#include "FSWrapperMergeDirsWithParent.h" #include "utils/logger.h" #include #include #include #include FSStatus FSWrapperMergeDirsWithParent::FSOpenDirWrapper(const char *path, FSDirectoryHandle *handle) { auto res = FSWrapper::FSOpenDirWrapper(path, handle); if (res == FS_STATUS_OK) { if (handle == nullptr || !isValidDirHandle(*handle)) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] No valid dir handle %08X", getName().c_str(), *handle); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } auto *dirHandle = getDirExFromHandle(*handle); if (dirHandle != nullptr) { dirHandle->readResultCapacity = 0; dirHandle->readResultNumberOfEntries = 0; dirHandle->realDirHandle = 0; if (pFSClient && pCmdBlock) { FSDirectoryHandle realHandle = 0; DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("[%s] Call real_FSOpenDir for %s with error_flag %08X", getName().c_str(), path, (uint32_t) this); // Call FSOpen with "this" as errorFlag call FSOpen for "parent" layers only. if (FSOpenDir(pFSClient, pCmdBlock, path, &realHandle, (FSErrorFlag) (uint32_t) this) == FS_STATUS_OK) { dirHandle->realDirHandle = realHandle; } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("[%s] Failed to open real dir %s", getName().c_str(), path); } } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] Global FSClient or FSCmdBlock were null", getName().c_str()); } OSMemoryBarrier(); } } return res; } bool FSWrapperMergeDirsWithParent::SkipDeletedFilesInReadDir() { return false; } FSStatus FSWrapperMergeDirsWithParent::FSReadDirWrapper(FSDirectoryHandle handle, FSDirectoryEntry *entry) { do { auto res = FSWrapper::FSReadDirWrapper(handle, entry); if (res == FS_STATUS_OK || res == FS_STATUS_END) { if (!isValidDirHandle(handle)) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] No valid dir handle %08X", getName().c_str(), handle); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } auto *dirHandle = getDirExFromHandle(handle); if (res == FS_STATUS_OK) { if (dirHandle->readResultCapacity == 0) { dirHandle->readResult = (FSDirectoryEntryEx *) malloc(sizeof(FSDirectoryEntryEx)); if (dirHandle->readResult == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] Failed to alloc memory for %08X (handle %08X)", getName().c_str(), dirHandle, handle); OSFatal("Failed to alloc memory for read result"); } dirHandle->readResultCapacity = 1; } if (dirHandle->readResultNumberOfEntries >= dirHandle->readResultCapacity) { auto newCapacity = dirHandle->readResultCapacity * 2; dirHandle->readResult = (FSDirectoryEntryEx *) realloc(dirHandle->readResult, newCapacity * sizeof(FSDirectoryEntryEx)); dirHandle->readResultCapacity = newCapacity; if (dirHandle->readResult == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] Failed to realloc memory for %08X (handle %08X)", getName().c_str(), dirHandle, handle); OSFatal("Failed to alloc memory for read result"); } } memcpy(&dirHandle->readResult[dirHandle->readResultNumberOfEntries].realEntry, entry, sizeof(FSDirectoryEntry)); dirHandle->readResultNumberOfEntries++; /** * Read the next entry if this enntry starts with deletePrefix. We keep the entry but mark it as deleted. */ if (std::string_view(entry->name).starts_with(deletePrefix)) { dirHandle->readResult[dirHandle->readResultNumberOfEntries].isMarkedAsDeleted = true; OSMemoryBarrier(); continue; } OSMemoryBarrier(); } else if (res == FS_STATUS_END) { // Read the real directory. if (dirHandle->realDirHandle != 0) { if (pFSClient && pCmdBlock) { FSDirectoryEntry realDirEntry; FSStatus readDirResult; while (true) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("[%s] Call real_FSReadDir for %08X with error_flag %08X", getName().c_str(), dirHandle->realDirHandle, (uint32_t) this); readDirResult = FSReadDir(pFSClient, pCmdBlock, dirHandle->realDirHandle, &realDirEntry, (FSErrorFlag) (uint32_t) this); if (readDirResult == FS_STATUS_OK) { bool found = false; auto nameDeleted = deletePrefix + realDirEntry.name; for (int i = 0; i < dirHandle->readResultNumberOfEntries; i++) { auto curResult = &dirHandle->readResult[i]; // Don't return file that are "deleted" if (strcmp(curResult->realEntry.name, nameDeleted.c_str()) == 0) { found = true; break; } // Check if this is a new result if (strcmp(curResult->realEntry.name, realDirEntry.name) == 0 && !curResult->isMarkedAsDeleted) { found = true; break; } } // If it's new we can use it :) if (!found) { memcpy(entry, &realDirEntry, sizeof(FSDirectoryEntry)); res = FS_STATUS_OK; break; } } else if (readDirResult == FS_STATUS_END) { res = FS_STATUS_END; break; } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] real_FSReadDir returned an unexpected error: %08X", getName().c_str(), readDirResult); res = FS_STATUS_END; break; } } } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] Global FSClient or FSCmdBlock were null", getName().c_str()); } } } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] Unexpected result %d", getName().c_str(), res); } } return res; } while (true); } FSStatus FSWrapperMergeDirsWithParent::FSCloseDirWrapper(FSDirectoryHandle handle) { auto res = FSWrapper::FSCloseDirWrapper(handle); if (res == FS_STATUS_OK) { if (!isValidDirHandle(handle)) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] No valid dir handle %08X", getName().c_str(), handle); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } auto *dirHandle = getDirExFromHandle(handle); if (dirHandle->realDirHandle != 0) { if (pFSClient && pCmdBlock) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("[%s] Call FSCloseDir for %08X with error_flag %08X (this)", getName().c_str(), dirHandle->realDirHandle, (uint32_t) this); auto realResult = FSCloseDir(pFSClient, pCmdBlock, dirHandle->realDirHandle, (FSErrorFlag) (uint32_t) this); if (realResult == FS_STATUS_OK) { dirHandle->realDirHandle = 0; } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] Failed to close realDirHandle %d: res %d", getName().c_str(), dirHandle->realDirHandle, realResult); return realResult; } } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] Global FSClient or FSCmdBlock were null", getName().c_str()); } } if (dirHandle->readResult != nullptr) { free(dirHandle->readResult); dirHandle->readResult = nullptr; dirHandle->readResultCapacity = 0; dirHandle->readResultNumberOfEntries = 0; } OSMemoryBarrier(); } return res; } FSStatus FSWrapperMergeDirsWithParent::FSRewindDirWrapper(FSDirectoryHandle handle) { auto res = FSWrapper::FSRewindDirWrapper(handle); if (res == FS_STATUS_OK) { if (!isValidDirHandle(handle)) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] No valid dir handle %08X", getName().c_str(), handle); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } auto *dirHandle = getDirExFromHandle(handle); if (dirHandle->readResult != nullptr) { dirHandle->readResultNumberOfEntries = 0; #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wclass-memaccess" memset(dirHandle->readResult, 0, sizeof(FSDirectoryEntryEx) * dirHandle->readResultCapacity); #pragma GCC diagnostic pop } if (dirHandle->realDirHandle != 0) { if (pFSClient && pCmdBlock) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_VERBOSE("[%s] Call real_FSRewindDir for %08X with error_flag %08X (this)", getName().c_str(), dirHandle->realDirHandle, (uint32_t) this); if (FSRewindDir(pFSClient, pCmdBlock, dirHandle->realDirHandle, (FSErrorFlag) (uint32_t) this) == FS_STATUS_OK) { dirHandle->realDirHandle = 0; } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] Failed to rewind dir for realDirHandle %08X", getName().c_str(), dirHandle->realDirHandle); } } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] Global FSClient or FSCmdBlock were null", getName().c_str()); } } OSMemoryBarrier(); } return res; } FSWrapperMergeDirsWithParent::FSWrapperMergeDirsWithParent(const std::string &name, const std::string &pathToReplace, const std::string &replaceWithPath, bool fallbackOnError) : FSWrapper(name, pathToReplace, replaceWithPath, fallbackOnError, false) { pFSClient = new (std::nothrow) FSClient; pCmdBlock = new (std::nothrow) FSCmdBlock; if (pFSClient == nullptr || pCmdBlock == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] Failed to alloc client or cmdBlock", name.c_str()); freeFSClient(); } if (FSAddClient(pFSClient, FS_ERROR_FLAG_ALL) != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] Failed to addClient"); freeFSClient(); } FSInitCmdBlock(pCmdBlock); } FSWrapperMergeDirsWithParent::~FSWrapperMergeDirsWithParent() { freeFSClient(); } void FSWrapperMergeDirsWithParent::freeFSClient() { if (pFSClient) { FSDelClient(pFSClient, FS_ERROR_FLAG_ALL); } delete pFSClient; delete pCmdBlock; pFSClient = nullptr; pCmdBlock = nullptr; } DirInfoEx *FSWrapperMergeDirsWithParent::getDirExFromHandle(FSDirectoryHandle handle) { auto *dir = getDirFromHandle(handle); auto res = dynamic_cast(dir); if (res == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("[%s] dynamic_cast(%08X)", getName().c_str(), handle); OSFatal("dynamic_cast failed"); } return res; } DirInfo *FSWrapperMergeDirsWithParent::getNewDirHandle() { return new (std::nothrow) DirInfoEx; }