/*------------------------------------------------------------- usb2storage.c -- USB mass storage support, inside starlet Copyright (C) 2008 Kwiirk Improved for homebrew by rodries If this driver is linked before libogc, this will replace the original usbstorage driver by svpe from libogc CIOS_usb2 must be loaded! This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. -------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef HW_RVL #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define DEBUG_USB2 #ifdef DEBUG_USB2 #define debug_printf(fmt, args...) \ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:" fmt, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##args) #else #define debug_printf(fmt, args...) #endif // DEBUG_USB2 #define UMS_BASE (('U'<<24)|('M'<<16)|('S'<<8)) #define USB_IOCTL_UMS_INIT (UMS_BASE+0x1) #define USB_IOCTL_UMS_GET_CAPACITY (UMS_BASE+0x2) #define USB_IOCTL_UMS_READ_SECTORS (UMS_BASE+0x3) #define USB_IOCTL_UMS_WRITE_SECTORS (UMS_BASE+0x4) #define USB_IOCTL_UMS_READ_STRESS (UMS_BASE+0x5) #define USB_IOCTL_UMS_SET_VERBOSE (UMS_BASE+0x6) #define USB_IOCTL_UMS_IS_INSERTED (UMS_BASE+0x7) #define USB_IOCTL_UMS_UMOUNT (UMS_BASE+0x10) #define USB_IOCTL_UMS_START (UMS_BASE+0x11) #define USB_IOCTL_UMS_STOP (UMS_BASE+0x12) #define USB_IOCTL_UMS_EXIT (UMS_BASE+0x16) #define UMS_HEAPSIZE 2*1024 #define UMS_MAXPATH 16 static s32 hId = -1; static s32 fd = -1; static u32 sector_size; static s32 usb2 = -1; static mutex_t usb2_mutex = LWP_MUTEX_NULL; static u8 *fixed_buffer = NULL; static s32 usb2_inited = 0; #define ROUNDDOWN32(v) (((u32)(v)-0x1f)&~0x1f) #define USB2_BUFFER 128*1024 static heap_cntrl usb2_heap; static u8 __usb2_heap_created = 0; static DISC_INTERFACE __io_usb1storage; static int usb1disc_inited = 0; extern const DISC_INTERFACE __io_usb2storage; static int currentMode = 2; // 1 = use USB1 interface, 2 = use USB2 interface static s32 USB2CreateHeap() { u32 level; void *usb2_heap_ptr; _CPU_ISR_Disable(level); if (__usb2_heap_created != 0) { _CPU_ISR_Restore(level); return IPC_OK; } usb2_heap_ptr = (void *) ROUNDDOWN32(((u32)SYS_GetArena2Hi() - (USB2_BUFFER+(4*1024)))); if ((u32) usb2_heap_ptr < (u32) SYS_GetArena2Lo()) { _CPU_ISR_Restore(level); return IPC_ENOMEM; } SYS_SetArena2Hi(usb2_heap_ptr); __lwp_heap_init(&usb2_heap, usb2_heap_ptr, (USB2_BUFFER + (4 * 1024)), 32); __usb2_heap_created = 1; _CPU_ISR_Restore(level); return IPC_OK; } static s32 USB2Storage_Initialize(int verbose) { s32 ret = USB_OK; u32 size = 0; char *devicepath = NULL; //if(usb2_inited) return ret; if (usb2_mutex == LWP_MUTEX_NULL) LWP_MutexInit(&usb2_mutex, false); LWP_MutexLock(usb2_mutex); if (hId == -1) hId = iosCreateHeap(UMS_HEAPSIZE); if (hId < 0) { LWP_MutexUnlock(usb2_mutex); debug_printf("error IPC_ENOMEM\n",fd); return IPC_ENOMEM; } if (USB2CreateHeap() != IPC_OK) { debug_printf("error USB2 IPC_ENOMEM\n",fd); return IPC_ENOMEM; } if (fixed_buffer == NULL) fixed_buffer = __lwp_heap_allocate(&usb2_heap, USB2_BUFFER); if (fd < 0) { devicepath = iosAlloc(hId, UMS_MAXPATH); if (devicepath == NULL) { LWP_MutexUnlock(usb2_mutex); return IPC_ENOMEM; } snprintf(devicepath, USB_MAXPATH, "/dev/usb2"); fd = IOS_Open(devicepath, 0); iosFree(hId, devicepath); } ret = fd; debug_printf("usb2 fd: %d\n",fd); usleep(500); if (fd > 0) { if (verbose) ret = IOS_IoctlvFormat(hId, fd, USB_IOCTL_UMS_SET_VERBOSE, ":"); ret = IOS_IoctlvFormat(hId, fd, USB_IOCTL_UMS_INIT, ":"); debug_printf("usb2 init value: %i\n", ret); if (ret < 0) debug_printf("usb2 error init\n"); else size = IOS_IoctlvFormat(hId, fd, USB_IOCTL_UMS_GET_CAPACITY, ":i", §or_size); debug_printf("usb2 GET_CAPACITY: %d\n", size); if (size == 0) ret = -2012; else ret = 1; } else { ret = -1; } LWP_MutexUnlock(usb2_mutex); if(ret >= 0) usb2_inited = 1; return ret; } static inline int is_MEM2_buffer(const void *buffer) { u32 high_addr = ((u32) buffer) >> 24; return (high_addr == 0x90) || (high_addr == 0xD0); } void USB2Enable(bool enable) { if(!usb1disc_inited) { usb1disc_inited = 1; memcpy(&__io_usb1storage, &__io_usbstorage, sizeof(DISC_INTERFACE)); } if(!enable) { __io_usbstorage = __io_usb1storage; } else { //USB2Storage_Initialize(0); __io_usbstorage = __io_usb2storage; } } /* static s32 USB2Storage_Get_Capacity(u32*_sector_size) { if(fd>0) { LWP_MutexLock(usb2_mutex); s32 ret = IOS_IoctlvFormat(hId,fd,USB_IOCTL_UMS_GET_CAPACITY,":i",§or_size); if(_sector_size) *_sector_size = sector_size; LWP_MutexUnlock(usb2_mutex); return ret; } else return IPC_ENOENT; } s32 GetInitValue() { return usb2_init_value; } s32 USB2Unmount() { return IOS_IoctlvFormat(hId, fd, USB_IOCTL_UMS_UMOUNT, ":"); } s32 USB2Start() { return IOS_IoctlvFormat(hId, fd, USB_IOCTL_UMS_START, ":"); } s32 USB2Stop() { return IOS_IoctlvFormat(hId, fd, USB_IOCTL_UMS_STOP, ":"); } void USB2Close() { if (fd > 0) IOS_Close(fd); fd = -1; } int USB2ReadSector(u32 sector) { void *b; s32 ret; b = malloc(1024); ret = USBStorage_Read_Sectors(sector, 1, b); free(b); return ret; } */ static bool __usb2storage_Startup(void) { bool ret; usb2 = USB2Storage_Initialize(0); if(usb2 >= 0) { currentMode = 2; ret = true; } else if (usb2 < 0) { ret = __io_usb1storage.startup(); if(ret) currentMode = 1; } return ret; } static bool __usb2storage_IsInserted(void) { int retval; bool ret = false; if (usb2 == -1) { retval = __usb2storage_Startup(); debug_printf("__usb2storage_Startup ret: %d fd: %i\n",retval,fd); } //else LWP_MutexLock(usb2_mutex); if (fd > 0) { retval = IOS_IoctlvFormat(hId, fd, USB_IOCTL_UMS_IS_INSERTED, ":"); debug_printf("isinserted usb2 retval: %d ret: %d\n",retval,ret); if (retval > 0) { currentMode = 2; ret = true; debug_printf("isinserted(2) usb2 retval: %d ret: %d\n",retval,ret); } } if(ret==false) { retval = __io_usb1storage.isInserted(); if (retval > 0) { debug_printf("isinserted usb1 retval: %d\n",retval); currentMode = 1; ret = true; } } debug_printf("final isinserted usb2 retval: %d ret: %d\n",retval,ret); LWP_MutexUnlock(usb2_mutex); return ret; } static bool __usb2storage_ReadSectors(u32 sector, u32 numSectors, void *buffer) { s32 ret = 1; u32 sectors = 0; uint8_t *dest = buffer; if (currentMode == 1) return __io_usb1storage.readSectors(sector, numSectors, buffer); if (fd < 1) return IPC_ENOENT; LWP_MutexLock(usb2_mutex); while (numSectors > 0) { if (numSectors * sector_size > USB2_BUFFER) sectors = USB2_BUFFER / sector_size; else sectors = numSectors; if (!is_MEM2_buffer(dest)) //libfat is not providing us good buffers :-( { ret = IOS_IoctlvFormat(hId, fd, USB_IOCTL_UMS_READ_SECTORS, "ii:d", sector, sectors, fixed_buffer, sector_size * sectors); memcpy(dest, fixed_buffer, sector_size * sectors); } else ret = IOS_IoctlvFormat(hId, fd, USB_IOCTL_UMS_READ_SECTORS, "ii:d", sector, sectors, dest, sector_size * sectors); dest += sector_size * sectors; if (ret < 1) break; sector += sectors; numSectors -= sectors; } if(ret<1)usb2 = -1; LWP_MutexUnlock(usb2_mutex); if (ret < 1) return false; return true; } static bool __usb2storage_WriteSectors(u32 sector, u32 numSectors, const void *buffer) { s32 ret = 1; u32 sectors = 0; uint8_t *dest = (uint8_t *) buffer; if (currentMode == 1) return __io_usb1storage.writeSectors(sector, numSectors, buffer); if (fd < 1) return IPC_ENOENT; LWP_MutexLock(usb2_mutex); while (numSectors > 0 && ret > 0) { if (numSectors * sector_size > USB2_BUFFER) sectors = USB2_BUFFER / sector_size; else sectors = numSectors; numSectors -= sectors; if (!is_MEM2_buffer(dest)) // libfat is not providing us good buffers :-( { memcpy(fixed_buffer, dest, sector_size * sectors); ret = IOS_IoctlvFormat(hId, fd, USB_IOCTL_UMS_WRITE_SECTORS, "ii:d", sector, sectors, fixed_buffer, sector_size * sectors); } else ret = IOS_IoctlvFormat(hId, fd, USB_IOCTL_UMS_WRITE_SECTORS, "ii:d", sector, sectors, dest, sector_size * sectors); if (ret < 1)break; dest += sector_size * sectors; sector += sectors; } LWP_MutexUnlock(usb2_mutex); if(ret < 1 ) return false; return true; } static bool __usb2storage_ClearStatus(void) { if (currentMode == 1) return __io_usb1storage.clearStatus(); return true; } static bool __usb2storage_Shutdown(void) { if (currentMode == 1) return __io_usb1storage.shutdown(); LWP_MutexLock(usb2_mutex); debug_printf("__usb2storage_Shutdown\n"); usb2 = -1; LWP_MutexUnlock(usb2_mutex); return true; } const DISC_INTERFACE __io_usb2storage = { DEVICE_TYPE_WII_USB, FEATURE_MEDIUM_CANREAD | FEATURE_MEDIUM_CANWRITE | FEATURE_WII_USB, (FN_MEDIUM_STARTUP) & __usb2storage_Startup, (FN_MEDIUM_ISINSERTED) & __usb2storage_IsInserted, (FN_MEDIUM_READSECTORS) & __usb2storage_ReadSectors, (FN_MEDIUM_WRITESECTORS) & __usb2storage_WriteSectors, (FN_MEDIUM_CLEARSTATUS) & __usb2storage_ClearStatus, (FN_MEDIUM_SHUTDOWN) & __usb2storage_Shutdown }; #endif