/* dos.c -- DOS interface code for the emulator */ #include "osd.h" #define FRAMES_PER_SECOND 60 RGB vdp_palette[3][0x200]; PALETTE gen_pal; BITMAP *gen_bmp; volatile int frame_skip = 1; volatile int frame_count = 0; volatile int frames_rendered = 0; volatile int frame_rate = 0; volatile int tick_count = 0; volatile int old_tick_count = 0; volatile int skip = 0; int quit = 0; int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc < 2) { printf("Genesis Plus - Sega Mega Drive emulator (v1.0)\n"); printf("(C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Charles MacDonald\n"); printf("Usage %s file.[bin|smd|zip] [-options]\n", argv[0]); printf("Type `%s -help' for a list of options.\n", argv[0]); exit(1); }; if(stricmp(argv[1], "-help") == 0) { print_options(); return (0); } if(!load_rom(argv[1])) { printf("File `%s' not found.\n", argv[1]); return (0); } init_machine(); error_init(); system_init(); if(option.sound) { audio_init(option.sndrate); } system_reset(); for(;;) { frame_count += 1; if(quit) break; dos_update_input(); if(frame_count % frame_skip == 0) { system_frame(0); dos_update_video(); } else { system_frame(1); } if(option.sound) dos_update_audio(); } trash_machine(); system_shutdown(); error_shutdown(); return (0); } /* Timer handler */ void tick_handler(void) { tick_count += 1; if(tick_count % FRAMES_PER_SECOND == 0) { frame_rate = frames_rendered; frames_rendered = 0; } } END_OF_FUNCTION(tick_handler); int load_file(char *filename, char *buf, int size) { FILE *fd = fopen(filename, "rb"); if(!fd) return (0); fread(buf, size, 1, fd); fclose(fd); return (1); } int save_file(char *filename, char *buf, int size) { FILE *fd = NULL; if(!(fd = fopen(filename, "wb"))) return (0); fwrite(buf, size, 1, fd); fclose(fd); return (1); } void dos_update_input(void) { if(key[KEY_ESC] || key[KEY_END]) { quit = 1; } input.pad[0] = 0; /* Is the joystick being used ? */ if(option.joy_driver != JOY_TYPE_NONE) { poll_joystick(); /* Check player 1 joystick */ if(joy[0].stick[0].axis[1].d1) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_UP; else if(joy[0].stick[0].axis[1].d2) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_DOWN; if(joy[0].stick[0].axis[0].d1) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_LEFT; else if(joy[0].stick[0].axis[0].d2) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_RIGHT; if(joy[0].button[0].b) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_A; if(joy[0].button[1].b) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_B; if(joy[0].button[2].b) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_C; if(joy[0].button[3].b) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_START; if(joy[0].button[4].b) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_X; if(joy[0].button[5].b) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_Y; if(joy[0].button[6].b) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_Z; if(joy[0].button[7].b) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_MODE; /* More than one joystick supported ? */ if(num_joysticks > 2) { /* Check player 2 joystick */ if(joy[1].stick[0].axis[1].d1) input.pad[1] |= INPUT_UP; else if(joy[1].stick[0].axis[1].d2) input.pad[1] |= INPUT_DOWN; if(joy[1].stick[0].axis[0].d1) input.pad[1] |= INPUT_LEFT; else if(joy[1].stick[0].axis[0].d1) input.pad[1] |= INPUT_RIGHT; if(joy[1].button[0].b) input.pad[1] |= INPUT_A; if(joy[1].button[1].b) input.pad[1] |= INPUT_B; if(joy[1].button[2].b) input.pad[1] |= INPUT_C; if(joy[1].button[3].b) input.pad[1] |= INPUT_START; if(joy[1].button[4].b) input.pad[1] |= INPUT_X; if(joy[1].button[5].b) input.pad[1] |= INPUT_Y; if(joy[1].button[6].b) input.pad[1] |= INPUT_Z; if(joy[1].button[7].b) input.pad[1] |= INPUT_MODE; } } if(key[KEY_UP]) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_UP; else if(key[KEY_DOWN]) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_DOWN; if(key[KEY_LEFT]) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_LEFT; else if(key[KEY_RIGHT]) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_RIGHT; if(key[KEY_A]) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_A; if(key[KEY_S]) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_B; if(key[KEY_D]) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_C; if(key[KEY_F]) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_START; if(key[KEY_Z]) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_X; if(key[KEY_X]) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_Y; if(key[KEY_C]) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_Z; if(key[KEY_V]) input.pad[0] |= INPUT_MODE; if(check_key(KEY_TAB)) system_reset(); if(check_key(KEY_F1)) frame_skip = 1; if(check_key(KEY_F2)) frame_skip = 2; if(check_key(KEY_F3)) frame_skip = 3; if(check_key(KEY_F4)) frame_skip = 4; } void dos_update_audio(void) { osd_play_streamed_sample_16(option.swap ^ 0, snd.buffer[0], snd.buffer_size * 2, option.sndrate, FRAMES_PER_SECOND, -100); osd_play_streamed_sample_16(option.swap ^ 1, snd.buffer[1], snd.buffer_size * 2, option.sndrate, FRAMES_PER_SECOND, 100); } void dos_update_palette(void) { if(is_border_dirty) { uint16 data = *(uint16 *)&cram[(border << 1)]; RGB *color; is_border_dirty = 0; if(reg[12] & 8) { int j; for(j = 0; j < 3; j += 1) { color = &vdp_palette[j][data]; set_color((j << 6), color); } } else { color = &vdp_palette[1][data]; set_color(0x00, color); set_color(0x40, color); set_color(0x80, color); } } if(is_color_dirty) { int i; uint16 *p = (uint16 *)&cram[0]; is_color_dirty = 0; for(i = 0; i < 64; i += 1) { if((color_dirty[i]) && ((i & 0x0F) != 0x00)) { RGB *color; color_dirty[i] = 0; if(reg[12] & 8) { int j; for(j = 0; j < 3; j += 1) { color = &vdp_palette[j][p[i]]; set_color((j << 6) | i, color); } } else { color = &vdp_palette[1][p[i]]; set_color(0x00 | i, color); set_color(0x40 | i, color); set_color(0x80 | i, color); } } } } } void dos_update_video(void) { int width = (reg[12] & 1) ? 320 : 256; int height = (reg[1] & 8) ? 240 : 224; int center_x = (SCREEN_W - width) / 2; int center_y = (SCREEN_H / (option.scanlines ? 4 : 2)) - (height / 2); /* Wait for VSync */ if(option.vsync) vsync(); if(bitmap.viewport.changed) { bitmap.viewport.changed = 0; if(bitmap.remap) { clear(screen); } else { clear_to_color(screen, 0xFF); } } if(bitmap.remap == 0) { dos_update_palette(); } if(option.scanlines) { int y; for(y = 0; y < height; y += 1) { blit(gen_bmp, screen, 0x20, y, center_x, (center_y + y) << 1, width, 1); } } else { blit(gen_bmp, screen, 0x20, 0, center_x, center_y, width, height); } } void init_machine(void) { do_config("gen.cfg"); if(option.sound) { msdos_init_sound(&option.sndrate, option.sndcard); } allegro_init(); install_keyboard(); install_joystick(option.joy_driver); install_timer(); LOCK_FUNCTION(tick_handler); LOCK_VARIABLE(tick_count); LOCK_VARIABLE(frame_rate); install_int_ex(tick_handler, BPS_TO_TIMER(FRAMES_PER_SECOND)); set_color_depth(option.video_depth); gen_bmp = create_bitmap(512, 512); clear(gen_bmp); memset(&bitmap, 0, sizeof(bitmap)); bitmap.data = (uint8 *)&gen_bmp->line[0][0]; bitmap.width = gen_bmp->w; bitmap.height = gen_bmp->h; bitmap.depth = option.video_depth; switch(option.video_depth) { case 8: bitmap.granularity = 1; break; case 15: bitmap.granularity = 2; break; case 16: bitmap.granularity = 2; break; case 32: bitmap.granularity = 4; break; } bitmap.pitch = (bitmap.width * bitmap.granularity); bitmap.viewport.w = 256; bitmap.viewport.h = 224; bitmap.viewport.x = 0x20; bitmap.viewport.y = 0x00; bitmap.remap = 0; if(option.remap) bitmap.remap = 1; else if(bitmap.depth > 8) bitmap.remap = 1; make_vdp_palette(); memcpy(gen_pal, black_palette, sizeof(PALETTE)); gen_pal[0xFE].r = \ gen_pal[0xFE].g = \ gen_pal[0xFE].b = 0x3F; dos_change_mode(); } void trash_machine(void) { if(option.sound) { msdos_shutdown_sound(); } clear(screen); destroy_bitmap(gen_bmp); set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0); } void make_vdp_palette(void) { uint8 lut[3][8] = { {0x00, 0x04, 0x08, 0x0C, 0x10, 0x14, 0x18, 0x1C}, {0x00, 0x08, 0x10, 0x18, 0x20, 0x28, 0x30, 0x38}, {0x20, 0x24, 0x28, 0x2C, 0x30, 0x34, 0x38, 0x3C}, }; int j; for(j = 0; j < 0x600; j += 1) { int r = (j >> 6) & 7; int g = (j >> 3) & 7; int b = (j >> 0) & 7; int i = (j >> 9) & 3; vdp_palette[i][j & 0x1FF].r = lut[i][r]; vdp_palette[i][j & 0x1FF].g = lut[i][g]; vdp_palette[i][j & 0x1FF].b = lut[i][b]; } } void dos_change_mode(void) { int ret; int width = option.video_width; int height = option.video_height; if(option.scanlines) height *= 2; ret = set_gfx_mode(option.video_driver, width, height, 0, 0); if(ret != 0) { set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0); printf("Error setting graphics mode (%dx%d %dbpp).\nAllegro says: `%s'\n", width, height, option.video_depth, allegro_error); exit(1); } if(bitmap.depth == 8) { if(bitmap.remap) { int i; for(i = 0; i < 0x100; i += 1) { gen_pal[i].r = ((i >> 5) & 7) << 3; gen_pal[i].g = ((i >> 2) & 7) << 3; gen_pal[i].b = ((i >> 0) & 3) << 4; } set_palette(gen_pal); } else { clear_to_color(screen, 0xFF); gen_pal[0xfe].r = 0xff; gen_pal[0xfe].g = 0xff; gen_pal[0xfe].b = 0xff; set_palette(gen_pal); inp(0x3DA); outp(0x3C0, 0x31); outp(0x3C0, 0xFF); } } else { clear(screen); } } /* Check if a key is pressed */ int check_key(int code) { static char lastbuf[0x100] = {0}; if((!key[code]) && (lastbuf[code] == 1)) lastbuf[code] = 0; if((key[code]) && (lastbuf[code] == 0)) { lastbuf[code] = 1; return (1); } return (0); }