Install the sd_loader directly to have a bit more control

This commit is contained in:
Maschell 2021-12-27 16:53:04 +01:00
parent db5adae785
commit 46fd3c52c6
7 changed files with 498 additions and 75 deletions

.gitmodules vendored
View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
[submodule "homebrew_launcher_installer"]
path = homebrew_launcher_installer
url =
url =

View File

@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ CFLAGS += $(INCLUDE) -D__WIIU__ -D__WUT__
CXXFLAGS := $(CFLAGS) -std=c++20
LDFLAGS = -g $(ARCH) $(RPXSPECS) -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $*.map)
ASFLAGS := -g $(ARCH) -mregnames
LDFLAGS = -g $(ARCH) $(RPXSPECS) --entry=_start -Wl,-Map,$(notdir $*.map)
LIBS := -lwut -lz
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ endif
export OFILES_BIN := $(addsuffix .o,$(BINFILES))
export OFILES_SRC := $(CPPFILES:.cpp=.o) $(CFILES:.c=.o) $(SFILES:.s=.o)
export OFILES := $(OFILES_BIN) $(OFILES_SRC) payload.elf.o
export OFILES := $(OFILES_BIN) $(OFILES_SRC) sd_loader.elf.o
export HFILES_BIN := $(addsuffix .h,$(subst .,_,$(BINFILES)))
export INCLUDE := $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES),-I$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \
@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ all: $(BUILD)
@[ -d $@ ] || mkdir -p $@
make -C homebrew_launcher_installer
make -C homebrew_launcher_installer/sd_loader
@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile
@echo clean ...
make clean -C homebrew_launcher_installer
make clean -C homebrew_launcher_installer/sd_loader
@rm -fr $(BUILD) $(TARGET).rpx $(TARGET).elf
@ -115,23 +115,23 @@ DEPENDS := $(OFILES:.o=.d)
# main targets
hbl_installer_payload := ../homebrew_launcher_installer/payload.elf
sd_loader := ../homebrew_launcher_installer/sd_loader/sd_loader.elf
all : $(OUTPUT).rpx
make -C ../homebrew_launcher_installer
make -C ../homebrew_launcher_installer/sd_loader
$(OUTPUT).rpx : $(OUTPUT).elf
$(OUTPUT).elf : $(OFILES)
$(OFILES) : hbl_installer_payload.h
$(OFILES) : sd_loader.h
# you need a rule like this for each extension you use as binary data
hbl_installer_payload.h: $(hbl_installer_payload)
sd_loader.h: $(sd_loader)
@bin2s -a 32 -H `(echo $(<F) | tr . _)`.h $< | $(AS) -o $(<F).o
@echo '#pragma once' > $@
@printf '#include "' >> $@

source/hbl_install.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <coreinit/dynload.h>
#include <coreinit/debug.h>
#include <coreinit/memorymap.h>
#include <coreinit/cache.h>
#include "../homebrew_launcher_installer/sd_loader/src/common.h"
#include "../homebrew_launcher_installer/sd_loader/src/elf_abi.h"
#include "sd_loader_elf.h"
#define KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_1 0xFFE84C70 // unknown
#define KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_2 0xFFE85070 // works with games
#define KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_3 0xFFE85470 // works with loader
#define KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_4 0xFFEAAA60 // works with home menu
#define KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_5 0xFFEAAE60 // works with browser (previously KERN_SYSCALL_TBL)
#define address_LiWaitIopComplete 0x01010180
#define address_LiWaitIopCompleteWithInterrupts 0x0101006C
#define address_LiWaitOneChunk 0x0100080C
#define address_PrepareTitle_hook 0xFFF184E4
#define address_sgIsLoadingBuffer 0xEFE19E80
#define address_gDynloadInitialized 0xEFE13DBC
#define ADDRESS_OSTitle_main_entry_ptr 0x1005E040
#define ADDRESS_main_entry_hook 0x0101c56c
/* assembly functions */
extern "C" void Syscall_0x36(void);
extern "C" void KernelPatches(void);
extern "C" void SCKernelCopyData(unsigned int addr, unsigned int src, unsigned int len);
extern "C" void SC_0x25_KernelCopyData(unsigned int addr, unsigned int src, unsigned int len);
void __attribute__ ((noinline)) kern_write(void *addr, uint32_t value);
static void InstallPatches();
static unsigned int load_elf_image(const uint8_t *elfstart) {
Elf32_Ehdr *ehdr;
Elf32_Phdr *phdrs;
unsigned char *image;
int i;
ehdr = (Elf32_Ehdr *) elfstart;
if (ehdr->e_phoff == 0 || ehdr->e_phnum == 0)
return 0;
if (ehdr->e_phentsize != sizeof(Elf32_Phdr))
return 0;
phdrs = (Elf32_Phdr *) (elfstart + ehdr->e_phoff);
for (i = 0; i < ehdr->e_phnum; i++) {
if (phdrs[i].p_type != PT_LOAD)
if (phdrs[i].p_filesz > phdrs[i].p_memsz)
if (!phdrs[i].p_filesz)
unsigned int p_paddr = phdrs[i].p_paddr;
image = (unsigned char *) (elfstart + phdrs[i].p_offset);
memcpy((void *) p_paddr, image, phdrs[i].p_filesz);
DCFlushRange((void *) p_paddr, phdrs[i].p_filesz);
if (phdrs[i].p_flags & PF_X)
ICInvalidateRange((void *) p_paddr, phdrs[i].p_memsz);
//! clear BSS
Elf32_Shdr *shdr = (Elf32_Shdr *) (elfstart + ehdr->e_shoff);
for (i = 0; i < ehdr->e_shnum; i++) {
const char *section_name = ((const char *) elfstart) + shdr[ehdr->e_shstrndx].sh_offset + shdr[i].sh_name;
if (section_name[0] == '.' && section_name[1] == 'b' && section_name[2] == 's' && section_name[3] == 's') {
memset((void *) shdr[i].sh_addr, 0, shdr[i].sh_size);
DCFlushRange((void *) shdr[i].sh_addr, shdr[i].sh_size);
} else if (section_name[0] == '.' && section_name[1] == 's' && section_name[2] == 'b' && section_name[3] == 's' && section_name[4] == 's') {
memset((void *) shdr[i].sh_addr, 0, shdr[i].sh_size);
DCFlushRange((void *) shdr[i].sh_addr, shdr[i].sh_size);
return ehdr->e_entry;
void KernelWriteU32(uint32_t addr, uint32_t value) {
ICInvalidateRange(&value, 4);
DCFlushRange(&value, 4);
uint32_t dst = (uint32_t) OSEffectiveToPhysical((uint32_t) addr);
uint32_t src = (uint32_t) OSEffectiveToPhysical((uint32_t) &value);
SC_0x25_KernelCopyData(dst, src, 4);
DCFlushRange((void *) addr, 4);
ICInvalidateRange((void *) addr, 4);
void InstallHBL() {
kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_1 + (0x25 * 4)), (unsigned int) SCKernelCopyData);
kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_2 + (0x25 * 4)), (unsigned int) SCKernelCopyData);
kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_3 + (0x25 * 4)), (unsigned int) SCKernelCopyData);
kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_4 + (0x25 * 4)), (unsigned int) SCKernelCopyData);
kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_5 + (0x25 * 4)), (unsigned int) SCKernelCopyData);
kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_1 + (0x36 * 4)), (unsigned int) KernelPatches);
kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_2 + (0x36 * 4)), (unsigned int) KernelPatches);
kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_3 + (0x36 * 4)), (unsigned int) KernelPatches);
kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_4 + (0x36 * 4)), (unsigned int) KernelPatches);
kern_write((void *) (KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_5 + (0x36 * 4)), (unsigned int) KernelPatches);
unsigned char *pElfBuffer = (unsigned char *) sd_loader_elf; // use this address as temporary to load the elf
unsigned int mainEntryPoint = load_elf_image(pElfBuffer);
if (mainEntryPoint == 0) {
OSFatal("failed to load elf");
//! Install our entry point hook
unsigned int repl_addr = ADDRESS_main_entry_hook;
unsigned int jump_addr = mainEntryPoint & 0x03fffffc;
unsigned int bufferU32 = 0x48000003 | jump_addr;
KernelWriteU32(repl_addr, bufferU32);
/* ****************************************************************** */
/* All OS specific stuff is done here */
/* ****************************************************************** */
static void InstallPatches() {
OsSpecifics osSpecificFunctions;
memset(&osSpecificFunctions, 0, sizeof(OsSpecifics));
unsigned int bufferU32;
/* Pre-setup a few options to defined values */
bufferU32 = 550;
memcpy((void *) &OS_FIRMWARE, &bufferU32, sizeof(bufferU32));
bufferU32 = 0xDEADC0DE;
memcpy((void *) &MAIN_ENTRY_ADDR, &bufferU32, sizeof(bufferU32));
memcpy((void *) &ELF_DATA_ADDR, &bufferU32, sizeof(bufferU32));
bufferU32 = 0;
memcpy((void *) &ELF_DATA_SIZE, &bufferU32, sizeof(bufferU32));
memcpy((void *) &HBL_CHANNEL, &bufferU32, sizeof(bufferU32));
osSpecificFunctions.addr_OSDynLoad_Acquire = (unsigned int) OSDynLoad_Acquire;
osSpecificFunctions.addr_OSDynLoad_FindExport = (unsigned int) OSDynLoad_FindExport;
osSpecificFunctions.addr_KernSyscallTbl1 = KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_1;
osSpecificFunctions.addr_KernSyscallTbl2 = KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_2;
osSpecificFunctions.addr_KernSyscallTbl3 = KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_3;
osSpecificFunctions.addr_KernSyscallTbl4 = KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_4;
osSpecificFunctions.addr_KernSyscallTbl5 = KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_5;
osSpecificFunctions.LiWaitIopComplete = (int (*)(int, int *)) address_LiWaitIopComplete;
osSpecificFunctions.LiWaitIopCompleteWithInterrupts = (int (*)(int, int *)) address_LiWaitIopCompleteWithInterrupts;
osSpecificFunctions.addr_LiWaitOneChunk = address_LiWaitOneChunk;
osSpecificFunctions.addr_PrepareTitle_hook = address_PrepareTitle_hook;
osSpecificFunctions.addr_sgIsLoadingBuffer = address_sgIsLoadingBuffer;
osSpecificFunctions.addr_gDynloadInitialized = address_gDynloadInitialized;
osSpecificFunctions.orig_LiWaitOneChunkInstr = *(unsigned int *) address_LiWaitOneChunk;
//! pointer to main entry point of a title
osSpecificFunctions.addr_OSTitle_main_entry = ADDRESS_OSTitle_main_entry_ptr;
memcpy((void *) OS_SPECIFICS, &osSpecificFunctions, sizeof(OsSpecifics));
/* Write a 32-bit word with kernel permissions */
void __attribute__ ((noinline)) kern_write(void *addr, uint32_t value) {
asm volatile (
"li 3,1\n"
"li 4,0\n"
"mr 5,%1\n"
"li 6,0\n"
"li 7,0\n"
"lis 8,1\n"
"mr 9,%0\n"
"mr %1,1\n"
"li 0,0x3500\n"
"mr 1,%1\n"
: "r"(addr), "r"(value)
: "memory", "ctr", "lr", "0", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
"11", "12"

source/hbl_install.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#pragma once
void InstallHBL();

source/kernel_defs.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#ifndef __KERNEL_DEFS_H_
#define __KERNEL_DEFS_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// original structure in the kernel that is originally 0x1270 long
typedef struct {
uint32_t version_cos_xml; // version tag from cos.xml
uint64_t os_version; // os_version from app.xml
uint64_t title_id; // title_id tag from app.xml
uint32_t app_type; // app_type tag from app.xml
uint32_t cmdFlags; // unknown tag as it is always 0 (might be cmdFlags from cos.xml but i am not sure)
char rpx_name[0x1000]; // rpx name from cos.xml
uint32_t unknown2; // 0x050B8304 in mii maker and system menu (looks a bit like permissions complex that got masked!?)
uint32_t unknown3[63]; // those were all zeros, but its probably connected with unknown2
uint32_t max_size; // max_size in cos.xml which defines the maximum amount of memory reserved for the app
uint32_t avail_size; // avail_size or codegen_size in cos.xml (seems to mostly be 0?)
uint32_t codegen_size; // codegen_size or avail_size in cos.xml (seems to mostly be 0?)
uint32_t codegen_core; // codegen_core in cos.xml (seems to mostly be 1?)
uint32_t max_codesize; // max_codesize in cos.xml
uint32_t overlay_arena; // overlay_arena in cos.xml
uint32_t unknown4[59]; // all zeros it seems
uint32_t default_stack0_size; // not sure because always 0 but very likely
uint32_t default_stack1_size; // not sure because always 0 but very likely
uint32_t default_stack2_size; // not sure because always 0 but very likely
uint32_t default_redzone0_size; // not sure because always 0 but very likely
uint32_t default_redzone1_size; // not sure because always 0 but very likely
uint32_t default_redzone2_size; // not sure because always 0 but very likely
uint32_t exception_stack0_size; // from cos.xml, 0x1000 on mii maker
uint32_t exception_stack1_size; // from cos.xml, 0x1000 on mii maker
uint32_t exception_stack2_size; // from cos.xml, 0x1000 on mii maker
uint32_t sdk_version; // from app.xml, 20909 (0x51AD) on mii maker
uint32_t title_version; // from app.xml, 0x32 on mii maker
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// the next part might be changing from title to title?! I don't think its important but nice to know maybe....
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
char mlc[4]; // string "mlc" on mii maker and sysmenu
uint32_t unknown5[7]; // all zeros on mii maker and sysmenu
uint32_t unknown6_one; // 0x01 on mii maker and sysmenu
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
char ACP[4]; // string "ACP" on mii maker and sysmenu
uint32_t unknown7[15]; // all zeros on mii maker and sysmenu
uint32_t unknown8_5; // 0x05 on mii maker and sysmenu
uint32_t unknown9_zero; // 0x00 on mii maker and sysmenu
uint32_t unknown10_ptr; // 0xFF23DD0C pointer on mii maker and sysmenu
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
char UVD[4]; // string "UVD" on mii maker and sysmenu
uint32_t unknown11[15]; // all zeros on mii maker and sysmenu
uint32_t unknown12_5; // 0x05 on mii maker and sysmenu
uint32_t unknown13_zero; // 0x00 on mii maker and sysmenu
uint32_t unknown14_ptr; // 0xFF23EFC8 pointer on mii maker and sysmenu
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
char SND[4]; // string "SND" on mii maker and sysmenu
uint32_t unknown15[15]; // all zeros on mii maker and sysmenu
uint32_t unknown16_5; // 0x05 on mii maker and sysmenu
uint32_t unknown17_zero; // 0x00 on mii maker and sysmenu
uint32_t unknown18_ptr; // 0xFF23F014 pointer on mii maker and sysmenu
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t unknown19; // 0x02 on miimaker, 0x0F on system menu
// after that only zeros follow
} __attribute__((packed)) CosAppXmlInfo;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __KERNEL_DEFS_H_

source/kernel_patches.s Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
# not all of those NOP address are required for every firmware
# mainly these should stop the kernel from removing our IBAT4 and DBAT5
#define BAT_SET_NOP_ADDR_1 0xFFF06B6C
#define BAT_SET_NOP_ADDR_2 0xFFF06BF8
#define BAT_SET_NOP_ADDR_3 0xFFF003C8
#define BAT_SET_NOP_ADDR_4 0xFFF003CC
#define BAT_SET_NOP_ADDR_5 0xFFF1D70C
#define BAT_SET_NOP_ADDR_6 0xFFF1D728
#define BAT_SET_NOP_ADDR_7 0xFFF1D82C
#define BAT_SET_NOP_ADDR_8 0xFFEE11C4
#define BAT_SET_NOP_ADDR_9 0xFFEE11C8
#define BAT_SETUP_HOOK_ENTRY 0x00800000
#define BAT4U_VAL 0x008000FF
#define BAT4L_VAL 0x30800012
#define SET_R4_TO_ADDR(addr) \
lis r3, addr@h ; \
ori r3, r3, addr@l ; \
stw r4, 0(r3) ; \
dcbf 0, r3 ; \
icbi 0, r3 ;
.globl Syscall_0x36
li r0, 0x3600
.global SCKernelCopyData
// Disable data address translation
mfmsr %r6
li %r7, 0x10
andc %r6, %r6, %r7
mtmsr %r6
// Copy data
addi %r3, %r3, -1
addi %r4, %r4, -1
mtctr %r5
lbzu %r5, 1(%r4)
stbu %r5, 1(%r3)
bdnz SCKernelCopyData_loop
// Enable data address translation
ori %r6, %r6, 0x10
mtmsr %r6
.global SC_0x25_KernelCopyData
li %r0, 0x2500
.globl KernelPatches
# store the old DBAT0
mfdbatu r5, 0
mfdbatl r6, 0
# memory barrier
# setup DBAT0 for access to kernel code memory
lis r3, 0xFFF0
ori r3, r3, 0x0002
mtdbatu 0, r3
lis r3, 0xFFF0
ori r3, r3, 0x0032
mtdbatl 0, r3
# memory barrier
# SaveAndResetDataBATs_And_SRs hook setup, but could be any BAT function though
# just chosen because its simple
ori r3, r3, BAT_SETUP_HOOK_ADDR@l
# make the kernel setup our section in IBAT4 and
# jump to our function to restore the replaced instructions
lis r4, 0x3ce0 # lis r7, BAT4L_VAL@h
ori r4, r4, BAT4L_VAL@h
stw r4, 0x00(r3)
lis r4, 0x60e7 # ori r7, r7, BAT4L_VAL@l
ori r4, r4, BAT4L_VAL@l
stw r4, 0x04(r3)
lis r4, 0x7cf1 # mtspr 561, r7
ori r4, r4, 0x8ba6
stw r4, 0x08(r3)
lis r4, 0x3ce0 # lis r7, BAT4U_VAL@h
ori r4, r4, BAT4U_VAL@h
stw r4, 0x0C(r3)
lis r4, 0x60e7 # ori r7, r7, BAT4U_VAL@l
ori r4, r4, BAT4U_VAL@l
stw r4, 0x10(r3)
lis r4, 0x7cf0 # mtspr 560, r7
ori r4, r4, 0x8ba6
stw r4, 0x14(r3)
lis r4, 0x7c00 # eieio
ori r4, r4, 0x06ac
stw r4, 0x18(r3)
lis r4, 0x4c00 # isync
ori r4, r4, 0x012c
stw r4, 0x1C(r3)
lis r4, 0x7ce8 # mflr r7
ori r4, r4, 0x02a6
stw r4, 0x20(r3)
lis r4, (BAT_SETUP_HOOK_ENTRY | 0x48000003)@h # bla BAT_SETUP_HOOK_ENTRY
ori r4, r4, (BAT_SETUP_HOOK_ENTRY | 0x48000003)@l
stw r4, 0x24(r3)
# flush and invalidate the replaced instructions
lis r3, (BAT_SETUP_HOOK_ADDR & ~31)@h
ori r3, r3, (BAT_SETUP_HOOK_ADDR & ~31)@l
dcbf 0, r3
icbi 0, r3
lis r3, ((BAT_SETUP_HOOK_ADDR + 0x20) & ~31)@h
ori r3, r3, ((BAT_SETUP_HOOK_ADDR + 0x20) & ~31)@l
dcbf 0, r3
icbi 0, r3
# setup IBAT4 for core 1 at this position (not really required but wont hurt)
lis r3, BAT4L_VAL@h
ori r3, r3, BAT4L_VAL@l
mtspr 561, r3
lis r3, BAT4U_VAL@h
ori r3, r3, BAT4U_VAL@l
mtspr 560, r3
# memory barrier
# write "nop" to some positions
lis r4, 0x6000
# nop on IBATU 4 and DBAT 5 set/reset
#if (defined(BAT_SET_NOP_ADDR_8) && defined(BAT_SET_NOP_ADDR_9))
# memory barrier
# setup DBAT0 for access to kernel code memory
lis r3, 0xFFEE
ori r3, r3, 0x0002
mtdbatu 0, r3
lis r3, 0xFFEE
ori r3, r3, 0x0032
mtdbatl 0, r3
# memory barrier
# write "nop" to some positions
lis r4, 0x6000
# memory barrier
# restore DBAT 0 and return from interrupt
mtdbatu 0, r5
mtdbatl 0, r6
# memory barrier

View File

@ -1,69 +1,7 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <coreinit/title.h>
#include <sysapp/title.h>
#include <sysapp/launch.h>
#include <coreinit/ios.h>
#include <coreinit/cache.h>
#include "../homebrew_launcher_installer/src/elf_abi.h"
#include "payload_elf.h"
static unsigned int load_elf_image (const uint8_t* elfstart) {
Elf32_Ehdr *ehdr;
Elf32_Phdr *phdrs;
unsigned char *image;
int i;
ehdr = (Elf32_Ehdr *) elfstart;
if(ehdr->e_phoff == 0 || ehdr->e_phnum == 0)
return 0;
if(ehdr->e_phentsize != sizeof(Elf32_Phdr))
return 0;
phdrs = (Elf32_Phdr*)(elfstart + ehdr->e_phoff);
for(i = 0; i < ehdr->e_phnum; i++) {
if(phdrs[i].p_type != PT_LOAD)
if(phdrs[i].p_filesz > phdrs[i].p_memsz)
unsigned int p_paddr = phdrs[i].p_paddr;
image = (unsigned char *) (elfstart + phdrs[i].p_offset);
memcpy ((void *) p_paddr, image, phdrs[i].p_filesz);
DCFlushRange((void*)p_paddr, phdrs[i].p_filesz);
if(phdrs[i].p_flags & PF_X)
ICInvalidateRange ((void *) p_paddr, phdrs[i].p_memsz);
//! clear BSS
Elf32_Shdr *shdr = (Elf32_Shdr *) (elfstart + ehdr->e_shoff);
for(i = 0; i < ehdr->e_shnum; i++) {
const char *section_name = ((const char*)elfstart) + shdr[ehdr->e_shstrndx].sh_offset + shdr[i].sh_name;
if(section_name[0] == '.' && section_name[1] == 'b' && section_name[2] == 's' && section_name[3] == 's') {
memset((void*)shdr[i].sh_addr, 0, shdr[i].sh_size);
DCFlushRange((void*)shdr[i].sh_addr, shdr[i].sh_size);
} else if(section_name[0] == '.' && section_name[1] == 's' && section_name[2] == 'b' && section_name[3] == 's' && section_name[4] == 's') {
memset((void*)shdr[i].sh_addr, 0, shdr[i].sh_size);
DCFlushRange((void*)shdr[i].sh_addr, shdr[i].sh_size);
return ehdr->e_entry;
#include "hbl_install.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
uint32_t res = load_elf_image(payload_elf);
if(res != 0) {
((int (*)(int, char **)) res)(0, nullptr);
return 0;