#include "FSReplacements.h" #include "FileUtils.h" #include "utils/StringTools.h" #include "utils/logger.h" #include #include FSStatus processFSError(FSError fsError, FSClient *client, FSErrorFlag errorMask) { auto result = fsError >= 0 ? static_cast(fsError) : fsaDecodeFsaStatusToFsStatus(fsError); if (result >= FS_STATUS_OK || result == FS_STATUS_END || result == FS_STATUS_CANCELLED) { return result; } FSErrorFlag errorFlags = FS_ERROR_FLAG_NONE; bool forceError = false; switch ((int32_t) result) { case FS_STATUS_MAX: errorFlags = FS_ERROR_FLAG_MAX; break; case FS_STATUS_ALREADY_OPEN: errorFlags = FS_ERROR_FLAG_ALREADY_OPEN; break; case FS_STATUS_EXISTS: errorFlags = FS_ERROR_FLAG_EXISTS; break; case FS_STATUS_NOT_FOUND: errorFlags = FS_ERROR_FLAG_NOT_FOUND; break; case FS_STATUS_NOT_FILE: errorFlags = FS_ERROR_FLAG_NOT_FILE; break; case FS_STATUS_NOT_DIR: errorFlags = FS_ERROR_FLAG_NOT_DIR; break; case FS_STATUS_ACCESS_ERROR: errorFlags = FS_ERROR_FLAG_ACCESS_ERROR; break; case FS_STATUS_PERMISSION_ERROR: errorFlags = FS_ERROR_FLAG_PERMISSION_ERROR; break; case FS_STATUS_FILE_TOO_BIG: errorFlags = FS_ERROR_FLAG_FILE_TOO_BIG; break; case FS_STATUS_STORAGE_FULL: errorFlags = FS_ERROR_FLAG_STORAGE_FULL; break; case FS_STATUS_JOURNAL_FULL: errorFlags = FS_ERROR_FLAG_JOURNAL_FULL; break; case FS_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_CMD: errorFlags = FS_ERROR_FLAG_UNSUPPORTED_CMD; break; case FS_STATUS_MEDIA_NOT_READY: case FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR: case FS_STATUS_CORRUPTED: case FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR: forceError = true; break; case FS_STATUS_OK: break; } if (forceError || (errorMask != FS_ERROR_FLAG_NONE && (errorFlags & errorMask) == 0)) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Transit to Fatal Error. Error %s (%d)", FSAGetStatusStr(fsError), fsError); auto clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); fsClientHandleFatalErrorAndBlock(clientBody, clientBody->lastError); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } return result; } void handleAsyncRequestsCallback(IOSError err, void *context) { auto *param = (AsyncParamFS *) context; auto *client = param->client; auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *block = param->block; auto *asyncData = ¶m->asyncData; auto errorMask = param->errorMask; auto fsError = __FSAShimDecodeIosErrorToFsaStatus(clientBody->clientHandle, err); auto fsStatus = processFSError(fsError, client, errorMask); handleAsyncResult(client, block, asyncData, fsStatus); } bool processFSAShimInThread(FSAShimBuffer *shimBuffer, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { bool res = false; if (gThreadsRunning) { // we **don't** need to free this in this function. auto param = (FSShimWrapper *) malloc(sizeof(FSShimWrapper)); if (param == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to allocate memory for FSShimWrapper"); OSFatal("ContentRedirectionModule: Failed to allocate memory for FSShimWrapper"); } param->api = FS_SHIM_API_FS; param->sync = FS_SHIM_TYPE_ASYNC; param->shim = shimBuffer; param->asyncFS.callback = handleAsyncRequestsCallback; // The client and block have to valid during the whole fs operation param->asyncFS.client = client; param->asyncFS.block = block; // But we need to copy the asyncData as it might be on the stack. param->asyncFS.asyncData.param = asyncData->param; param->asyncFS.asyncData.callback = asyncData->callback; param->asyncFS.asyncData.ioMsgQueue = asyncData->ioMsgQueue; // Copy by value param->asyncFS.errorMask = errorMask; if (OSGetCurrentThread() == gThreadData[OSGetCoreId()].thread) { processShimBufferForFS(param); // because we're doing this in sync, free(param) has already been called at this point. res = true; } else { auto message = (FSShimWrapperMessage *) malloc(sizeof(FSShimWrapperMessage)); if (message == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to allocate memory for FSShimWrapperMessage"); OSFatal("ContentRedirectionModule: Failed to allocate memory for FSShimWrapperMessage"); } message->param = param; res = sendMessageToThread(message); // the other thread is call free for us, so we can return early! } } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_WARN("Threads are not running yet, skip replacement"); } return res; } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSReadFileGeneric, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size, uint32_t count, uint32_t pos, FSFileHandle handle, FSAReadFlag readFlag, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); // Ensure size * count is not > 32 bit. auto bytes = uint64_t{size} * uint64_t{count}; if (bytes > 0xFFFFFFFFull) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("FS doesn't support transaction size >= 4GB."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (((uint32_t) buffer & 0x3f) != 0) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("buffer must be aligned by FS_IO_BUFFER_ALIGN"); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ALIGNMENT); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (fsaShimPrepareRequestReadFile(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, buffer, size, count, pos, handle, readFlag) == 0) { if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSReadFileGeneric(client, block, buffer, size, count, pos, handle, readFlag, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSWriteFileGeneric, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size, uint32_t count, uint32_t pos, FSFileHandle handle, FSAWriteFlag writeFlag, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); // Ensure size * count is not > 32 bit. auto bytes = uint64_t{size} * uint64_t{count}; if (bytes > 0xFFFFFFFFull) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("FS doesn't support transaction size >= 4GB."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (((uint32_t) buffer & 0x3f) != 0) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("buffer must be aligned by FS_IO_BUFFER_ALIGN"); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_ALIGNMENT); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (fsaShimPrepareRequestWriteFile(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, buffer, size, count, pos, handle, writeFlag) == 0) { if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSWriteFileGeneric(client, block, buffer, size, count, pos, handle, writeFlag, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSOpenFileExAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, const char *path, const char *mode, FSMode createMode, FSOpenFileFlags openFlag, uint32_t preallocSize, FSFileHandle *handle, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (handle == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("handle is null."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (path == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("path is null."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (mode == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("mode is null."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (fsaShimPrepareRequestOpenFile(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, path, mode, createMode, openFlag, preallocSize) == 0) { // Hacky solution to pass the pointer into the other thread. #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Waddress-of-packed-member" auto *hackyBuffer = (uint32_t *) &shimBuffer->response; hackyBuffer[1] = (uint32_t) handle; if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSOpenFileExAsync(client, block, path, mode, createMode, openFlag, preallocSize, handle, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSCloseFileAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, FSFileHandle handle, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (fsaShimPrepareRequestCloseFile(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, handle) == 0) { if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSCloseFileAsync(client, block, handle, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSGetStatAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, const char *path, FSStat *stat, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (path == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("path is null."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (stat == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("stat is null."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (fsaShimPrepareRequestQueryInfo(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, path, FSA_QUERY_INFO_STAT) == 0) { // Hacky solution to pass the pointer into the other thread. #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Waddress-of-packed-member" auto *hackyBuffer = (uint32_t *) &shimBuffer->response; hackyBuffer[1] = (uint32_t) stat; if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSGetStatAsync(client, block, path, stat, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSGetStatFileAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, FSFileHandle handle, FSStat *stat, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (stat == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("stat is null."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (fsaShimPrepareRequestStatFile(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, handle) == 0) { // Hacky solution to pass the pointer into the other thread. #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Waddress-of-packed-member" auto *hackyBuffer = (uint32_t *) &shimBuffer->response; hackyBuffer[1] = (uint32_t) stat; if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSGetStatFileAsync(client, block, handle, stat, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSSetPosFileAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, FSFileHandle handle, FSAFilePosition pos, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (fsaShimPrepareRequestSetPos(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, handle, pos) == 0) { if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSSetPosFileAsync(client, block, handle, pos, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSGetPosFileAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, FSFileHandle handle, const FSAFilePosition *pos, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (pos == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("pos is null."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (fsaShimPrepareRequestGetPos(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, handle) == 0) { // Hacky solution to pass the pointer into the other thread. #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Waddress-of-packed-member" auto *hackyBuffer = (uint32_t *) &shimBuffer->response; hackyBuffer[1] = (uint32_t) pos; if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSGetPosFileAsync(client, block, handle, pos, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSIsEofAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, FSFileHandle handle, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (fsaShimPrepareRequestIsEof(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, handle) == 0) { if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSIsEofAsync(client, block, handle, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSTruncateFileAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, FSFileHandle handle, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (fsaShimPrepareRequestTruncate(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, handle) == 0) { if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSTruncateFileAsync(client, block, handle, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSRemoveAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, const char *path, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (path == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("path is null."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (fsaShimPrepareRequestRemove(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, path) == 0) { if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSRemoveAsync(client, block, path, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSRenameAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (oldPath == nullptr || newPath == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("oldPath or newPath is null."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (fsaShimPrepareRequestRename(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, oldPath, newPath) == 0) { if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSRenameAsync(client, block, oldPath, newPath, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSFlushFileAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, FSFileHandle handle, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (fsaShimPrepareRequestFlushFile(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, handle) == 0) { if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSFlushFileAsync(client, block, handle, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSChangeModeAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, const char *path, FSMode mode, FSMode modeMask, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (path == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("path is null."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (fsaShimPrepareRequestChangeMode(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, path, mode, modeMask) == 0) { if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSChangeModeAsync(client, block, path, mode, modeMask, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSOpenDirAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, const char *path, FSDirectoryHandle *handle, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (path == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("path is null."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (handle == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("handle is null."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (fsaShimPrepareRequestOpenDir(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, path) == 0) { // Hacky solution to pass the pointer into the other thread. #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Waddress-of-packed-member" auto *hackyBuffer = (uint32_t *) &shimBuffer->response; hackyBuffer[1] = (uint32_t) handle; if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSOpenDirAsync(client, block, path, handle, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSReadDirAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, FSDirectoryHandle handle, FSDirectoryEntry *entry, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (entry == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("entry is null."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (fsaShimPrepareRequestReadDir(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, handle) == 0) { // Hacky solution to pass the pointer into the other thread. #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Waddress-of-packed-member" auto *hackyBuffer = (uint32_t *) &shimBuffer->response; hackyBuffer[1] = (uint32_t) entry; if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSReadDirAsync(client, block, handle, entry, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSCloseDirAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, FSDirectoryHandle handle, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (fsaShimPrepareRequestCloseDir(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, handle) == 0) { if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSCloseDirAsync(client, block, handle, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSRewindDirAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, FSDirectoryHandle handle, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (fsaShimPrepareRequestRewindDir(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, handle) == 0) { if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSRewindDirAsync(client, block, handle, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSMakeDirAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, const char *path, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (path == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("path is null."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (fsaShimPrepareRequestMakeDir(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, path, static_cast(0x660)) == 0) { if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSMakeDirAsync(client, block, path, errorMask, asyncData); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSChangeDirAsync, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, const char *path, FSErrorFlag errorMask, FSAsyncData *asyncData) { auto *clientBody = fsClientGetBody(client); auto *shimBuffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) fsCmdBlockGetBody(block); if (path == nullptr) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("path is null."); fsClientHandleFatalError(clientBody, FS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH); return FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } if (fsaShimPrepareRequestChangeDir(shimBuffer, clientBody->clientHandle, path) == 0) { if (processFSAShimInThread(shimBuffer, client, block, errorMask, asyncData)) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } } return real_FSChangeDirAsync(client, block, path, errorMask, asyncData); } function_replacement_data_t fs_file_function_replacements[] = { REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSOpenFileExAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSOpenFileExAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSCloseFileAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSCloseFileAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSGetStatAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSGetStatAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSGetStatFileAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSGetStatFileAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION_VIA_ADDRESS(FSReadFileGeneric, 0x3201C400 + 0x4ecc0, 0x101C400 + 0x4ecc0), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSSetPosFileAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSSetPosFileAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSGetPosFileAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSGetPosFileAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSIsEofAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSIsEofAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION_VIA_ADDRESS(FSWriteFileGeneric, 0x3201C400 + 0x4eec0, 0x101C400 + 0x4eec0), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSTruncateFileAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSTruncateFileAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSRemoveAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSRemoveAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSRenameAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSRenameAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSFlushFileAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSFlushFileAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSChangeModeAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSChangeModeAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSOpenDirAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSOpenDirAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSReadDirAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSReadDirAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSCloseDirAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSCloseDirAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSRewindDirAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSRewindDirAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSMakeDirAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSMakeDirAsync), REPLACE_FUNCTION(FSChangeDirAsync, LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSChangeDirAsync), }; uint32_t fs_file_function_replacements_size = sizeof(fs_file_function_replacements) / sizeof(function_replacement_data_t); FSError processShimBufferForFS(FSShimWrapper *param) { FSError result = doForLayer(param); FSStatus fsResult = FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR; if (result == FS_ERROR_FORCE_REAL_FUNCTION) { if (param->sync == FS_SHIM_TYPE_SYNC) { fsResult = FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR; DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("SYNC FS API is not supported"); OSFatal("ContentRedirectionModule: SYNC FS API is not supported"); } else if (param->sync == FS_SHIM_TYPE_ASYNC) { #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Waddress-of-packed-member" switch ((FSACommandEnum) param->shim->command) { case FSA_COMMAND_READ_FILE: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.readFile; fsResult = real_FSReadFileGeneric(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->buffer, request->size, request->count, request->pos, request->handle, request->readFlags, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSReadFileGeneric. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_WRITE_FILE: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.writeFile; fsResult = real_FSWriteFileGeneric(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->buffer, request->size, request->count, request->pos, request->handle, request->writeFlags, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSWriteFileGeneric. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_OPEN_FILE: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.openFile; // Hacky solution. We stored the pointer from the user in the response to use it at this point. auto *hackyBuffer = (uint32_t *) ¶m->shim->response; auto *handlePtr = (FSFileHandle *) hackyBuffer[1]; fsResult = real_FSOpenFileExAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->path, request->mode, static_cast(request->unk0x290), static_cast(request->unk0x294), request->unk0x298, handlePtr, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSOpenFileExAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_CLOSE_FILE: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.closeFile; fsResult = real_FSCloseFileAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->handle, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSCloseFileAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_SET_POS_FILE: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.setPosFile; fsResult = real_FSSetPosFileAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->handle, request->pos, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSSetPosFileAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_GET_POS_FILE: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.getPosFile; // Hacky solution. We stored the pointer from the user in the response to use it at this point. auto *hackyBuffer = (uint32_t *) ¶m->shim->response; auto *posPtr = (FSAFilePosition *) hackyBuffer[1]; fsResult = real_FSGetPosFileAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->handle, posPtr, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSGetPosFileAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_STAT_FILE: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.statFile; // Hacky solution. We stored the pointer from the user in the response to use it at this point. auto *hackyBuffer = (uint32_t *) ¶m->shim->response; auto *statPtr = (FSStat *) hackyBuffer[1]; fsResult = real_FSGetStatFileAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->handle, statPtr, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSGetStatFileAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_GET_INFO_BY_QUERY: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.getInfoByQuery; if (request->type == FSA_QUERY_INFO_STAT) { // Hacky solution. We stored the pointer from the user in the response to use it at this point. auto *hackyBuffer = (uint32_t *) ¶m->shim->response; auto *statPtr = (FSStat *) hackyBuffer[1]; fsResult = real_FSGetStatAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->path, statPtr, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSGetStatAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Missing real implementation for FSA_COMMAND_GET_INFO_BY_QUERY type %08X", request->type); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_IS_EOF: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.isEof; fsResult = real_FSIsEofAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->handle, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSIsEofAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_TRUNCATE_FILE: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.truncateFile; fsResult = real_FSTruncateFileAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->handle, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSTruncateFileAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_REMOVE: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.remove; fsResult = real_FSRemoveAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->path, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSRemoveAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_RENAME: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.rename; fsResult = real_FSRenameAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->oldPath, request->newPath, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSRenameAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_FLUSH_FILE: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.flushFile; fsResult = real_FSFlushFileAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->handle, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSFlushFileAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_CHANGE_MODE: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.changeMode; fsResult = real_FSChangeModeAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->path, (FSMode) request->mode1, (FSMode) request->mode2, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSChangeModeAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_OPEN_DIR: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.openDir; // Hacky solution. We stored the pointer from the user in the response to use it at this point. auto *hackyBuffer = (uint32_t *) ¶m->shim->response; auto *handlePtr = (FSDirectoryHandle *) hackyBuffer[1]; fsResult = real_FSOpenDirAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->path, handlePtr, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSOpenDirAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_READ_DIR: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.readDir; // Hacky solution. We stored the pointer from the user in the response to use it at this point. auto *hackyBuffer = (uint32_t *) ¶m->shim->response; auto *entryPtr = (FSDirectoryEntry *) hackyBuffer[1]; fsResult = real_FSReadDirAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->handle, entryPtr, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSReadDirAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_CLOSE_DIR: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.closeDir; fsResult = real_FSCloseDirAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->handle, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSCloseDirAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_REWIND_DIR: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.rewindDir; fsResult = real_FSRewindDirAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->handle, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSRewindDirAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_MAKE_DIR: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.makeDir; fsResult = real_FSMakeDirAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->path, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSMakeDirAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } case FSA_COMMAND_CHANGE_DIR: { auto *request = ¶m->shim->request.changeDir; fsResult = real_FSChangeDirAsync(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, request->path, param->asyncFS.errorMask, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Failed to submit real_FSChangeDirAsync. Return was %d. Fake actual async result to FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR instead", fsResult); handleAsyncResult(param->asyncFS.client, param->asyncFS.block, ¶m->asyncFS.asyncData, FS_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR); } break; } default: { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("Missing real implementation for command %08X", param->shim->command); fsResult = FS_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } } #pragma GCC diagnostic pop } } free(param); if (fsResult != FS_STATUS_OK) { result = FS_ERROR_MEDIA_ERROR; } return result; }