/* * filesel.c * * File Selection menu * * Softdev (2006) * Eke-Eke (2007,2008,2009) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * ********************************************************************************/ #include "shared.h" #include "font.h" #include "gui.h" #include "file_dvd.h" #include "file_fat.h" #include "filesel.h" #ifdef HW_RVL #include #endif #define PAGESIZE 11 #define PAGEOFFSET 120 FILEENTRIES filelist[MAXFILES]; static int offset = 0; static int selection = 0; static int old_selection = 0; static int old_offset = 0; static int maxfiles = 0; /*****************************************************************************/ /* GUI Buttons data */ /*****************************************************************************/ static butn_data arrow_up_data = { {NULL,NULL}, {Button_up_png,Button_up_over_png} }; static butn_data arrow_down_data = { {NULL,NULL}, {Button_down_png,Button_down_over_png} }; /*****************************************************************************/ /* GUI Arrows button */ /*****************************************************************************/ static gui_butn arrow_up = {&arrow_up_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX,{0,0,0,0},14,76,360,32}; static gui_butn arrow_down = {&arrow_down_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX,{0,0,0,0},14,368,360,32}; /*****************************************************************************/ /* GUI helpers */ /*****************************************************************************/ static gui_item action_cancel = { NULL,Key_B_png,"","Previous Directory",10,422,28,28 }; static gui_item action_select = { NULL,Key_A_png,"","Load ROM file",602,422,28,28 }; /*****************************************************************************/ /* GUI Background images */ /*****************************************************************************/ static gui_image bg_filesel[10] = { {NULL,Bg_main_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,356,144,348,288,255}, {NULL,Bg_overlay_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE|IMAGE_REPEAT,0,0,640,480,255}, {NULL,Banner_top_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,0,0,640,108,255}, {NULL,Banner_bottom_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,0,380,640,100,255}, {NULL,Main_logo_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,466,40,152,44,255}, {NULL,Frame_s1_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,8,70,372,336,230}, {NULL,Frame_s2_png,0,384,264,248,140,200}, {NULL,Snap_empty_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,422,114,164,116,255}, {NULL,NULL,0,424,116,160,112,255}, {NULL,Snap_frame_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,388,112,236,148,255} }; /*****************************************************************************/ /* GUI Descriptor */ /*****************************************************************************/ static gui_menu menu_browser = { "Game Selection", -1,-1, 0,0,10, NULL, NULL, bg_filesel, {&action_cancel, &action_select}, {&arrow_up,&arrow_down}, FALSE }; /*************************************************************************** * FileSortCallback (Marty Disibio) * * Quick sort callback to sort file entries with the following order: * . * .. * * ***************************************************************************/ int FileSortCallback(const void *f1, const void *f2) { /* Special case for implicit directories */ if(((FILEENTRIES *)f1)->filename[0] == '.' || ((FILEENTRIES *)f2)->filename[0] == '.') { if(strcmp(((FILEENTRIES *)f1)->filename, ".") == 0) { return -1; } if(strcmp(((FILEENTRIES *)f2)->filename, ".") == 0) { return 1; } if(strcmp(((FILEENTRIES *)f1)->filename, "..") == 0) { return -1; } if(strcmp(((FILEENTRIES *)f2)->filename, "..") == 0) { return 1; } } /* If one is a file and one is a directory the directory is first. */ if(((FILEENTRIES *)f1)->flags == 1 && ((FILEENTRIES *)f2)->flags == 0) return -1; if(((FILEENTRIES *)f1)->flags == 0 && ((FILEENTRIES *)f2)->flags == 1) return 1; return stricmp(((FILEENTRIES *)f1)->filename, ((FILEENTRIES *)f2)->filename); } /**************************************************************************** * FileSelector * * Let user select a file from the File listing ..* ROM file buffer is provided as input * ROM size is returned * ****************************************************************************/ int FileSelector(unsigned char *buffer, bool useFAT) { short p; int ret,i,yoffset; int size = 0; int go_up = 0; int string_offset = 0; int old = -1; char text[MAXPATHLEN]; char fname[MAXPATHLEN]; FILE *xml,*snap; #ifdef HW_RVL int x,y; gui_butn *button; #endif /* Initialize Menu */ gui_menu *m = &menu_browser; GUI_InitMenu(m); /* Initialize directory icon */ gui_image dir_icon; dir_icon.texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(Browser_dir_png,0); dir_icon.w = dir_icon.texture->width; dir_icon.h = dir_icon.texture->height; dir_icon.x = 26; dir_icon.y = PAGEOFFSET; /* Initialize selection bar */ gui_image bar_over; bar_over.texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(Overlay_bar_png,0); bar_over.w = bar_over.texture->width; bar_over.h = bar_over.texture->height; bar_over.x = 22; bar_over.y = -(bar_over.h - dir_icon.h)/2; while (1) { /* ROM file snapshot/database */ if (old != selection) { old = selection; string_offset = 0; /* play sound effect */ ASND_SetVoice(ASND_GetFirstUnusedVoice(),VOICE_MONO_16BIT,22050,0,(u8 *)button_over_pcm,button_over_pcm_size, ((int)config.sfx_volume * 255) / 100,((int)config.sfx_volume * 255) / 100,NULL); /* delete previous texture if any */ gxTextureClose(&bg_filesel[8].texture); bg_filesel[8].state &= ~IMAGE_VISIBLE; bg_filesel[6].state &= ~IMAGE_VISIBLE; if (!filelist[selection].flags) { /* get ROM filename without extension */ sprintf (text, "%s", filelist[selection].filename); if (strlen(text) >= 4) text[strlen(text) - 4] = 0; /* ROM database informations */ sprintf (fname, "%s/db/%s.xml", DEFAULT_PATH, text); xml = fopen(fname, "rb"); if (xml) { bg_filesel[6].state |= IMAGE_VISIBLE; fclose(xml); /* TODO */ } /* open screenshot file */ sprintf (fname, "%s/snaps/%s.png", DEFAULT_PATH, text); snap = fopen(fname, "rb"); if (snap) { bg_filesel[8].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(0,snap); if (bg_filesel[8].texture) bg_filesel[8].state |= IMAGE_VISIBLE; fclose(snap); } } } /* update helper */ if (m->selected != -1) { /* out of focus */ strcpy(action_select.comment,""); } else if (!filelist[selection].flags) { /* this is a file */ strcpy(action_select.comment,"Load ROM File"); } else { /* this is a directory */ if (!strcmp(filelist[selection].filename,"..")) strcpy(action_select.comment,"Previous Directory"); else strcpy(action_select.comment,"Open Directory"); } /* Draw menu*/ GUI_DrawMenu(m); /* Draw Files list */ yoffset = PAGEOFFSET; for (i = offset; i < (offset + PAGESIZE) && (i < maxfiles); i++) { if (i == selection) { /* scrolling text */ if ((string_offset/10) >= strlen(filelist[i].filename)) string_offset = 0; sprintf(text, "%s ",filelist[i].filename + string_offset/10); strncat(text, filelist[i].filename, string_offset/10); gxDrawTexture(bar_over.texture,bar_over.x,yoffset+bar_over.y,bar_over.w,bar_over.h,255); if (filelist[i].flags) { /* directory icon */ gxDrawTexture(dir_icon.texture,dir_icon.x-1,yoffset-1,dir_icon.w+2,dir_icon.h+2,255); if (FONT_write(text,18,dir_icon.x+dir_icon.w+6,yoffset+16,bar_over.w-dir_icon.w-14,(GXColor)WHITE)) { /* text scrolling */ string_offset ++; } } else { if (FONT_write(text,18,dir_icon.x,yoffset+16,bar_over.w-8,(GXColor)WHITE)) { /* text scrolling */ string_offset ++; } } } else { if (filelist[i].flags) { /* directory icon */ gxDrawTexture(dir_icon.texture,dir_icon.x,yoffset,dir_icon.w,dir_icon.h,255); FONT_write(filelist[i].filename,16,dir_icon.x+dir_icon.w+6,yoffset+16,bar_over.w-dir_icon.w-14,(GXColor)WHITE); } else { FONT_write(filelist[i].filename,16,dir_icon.x,yoffset+16,bar_over.w-8,(GXColor)WHITE); } } yoffset += 22; } #ifdef HW_RVL if (Shutdown) { gxTextureClose(&w_pointer); gxTextureClose(&bar_over.texture); gxTextureClose(&dir_icon.texture); GUI_DeleteMenu(m); GUI_FadeOut(); shutdown(); SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_POWEROFF, 0, 0); } else if (m_input.ir.valid) { /* get cursor position */ x = m_input.ir.x; y = m_input.ir.y; /* draw wiimote pointer */ gxDrawTextureRotate(w_pointer, x-w_pointer->width/2, y-w_pointer->height/2, w_pointer->width, w_pointer->height,m_input.ir.angle,255); /* find selected item */ yoffset = PAGEOFFSET - 4; m->selected = m->max_buttons + 2; for (i = offset; i < (offset + PAGESIZE) && (i < maxfiles); i++) { if ((x<=380)&&(y>=yoffset)&&(y<(yoffset+24))) { selection = i; m->selected = -1; break; } yoffset += 24; } /* find selected button */ for (i=0; i<2; i++) { button = m->arrows[i]; if (button) { if (button->state & BUTTON_VISIBLE) { if ((x>=button->x)&&(x<=(button->x+button->w))&&(y>=button->y)&&(y<=(button->y+button->h))) { m->selected = m->max_buttons + i; break; } } } } } else { /* reset indicator */ m->selected = -1; } #endif /* copy EFB to XFB */ gxSetScreen(); p = m_input.keys; /* highlight next item */ if (p & PAD_BUTTON_DOWN) { selection++; if (selection == maxfiles) selection = offset = 0; if ((selection - offset) >= PAGESIZE) offset += PAGESIZE; } /* highlight previous item */ else if (p & PAD_BUTTON_UP) { selection--; if (selection < 0) { selection = maxfiles - 1; offset = selection - PAGESIZE + 1; } if (selection < offset) offset -= PAGESIZE; if (offset < 0) offset = 0; } /* go back one page */ else if (p & PAD_TRIGGER_L) { selection -= PAGESIZE; if (selection < 0) { selection = maxfiles - 1; offset = selection - PAGESIZE + 1; } if (selection < offset) offset -= PAGESIZE; if (offset < 0) offset = 0; } /* go forward one page */ else if (p & PAD_TRIGGER_R) { selection += PAGESIZE; if (selection > maxfiles - 1) selection = offset = 0; if ((selection - offset) >= PAGESIZE) offset += PAGESIZE; } /* quit */ else if (p & PAD_TRIGGER_Z) { GUI_DeleteMenu(m); gxTextureClose(&bar_over.texture); gxTextureClose(&dir_icon.texture); return 0; } /* open selected file or directory */ else if ((p & PAD_BUTTON_A) || (p & PAD_BUTTON_B)) { string_offset = 0; go_up = 0; if (p & PAD_BUTTON_B) { /* go up one directory or quit */ go_up = 1; selection = 0; } #ifdef HW_RVL else { /* arrow buttons selected */ if (m->selected == m->max_buttons) /* up arrow */ { selection--; if (selection < 0) { selection = maxfiles - 1; offset = selection - PAGESIZE + 1; } if (selection < offset) offset -= PAGESIZE; if (offset < 0) offset = 0; } else if (m->selected == (m->max_buttons+1)) /* down arrow */ { selection++; if (selection == maxfiles) selection = offset = 0; if ((selection - offset) >= PAGESIZE) offset += PAGESIZE; } } #endif /* ensure we are in focus area */ if (go_up || (m->selected < m->max_buttons)) { /*** This is directory ***/ if (filelist[selection].flags) { /* force going up */ go_up = (selection == 0); /* get new directory */ if (useFAT) ret = FAT_UpdateDirectory(go_up,filelist[selection].filename); else ret = DVD_UpdateDirectory(go_up,filelist[selection].offset,filelist[selection].length); /* get new entry list or quit */ if (ret) { /* reinit selector (previous value is saved for one level) */ if (selection == 0) { selection = old_selection; offset = old_offset; old_selection = 0; old_offset = 0; } else { /* save current selector value */ old_selection = selection; old_offset = offset; selection = 0; offset = 0; } /* get directory entries */ if (useFAT) maxfiles = FAT_ParseDirectory(); else maxfiles = DVD_ParseDirectory(); } else { GUI_DeleteMenu(m); gxTextureClose(&bar_over.texture); gxTextureClose(&dir_icon.texture); return 0; } } /*** This is a file ***/ else { /* root directory ? */ if (go_up) { GUI_DeleteMenu(m); gxTextureClose(&bar_over.texture); gxTextureClose(&dir_icon.texture); return 0; } else { /* user confirmation */ if (GUI_ConfirmPrompt("Load this file ?")) { /* Load ROM file from device */ if (useFAT) size = FAT_LoadFile(buffer,selection); else size = DVD_LoadFile(buffer,selection); /* Reload emulation */ if (size) { memfile_autosave(-1,config.state_auto); reloadrom(size,filelist[selection].filename); memfile_autoload(config.sram_auto,config.state_auto); } /* Exit */ GUI_MsgBoxClose(); GUI_DeleteMenu(m); gxTextureClose(&bar_over.texture); gxTextureClose(&dir_icon.texture); return size; } /* user canceled */ GUI_MsgBoxClose(); } } } } } } void ClearSelector(u32 max) { maxfiles = max; offset = 0; selection = 0; old_offset = 0; old_selection = 0; }