//                                3 Band EQ :)
// EQ.C - Main Source file for 3 band EQ
// (c) Neil C / Etanza Systems / 2K6
// Shouts / Loves / Moans = etanza at lycos dot co dot uk 
// This work is hereby placed in the public domain for all purposes, including
// use in commercial applications.
// The author assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY for any problems caused by the use of
// this software.

/* NOTES :
// - Original filter code by Paul Kellet (musicdsp.pdf)
// - Uses 4 first order filters in series, should give 24dB per octave
// - Now with P4 Denormal fix :)


/* ----------
//| Includes |
// ----------*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "eq.h"
#include "macros.h"

/* -----------
//| Constants |
// -----------*/

static double vsa = (1.0 / 4294967295.0); /* Very small amount (Denormal Fix) */

/* ---------------
//| Initialise EQ |
// ---------------*/

/* Recommended frequencies are ...
//  lowfreq  = 880  Hz
//  highfreq = 5000 Hz
// Set mixfreq to whatever rate your system is using (eg 48Khz)*/

void init_3band_state(EQSTATE * es, int lowfreq, int highfreq, int mixfreq)
    /* Clear state */

    memset(es, 0, sizeof(EQSTATE));

    /* Set Low/Mid/High gains to unity */

    es->lg = 1.0;
    es->mg = 1.0;
    es->hg = 1.0;

    /* Calculate filter cutoff frequencies */

    es->lf = 2 * sin(M_PI * ((double) lowfreq / (double) mixfreq));
    es->hf = 2 * sin(M_PI * ((double) highfreq / (double) mixfreq));

/* ---------------
//| EQ one sample |
// ---------------*/

/* - sample can be any range you like :)
// Note that the output will depend on the gain settings for each band 
// (especially the bass) so may require clipping before output, but you 
// knew that anyway :)*/

double do_3band(EQSTATE * es, int sample)
    /* Locals */

    double l, m, h;   /* Low / Mid / High - Sample Values */

    /* Filter #1 (lowpass) */

    es->f1p0 += (es->lf * ((double) sample - es->f1p0)) + vsa;
    es->f1p1 += (es->lf * (es->f1p0 - es->f1p1));
    es->f1p2 += (es->lf * (es->f1p1 - es->f1p2));
    es->f1p3 += (es->lf * (es->f1p2 - es->f1p3));

    l = es->f1p3;

    /* Filter #2 (highpass) */

    es->f2p0 += (es->hf * ((double) sample - es->f2p0)) + vsa;
    es->f2p1 += (es->hf * (es->f2p0 - es->f2p1));
    es->f2p2 += (es->hf * (es->f2p1 - es->f2p2));
    es->f2p3 += (es->hf * (es->f2p2 - es->f2p3));

    h = es->sdm3 - es->f2p3;

    /* Calculate midrange (signal - (low + high)) */

    /* m = es->sdm3 - (h + l); */
    /* fix from http://www.musicdsp.org/showArchiveComment.php?ArchiveID=236 ? */
    m = sample - (h + l);

    /* Scale, Combine and store */

    l *= es->lg;
    m *= es->mg;
    h *= es->hg;

    /* Shuffle history buffer */

    es->sdm3 = es->sdm2;
    es->sdm2 = es->sdm1;
    es->sdm1 = sample;

    /* Return result */

    return (int) (l + m + h);