/**************************************************************************** * menu.c * * Genesis Plus GX menus * * code by Eke-Eke (march 2009) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * ***************************************************************************/ #include "shared.h" #include "dvd.h" #include "font.h" #include "menu.h" #include "file_dvd.h" #include "file_fat.h" #include "filesel.h" #include #include /* Global datas */ t_input_menu m_input; #ifdef HW_RVL gx_texture *w_pointer; #endif #define BG_COLOR_MAX 15 /* various background colors */ static GXColor bg_colors[BG_COLOR_MAX]= { {0xd6,0xcb,0xba,0xff}, /* light gold */ {0xbb,0xb0,0x99,0xff}, /* gold */ {0x66,0x66,0x66,0xff}, /* faded grey */ {0xcc,0xcc,0xcc,0xff}, /* light grey */ {0xd4,0xd0,0xc8,0xff}, /* cream */ {0x50,0x51,0x5b,0xff}, /* grey blue */ {0xb8,0xc7,0xda,0xff}, /* light blue */ {0xc0,0xcf,0xe7,0xff}, /* sky blue */ {0x98,0xb1,0xd8,0xff}, /* sea blue */ {0x7b,0x8c,0xa6,0xff}, /* violet */ {0xa9,0xc7,0xc6,0xff}, /* green blue */ {0x7d,0xa4,0x9f,0xff}, /* darker green blue */ {0x22,0x52,0x74,0xff}, /* dark blue */ {0x33,0x33,0x33,0xff}, /* dark grey */ {0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff} /* black */ }; /*****************************************************************************/ /* Generic Buttons data */ /*****************************************************************************/ static butn_data arrow_up_data = { {NULL,NULL}, {Button_up_png,Button_up_over_png} }; static butn_data arrow_down_data = { {NULL,NULL}, {Button_down_png,Button_down_over_png} }; static butn_data button_text_data = { {NULL,NULL}, {Button_text_png,Button_text_over_png} }; static butn_data button_icon_data = { {NULL,NULL}, {Button_icon_png,Button_icon_over_png} }; static butn_data button_icon_sm_data = { {NULL,NULL}, {Button_icon_sm_png,Button_icon_sm_over_png} }; static butn_data button_player_data = { {NULL,NULL}, {Ctrl_player_png,Ctrl_player_over_png} }; static butn_data button_player_none_data = { {NULL,NULL}, {Ctrl_player_none_png,NULL} }; /*****************************************************************************/ /* Generic GUI items */ /*****************************************************************************/ static gui_item action_cancel = { #ifdef HW_RVL NULL,Key_B_wii_png,"","Back",10,422,28,28 #else NULL,Key_B_gcn_png,"","Back",10,422,28,28 #endif }; static gui_item action_select = { #ifdef HW_RVL NULL,Key_A_wii_png,"","",602,422,28,28 #else NULL,Key_A_gcn_png,"","",602,422,28,28 #endif }; /*****************************************************************************/ /* Generic GUI backgrounds */ /*****************************************************************************/ static gui_image bg_main[4] = { {NULL,Bg_main_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE|IMAGE_FADE,146,80,348,288,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Bg_overlay_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE|IMAGE_REPEAT,0,0,640,480,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Banner_main_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE|IMAGE_SLIDE_Y,0,340,640,140,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Main_logo_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE|IMAGE_SLIDE_Y,202,362,232,56,255,{0,0},{0,0}} }; static gui_image bg_misc[5] = { {NULL,Bg_main_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,146,80,348,288,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Bg_overlay_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE|IMAGE_REPEAT,0,0,640,480,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Banner_top_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,0,0,640,108,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Banner_bottom_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,0,380,640,100,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Main_logo_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,466,40,152,44,255,{0,0},{0,0}} }; static gui_image bg_ctrls[7] = { {NULL,Bg_main_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,356,144,348,288,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Bg_overlay_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE|IMAGE_REPEAT,0,0,640,480,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Banner_top_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,0,0,640,108,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Banner_bottom_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,0,380,640,100,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Main_logo_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,466,40,152,44,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Frame_s4_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,38,72,316,168,128,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Frame_s4_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,38,242,308,168,128,{0,0},{0,0}}, }; static gui_image bg_list[6] = { {NULL,Bg_main_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,356,144,348,288,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Bg_overlay_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE|IMAGE_REPEAT,0,0,640,480,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Banner_top_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,0,0,640,108,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Banner_bottom_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,0,380,640,100,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Main_logo_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,466,40,152,44,255,{0,0},{0,0}}, {NULL,Frame_s1_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,8,70,372,336,128,{0,0},{0,0}} }; /*****************************************************************************/ /* Menu Items description */ /*****************************************************************************/ static gui_item items_main[9] = { {NULL,Main_quit_png ,"","",128, 84,52,80}, {NULL,Main_load_png ,"","",280, 72,80,92}, {NULL,Main_options_png ,"","",456, 76,60,88}, {NULL,Main_file_png ,"","",114,216,80,92}, {NULL,Main_reset_png ,"","",282,224,76,84}, {NULL,Main_ggenie_png ,"","",450,224,72,84}, #ifdef HW_RVL {NULL,Main_play_wii_png,"","", 10,372,84,32}, #else {NULL,Main_play_gcn_png,"","", 10,372,84,32}, #endif {NULL,Main_takeshot_png,"","",546,334,84,32}, {NULL,Main_showinfo_png,"","",546,372,84,32} }; static gui_item items_ctrls[10] = { {NULL,NULL,"","" , 0, 0, 0, 0}, {NULL,NULL,"","" , 0, 0, 0, 0}, {NULL,NULL,"","Configure Player settings" ,304, 0, 24, 0}, {NULL,NULL,"","Configure Player settings" ,304, 0, 24, 0}, {NULL,NULL,"","Configure Player settings" ,304, 0, 24, 0}, {NULL,NULL,"","Configure Player settings" ,304, 0, 24, 0}, {NULL,NULL,"","Configure Player settings" ,304, 0, 24, 0}, {NULL,NULL,"","Configure Player settings" ,304, 0, 24, 0}, {NULL,NULL,"","Configure Player settings" ,304, 0, 24, 0}, {NULL,NULL,"","Configure Player settings" ,304, 0, 24, 0} }; #ifdef HW_RVL static gui_item items_load[4] = { {NULL,Load_recent_png,"","Load recent files", 276,120,88,96}, {NULL,Load_sd_png ,"","Load ROM files from SDCARD", 110,266,88,96}, {NULL,Load_usb_png ,"","Load ROM files from USB device",276,266,88,96}, {NULL,Load_dvd_png ,"","Load ROM files from DVD", 442,266,88,96} }; #else static gui_item items_load[3] = { {NULL,Load_recent_png,"","Load recent files", 110,198,88,96}, {NULL,Load_sd_png ,"","Load ROM files from SDCARD",276,198,88,96}, {NULL,Load_dvd_png ,"","Load ROM files from DVD", 442,198,88,96} }; #endif static gui_item items_options[5] = { {NULL,Option_system_png,"","System settings", 114,142,80,92}, {NULL,Option_video_png ,"","Video settings", 288,150,64,84}, {NULL,Option_sound_png ,"","Audio settings", 464,154,44,80}, {NULL,Option_ctrl_png ,"","Input settings", 192,286,88,92}, {NULL,Option_menu_png ,"","Menu settings", 370,286,60,92} }; /* Audio options menu */ static gui_item items_audio[5] = { {NULL,NULL,"PSG Volume: 2.50", "Adjust PSG output level", 52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"FM Volume: 1.00", "Adjust FM output level", 52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"Volume Boost: 1x", "Adjust general output level", 52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"LowPass Filter: OFF","Enable/disable sound filtering", 52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"HQ YM2612: LINEAR", "Enable/disable FM chip interpolation",52,132,276,48} }; /* System options menu */ static gui_item items_system[4] = { {NULL,NULL,"Console Region: AUTO","Select system region", 52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"System Lockups: OFF", "Enable/disable original system lock-ups",52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"System BIOS: OFF", "Enable/disable TMSS BIOS support", 52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"SVP Cycles: 1500", "Adjust SVP chip emulation speed", 52,132,276,48} }; /* Video options menu */ static gui_item items_video[8] = { {NULL,NULL,"Aspect: STRETCHED", "Select display aspect ratio", 52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"Display: PROGRESSIVE", "Select video mode type", 52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"TV mode: 50/60Hz", "Select video refresh rate", 52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"Bilinear Filter: OFF", "Enable/disable hardware filtering", 52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"NTSC Filter: COMPOSITE","Enable/disable NTSC software filtering", 52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"Borders: OFF", "Enable/disable original overscan emulation",52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"DISPLAY POSITION", "Adjust display position", 52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"DISPLAY SIZE", "Adjust display size", 52,132,276,48} }; /* Preferences menu */ static gui_item items_prefs[5] = { {NULL,NULL,"Auto SRAM: OFF", "Enable/disable automatic SRAM", 52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"Auto STATE: OFF", "Enable/disable automatic Savestate", 52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"SFX Volume: 100", "Adjust sound effects volume", 52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"BGM Volume: 100", "Adjust background music volume", 52,132,276,48}, {NULL,NULL,"BG Color: DEFAULT", "Change background color", 52,132,276,48} }; /*****************************************************************************/ /* Menu Buttons description */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* Generic Buttons for list menu */ static gui_butn arrow_up = {&arrow_up_data,BUTTON_OVER_SFX,{0,0,0,0},14,76,360,32}; static gui_butn arrow_down = {&arrow_down_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX,{0,0,0,0},14,368,360,32}; /* Generic list menu */ static gui_butn buttons_list[4] = { {&button_text_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_SHIFT|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX,{1,1,0,0},52,132,276,48}, {&button_text_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_SHIFT|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX,{1,1,0,0},52,188,276,48}, {&button_text_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_SHIFT|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX,{1,1,0,0},52,244,276,48}, {&button_text_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_SHIFT|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX,{1,1,0,0},52,300,276,48} }; /* Main menu */ static gui_butn buttons_main[9] = { {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{0,3,0,1}, 80, 50,148,132}, {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{0,3,1,1},246, 50,148,132}, {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{0,3,1,1},412, 50,148,132}, {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{3,3,1,1}, 80,194,148,132}, {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX ,{3,3,1,1},246,194,148,132}, {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{3,2,1,1},412,194,148,132}, {NULL , BUTTON_OVER_SFX ,{3,0,1,1}, 0,360, 88, 48}, {NULL , BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{2,1,1,1},542,330, 88, 38}, {NULL , BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{1,0,1,0},542,370, 88, 48} }; /* Controllers Menu */ static gui_butn buttons_ctrls[10] = { {&button_icon_data ,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX ,{0,1,0,2}, 60, 88,148,132}, {&button_icon_data ,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX ,{1,0,0,5}, 60,258,148,132}, {NULL ,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{0,1,2,0},250, 79, 84, 32}, {NULL ,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{1,1,3,0},250,117, 84, 32}, {NULL ,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{1,1,4,0},250,155, 84, 32}, {NULL ,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{1,1,5,0},250,193, 84, 32}, {NULL ,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{1,1,5,0},250,249, 84, 32}, {NULL ,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{1,1,6,0},250,287, 84, 32}, {NULL ,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{1,1,7,0},250,325, 84, 32}, {NULL ,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{1,0,8,0},250,363, 84, 32} }; /* Load Game menu */ #ifdef HW_RVL static gui_butn buttons_load[4] = { {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{0,2,0,1},246,102,148,132}, {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{1,0,1,1}, 80,248,148,132}, {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{2,0,1,1},246,248,148,132}, {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{3,0,1,0},412,248,148,132} }; #else static gui_butn buttons_load[3] = { {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{0,0,0,1}, 80,180,148,132}, {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{0,0,1,1},246,180,148,132}, {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{0,0,1,0},412,180,148,132} }; #endif /* Options menu */ static gui_butn buttons_options[5] = { {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{0,3,0,1}, 80,120,148,132}, {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{0,3,1,1},246,120,148,132}, {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{0,2,1,1},412,120,148,132}, {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{3,0,1,1},162,264,148,132}, {&button_icon_data,BUTTON_VISIBLE|BUTTON_ACTIVE|BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{2,0,1,0},330,264,148,132} }; /*****************************************************************************/ /* Menu descriptions */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* Main menu */ static gui_menu menu_main = { "", 0,0, 9,9,4, items_main, buttons_main, bg_main, {NULL,NULL}, {NULL,NULL}, FALSE }; /* Main menu */ static gui_menu menu_ctrls = { "Controller Settings", 0,0, 10,10,7, items_ctrls, buttons_ctrls, bg_ctrls, {NULL,NULL}, {NULL,NULL}, FALSE }; /* Load Game menu */ static gui_menu menu_load = { "Load Game", 0,0, #ifdef HW_RVL 4,4,5, #else 3,3,5, #endif items_load, buttons_load, bg_misc, {&action_cancel, &action_select}, {NULL,NULL}, FALSE }; /* Options menu */ static gui_menu menu_options = { "Settings", 0,0, 5,5,5, items_options, buttons_options, bg_misc, {&action_cancel, &action_select}, {NULL,NULL}, FALSE }; /* System Options menu */ static gui_menu menu_system = { "System Settings", 0,0, 4,4,6, items_system, buttons_list, bg_list, {&action_cancel, &action_select}, {NULL,NULL}, FALSE }; /* Video Options menu */ static gui_menu menu_video = { "Video Settings", 0,0, 8,4,6, items_video, buttons_list, bg_list, {&action_cancel, &action_select}, {&arrow_up,&arrow_down}, FALSE }; /* Sound Options menu */ static gui_menu menu_audio = { "Sound Settings", 0,0, 5,4,6, items_audio, buttons_list, bg_list, {&action_cancel, &action_select}, {&arrow_up,&arrow_down}, FALSE }; /* Sound Options menu */ static gui_menu menu_prefs = { "Menu Settings", 0,0, 5,4,6, items_prefs, buttons_list, bg_list, {&action_cancel, &action_select}, {&arrow_up,&arrow_down}, FALSE }; /*****************************************************************************/ /* Generic GUI routines */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* Allocate texture images data */ void GUI_InitMenu(gui_menu *menu) { int i; gui_item *item; gui_butn *button; gui_image *image,*previous = NULL; /* background elements */ for (i=0; imax_images; i++) { image = &menu->bg_images[i]; if (previous && (previous->data == image->data)) { image->texture = previous->texture; } else { image->texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(image->data,0); } previous = image; } for (i=0; i<2; i++) { /* key helpers */ item = menu->helpers[i]; if (item) { item->texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(item->data,0); } /* arrows */ button = menu->arrows[i]; if (button) { if (!button->data->texture[0]) button->data->texture[0] = gxTextureOpenPNG(button->data->image[0],0); if (!button->data->texture[1]) button->data->texture[1] = gxTextureOpenPNG(button->data->image[1],0); /* initial state */ button->state &= ~BUTTON_VISIBLE; if (((i==0) && (abs(menu->offset) > 0)) || ((i==1) && (menu->offset + menu->max_buttons) < menu->max_items)) { button->state |= BUTTON_VISIBLE; } } } /* menu buttons */ for (i=0; imax_buttons; i++) { button = &menu->buttons[i]; if (button->data) { if (!button->data->texture[0]) button->data->texture[0] = gxTextureOpenPNG(button->data->image[0],0); if (!button->data->texture[1]) button->data->texture[1] = gxTextureOpenPNG(button->data->image[1],0); } } /* menu items */ for (i=0; imax_items; i++) { item = &menu->items[i]; if (item->data) item->texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(item->data,0); } } /* release allocated memory */ void GUI_DeleteMenu(gui_menu *menu) { int i; gui_butn *button; gui_item *item; gui_image *image; /* background elements */ for (i=0; imax_images; i++) { image = &menu->bg_images[i]; gxTextureClose(&image->texture); } for (i=0; i<2; i++) { /* key helpers */ item = menu->helpers[i]; if (item) { gxTextureClose(&item->texture); } /* arrows */ button = menu->arrows[i]; if (button) { gxTextureClose(&button->data->texture[0]); gxTextureClose(&button->data->texture[1]); } } /* menu buttons */ for (i=0; imax_buttons; i++) { button = &menu->buttons[i]; if (button->data) { gxTextureClose(&button->data->texture[0]); gxTextureClose(&button->data->texture[1]); } } /* menu items */ for (i=0; imax_items; i++) { item = &menu->items[i]; gxTextureClose(&item->texture); } } void GUI_DrawMenu(gui_menu *menu) { int i; gui_item *item; gui_butn *button; gui_image *image; /* background color */ if (menu->screenshot) { gxClearScreen((GXColor)BLACK); gxDrawScreenshot(128); } else { gxClearScreen(bg_colors[config.bg_color]); } /* background elements */ for (i=0; imax_images; i++) { image = &menu->bg_images[i]; if (image->state & IMAGE_REPEAT) gxDrawTextureRepeat(image->texture,image->x,image->y,image->w,image->h,image->alpha); else if (image->state & IMAGE_VISIBLE)gxDrawTexture(image->texture,image->x,image->y,image->w,image->h,image->alpha); } /* menu title */ FONT_write(menu->title, 22,10,56,640,(GXColor)WHITE); /* draw buttons + items */ for (i=0; imax_buttons; i++) { button = &menu->buttons[i]; if (button->state & BUTTON_VISIBLE) { /* draw button + items */ item = &menu->items[menu->offset +i]; if (i == menu->selected) { if (button->data) gxDrawTexture(button->data->texture[1],button->x-4,button->y-4,button->w+8,button->h+8,255); if (item->data) gxDrawTexture(item->texture, item->x-4,item->y-4,item->w+8,item->h+8,255); else FONT_writeCenter(item->text,18,item->x,item->x+item->w,button->y+(button->h-18)/2+18,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); /* update help comment */ if (menu->helpers[1]) strcpy(menu->helpers[1]->comment,item->comment); } else { if (button->data) gxDrawTexture(button->data->texture[0],button->x,button->y,button->w, button->h,255); if (item->data) gxDrawTexture(item->texture,item->x,item->y,item->w,item->h,255); else FONT_writeCenter(item->text,16,item->x,item->x+item->w,button->y+(button->h - 16)/2+16,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); } } } /* draw arrow */ for (i=0; i<2; i++) { button = menu->arrows[i]; if (button) { if (button->state & BUTTON_VISIBLE) { if (menu->selected == (menu->max_buttons + i)) { gxDrawTexture(button->data->texture[1],button->x-2,button->y-2,button->w+4,button->h+4,255); } else { gxDrawTexture(button->data->texture[0],button->x,button->y,button->w, button->h,255); } } } } /* left comment */ item = menu->helpers[0]; if (item) { gxDrawTexture(item->texture,item->x,item->y,item->w,item->h,255); FONT_write(item->comment,16,item->x+item->w+6,item->y+(item->h-16)/2 + 16,640,(GXColor)WHITE); } /* right comment */ item = menu->helpers[1]; if (item) { if (menu->selected < menu->max_buttons) { gxDrawTexture(item->texture,item->x,item->y,item->w,item->h,255); FONT_alignRight(item->comment,16,item->x-6,item->y+(item->h-16)/2+16,(GXColor)WHITE); } } } /* Menu fading */ void GUI_FadeMenu(gui_menu *menu, u8 speed, u8 out) { int alpha = 255; while (alpha > 0) { GUI_DrawMenu(menu); gxDrawRectangle(0, 0, 640, 480, out ? (255-alpha) : alpha, (GXColor)BLACK); alpha -= speed; } if (out) gxDrawRectangle(0, 0, 640, 480, 255, (GXColor)BLACK); } /* Menu transitions effect */ void GUI_DrawMenuFX(gui_menu *menu, u8 speed, u8 out) { int i,temp,xpos,ypos; int max_offset = 0; gui_item *item; gui_butn *button; gui_image *image; /* find maximal offset */ for (i=0; imax_images; i++) { image = &menu->bg_images[i]; if (image->state & IMAGE_SLIDE_X) { temp = (image->x > 320) ? (640 - image->x) : (image->x + image->w); if (max_offset < temp) max_offset = temp; } if (image->state & IMAGE_SLIDE_Y) { temp = (image->y > 240) ? (480 - image->y) : (image->y + image->h); if (max_offset < temp) max_offset = temp; } } /* set position ranges*/ for (i=0; imax_images; i++) { image = &menu->bg_images[i]; if (image->state & IMAGE_SLIDE_X) { image->xrange[out] = (image->x > 320) ? (image->x + max_offset) : (image->x - max_offset); image->xrange[out^1] = image->x; } if (image->state & IMAGE_SLIDE_Y) { image->yrange[out] = (image->y > 240) ? (image->y + max_offset) : (image->y - max_offset); image->yrange[out^1] = image->y; } } /* Alpha steps */ int alpha = out ? 255 : 0; int alpha_step = (255 * speed) / max_offset; if (out) alpha_step = -alpha_step; /* Intialize Menu */ GUI_InitMenu(menu); /* Let's loop until final position has been reached */ while (max_offset > 0) { /* background color */ if (menu->screenshot) { gxClearScreen((GXColor)BLACK); if (alpha > 127) gxDrawScreenshot(128); else gxDrawScreenshot(255 - alpha); } else { gxClearScreen(bg_colors[config.bg_color]); } /* background elements */ for (i=0; imax_images; i++) { image = &menu->bg_images[i]; /* default position */ xpos = image->x; ypos = image->y; /* update position */ if (image->state & IMAGE_SLIDE_X) { xpos = (image->xrange[0] < image->xrange[1]) ? (image->xrange[1] - max_offset) : (image->xrange[1] + max_offset); } if (image->state & IMAGE_SLIDE_Y) { ypos = (image->yrange[0] < image->yrange[1]) ? (image->yrange[1] - max_offset) : (image->yrange[1] + max_offset); } if ((image->state & IMAGE_FADE) && ((out && (image->alpha > alpha)) || (!out && (image->alpha < alpha)))) { /* FADE In-Out */ if (image->state & IMAGE_REPEAT) gxDrawTextureRepeat(image->texture,xpos,ypos,image->w,image->h,alpha); else if (image->state & IMAGE_VISIBLE)gxDrawTexture(image->texture,xpos,ypos,image->w,image->h,alpha); } else { if (image->state & IMAGE_REPEAT) gxDrawTextureRepeat(image->texture,xpos,ypos,image->w,image->h,image->alpha); else if (image->state & IMAGE_VISIBLE)gxDrawTexture(image->texture,xpos,ypos,image->w,image->h,image->alpha); } } /* draw buttons + items */ for (i=0; imax_buttons; i++) { button = &menu->buttons[i]; if (button->state & BUTTON_VISIBLE) { /* draw button + items */ item = &menu->items[menu->offset + i]; if (button->data) gxDrawTexture(button->data->texture[0],button->x,button->y,button->w, button->h,alpha); if (item->data) gxDrawTexture(item->texture,item->x,item->y,item->w,item->h,alpha); } } /* update offset */ max_offset -= speed; /* update alpha */ alpha += alpha_step; if (alpha > 255) alpha = 255; else if (alpha < 0) alpha = 0; /* copy EFB to XFB */ gxSetScreen (); } /* final position */ if (!out) { GUI_DrawMenu(menu); gxSetScreen (); } else if (menu->screenshot) { gxClearScreen((GXColor)BLACK); gxDrawScreenshot(255); gxSetScreen (); } GUI_DeleteMenu(menu); } /* Window Prompt */ /* prompt window slides in & out */ int GUI_WindowPrompt(gui_menu *parent, char *title, char *items[], u8 nb_items) { int i, ret, quit = 0; s32 selected = 0; s32 old; butn_data *data = &button_text_data; u8 delete_me[2]; s16 p; #ifdef HW_RVL int x,y; struct orient_t orient; #endif /* initialize data */ for (i=0; i<2; i++) { delete_me[i] = 0; if (!data->texture[i]) { data->texture[i] = gxTextureOpenPNG(data->image[i],0); delete_me[i] = 1; } } /* initialize texture window */ gx_texture *window = gxTextureOpenPNG(Frame_s1_png,0); gx_texture *top = gxTextureOpenPNG(Frame_s1_title_png,0); /* get initial positions */ int w = data->texture[0]->width; int h = data->texture[0]->height; int xwindow = (640 - window->width)/2; int ywindow = (480 - window->height)/2; int xpos = xwindow + (window->width - w)/2; int ypos = (window->height - top->height - (h*nb_items) - (nb_items-1)*20)/2; ypos = ypos + ywindow + top->height; /* set initial vertical offset */ int yoffset = ywindow + window->height; /* reset help comment */ if (parent->helpers[1]) strcpy(parent->helpers[1]->comment,""); /* slide in */ while (yoffset > 0) { /* draw parent menu */ GUI_DrawMenu(parent); /* draw window */ gxDrawTexture(window,xwindow,ywindow-yoffset,window->width,window->height,230); gxDrawTexture(top,xwindow,ywindow-yoffset,top->width,top->height,255); /* draw title */ FONT_writeCenter(title,20,xwindow,xwindow+window->width,ywindow+(top->height-20)/2+20-yoffset,(GXColor)WHITE); /* draw buttons + text */ for (i=0; itexture[0],xpos,ypos+i*(20 + h)-yoffset,w,h,255); FONT_writeCenter(items[i],18,xpos,xpos+w,ypos+i*(20 + h)+(h + 18)/2- yoffset,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); } /* update display */ gxSetScreen (); /* slide speed */ yoffset -= 60; } /* draw menu */ while (quit == 0) { /* draw parent menu (should have been initialized first) */ GUI_DrawMenu(parent); /* draw window */ gxDrawTexture(window,xwindow,ywindow,window->width,window->height,230); gxDrawTexture(top,xwindow,ywindow,top->width,top->height,255); /* draw title */ FONT_writeCenter(title,20,xwindow,xwindow+window->width,ywindow+(top->height-20)/2+20,(GXColor)WHITE); /* draw buttons + text */ for (i=0; itexture[1],xpos-4,ypos+i*(20+h)-4,w+8,h+8,255); FONT_writeCenter(items[i],22,xpos,xpos+w,ypos+i*(20+h)+(h+22)/2,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); } else { gxDrawTexture(data->texture[0],xpos,ypos+i*(20 + h),w,h,255); FONT_writeCenter(items[i],18,xpos,xpos+w,ypos+i*(20+h)+(h+18)/2,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); } } old = selected; p = m_input.keys; #ifdef HW_RVL if (Shutdown) { gxTextureClose(&w_pointer); GUI_DeleteMenu(parent); shutdown(); SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_POWEROFF, 0, 0); } else if (m_input.ir.valid) { /* get cursor position */ x = m_input.ir.x; y = m_input.ir.y; /* draw wiimote pointer */ WPAD_Orientation(0,&orient); gxResetAngle(orient.roll); gxDrawTexture(w_pointer,x,y,w_pointer->width,w_pointer->height,255); gxResetAngle(0.0); /* check for valid buttons */ selected = -1; for (i=0; i=xpos)&&(x<=(xpos+w))&&(y>=ypos+i*(20 + h))&&(y<=(ypos+i*(20+h)+h))) { selected = i; break; } } } else { /* reinitialize selection */ if (selected == -1) selected = 0; } #endif /* update screen */ gxSetScreen (); /* update selection */ if (p&PAD_BUTTON_UP) { if (selected > 0) selected --; } else if (p&PAD_BUTTON_DOWN) { if (selected < (nb_items -1)) selected ++; } /* sound fx */ if (selected != old) { if (selected >= 0) { ASND_SetVoice(ASND_GetFirstUnusedVoice(),VOICE_MONO_16BIT,22050,0,(u8 *)button_over_pcm,button_over_pcm_size, ((int)config.sfx_volume * 255) / 100,((int)config.sfx_volume * 255) / 100,NULL); } } if (p & PAD_BUTTON_A) { if (selected >= 0) { quit = 1; ret = selected; } } else if (p & PAD_BUTTON_B) { quit = 1; ret = -1; } } /* reset initial vertical offset */ yoffset = 0; /* slide out */ while (yoffset < (ywindow + window->height)) { /* draw parent menu */ GUI_DrawMenu(parent); /* draw window + header */ gxDrawTexture(window,xwindow,ywindow-yoffset,window->width,window->height,230); gxDrawTexture(top,xwindow,ywindow-yoffset,top->width,top->height,255); /* draw title */ FONT_writeCenter(title,20,xwindow,xwindow+window->width,ywindow+(top->height-20)/2+20-yoffset,(GXColor)WHITE); /* draw buttons + text */ for (i=0; itexture[0],xpos,ypos+i*(20+h)-yoffset,w,h,255); FONT_writeCenter(items[i],18,xpos,xpos+w,ypos+i*(20+h)+(h+18)/2-yoffset,(GXColor)WHITE); } yoffset += 60; gxSetScreen (); } /* close textures */ gxTextureClose(&window); if (delete_me[0]) gxTextureClose(&data->texture[0]); if (delete_me[1]) gxTextureClose(&data->texture[1]); return ret; } int GUI_RunMenu(gui_menu *menu) { int selected,quit=0; gui_butn *button; u16 p; u16 max_buttons = menu->max_buttons; u16 max_items = menu->max_items; #ifdef HW_RVL int i,x,y; struct orient_t orient; #endif while(quit==0) { GUI_DrawMenu(menu); selected = menu->selected; #ifdef HW_RVL if (Shutdown) { gxTextureClose(&w_pointer); GUI_DeleteMenu(menu); shutdown(); SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_POWEROFF, 0, 0); } else if (m_input.ir.valid) { /* get cursor position */ x = m_input.ir.x; y = m_input.ir.y; /* draw wiimote pointer */ WPAD_Orientation(0,&orient); gxResetAngle(orient.roll); gxDrawTexture(w_pointer,x,y,w_pointer->width,w_pointer->height,255); gxResetAngle(0.0); /* check for valid buttons */ selected = max_buttons + 2; for (i=0; ibuttons[i]; if ((button->state & BUTTON_ACTIVE)&&(x>=button->x)&&(x<=(button->x+button->w))&&(y>=button->y)&&(y<=(button->y+button->h))) { selected = i; break; } } for (i=0; i<2; i++) { button = menu->arrows[i]; if (button) { if (button->state & BUTTON_VISIBLE) { if ((x<=(button->x+button->w))&&(y>=button->y)&&(y<=(button->y+button->h))) { selected = max_buttons + i; break; } } } } } else { /* reinitialize selection */ if (selected >= menu->max_buttons) selected = 0; } #endif /* update screen */ gxSetScreen (); /* update menu */ p = m_input.keys; if (selected < max_buttons) { button = &menu->buttons[selected]; if (p & PAD_BUTTON_UP) { selected -= button->shift[0]; if (selected < 0) { selected = 0; if (menu->offset) menu->offset --; } } else if (p & PAD_BUTTON_DOWN) { selected += button->shift[1]; if (selected >= max_buttons) { selected = max_buttons - 1; if ((menu->offset + selected < (max_items - 1))) menu->offset ++; } } else if (p & PAD_BUTTON_LEFT) { if (button->state & BUTTON_SHIFT) { quit = -1; } else { selected -= button->shift[2]; if (selected < 0) { selected = 0; if (menu->offset) menu->offset --; } } } else if (p & PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT) { if (button->state & BUTTON_SHIFT) { quit = 1; } else { selected += button->shift[3]; if (selected >= max_buttons) { selected = max_buttons - 1; if ((menu->offset + selected < (max_items - 1))) menu->offset ++; } } } } if (p & PAD_BUTTON_A) { if (selected < max_buttons) quit = 1; else if (selected == max_buttons) menu->offset --; /* up arrow */ else if (selected == (max_buttons+1))menu->offset ++; /* down arrow */ } else if ((p & PAD_BUTTON_B) || (p & PAD_TRIGGER_Z)) { quit = 2; } /* selected item has changed ? */ if (menu->selected != selected) { if (selected < max_buttons) { /* sound fx */ button = &menu->buttons[selected]; if (button->state & BUTTON_OVER_SFX) { ASND_SetVoice(ASND_GetFirstUnusedVoice(),VOICE_MONO_16BIT,22050,0,(u8 *)button_over_pcm,button_over_pcm_size, ((int)config.sfx_volume * 255) / 100,((int)config.sfx_volume * 255) / 100,NULL); } } else if (selected < (max_buttons + 2)) { /* sound fx */ button = menu->arrows[selected-max_buttons]; if (button->state & BUTTON_OVER_SFX) { ASND_SetVoice(ASND_GetFirstUnusedVoice(),VOICE_MONO_16BIT,22050,0,(u8 *)button_over_pcm,button_over_pcm_size, ((int)config.sfx_volume * 255) / 100,((int)config.sfx_volume * 255) / 100,NULL); } } /* update selection */ menu->selected = selected; } /* update arrows buttons status (items list) */ button = menu->arrows[0]; if (button) { if (menu->offset > 0) button->state |= BUTTON_VISIBLE; else button->state &= ~BUTTON_VISIBLE; } button = menu->arrows[1]; if (button) { if ((menu->offset + max_buttons) < max_items) button->state |= BUTTON_VISIBLE; else button->state &= ~BUTTON_VISIBLE; } } if (quit < 2) { if (selected < max_buttons) { /* sound fx */ button = &menu->buttons[selected]; if (button->state & BUTTON_SELECT_SFX) { ASND_SetVoice(ASND_GetFirstUnusedVoice(),VOICE_MONO_16BIT,22050,0,(u8 *)button_select_pcm,button_select_pcm_size, ((int)config.sfx_volume * 255) / 100,((int)config.sfx_volume * 255) / 100,NULL); } } /* return item selection index */ if (quit < 0) return -2-menu->offset-menu->selected; else return (menu->offset + menu->selected); } /* leave menu (default) */ return -1; } /* basic slide effect for option menus */ static void GUI_SlideMenuTitle(gui_menu *m, int title_offset) { #ifdef HW_RVL gui_butn *button; int i,x,y; struct orient_t orient; #endif char title[64]; strcpy(title,m->title); while (title_offset > 0) { strcpy(m->title,title+title_offset); m->title[strlen(title)-title_offset-1] = 0; GUI_DrawMenu(m); #ifdef HW_RVL if (m_input.ir.valid) { /* get cursor position */ x = m_input.ir.x; y = m_input.ir.y; /* draw wiimote pointer */ WPAD_Orientation(0,&orient); gxResetAngle(orient.roll); gxDrawTexture(w_pointer,x,y,w_pointer->width,w_pointer->height,255); gxResetAngle(0.0); /* check for valid buttons */ m->selected = m->max_buttons + 2; for (i=0; imax_buttons; i++) { button = &m->buttons[i]; if ((button->state & BUTTON_ACTIVE)&&(x>=button->x)&&(x<=(button->x+button->w))&&(y>=button->y)&&(y<=(button->y+button->h))) { m->selected = i; break; } } for (i=0; i<2; i++) { button = m->arrows[i]; if (button) { if (button->state & BUTTON_VISIBLE) { if ((x<=(button->x+button->w))&&(y>=button->y)&&(y<=(button->y+button->h))) { m->selected = m->max_buttons + i; break; } } } } } else { /* reinitialize selection */ if (m->selected >= m->max_buttons) m->selected = 0; } #endif gxSetScreen (); usleep(6000); title_offset--; } strcpy(m->title,title); } /*************************************************************************** * drawmenu (deprecated) * * As it says, simply draws the menu with a highlight on the currently * selected item :) ***************************************************************************/ char menutitle[60] = { "" }; static int menu = 0; static void drawmenu (char items[][25], int maxitems, int selected) { int i; int ypos; ypos = (226 - (fheight * maxitems)) >> 1; ypos += 130; /* reset texture data */ gx_texture *texture; memset(&texture,0,sizeof(gx_texture)); /* draw background items */ gxClearScreen (bg_colors[config.bg_color]); texture= gxTextureOpenPNG(Bg_main_png,0); if (texture) { gxDrawTexture(texture, (640-texture->width)/2, (480-texture->height)/2, texture->width, texture->height,255); if (texture->data) free(texture->data); free(texture); } texture= gxTextureOpenPNG(Banner_bottom_png,0); if (texture) { gxDrawTexture(texture, 0, 480-texture->height, texture->width, texture->height, 255); if (texture->data) free(texture->data); free(texture); } texture= gxTextureOpenPNG(Banner_top_png,0); if (texture) { gxDrawTexture(texture, 0, 0, texture->width, texture->height, 255); if (texture->data) free(texture->data); free(texture); } texture= gxTextureOpenPNG(Main_logo_png,0); if (texture) { gxDrawTexture(texture, 444, 28, 176, 48, 255); if (texture->data) free(texture->data); free(texture); } for (i = 0; i < maxitems; i++) { if (i == selected) WriteCentre_HL (i * fheight + ypos, (char *) items[i]); else WriteCentre (i * fheight + ypos, (char *) items[i]); } gxSetScreen (); } static int domenu (char items[][25], int maxitems, u8 fastmove) { int redraw = 1; int quit = 0; short p; int ret = 0; while (quit == 0) { if (redraw) { drawmenu (&items[0], maxitems, menu); redraw = 0; } p = m_input.keys; if (p & PAD_BUTTON_UP) { redraw = 1; menu--; if (menu < 0) menu = maxitems - 1; } else if (p & PAD_BUTTON_DOWN) { redraw = 1; menu++; if (menu == maxitems) menu = 0; } if (p & PAD_BUTTON_A) { quit = 1; ret = menu; } else if (p & PAD_BUTTON_B) { quit = 1; ret = -1; } if (fastmove) { if (p & PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT) { quit = 1; ret = menu; } else if (p & PAD_BUTTON_LEFT) { quit = 1; ret = 0 - 2 - menu; } } } return ret; } /**************************************************************************** * Preferences menu * ****************************************************************************/ static void prefmenu () { int ret, quit = 0; gui_menu *m = &menu_prefs; gui_item *items = m->items; if (config.sram_auto == 0) sprintf (items[0].text, "SRAM Auto: FAT"); else if (config.sram_auto == 1) sprintf (items[0].text, "SRAM Auto: MCARD A"); else if (config.sram_auto == 2) sprintf (items[0].text, "SRAM Auto: MCARD B"); else sprintf (items[0].text, "SRAM Auto: OFF"); if (config.state_auto == 0) sprintf (items[1].text, "Savestate Auto: FAT"); else if (config.state_auto == 1) sprintf (items[1].text, "Savestate Auto: MCARD A"); else if (config.state_auto == 2) sprintf (items[1].text, "Savestate Auto: MCARD B"); else sprintf (items[1].text, "Savestate Auto: OFF"); sprintf (items[2].text, "SFX Volume: %1.1f", config.sfx_volume); sprintf (items[3].text, "BGM Volume: %1.1f", config.bgm_volume); if (config.bg_color) sprintf (items[4].text, "BG Color: Type %d", config.bg_color); else sprintf (items[4].text, "BG Color: DEFAULT"); GUI_InitMenu(m); GUI_SlideMenuTitle(m,strlen("Menu ")); while (quit == 0) { ret = GUI_RunMenu(m); switch (ret) { case 0: /*** SRAM auto load/save ***/ config.sram_auto ++; if (config.sram_auto > 2) config.sram_auto = -1; if (config.sram_auto == 0) sprintf (items[0].text, "SRAM Auto: FAT"); else if (config.sram_auto == 1) sprintf (items[0].text, "SRAM Auto: MCARD A"); else if (config.sram_auto == 2) sprintf (items[0].text, "SRAM Auto: MCARD B"); else sprintf (items[0].text, "SRAM Auto: OFF"); break; case 1: /*** Savestate auto load/save ***/ config.state_auto ++; if (config.state_auto > 2) config.state_auto = -1; if (config.state_auto == 0) sprintf (items[1].text, "Savestate Auto: FAT"); else if (config.state_auto == 1) sprintf (items[1].text, "Savestate Auto: MCARD A"); else if (config.state_auto == 2) sprintf (items[1].text, "Savestate Auto: MCARD B"); else sprintf (items[1].text, "Savestate Auto: OFF"); break; case 2: /*** Sound effects volume ***/ case -4: if (ret < 0) config.sfx_volume -=10; else config.sfx_volume +=10; if (config.sfx_volume < 0) config.sfx_volume = 100.0; else if (config.sfx_volume > 100) config.sfx_volume = 0.0; sprintf (items[2].text, "SFX Volume: %1.1f", config.sfx_volume); break; case 3: /*** Background music volume ***/ case -5: if (ret < 0) config.bgm_volume -=10; else config.bgm_volume +=10; if (config.bgm_volume < 0) config.bgm_volume = 100.0; else if (config.bgm_volume > 100) config.bgm_volume = 0.0; SetVolumeOgg(((int)config.bgm_volume * 255) / 100); sprintf (items[3].text, "BGM Volume: %1.1f", config.bgm_volume); break; case 4: /*** Background color ***/ case -6: if (ret < 0) config.bg_color --; else config.bg_color ++; if (config.bg_color < 0) config.bg_color = BG_COLOR_MAX - 1; if (config.bg_color >= BG_COLOR_MAX) config.bg_color = 0; if (config.bg_color) sprintf (items[4].text, "BG Color: Type %d", config.bg_color); else sprintf (items[4].text, "BG Color: DEFAULT"); break; case -1: quit = 1; break; } } GUI_DeleteMenu(m); } /**************************************************************************** * Sound Option menu * ****************************************************************************/ static void soundmenu () { int ret, quit = 0; gui_menu *m = &menu_audio; gui_item *items = m->items; sprintf (items[0].text, "PSG Volume: %1.2f", (double)config.psg_preamp/100.0); sprintf (items[1].text, "FM Volume: %1.2f", (double)config.fm_preamp/100.0); sprintf (items[2].text, "Volume Boost: %dX", config.boost); sprintf (items[3].text, "LowPass Filter: %s", config.filter ? " ON":"OFF"); if (config.hq_fm == 0) sprintf (items[4].text, "HQ YM2612: OFF"); else if (config.hq_fm == 1) sprintf (items[4].text, "HQ YM2612: LINEAR"); else sprintf (items[4].text, "HQ YM2612: SINC"); GUI_InitMenu(m); GUI_SlideMenuTitle(m,strlen("Sound ")); while (quit == 0) { ret = GUI_RunMenu(m); switch (ret) { case 0: case -2: if (ret<0) config.psg_preamp --; else config.psg_preamp ++; if (config.psg_preamp < 0) config.psg_preamp = 500; if (config.psg_preamp > 500) config.psg_preamp = 0; sprintf (items[0].text, "PSG Volume: %1.2f", (double)config.psg_preamp/100.0); break; case 1: case -3: if (ret<0) config.fm_preamp --; else config.fm_preamp ++; if (config.fm_preamp < 0) config.fm_preamp = 500; if (config.fm_preamp > 500) config.fm_preamp = 0; sprintf (items[1].text, "FM Volume: %1.2f", (double)config.fm_preamp/100.0); break; case 2: config.boost ++; if (config.boost > 4) config.boost = 0; sprintf (items[2].text, "Volume Boost: %dX", config.boost); break; case 3: config.filter ^= 1; sprintf (items[3].text, "LowPass Filter: %s", config.filter ? " ON":"OFF"); break; case 4: config.hq_fm ++; if (config.hq_fm>2) config.hq_fm = 0; if (config.hq_fm == 0) sprintf (items[4].text, "HQ YM2612: OFF"); else if (config.hq_fm == 1) sprintf (items[4].text, "HQ YM2612: LINEAR"); else sprintf (items[4].text, "HQ YM2612: SINC"); if (genromsize) { unsigned char *temp = memalign(32,YM2612GetContextSize()); if (temp) memcpy(temp, YM2612GetContextPtr(), YM2612GetContextSize()); audio_init(48000); if (temp) { YM2612Restore(temp); free(temp); } } break; case -1: quit = 1; break; } } GUI_DeleteMenu(m); } /**************************************************************************** * Misc Option menu * ****************************************************************************/ static void systemmenu () { int ret = 255; int quit = 0; gui_menu *m = &menu_system; gui_item *items = m->items; if (config.region_detect == 0) sprintf (items[0].text, "Console Region: AUTO"); else if (config.region_detect == 1) sprintf (items[0].text, "Console Region: USA"); else if (config.region_detect == 2) sprintf (items[0].text, "Console Region: EUR"); else if (config.region_detect == 3) sprintf (items[0].text, "Console Region: JAP"); sprintf (items[1].text, "System Lockups: %s", config.force_dtack ? "OFF" : "ON"); sprintf (items[2].text, "System BIOS: %s", (config.bios_enabled & 1) ? "ON":"OFF"); sprintf (items[3].text, "SVP Cycles: %d", SVP_cycles); GUI_InitMenu(m); GUI_SlideMenuTitle(m,strlen("System ")); while (quit == 0) { ret = GUI_RunMenu(m); switch (ret) { case 0: /*** Region Force ***/ config.region_detect = (config.region_detect + 1) % 4; if (config.region_detect == 0) sprintf (items[0].text, "Console Region: AUTO"); else if (config.region_detect == 1) sprintf (items[0].text, "Console Region: USA"); else if (config.region_detect == 2) sprintf (items[0].text, "Console Region: EUR"); else if (config.region_detect == 3) sprintf (items[0].text, "Console Region: JAP"); if (genromsize) { /* force region & cpu mode */ set_region(); /* reinitialize timings */ system_init (); unsigned char *temp = memalign(32,YM2612GetContextSize()); if (temp) memcpy(temp, YM2612GetContextPtr(), YM2612GetContextSize()); audio_init(48000); if (temp) { YM2612Restore(temp); free(temp); } /* reinitialize HVC tables */ vctab = (vdp_pal) ? ((reg[1] & 8) ? vc_pal_240 : vc_pal_224) : vc_ntsc_224; hctab = (reg[12] & 1) ? cycle2hc40 : cycle2hc32; /* reinitialize overscan area */ bitmap.viewport.x = config.overscan ? ((reg[12] & 1) ? 16 : 12) : 0; bitmap.viewport.y = config.overscan ? (((reg[1] & 8) ? 0 : 8) + (vdp_pal ? 24 : 0)) : 0; } break; case 1: /*** force DTACK ***/ config.force_dtack ^= 1; sprintf (items[1].text, "System Lockups: %s", config.force_dtack ? "OFF" : "ON"); break; case 2: /*** BIOS support ***/ config.bios_enabled ^= 1; sprintf (items[2].text, "System BIOS: %s", (config.bios_enabled & 1) ? "ON":"OFF"); if (genromsize || (config.bios_enabled == 3)) { system_init (); audio_init(48000); system_reset (); } break; case 3: /*** SVP emulation ***/ case -5: if (ret<0) SVP_cycles = SVP_cycles ? (SVP_cycles-1) : 1500; else SVP_cycles++; if (SVP_cycles > 1500) SVP_cycles = 0; sprintf (items[3].text, "SVP Cycles: %d", SVP_cycles); break; case -1: quit = 1; break; } } GUI_DeleteMenu(m); } /**************************************************************************** * Display Option menu * ****************************************************************************/ static void videomenu () { int ret, quit = 0; gui_menu *m = &menu_video; gui_item *items = m->items; sprintf (items[0].text, "Aspect: %s", config.aspect ? "ORIGINAL" : "STRETCHED"); if (config.render == 1) sprintf (items[1].text,"Display: INTERLACED"); else if (config.render == 2) sprintf (items[1].text, "Display: PROGRESSIVE"); else sprintf (items[1].text, "Display: ORIGINAL"); if (config.tv_mode == 0) sprintf (items[2].text, "TV Mode: 60HZ"); else if (config.tv_mode == 1) sprintf (items[2].text, "TV Mode: 50HZ"); else sprintf (items[2].text, "TV Mode: 50/60HZ"); sprintf (items[3].text, "Bilinear Filter: %s", config.bilinear ? " ON" : "OFF"); if (config.ntsc == 1) sprintf (items[4].text, "NTSC Filter: COMPOSITE"); else if (config.ntsc == 2) sprintf (items[4].text, "NTSC Filter: S-VIDEO"); else if (config.ntsc == 3) sprintf (items[4].text, "NTSC Filter: RGB"); else sprintf (items[4].text, "NTSC Filter: OFF"); sprintf (items[5].text, "Borders: %s", config.overscan ? " ON" : "OFF"); GUI_InitMenu(m); GUI_SlideMenuTitle(m,strlen("Video ")); while (quit == 0) { ret = GUI_RunMenu(m); switch (ret) { case 0: /*** config.aspect ratio ***/ config.aspect ^= 1; sprintf (items[0].text, "Aspect: %s", config.aspect ? "ORIGINAL" : "STRETCHED"); break; case 1: /*** rendering ***/ config.render = (config.render + 1) % 3; if (config.render == 2) { if (VIDEO_HaveComponentCable()) { /* progressive mode (60hz only) */ config.tv_mode = 0; } else { /* do nothing if component cable is not detected */ config.render = 0; } } if (config.render == 1) sprintf (items[1].text,"Display: INTERLACED"); else if (config.render == 2) sprintf (items[1].text, "Display: PROGRESSIVE"); else sprintf (items[1].text, "Display: ORIGINAL"); if (config.tv_mode == 0) sprintf (items[2].text, "TV Mode: 60HZ"); else if (config.tv_mode == 1) sprintf (items[2].text, "TV Mode: 50HZ"); else sprintf (items[2].text, "TV Mode: 50/60HZ"); break; case 2: /*** tv mode ***/ if (config.render != 2) config.tv_mode = (config.tv_mode + 1) % 3; if (config.tv_mode == 0) sprintf (items[2].text, "TV Mode: 60HZ"); else if (config.tv_mode == 1) sprintf (items[2].text, "TV Mode: 50HZ"); else sprintf (items[2].text, "TV Mode: 50/60HZ"); break; case 3: /*** bilinear filtering ***/ config.bilinear ^= 1; sprintf (items[3].text, "Bilinear Filter: %s", config.bilinear ? " ON" : "OFF"); break; case 4: /*** NTSC filter ***/ config.ntsc ++; if (config.ntsc > 3) config.ntsc = 0; if (config.ntsc == 1) sprintf (items[4].text, "NTSC Filter: COMPOSITE"); else if (config.ntsc == 2) sprintf (items[4].text, "NTSC Filter: S-VIDEO"); else if (config.ntsc == 3) sprintf (items[4].text, "NTSC Filter: RGB"); else sprintf (items[4].text, "NTSC Filter: OFF"); break; case 5: /*** overscan emulation ***/ config.overscan ^= 1; sprintf (items[5].text, "Borders: %s", config.overscan ? " ON" : "OFF"); break; /* case 6: case -8: if (ret<0) config.xshift --; else config.xshift ++; break; case 7: case -9: if (ret<0) config.yshift --; else config.yshift ++; break; case 8: case -10: if (config.aspect) break; if (ret<0) config.xscale --; else config.xscale ++; break; case 9: case -11: if (config.aspect) break; if (ret<0) config.yscale --; else config.yscale ++; break; */ case -1: quit = 1; break; } } GUI_DeleteMenu(m); } /**************************************************************************** * ConfigureJoypads ****************************************************************************/ extern int old_system[2]; static void ctrl_raz(void) { gui_menu *m = &menu_ctrls; int i,max = 0; for (i=0; ibuttons[i+2].data = &button_player_none_data; m->buttons[i+2].state &= ~BUTTON_ACTIVE; strcpy(m->items[i+2].text,""); } else { m->buttons[i+2].data = &button_player_data; m->buttons[i+2].state |= BUTTON_ACTIVE; sprintf(m->items[i+2].text,"%d",max + 1); max++; } } } static void ctrlmenu(void) { int ret,xoffset,player,selected,old; int i = 0; int quit = 0; s16 p; #ifdef HW_RVL u32 exp; int x,y; struct orient_t orient; #endif gui_item *item; u8 *special; char msg[16]; /* System devices */ gui_item items_sys[2][7] = { { {NULL,Ctrl_none_png ,"","Select Port 1 device",110,130,48,72}, {NULL,Ctrl_gamepad_png ,"","Select Port 1 device", 87,117,96,84}, {NULL,Ctrl_mouse_png ,"","Select Port 1 device", 97,113,64,88}, {NULL,Ctrl_menacer_png ,"","Select Port 1 device", 94,113,80,88}, {NULL,Ctrl_justifiers_png ,"","Select Port 1 device", 88,117,80,84}, {NULL,Ctrl_teamplayer_png ,"","Select Port 1 device", 94,109,80,92}, {NULL,Ctrl_4wayplay_png ,"","Select Port 1 device", 98,110,72,92} }, { {NULL,Ctrl_none_png ,"","Select Port 1 device",110,300,48,72}, {NULL,Ctrl_gamepad_png ,"","Select Port 1 device", 87,287,96,84}, {NULL,Ctrl_mouse_png ,"","Select Port 1 device", 97,283,64,88}, {NULL,Ctrl_menacer_png ,"","Select Port 1 device", 94,283,80,88}, {NULL,Ctrl_justifiers_png ,"","Select Port 1 device", 88,287,80,84}, {NULL,Ctrl_teamplayer_png ,"","Select Port 1 device", 94,279,80,92}, {NULL,Ctrl_4wayplay_png ,"","Select Port 1 device", 98,280,72,92} } }; /* Player Configuration window */ gui_image window = { NULL,Frame_s3_png,IMAGE_VISIBLE,400,134,292,248,128,{0,0},{0,0} }; /* Player Configuration buttons */ gui_butn buttons_config[3] = { {&button_icon_sm_data,BUTTON_OVER_SFX ,{0,1,0,0},436,168,160, 52}, {&button_icon_sm_data,BUTTON_OVER_SFX ,{1,1,0,0},436,232,160, 52}, {&button_icon_sm_data,BUTTON_OVER_SFX|BUTTON_SELECT_SFX,{1,0,0,0},436,296,160, 52} }; /* Player Configuration special items */ gui_item items_special[3][2] = { { /* Gamepad options */ {NULL,Ctrl_pad3b_png,"Gamepad","Type",534,180,44,28}, {NULL,Ctrl_pad6b_png,"Gamepad","Type",534,180,44,28} }, { /* Mouse options */ {NULL,ctrl_option_off_png,"Invert","Mouse",538,180,24,24}, {NULL,ctrl_option_on_png ,"Invert","Mouse",538,180,24,24}, }, { /* Gun options */ {NULL,ctrl_option_off_png,"Show","Cursor",538,180,24,24}, {NULL,ctrl_option_on_png ,"Show","Cursor",538,180,24,24}, } }; /* Player Configuration device items */ #ifdef HW_RVL gui_item items_device[5] = { {NULL,ctrl_option_off_png ,"Input","Device",538,244,24,24}, {NULL,ctrl_gamecube_png ,"Input","Device",530,246,36,24}, {NULL,ctrl_wiimote_png ,"Input","Device",526,250,40,12}, {NULL,ctrl_nunchuk_png ,"Input","Device",532,242,32,32}, {NULL,ctrl_classic_png ,"Input","Device",526,242,40,32}, }; #else gui_item items_device[2] = { {NULL,ctrl_option_off_png ,"Input","Device",538,244,24,24}, {NULL,ctrl_gamecube_png ,"Input","Device",530,246,36,24} }; #endif gui_item items_key = { NULL,Ctrl_config_png ,"Configure","Keys",536,306,32,32 }; gui_item *items_config[3] = { 0,items_device,&items_key }; gui_menu *m = &menu_ctrls; /* initialize menu (generic elements) */ m->items[0].data = NULL; m->items[1].data = NULL; m->buttons[2].data = NULL; m->buttons[3].data = NULL; m->buttons[4].data = NULL; m->buttons[5].data = NULL; m->buttons[6].data = NULL; m->buttons[7].data = NULL; m->buttons[8].data = NULL; m->buttons[9].data = NULL; GUI_InitMenu(m); /* initialize custom buttons */ button_player_data.texture[0] = gxTextureOpenPNG(button_player_data.image[0],0); button_player_data.texture[1] = gxTextureOpenPNG(button_player_data.image[1],0); button_player_none_data.texture[0] = gxTextureOpenPNG(button_player_none_data.image[0],0); button_icon_sm_data.texture[0] = gxTextureOpenPNG(button_icon_sm_data.image[0],0); button_icon_sm_data.texture[1] = gxTextureOpenPNG(button_icon_sm_data.image[1],0); /* intialize custom images */ items_sys[1][0].texture = items_sys[0][0].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_sys[0][0].data,0); items_sys[1][1].texture = items_sys[0][1].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_sys[0][1].data,0); items_sys[1][2].texture = items_sys[0][2].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_sys[0][2].data,0); items_sys[1][3].texture = items_sys[0][3].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_sys[0][3].data,0); items_sys[1][4].texture = items_sys[0][4].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_sys[0][4].data,0); items_sys[1][5].texture = items_sys[0][5].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_sys[0][5].data,0); items_sys[1][6].texture = items_sys[0][6].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_sys[0][6].data,0); items_key.texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_key.data,0); #ifdef HW_RVL items_device[0].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_device[0].data,0); items_device[1].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_device[1].data,0); items_device[2].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_device[2].data,0); items_device[3].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_device[3].data,0); items_device[4].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_device[4].data,0); #else items_device[0].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_device[0].data,0); items_device[1].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_device[1].data,0); #endif items_special[0][0].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_special[0][0].data,0); items_special[0][1].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_special[0][1].data,0); items_special[2][0].texture = items_special[1][0].texture = items_device[0].texture; items_special[2][1].texture = items_special[1][1].texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(items_special[1][1].data,0); /* initialize custom window */ window.texture = gxTextureOpenPNG(window.data,0); /* update menu layout */ ctrl_raz(); memcpy(&m->items[0],&items_sys[0][input.system[0]],sizeof(gui_item)); memcpy(&m->items[1],&items_sys[1][input.system[1]],sizeof(gui_item)); GUI_SlideMenuTitle(m,strlen("Controller ")); while (quit == 0) { ret = GUI_RunMenu(m); switch (ret) { case 0: if (j_cart) break; input.system[0] ++; if (input.system[0] == SYSTEM_MENACER) input.system[0] ++; if (input.system[0] == SYSTEM_JUSTIFIER) input.system[0] ++; if ((input.system[0] == SYSTEM_MOUSE) && (input.system[1] == SYSTEM_MOUSE)) input.system[0] ++; if (input.system[0] == SYSTEM_WAYPLAY) input.system[1] = SYSTEM_WAYPLAY; if (input.system[0] > SYSTEM_WAYPLAY) { input.system[0] = NO_SYSTEM; input.system[1] = SYSTEM_GAMEPAD; } io_reset(); old_system[0] = input.system[0]; old_system[1] = input.system[1]; /* update menu layout */ ctrl_raz(); memcpy(&m->items[0],&items_sys[0][input.system[0]],sizeof(gui_item)); memcpy(&m->items[1],&items_sys[1][input.system[1]],sizeof(gui_item)); break; case 1: if (j_cart) break; input.system[1] ++; if ((input.system[0] == SYSTEM_MOUSE) && (input.system[1] == SYSTEM_MOUSE)) input.system[1] ++; if (input.system[1] == SYSTEM_WAYPLAY) input.system[0] = SYSTEM_WAYPLAY; if (input.system[1] > SYSTEM_WAYPLAY) { input.system[1] = NO_SYSTEM; input.system[0] = SYSTEM_GAMEPAD; } io_reset(); old_system[0] = input.system[0]; old_system[1] = input.system[1]; /* update menu layout */ ctrl_raz(); memcpy(&m->items[0],&items_sys[0][input.system[0]],sizeof(gui_item)); memcpy(&m->items[1],&items_sys[1][input.system[1]],sizeof(gui_item)); break; case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: /* update player index */ player = 0; for (i=0; i<(ret-2); i++) { if (input.dev[i] != NO_DEVICE) player ++; } /* get current player configuration */ if (input.dev[ret-2] == DEVICE_LIGHTGUN) { items_config[0] = items_special[2]; special = &config.gun_cursor[player % 3]; } else if (input.dev[ret-2] == DEVICE_MOUSE) { items_config[0] = items_special[1]; special = &config.invert_mouse; } else { items_config[0] = items_special[0]; special = &config.input[player].padtype; } /* shift player configuration window */ xoffset = 640 - window.x; while (xoffset > 0) { GUI_DrawMenu(m); gxDrawTexture(window.texture,window.x+xoffset,window.y,window.w,window.h,window.alpha); gxDrawTexture(buttons_config[0].data->texture[0],buttons_config[0].x+xoffset,buttons_config[0].y,buttons_config[0].w,buttons_config[0].h,255); gxDrawTexture(buttons_config[1].data->texture[0],buttons_config[1].x+xoffset,buttons_config[1].y,buttons_config[1].w,buttons_config[1].h,255); gxDrawTexture(buttons_config[2].data->texture[0],buttons_config[2].x+xoffset,buttons_config[2].y,buttons_config[2].w,buttons_config[2].h,255); item = &items_config[0][*special]; gxDrawTexture(item->texture,item->x+xoffset,item->y,item->w,item->h,255); FONT_writeCenter(item->text,16,buttons_config[0].x+xoffset+4,item->x+xoffset,buttons_config[0].y+(buttons_config[0].h - 32)/2+16,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); FONT_writeCenter(item->comment,16,buttons_config[0].x+xoffset+4,item->x+xoffset,buttons_config[0].y+(buttons_config[0].h - 32)/2+32,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); item = &items_config[1][config.input[player].device + 1]; gxDrawTexture(item->texture,item->x+xoffset,item->y,item->w,item->h,255); FONT_writeCenter(item->text,16,buttons_config[0].x+xoffset+4,item->x+xoffset,buttons_config[1].y+(buttons_config[1].h - 32)/2+16,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); FONT_writeCenter(item->comment,16,buttons_config[0].x+xoffset+4,item->x+xoffset,buttons_config[1].y+(buttons_config[1].h - 32)/2+32,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); if (config.input[player].device >= 0) { sprintf(msg,"%d",config.input[player].port); FONT_write(msg,14,item->x+item->w+xoffset,item->y+item->h,strlen(msg),(GXColor)DARK_GREY); } item = items_config[2]; gxDrawTexture(item->texture,item->x+xoffset,item->y,item->w,item->h,255); FONT_writeCenter(item->text,16,buttons_config[0].x+xoffset+4,item->x+xoffset,buttons_config[2].y+(buttons_config[2].h - 32)/2+16,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); FONT_writeCenter(item->comment,16,buttons_config[0].x+xoffset+4,item->x+xoffset,buttons_config[2].y+(buttons_config[2].h - 32)/2+32,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); gxSetScreen(); xoffset -= 20; } /* wait for user input */ ret = 0; selected = -1; while (!ret) { GUI_DrawMenu(m); gxDrawTexture(window.texture,window.x,window.y,window.w,window.h,window.alpha); for (i=0; i<3; i++) { if (i == selected) gxDrawTexture(buttons_config[i].data->texture[1],buttons_config[i].x-4,buttons_config[i].y-4,buttons_config[i].w+8,buttons_config[0].h+8,255); else gxDrawTexture(buttons_config[i].data->texture[0],buttons_config[i].x,buttons_config[i].y,buttons_config[i].w,buttons_config[0].h,255); } item = &items_config[0][*special]; gxDrawTexture(item->texture,item->x,item->y,item->w,item->h,255); FONT_writeCenter(item->text,16,buttons_config[0].x+4,item->x,buttons_config[0].y+(buttons_config[0].h - 32)/2+16,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); FONT_writeCenter(item->comment,16,buttons_config[0].x+4,item->x,buttons_config[0].y+(buttons_config[0].h - 32)/2+32,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); item = &items_config[1][config.input[player].device + 1]; gxDrawTexture(item->texture,item->x,item->y,item->w,item->h,255); FONT_writeCenter(item->text,16,buttons_config[0].x+4,item->x,buttons_config[1].y+(buttons_config[1].h - 32)/2+16,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); FONT_writeCenter(item->comment,16,buttons_config[0].x+4,item->x,buttons_config[1].y+(buttons_config[1].h - 32)/2+32,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); if (config.input[player].device >= 0) { sprintf(msg,"%d",config.input[player].port); FONT_write(msg,14,item->x+item->w,item->y+item->h,strlen(msg),(GXColor)DARK_GREY); } item = items_config[2]; gxDrawTexture(item->texture,item->x,item->y,item->w,item->h,255); FONT_writeCenter(item->text,16,buttons_config[0].x+4,item->x,buttons_config[2].y+(buttons_config[2].h - 32)/2+16,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); FONT_writeCenter(item->comment,16,buttons_config[0].x+4,item->x,buttons_config[2].y+(buttons_config[2].h - 32)/2+32,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); old = selected; p = m_input.keys; #ifdef HW_RVL if (m_input.ir.valid) { /* get cursor position */ x = m_input.ir.x; y = m_input.ir.y; /* draw wiimote pointer */ WPAD_Orientation(0,&orient); gxResetAngle(orient.roll); gxDrawTexture(w_pointer,x,y,w_pointer->width,w_pointer->height,255); gxResetAngle(0.0); /* check for valid buttons */ selected = -1; for (i=0; i<3; i++) { if ((x>=buttons_config[i].x)&&(x<=(buttons_config[i].x+buttons_config[i].w))&&(y>=buttons_config[i].y)&&(y<=(buttons_config[i].y+buttons_config[i].h))) { selected = i; break; } } } else { /* reinitialize selection */ if (selected == -1) selected = 0; } #endif /* update screen */ gxSetScreen (); /* update selection */ if (p&PAD_BUTTON_UP) { if (selected > 0) selected --; } else if (p&PAD_BUTTON_DOWN) { if (selected < 2) selected ++; } /* sound fx */ if (selected != old) { if (selected >= 0) { ASND_SetVoice(ASND_GetFirstUnusedVoice(),VOICE_MONO_16BIT,22050,0,(u8 *)button_over_pcm,button_over_pcm_size, ((int)config.sfx_volume * 255) / 100,((int)config.sfx_volume * 255) / 100,NULL); } } if (p & PAD_BUTTON_A) { switch (selected) { case 0: /* special config */ if ((config.input[player].device == 1) && (input.dev[ret-2] <= DEVICE_6BUTTON)) break; *special ^= 1; io_reset(); break; case 1: #ifdef HW_RVL if (config.input[player].device > 0) { config.input[player].port ++; } else { config.input[player].device ++; if (config.input[player].device == 1) config.input[player].port = 0; } if (config.input[player].device == 1) { exp = 4; if (config.input[player].port<4) { WPAD_Probe(config.input[player].port,&exp); if (exp == WPAD_EXP_NUNCHUK) exp = 4; } while ((config.input[player].port<4) && (exp == 4)) { config.input[player].port ++; if (config.input[player].port<4) { exp = 4; WPAD_Probe(config.input[player].port,&exp); if (exp == WPAD_EXP_NUNCHUK) exp = 4; } } if (config.input[player].port >= 4) { config.input[player].port = 0; config.input[player].device = 2; } } if (config.input[player].device == 2) { exp = 4; if (config.input[player].port<4) { WPAD_Probe(config.input[player].port,&exp); } while ((config.input[player].port<4) && (exp != WPAD_EXP_NUNCHUK)) { config.input[player].port ++; if (config.input[player].port<4) { exp = 4; WPAD_Probe(config.input[player].port,&exp); } } if (config.input[player].port >= 4) { config.input[player].port = 0; config.input[player].device = 3; } } if (config.input[player].device == 3) { exp = 4; if (config.input[player].port<4) { WPAD_Probe(config.input[player].port,&exp); } while ((config.input[player].port<4) && (exp != WPAD_EXP_CLASSIC)) { config.input[player].port ++; if (config.input[player].port<4) { exp = 4; WPAD_Probe(config.input[player].port,&exp); } } if (config.input[player].port >= 4) { config.input[player].port = player % 4; config.input[player].device = 0; } } #else config.input[player].device = 0; #endif /* remove duplicate assigned inputs */ for (i=0; i<8; i++) { if ((i!=player) && (config.input[i].device == config.input[player].device) && (config.input[i].port == config.input[player].port)) { config.input[i].device = -1; config.input[i].port = i%4; } } if (config.input[player].device == 1) config.input[player].padtype = DEVICE_3BUTTON; break; case 2: if (config.input[player].device < 0) break; if (config.input[player].padtype == DEVICE_3BUTTON) /* 3-buttons */ gx_input_Config(config.input[player].port, config.input[player].device, 4); else if (config.input[player].device == 0) /* 6-buttons w/o MODE */ gx_input_Config(config.input[player].port, 0, 7); else /* 6-buttons */ gx_input_Config(config.input[player].port, config.input[player].device, 8); break; } } else if (p & PAD_BUTTON_B) { ret = 1; } } /* shift player configuration window */ xoffset = 0; ; while (xoffset < 640 - window.x) { GUI_DrawMenu(m); gxDrawTexture(window.texture,window.x+xoffset,window.y,window.w,window.h,window.alpha); gxDrawTexture(buttons_config[0].data->texture[0],buttons_config[0].x+xoffset,buttons_config[0].y,buttons_config[0].w,buttons_config[0].h,255); gxDrawTexture(buttons_config[1].data->texture[0],buttons_config[1].x+xoffset,buttons_config[1].y,buttons_config[1].w,buttons_config[1].h,255); gxDrawTexture(buttons_config[2].data->texture[0],buttons_config[2].x+xoffset,buttons_config[2].y,buttons_config[2].w,buttons_config[2].h,255); item = &items_config[0][*special]; gxDrawTexture(item->texture,item->x+xoffset,item->y,item->w,item->h,255); FONT_writeCenter(item->text,16,buttons_config[0].x+xoffset+4,item->x+xoffset,buttons_config[0].y+(buttons_config[0].h - 32)/2+16,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); FONT_writeCenter(item->comment,16,buttons_config[0].x+xoffset+4,item->x+xoffset,buttons_config[0].y+(buttons_config[0].h - 32)/2+32,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); item = &items_config[1][config.input[player].device + 1]; gxDrawTexture(item->texture,item->x+xoffset,item->y,item->w,item->h,255); FONT_writeCenter(item->text,16,buttons_config[0].x+xoffset+4,item->x+xoffset,buttons_config[1].y+(buttons_config[1].h - 32)/2+16,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); FONT_writeCenter(item->comment,16,buttons_config[0].x+xoffset+4,item->x+xoffset,buttons_config[1].y+(buttons_config[1].h - 32)/2+32,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); if (config.input[player].device >= 0) { sprintf(msg,"%d",config.input[player].port); FONT_write(msg,14,item->x+item->w+xoffset,item->y+item->h,strlen(msg),(GXColor)DARK_GREY); } item = items_config[2]; gxDrawTexture(item->texture,item->x+xoffset,item->y,item->w,item->h,255); FONT_writeCenter(item->text,16,buttons_config[0].x+xoffset+4,item->x+xoffset,buttons_config[2].y+(buttons_config[2].h - 32)/2+16,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); FONT_writeCenter(item->comment,16,buttons_config[0].x+xoffset+4,item->x+xoffset,buttons_config[2].y+(buttons_config[2].h - 32)/2+32,(GXColor)DARK_GREY); gxSetScreen(); xoffset += 20; } break; case -1: quit = 1; break; } } m->items[0].texture = NULL; m->items[1].texture = NULL; m->buttons[2].data = NULL; m->buttons[3].data = NULL; m->buttons[4].data = NULL; m->buttons[5].data = NULL; m->buttons[6].data = NULL; m->buttons[7].data = NULL; m->buttons[8].data = NULL; m->buttons[9].data = NULL; GUI_DeleteMenu(m); gxTextureClose(&button_player_data.texture[0]); gxTextureClose(&button_player_data.texture[1]); gxTextureClose(&button_player_none_data.texture[0]); gxTextureClose(&button_icon_sm_data.texture[0]); gxTextureClose(&button_icon_sm_data.texture[1]); gxTextureClose(&items_sys[0][0].texture); gxTextureClose(&items_sys[0][1].texture); gxTextureClose(&items_sys[0][2].texture); gxTextureClose(&items_sys[0][3].texture); gxTextureClose(&items_sys[0][4].texture); gxTextureClose(&items_sys[0][5].texture); gxTextureClose(&items_sys[0][6].texture); gxTextureClose(&items_key.texture); #ifdef HW_RVL gxTextureClose(&items_device[0].texture); gxTextureClose(&items_device[1].texture); gxTextureClose(&items_device[2].texture); gxTextureClose(&items_device[3].texture); gxTextureClose(&items_device[4].texture); #else gxTextureClose(&items_device[0].texture); gxTextureClose(&items_device[1].texture); #endif gxTextureClose(&items_special[0][0].texture); gxTextureClose(&items_special[0][1].texture); gxTextureClose(&items_special[1][1].texture); gxTextureClose(&window.texture); } /**************************************************************************** * Main Option menu * ****************************************************************************/ static void optionmenu(void) { int ret, quit = 0; gui_menu *m = &menu_options; while (quit == 0) { GUI_InitMenu(m); ret = GUI_RunMenu(m); GUI_DeleteMenu(m); switch (ret) { case 0: systemmenu(); break; case 1: videomenu(); break; case 2: soundmenu(); break; case 3: ctrlmenu(); break; case 4: prefmenu(); break; case -1: quit = 1; break; } } config_save(); } /**************************************************************************** * Generic Load/Save menu * ****************************************************************************/ static u8 device = 0; static int loadsavemenu (int which) { int prevmenu = menu; int quit = 0; int ret; int count = 3; char items[3][25]; menu = 2; if (which == 1) { sprintf(items[1], "Save State"); sprintf(items[2], "Load State"); } else { sprintf(items[1], "Save SRAM"); sprintf(items[2], "Load SRAM"); } while (quit == 0) { if (device == 0) sprintf(items[0], "Device: FAT"); else if (device == 1) sprintf(items[0], "Device: MCARD A"); else if (device == 2) sprintf(items[0], "Device: MCARD B"); ret = domenu (&items[0], count, 0); switch (ret) { case -1: quit = 1; break; case 0: device = (device + 1)%3; break; case 1: case 2: if (which == 1) quit = ManageState(ret-1,device); else if (which == 0) quit = ManageSRAM(ret-1,device); if (quit) return 1; break; } } menu = prevmenu; return 0; } /**************************************************************************** * File Manager menu * ****************************************************************************/ static int filemenu () { int prevmenu = menu; int ret; int quit = 0; int count = 2; char items[2][25] = { {"SRAM Manager"}, {"STATE Manager"} }; menu = 0; while (quit == 0) { strcpy (menutitle, "Press B to return"); ret = domenu (&items[0], count, 0); switch (ret) { case -1: /*** Button B ***/ ret = 0; quit = 1; break; case 0: /*** SRAM Manager ***/ case 1: /*** SaveState Manager ***/ if (loadsavemenu(ret)) return 1; break; } } menu = prevmenu; return 0; } /**************************************************************************** * Load Rom menu * ****************************************************************************/ static int loadmenu () { int ret,size; gui_menu *m = &menu_load; while (1) { GUI_InitMenu(m); ret = GUI_RunMenu(m); GUI_DeleteMenu(m); switch (ret) { /*** Button B ***/ case -1: return 0; /*** Load from DVD ***/ #ifdef HW_RVL case 3: #else case 2: #endif size = DVD_Open(cart_rom); if (size) { //dvd_motor_off(); memfile_autosave(-1,config.state_auto); reloadrom(size,filelist[selection].filename); memfile_autoload(config.sram_auto,config.state_auto); return 1; } break; /*** Load from FAT device ***/ default: size = FAT_Open(ret,cart_rom); if (size) { memfile_autosave(-1,config.state_auto); reloadrom(size,filelist[selection].filename); memfile_autoload(config.sram_auto,config.state_auto); return 1; } break; } } } /*************************************************************************** * Show rom info screen ***************************************************************************/ static void showrominfo () { int ypos; u8 i,j,quit,redraw,max; char msg[128]; short p; char pName[14][21]; quit = 0; j = 0; redraw = 1; /*** Remove any still held buttons ***/ while (PAD_ButtonsHeld(0)) PAD_ScanPads(); #ifdef HW_RVL while (WPAD_ButtonsHeld(0)) WPAD_ScanPads(); #endif max = 14; for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) { if (peripherals & (1 << i)) { sprintf(pName[max-14],"%s", peripheralinfo[i].pName); max ++; } } while (quit == 0) { if (redraw) { gxClearScreen ((GXColor)BLACK); ypos = 134; WriteCentre(ypos, "ROM Header Information"); ypos += 2*fheight; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { switch (i+j) { case 0: sprintf (msg, "Console type: %s", rominfo.consoletype); break; case 1: sprintf (msg, "Copyright: %s", rominfo.copyright); break; case 2: sprintf (msg, "Company: %s", companyinfo[getcompany ()].company); break; case 3: sprintf (msg, "Game Domestic Name:"); break; case 4: sprintf(msg, " %s",rominfo.domestic); break; case 5: sprintf (msg, "Game International Name:"); break; case 6: sprintf(msg, " %s",rominfo.international); break; case 7: sprintf (msg, "Type - %s : %s", rominfo.ROMType, strcmp (rominfo.ROMType, "AI") ? "Game" : "Educational"); break; case 8: sprintf (msg, "Product - %s", rominfo.product); break; case 9: sprintf (msg, "Checksum - %04x (%04x) (%s)", rominfo.checksum, realchecksum, (rominfo.checksum == realchecksum) ? "Good" : "Bad"); break; case 10: sprintf (msg, "ROM end: $%06X", rominfo.romend); break; case 11: if (svp) sprintf (msg, "SVP Chip detected"); else if (sram.custom) sprintf (msg, "EEPROM(%dK) - $%06X", ((eeprom.type.size_mask+1)* 8) /1024, (unsigned int)sram.start); else if (sram.detected) sprintf (msg, "SRAM Start - $%06X", sram.start); else sprintf (msg, "External RAM undetected"); break; case 12: if (sram.custom) sprintf (msg, "EEPROM(%dK) - $%06X", ((eeprom.type.size_mask+1)* 8) /1024, (unsigned int)sram.end); else if (sram.detected) sprintf (msg, "SRAM End - $%06X", sram.end); else if (sram.on) sprintf (msg, "Default SRAM activated "); else sprintf (msg, "SRAM is disactivated "); break; case 13: if (region_code == REGION_USA) sprintf (msg, "Region - %s (USA)", rominfo.country); else if (region_code == REGION_EUROPE) sprintf (msg, "Region - %s (EUR)", rominfo.country); else if (region_code == REGION_JAPAN_NTSC) sprintf (msg, "Region - %s (JAP)", rominfo.country); else if (region_code == REGION_JAPAN_PAL) sprintf (msg, "Region - %s (JPAL)", rominfo.country); break; default: sprintf (msg, "Supports - %s", pName[i+j-14]); break; } write_font (100, ypos, msg); ypos += fheight; } ypos += fheight; WriteCentre (ypos, "Press A to Continue"); gxSetScreen (); } p = m_input.keys; redraw = 0; if ((j<(max-8)) && (p & PAD_BUTTON_DOWN)) {redraw = 1; j++;} if ((j>0) && (p & PAD_BUTTON_UP)) {redraw = 1; j--;} if (p & PAD_BUTTON_A) quit = 1; if (p & PAD_BUTTON_B) quit = 1; } } /**************************************************************************** * Main Menu * ****************************************************************************/ static int rom_loaded = 0; void MainMenu (void) { int ret, quit = 0; char *items[3] = { "View Credits", "Exit to Loader", #ifdef HW_RVL "Exit to System Menu" #else "Reset System" #endif }; /* autosave SRAM */ memfile_autosave(config.sram_auto,-1); #ifdef HW_RVL if (Shutdown) { shutdown(); SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_POWEROFF, 0, 0); } /* wiimote pointer */ w_pointer = gxTextureOpenPNG(generic_point_png,0); #endif gui_menu *m = &menu_main; if (!rom_loaded) { /* check if a game is running */ if (genromsize) { m->screenshot = 1; m->buttons[3].state |= BUTTON_SELECT_SFX; m->buttons[5].state |= BUTTON_SELECT_SFX; m->buttons[6].state |= (BUTTON_VISIBLE | BUTTON_ACTIVE); m->buttons[7].state |= (BUTTON_VISIBLE | BUTTON_ACTIVE); m->buttons[8].state |= (BUTTON_VISIBLE | BUTTON_ACTIVE); m->buttons[3].shift[1] = 3; m->buttons[4].shift[1] = 3; m->buttons[5].shift[1] = 2; rom_loaded = 1; } } GUI_DrawMenuFX(m,10,0); while (quit == 0) { GUI_InitMenu(m); ret = GUI_RunMenu(m); GUI_DeleteMenu(m); switch (ret) { case -1: /*** Play Game ***/ case 6: if (genromsize) { /* menu transition to game screen */ GUI_DrawMenuFX(m,10,1); quit = 1; } break; case 0: /*** Quit Emulator ***/ { GUI_InitMenu(m); switch (GUI_WindowPrompt(m, VERSION, items,3)) { case 1: GUI_FadeMenu(m,1 ,1); #ifdef HW_RVL gxTextureClose(&w_pointer); #endif GUI_DeleteMenu(m); shutdown(); exit(0); break; case 2: GUI_FadeMenu(m,1,1); #ifdef HW_RVL gxTextureClose(&w_pointer); #endif GUI_DeleteMenu(m); shutdown(); #ifdef HW_RVL SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_RETURNTOMENU, 0, 0); #else SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_HOTRESET,0,0); #endif break; default: /* TODO */ GUI_DeleteMenu(m); break; } break; } case 1: /*** Load Game ***/ quit = loadmenu(); break; case 2: /*** Options */ optionmenu (); break; case 3: /*** Memory Manager ***/ if (genromsize) quit = filemenu (); break; case 4: /*** Emulator Reset ***/ if (!genromsize) break; system_reset (); gxClearScreen ((GXColor)BLACK); gxSetScreen (); quit = 1; break; case 5: /*** Game Genie ***/ if (!genromsize) break; GetGGEntries(); break; case 7: /*** ROM Captrure ***/ if (genromsize) gx_video_Capture(); break; case 8: /*** ROM Information ***/ if (genromsize) showrominfo (); break; } } /*** Remove any still held buttons ***/ while (PAD_ButtonsHeld(0)) PAD_ScanPads(); #ifdef HW_RVL while (WPAD_ButtonsHeld(0)) WPAD_ScanPads(); #endif #ifdef HW_RVL /* free wiimote pointer data */ gxTextureClose(&w_pointer); #endif #ifndef HW_RVL /*** Stop the DVD from causing clicks while playing ***/ uselessinquiry (); #endif }