/* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Charles MacDonald This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "shared.h" #define CLOCK_NTSC 53693175 #define CLOCK_PAL 53203424 #define SND_SIZE (snd.buffer_size * sizeof(int16)) t_bitmap bitmap; t_snd snd; uint32 aim_m68k = 0; uint32 count_m68k = 0; uint32 dma_m68k = 0; uint32 aim_z80 = 0; uint32 count_z80 = 0; int32 current_z80 = 0; uint16 misc68Kcycles = 488; uint16 miscZ80cycles = 228; uint16 lines_per_frame = 262; uint16 m68cyc_per_sample = 160; uint16 z80cyc_per_sample = 75; double Master_Clock = (double)CLOCK_NTSC; void *myFM = NULL; uint8 alttiming = 0; void m68k_run (int cyc) { /* cycles remaining to run for the line */ int cyc_do = cyc - count_m68k; /* 68k is not frozen */ if (cyc_do > 0) { /* interrupt handling */ if (vint_pending && (reg[1] & 0x20)) m68k_set_irq(6); else if (hint_pending && (reg[0] & 0x10)) m68k_set_irq(4); if (cyc_do > 0) m68k_execute(cyc_do); count_m68k += cyc_do; vint_pending = 0; } } void z80_run (int cyc) { current_z80 = cyc - count_z80; if (current_z80 > 0) count_z80 += z80_execute(current_z80); } void m68k_freeze(int cycles) { extern int m68ki_remaining_cycles; int extra_cycles = cycles - m68k_cycles_remaining(); if (extra_cycles > 0) { /* end of 68k execution */ m68ki_remaining_cycles = 0; /* extra cycles to be burned at next execution */ count_m68k += extra_cycles; } else m68ki_remaining_cycles -= cycles; /* we burn some 68k cycles */ } int audio_init (int rate) { double sample_cyc; int vclk = (int)(Master_Clock / 7.0); /* 68000 and YM2612 clock */ int zclk = (int)(Master_Clock / 15.0); /* Z80 and SN76489 clock */ extern uint8 hq_fm; /* Clear the sound data context */ memset (&snd, 0, sizeof (snd)); /* Make sure the requested sample rate is valid */ if (!rate || ((rate < 8000) | (rate > 48000))) return (0); /* Calculate the sound buffer size */ snd.buffer_size = (rate / vdp_rate); snd.sample_rate = rate; /* Allocate sound buffers */ if (FM_GENS) { snd.fm.gens_buffer[0] = realloc (snd.fm.gens_buffer[0], snd.buffer_size * sizeof (int)); snd.fm.gens_buffer[1] = realloc (snd.fm.gens_buffer[1], snd.buffer_size * sizeof (int)); if (!snd.fm.gens_buffer[0] || !snd.fm.gens_buffer[1]) return (-1); memset (snd.fm.gens_buffer[0], 0, SND_SIZE*2); memset (snd.fm.gens_buffer[1], 0, SND_SIZE*2); } else { snd.fm.buffer[0] = realloc (snd.fm.buffer[0], snd.buffer_size * sizeof (int16)); snd.fm.buffer[1] = realloc (snd.fm.buffer[1], snd.buffer_size * sizeof (int16)); if (!snd.fm.buffer[0] || !snd.fm.buffer[1]) return (-1); memset (snd.fm.buffer[0], 0, SND_SIZE); memset (snd.fm.buffer[1], 0, SND_SIZE); } snd.psg.buffer = realloc (snd.psg.buffer, snd.buffer_size * sizeof (int16)); if (!snd.psg.buffer) return (-1); memset (snd.psg.buffer, 0, SND_SIZE); /* Set audio enable flag */ snd.enabled = 1; /* Initialize sound chip emulation */ if (PSG_MAME) SN76496_sh_start(zclk, 0, rate); else { SN76489_Init(0, zclk, rate); SN76489_Config(0, MUTE_ALLON, VOL_FULL, FB_SEGAVDP, SRW_SEGAVDP, 0); } if (FM_GENS) YM2612_Init(vclk, rate, hq_fm); else if (!myFM) myFM = YM2612Init (0, 0, vclk, rate, 0, 0); /* CYCLE-ACCURATE SAMPLES GENERATION: We calculate number of cpu cycles between each new sound sample generation. Since both 68000 and Z80 can write to the sound chips, we need the cycles step for both CPU: At 48kHz, one sample is produced each 160 (NTSC) or 158 (PAL) 68k cycles which is equivalent to 75 (NTSC) or 74 (PAL) Z80 cycles */ sample_cyc = Master_Clock / 7.0 / ((double) rate); m68cyc_per_sample = (sample_cyc - (double)(int)sample_cyc) > 0.5 ? (int)(sample_cyc + 1) : (int)(sample_cyc); sample_cyc = Master_Clock / 15.0 / ((double) rate); z80cyc_per_sample = (sample_cyc - (double)(int)sample_cyc) > 0.5 ? (int)(sample_cyc + 1) : (int)(sample_cyc); return (0); } void system_init (void) { /* PAL or NTSC timings */ vdp_rate = (vdp_pal) ? 50 : 60; lines_per_frame = (vdp_pal) ? 313 : 262; Master_Clock = (vdp_pal) ? (double)CLOCK_PAL : (double)CLOCK_NTSC; miscZ80cycles = (vdp_pal) ? 227 : 228; /* Master_Clock / 13 / vdp_rate / lines_per_frame */ misc68Kcycles = (vdp_pal) ? 486 : 488; /* Master_Clock / 7 / vdp_rate / lines_per_frame */ gen_init (); vdp_init (); render_init (); sound_init(); } void system_reset (void) { aim_m68k = 0; count_m68k = 0; dma_m68k = 0; aim_z80 = 0; count_z80 = 0; gen_reset (); io_reset(); vdp_reset (); render_reset (); if (snd.enabled) { fm_reset(); if (FM_GENS) { memset (snd.fm.gens_buffer[0], 0, SND_SIZE*2); memset (snd.fm.gens_buffer[1], 0, SND_SIZE*2); } else { memset (snd.fm.buffer[0], 0, SND_SIZE); memset (snd.fm.buffer[1], 0, SND_SIZE); } if (!PSG_MAME) SN76489_Reset(0); memset (snd.psg.buffer, 0, SND_SIZE); } } void system_shutdown (void) { gen_shutdown (); vdp_shutdown (); render_shutdown (); } int system_frame (int do_skip) { /* update total cycles count */ dma_m68k += count_m68k; /* reset line cycles counts */ aim_m68k = 0; count_m68k = 0; aim_z80 = 0; count_z80 = 0; lastbusreqcnt = -1000; if (!gen_running) return 0; /* Clear V-Blank flag */ status &= 0xFFF7; /* Toggle even/odd flag (IM2 only) */ if (im2_flag) status ^= 0x0010; /* Reset HCounter */ h_counter = reg[10]; /* Point to start of sound buffer */ snd.fm.lastStage = snd.fm.curStage = 0; snd.psg.lastStage = snd.psg.curStage = 0; /* Parse sprites for line 0 (done on line 261 or 312) */ parse_satb (0x80); /* Line processing */ for (v_counter = 0; v_counter < lines_per_frame; v_counter ++) { /* update cpu cycles goal for the line */ aim_z80 += miscZ80cycles; aim_m68k += misc68Kcycles; /* 6-Buttons or Menacer update */ input_update(); /* If a Z80 interrupt is still pending after a scanline, cancel it */ if (zirq) { zirq = 0; z80_set_irq_line(0, CLEAR_LINE); } /* H Int */ if (v_counter <= frame_end) { if(--h_counter < 0) { h_counter = reg[10]; hint_pending = 1; } } /* hack for Lotus 2 Recs */ if (alttiming && !do_skip) { if (v_counter < frame_end) render_line(v_counter); if (v_counter < (frame_end-1)) parse_satb(0x81 + v_counter); } /* H retrace */ status |= 0x0004; // HBlank = 1 m68k_run(aim_m68k - 404); if (!alttiming && !do_skip) { if (v_counter < frame_end) render_line(v_counter); if (v_counter < (frame_end-1)) parse_satb(0x81 + v_counter); } if (v_counter == frame_end) { /* V Retrace */ status |= 0x0008; // VBlank = 1 m68k_run(aim_m68k - 360); if (zreset == 1 && zbusreq == 0) z80_run(aim_z80 - 168); else count_z80 = aim_z80 - 168; /* V Int */ vint_pending = 1; status |= 0x0080; /* Z Int */ if (zreset == 1 && zbusreq == 0) { zirq = 1; z80_set_irq_line(0, ASSERT_LINE); } } status &= 0xFFFB; // HBlank = 0 /* Process end of line */ m68k_run(aim_m68k); if (zreset == 1 && zbusreq == 0) z80_run(aim_z80); else count_z80 = aim_z80; /* Update FM timers (one raster takes approx. 63.7 us) */ fm_update_timers (64); } if (snd.enabled) audio_update (); return gen_running; } #ifdef NGC /**************************************************************************** * softdev - 09 Mar 2006 * * * Nintendo Gamecube Specific Mixer from here on in ... ****************************************************************************/ extern unsigned char soundbuffer[16][3840]; extern int mixbuffer; extern double psg_preamp; extern double fm_preamp; extern u8 boost; static int ll, rr; void audio_update (void) { int i; int l, r; int16 *tempBuffer[2]; int16 *sb = (int16 *) soundbuffer[mixbuffer]; /* get remaining samples */ /* YM2612 */ if (FM_GENS) { int *fmBuffer[2]; fmBuffer[0] = snd.fm.gens_buffer[0] + snd.fm.lastStage; fmBuffer[1] = snd.fm.gens_buffer[1] + snd.fm.lastStage; YM2612_Update(fmBuffer, snd.buffer_size - snd.fm.lastStage); } else { tempBuffer[0] = snd.fm.buffer[0] + snd.fm.lastStage; tempBuffer[1] = snd.fm.buffer[1] + snd.fm.lastStage; YM2612UpdateOne (myFM, tempBuffer, snd.buffer_size - snd.fm.lastStage); } /* PSG */ tempBuffer[0] = snd.psg.buffer + snd.psg.lastStage; if (PSG_MAME) SN76496Update (0, tempBuffer[0], snd.buffer_size - snd.psg.lastStage); else SN76489_Update(0, tempBuffer[0], snd.buffer_size - snd.psg.lastStage); /* mix samples */ for (i = 0; i < snd.buffer_size; i ++) { /* PSG */ l = r = (int) ((double)snd.psg.buffer[i] * psg_preamp); if (FM_GENS) { l += (int) ((double)snd.fm.gens_buffer[0][i] * fm_preamp); r += (int) ((double)snd.fm.gens_buffer[1][i] * fm_preamp); snd.fm.gens_buffer[0][i] = 0; snd.fm.gens_buffer[1][i] = 0; } else { l += (int) ((double)snd.fm.buffer[0][i] * fm_preamp); r += (int) ((double)snd.fm.buffer[1][i] * fm_preamp); } /* single-pole low-pass filter (6 dB/octave) */ ll = (ll + l) >> 1; rr = (rr + r) >> 1; l = ll * boost; r = rr * boost; /* clipping */ if (l > 32767) l = 32767; else if (l < -32768) l = -32768; if (r > 32767) r = 32767; else if (r < -32768) r = -32768; *sb++ = l; *sb++ = r; } mixbuffer++; mixbuffer &= 0xf; } #else void audio_update (void) { int i; int16 acc; int16 *tempBuffer[2]; if (FM_GENS) { int *fmBuffer[2]; fmBuffer[0] = snd.fm.gens_buffer[0] + snd.fm.lastStage; fmBuffer[1] = snd.fm.gens_buffer[1] + snd.fm.lastStage; YM2612_Update(fmBuffer, snd.buffer_size - snd.fm.lastStage); } else { tempBuffer[0] = snd.fm.buffer[0] + snd.fm.lastStage; tempBuffer[1] = snd.fm.buffer[1] + snd.fm.lastStage; YM2612UpdateOne (myFM, tempBuffer, snd.buffer_size - snd.fm.lastStage); } tempBuffer[0] = snd.psg.buffer + snd.psg.lastStage; if (PSG_MAME) SN76496Update (0, tempBuffer[0], snd.buffer_size - snd.psg.lastStage); else SN76489_Update(0, tempBuffer[0], snd.buffer_size - snd.psg.lastStage); for (i = 0; i < snd.buffer_size; i += 1) { int16 psg = snd.psg.buffer[i] / 2; acc = 0; acc += FM_GENS ? snd.fm.gens_buffer[0][i] : snd.fm.buffer[0][i]; acc += psg; snd.buffer[0][i] = acc; acc = 0; acc += FM_GENS ? snd.fm.gens_buffer[1][i] : snd.fm.buffer[1][i]; acc += psg; snd.buffer[1][i] = acc; if (FM_GENS) { snd.fm.gens_buffer[0][i] = 0; snd.fm.gens_buffer[1][i] = 0; } } } #endif