*                                         *
*  Define size independent data types and operations.               *
*                                         *
*   The following types must be supported by all platforms:             *
*                                         *
*  UINT8  - Unsigned 8-bit Integer    INT8  - Signed 8-bit integer           *
*  UINT16 - Unsigned 16-bit Integer  INT16 - Signed 16-bit integer          *
*  UINT32 - Unsigned 32-bit Integer  INT32 - Signed 32-bit integer          *
*  UINT64 - Unsigned 64-bit Integer  INT64 - Signed 64-bit integer          *
*                                         *
*                                         *
*   The macro names for the artithmatic operations are composed as follows:    *
*                                         *
*   XXX_R_A_B, where XXX - 3 letter operation code (ADD, SUB, etc.)         *
*           R   - The type  of the result                 *
*           A   - The type of operand 1                 *
*               B   - The type of operand 2 (if binary operation)       *
*                                         *
*             Each type is one of: U8,8,U16,16,U32,32,U64,64         *
*                                         *

#ifndef OSD_CPU_H
#define OSD_CPU_H

#ifndef NGC
#ifndef DOS
#include "basetsd.h"
#undef TRUE
#undef FALSE
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

typedef unsigned char                       UINT8;
typedef unsigned short                      UINT16;
typedef unsigned int                        UINT32;
__extension__ typedef unsigned long long    UINT64;
typedef signed char                         INT8;
typedef signed short                        INT16;
typedef signed int                          INT32;
__extension__ typedef signed long long      INT64;

 * Union of UINT8, UINT16 and UINT32 in native endianess of the target
 * This is used to access bytes and words in a machine independent manner.
 * The upper bytes h2 and h3 normally contain zero (16 bit CPU cores)
 * thus PAIR.d can be used to pass arguments to the memory system
 * which expects 'int' really.
typedef union {
#ifdef LSB_FIRST
  struct { UINT8 l,h,h2,h3; } b;
  struct { UINT16 l,h; } w;
  struct { UINT8 h3,h2,h,l; } b;
  struct { UINT16 h,l; } w;
  UINT32 d;
}  PAIR;

#endif  /* defined OSD_CPU_H */