2015-01-17 10:11:08 +00:00

486 lines
9.1 KiB

fsop contains coomprensive set of function for file and folder handling
en exposed s_fsop fsop structure can be used by callback to update operation status
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ogcsys.h>
#include <ogc/lwp_watchdog.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h> //for mkdir
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#define GB_SIZE 1073741824.0
#include "fileOps.h"
#include "video.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "wpad.h"
#define SET(a, b) a = b; DCFlushRange(&a, sizeof(a));
#define STACKSIZE 8192
static u8 *buff = NULL;
static FILE *fs = NULL, *ft = NULL;
static u32 block = 65536 * 8;
static u32 blockIdx = 0;
static u32 blockInfo[2] = {0,0};
static u32 blockReady = 0;
static u32 stopThread;
static u64 folderSize = 0;
static u64 bytesCopiedPrevFiles = 0;
void __Copy_Spinner(s64 x, u64 max)
static time_t start;
static u32 expected;
static u32 prev_d;
f32 percent, size;
u32 d, h, m, s;
/* First time */
if (!x) {
start = time(0);
expected = 300;
/* Elapsed time */
d = time(0) - start;
if (x != max) {
/* only update the display once a second results in 25% speed improvement */
if (prev_d == d) return;
prev_d = d;
/* Expected time */
if (d && x)
expected = (expected * 3 + d * max / x) / 4;
/* Remaining time */
d = (expected > d) ? (expected - d) : 1;
/* Calculate time values */
h = d / 3600;
m = (d / 60) % 60;
s = d % 60;
/* Calculate percentage/size */
percent = (x * 100.0) / max;
size = (max / GB_SIZE);
/* Show progress */
if (x != max) {
printf_(gt("%.2f%% of %.2fGB (%c) ETA: %d:%02d:%02d"),
percent, size, "/-\\|"[(x / 10) % 4], h, m, s);
} else {
printf_(gt("%.2fGB copied in %d:%02d:%02d"), size, h, m, s);
printf(" \n");
// printf(gt("Press any button..."));
// printf("\n");
// Wpad_WaitButtons();
// return false if the file doesn't exist
bool fsop_GetFileSizeBytes (char *path, size_t *filesize) // for me stats st_size report always 0 :(
FILE *f;
size_t size = 0;
f = fopen(path, "rb");
if (!f)
if (filesize) *filesize = size;
return false;
//Get file size
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_END);
size = ftell(f);
if (filesize) *filesize = size;
fclose (f);
return true;
Recursive fsop_GetFolderBytes
u64 fsop_GetFolderBytes (char *source)
DIR *pdir;
struct dirent *pent;
char newSource[300];
u64 bytes = 0;
while ((pent=readdir(pdir)) != NULL)
// Skip it
if (strcmp (pent->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp (pent->d_name, "..") == 0)
sprintf (newSource, "%s/%s", source, pent->d_name);
// If it is a folder... recurse...
if (fsop_DirExist (newSource))
bytes += fsop_GetFolderBytes (newSource);
else // It is a file !
size_t s;
fsop_GetFileSizeBytes (newSource, &s);
bytes += s;
//Debug ("fsop_GetFolderBytes (%s) = %llu", source, bytes);
return bytes;
u32 fsop_GetFolderKb (char *source)
u32 ret = (u32) round ((double)fsop_GetFolderBytes (source) / 1000.0);
return ret;
u32 fsop_GetFreeSpaceKb (char *path) // Return free kb on the device passed
struct statvfs s;
statvfs (path, &s);
u32 ret = (u32)round( ((double)s.f_bfree / 1000.0) * s.f_bsize);
return ret ;
bool fsop_FileExist (char *fn)
FILE * f;
f = fopen(fn, "rb");
if (!f) return false;
return true;
bool fsop_DirExist (char *path)
DIR *dir;
if (dir)
return true;
return false;
static void *thread_CopyFileReader (void *arg)
u32 rb;
stopThread = 0;
DCFlushRange(&stopThread, sizeof(stopThread));
SET (rb, fread(&buff[blockIdx*block], 1, block, fs ));
SET (blockInfo[blockIdx], rb);
SET (blockReady, 1);
while (blockReady && !stopThread) usleep(1);
while (stopThread == 0);
stopThread = -1;
DCFlushRange(&stopThread, sizeof(stopThread));
return 0;
bool doCopyFile (char *source, char *target)
int err = 0;
u32 size;
u32 bytes, rb,wb;
if (strstr (source, "usb:") && strstr (target, "usb:"))
block = 1024*1024;
else block = 65536 * 8;
fs = fopen(source, "rb");
if (!fs)
return false;
ft = fopen(target, "wt");
if (!ft)
fclose (fs);
return false;
//Get file size
fseek ( fs, 0, SEEK_END);
size = ftell(fs);
if (size == 0)
fclose (fs);
fclose (ft);
return true;
// Return to beginning....
fseek( fs, 0, SEEK_SET);
u8 * threadStack = NULL;
lwp_t hthread = LWP_THREAD_NULL;
buff = memalign (32, block*2);
if (buff == NULL)
fclose (fs);
fclose (ft);
return false;
blockIdx = 0;
blockReady = 0;
blockInfo[0] = 0;
blockInfo[1] = 0;
threadStack = memalign(32,STACKSIZE);
LWP_CreateThread (&hthread, thread_CopyFileReader, NULL, threadStack, STACKSIZE, 30);
while (stopThread != 0)
usleep (5);
bytes = 0;
u32 bi;
while (!blockReady) usleep (1); // Let's wait for incoming block from the thread
bi = blockIdx;
// let's th thread to read the next buff
SET (blockIdx, 1 - blockIdx);
SET (blockReady, 0);
rb = blockInfo[bi];
// write current block
wb = fwrite(&buff[bi*block], 1, rb, ft);
if (rb != wb) err = 1;
if (rb == 0) err = 1;
bytes += rb;
__Copy_Spinner(bytes + bytesCopiedPrevFiles, folderSize);
while (bytes < size && err == 0);
stopThread = 1;
DCFlushRange(&stopThread, sizeof(stopThread));
while (stopThread != -1)
usleep (5);
LWP_JoinThread(hthread, NULL);
stopThread = 1;
DCFlushRange(&stopThread, sizeof(stopThread));
fclose (fs);
fclose (ft);
bytesCopiedPrevFiles += bytes; //keep total bytes when copying dir
if (err)
unlink (target);
return false;
return true;
bool fsop_CopyFile (char *source, char *target)
size_t s;
fsop_GetFileSizeBytes (source, &s);
folderSize = s;
__Copy_Spinner(0, folderSize); // init spinner
bytesCopiedPrevFiles = 0;
return doCopyFile (source, target);
Semplified folder make
bool fsop_MakeFolder (char *path)
if (mkdir(path, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE) == 0) return true;
return false;
Recursive copyfolder
static bool doCopyFolder (char *source, char *target)
DIR *pdir;
struct dirent *pent;
char newSource[300], newTarget[300];
bool ret = true;
// If target folder doesn't exist, create it !
if (!fsop_DirExist (target))
fsop_MakeFolder (target);
while ((pent=readdir(pdir)) != NULL && ret == true)
// Skip it
if (strcmp (pent->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp (pent->d_name, "..") == 0)
sprintf (newSource, "%s/%s", source, pent->d_name);
sprintf (newTarget, "%s/%s", target, pent->d_name);
// If it is a folder... recurse...
if (fsop_DirExist (newSource))
ret = doCopyFolder (newSource, newTarget);
else // It is a file !
ret = doCopyFile (newSource, newTarget);
return ret;
bool fsop_CopyFolder (char *source, char *target)
folderSize = fsop_GetFolderBytes(source);
__Copy_Spinner(0, folderSize); // init spinner
bytesCopiedPrevFiles = 0;
return doCopyFolder (source, target);
// Pass <mount>://<folder1>/<folder2>.../<folderN> or <mount>:/<folder1>/<folder2>.../<folderN>
bool fsop_CreateFolderTree (char *path)
int i;
int start, len;
char buff[300];
char b[8];
char *p;
start = 0;
strcpy (b, "://");
p = strstr (path, b);
if (p == NULL)
strcpy (b, ":/");
p = strstr (path, b);
if (p == NULL)
return false; // path must contain
start = (p - path) + strlen(b);
len = strlen(path);
for (i = start; i <= len; i++)
if (path[i] == '/' || i == len)
strcpy (buff, path);
buff[i] = 0;
if (!fsop_DirExist(buff))
// Check if the tree has been created
return fsop_DirExist (path);
void fsop_deleteFolder(char *source)
DIR *pdir;
struct dirent *pent;
char newSource[300];
pdir = opendir(source);
while ((pent=readdir(pdir)) != NULL)
// Skip it
if (strcmp (pent->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp (pent->d_name, "..") == 0)
sprintf (newSource, "%s/%s", source, pent->d_name);
// If it is a folder... recurse...
if (fsop_DirExist(newSource))
else // It is a file !
dbg_printf("Deleting file: %s\n",newSource);
dbg_printf("Deleting directory: %s\n",source);