#Flappy Bird GX2# A GX2 Flappy Bird port for the WiiU. Assets from Floppy Bird (HTML5 and the original Android game). #Usage# Press A to begin the Game Press A to jump Press HOME to exit Avoid the pipes and the o! #Building# In order to build this application, you need the custom liboGC and portlibs modified/created by dimok. You can find them on the loadiine_gx2 repo (https://github.com/dimok789/loadiine_gx2/releases/tag/v0.2). Simply put the files in your devkit folder and run the Makefile. #Credits:# **dimok** - WiiU librabries, dynamic_libs, examples, Homebrew Launcher **Maschell** - GX2_Example and coding help **vgmoose** - Coding help **pwsincd** - Icon **QuarkTheAwesome, dylon99** - Various help and testing