParser, const char* option_name) const
std::vector<T> result;
auto option_text = iniParser.FindOption(option_name);
if (!option_text)
return result;
for(auto& token : Tokenize(*option_text, ','))
catch (const std::invalid_argument&) {}
return result;
} |