#ifndef Z80_H_
#define Z80_H_

#include "osd_cpu.h"

  /* line states */
  CLEAR_LINE = 0, /* clear (a fired, held or pulsed) line */
  ASSERT_LINE,    /* assert an interrupt immediately */
  HOLD_LINE,      /* hold interrupt line until acknowledged */
  PULSE_LINE     /* pulse interrupt line for one instruction */

enum {
  Z80_PC, Z80_SP,
  Z80_A, Z80_B, Z80_C, Z80_D, Z80_E, Z80_H, Z80_L,
  Z80_AF, Z80_BC, Z80_DE, Z80_HL,
  Z80_IX, Z80_IY,  Z80_AF2, Z80_BC2, Z80_DE2, Z80_HL2,
  Z80_R, Z80_I, Z80_IM, Z80_IFF1, Z80_IFF2, Z80_HALT,
  Z80_DC0, Z80_DC1, Z80_DC2, Z80_DC3, Z80_WZ

enum {
  Z80_TABLE_ex  /* cycles counts for taken jr/jp/call and interrupt latency (rst opcodes) */

/* The Z80 registers. HALT is set to 1 when the CPU is halted, the refresh  */
/* register is calculated as follows: refresh=(Z80.r&127)|(Z80.r2&128)      */
typedef struct
  PAIR  pc,sp,af,bc,de,hl,ix,iy,wz;
  PAIR  af2,bc2,de2,hl2;
  UINT8  r,r2,iff1,iff2,halt,im,i;
  UINT8  nmi_state;      /* nmi line state */
  UINT8  nmi_pending;    /* nmi pending */
  UINT8  irq_state;      /* irq line state */
  UINT8  after_ei;       /* are we in the EI shadow? */
  UINT32 cycles;         /* master clock cycles global counter */
  const struct z80_irq_daisy_chain *daisy;
  int    (*irq_callback)(int irqline);
}  Z80_Regs;

extern Z80_Regs Z80;

extern unsigned char *z80_readmap[64];
extern unsigned char *z80_writemap[64];

extern void (*z80_writemem)(unsigned int address, unsigned char data);
extern unsigned char (*z80_readmem)(unsigned int address);
extern void (*z80_writeport)(unsigned int port, unsigned char data);
extern unsigned char (*z80_readport)(unsigned int port);

extern void z80_init(const void *config, int (*irqcallback)(int));
extern void z80_reset (void);
extern void z80_run(unsigned int cycles);
extern void z80_get_context (void *dst);
extern void z80_set_context (void *src);
extern void z80_set_irq_line(unsigned int state);
extern void z80_set_nmi_line(unsigned int state);
