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package de.mas.HIDTest;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.security.CodeSource;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
* Created by Reddit user king_of_the_universe / StackOverflow user Dreamspace President / dreamspace-president.com
* <p>
* v[(2), 2015-11-13 13:00 UTC]
* <p>
* One static method call will start a new instance of *THIS* application in the console and will EXIT the current instance. SO FAR ONLY WORKS ON WINDOWS! Users
* of other systems need to assist here. The methods are all in place.
final public class AutoRunFromConsole {
final private static String FAILMESSAGE_TITLE = "Please run in console.";
final private static String FAILMESSAGE_BODY = "This application must be run in the console (or \"command box\").\n\nIn there, you have to type:\n\njava -jar nameofprogram.jar";
static void showFailMessageAndExit() {
private enum OSType {
private static OSType getOsType() {
// final String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
// final String osVersion = System.getProperty("os.version");
// final String osArchitecture = System.getProperty("os.arch");
// System.out.println("\n\nOSNAME: " + osName);
// System.out.println("\n\nOSVERSION: " + osVersion);
// System.out.println("\n\nOSARCHITECTURE: " + osArchitecture);
final String osName = System.getProperty("os.name", "").toLowerCase();
if (osName.startsWith("windows")) {
return OSType.WINDOWS;
} else if (osName.startsWith("linux")) {
return OSType.LINUX;
} else if (osName.startsWith("mac os") || osName.startsWith("macos") || osName.startsWith("darwin")) {
return OSType.MACOS;
* Checks if the program is currently running in console, and if not, starts the program from console and EXITS this instance of the program. Should be (one
* of) the first calls in your program.
* <p>
* This is the less safe variant of the method: To check if you're currently in the IDE, it just tries to find the executable name and if it exists in the
* current path. This should word perfectly at all times in IntelliJ - I don't know what values getExecutableName() returns inside Eclipse, but I suspect it
* will work just as well.
* <p>
* It's also less safe because you can't give a fallback executable name, but I believe it should do the trick in all situations.
* <p>
* If this is used on a system other than Windows, a message box is shown telling the user to start the program from the console. BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW
* TO OPEN A CONSOLE ON OTHER SYSTEMS. SEE startExecutableInConsole();
public static void runYourselfInConsole(final boolean stayOpenAfterEnd) {
runYourselfInConsole(false, stayOpenAfterEnd, null, null);
* Checks if the program is currently running in console, and if not, starts the program from console and EXITS this instance of the program. Should be (one
* of) the first calls in your program.
* <p>
* This is the safer variant of the method: The first command line argument GIVEN BY THE IDE'S RUN CONFIGURATION should be "ide" (Case is ignored.), which
* this method will use to determine if it's running from the IDE.
* <p>
* It is also safer because you can give a fallback executable name in case getExecutableName() could not determine it.
* <p>
* Ultimately, it is safer because if the executable could not be determined, it shows a message box telling the user to start the program from the console.
* <p>
* You will probably never make use of this variant. It's meant to be a solution if all else seems to fail (e.g. customer calls and you need a quick fix).
* <p>
* If this is used on a system other than Windows, a message box is shown telling the user to start the program from the console. BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW
* TO OPEN A CONSOLE ON OTHER SYSTEMS. SEE startExecutableInConsole();
* @param psvmArguments
* The arguments given to the main method.
* @param fallbackExecutableName
* Can be null. In case getExecutableName() can't determine the proper name, the fallback is used.
public static void runYourselfInConsole(final String[] psvmArguments, final String fallbackExecutableName, final boolean stayOpenAfterEnd) {
runYourselfInConsole(true, stayOpenAfterEnd, psvmArguments, fallbackExecutableName);
* see the other two methods
private static void runYourselfInConsole(final boolean useSaferApproach, final boolean stayOpenAfterEnd, final String[] psvmArguments,
final String fallbackExecutableName) {
String executableName = getExecutableName(fallbackExecutableName);
if (useSaferApproach) {
if (isRunFromIDE(psvmArguments)) {
} else {
if (executableName == null) {
// Running from IDE.
if (isRunningInConsole()) {
if (executableName == null) {
startExecutableInConsole(executableName, stayOpenAfterEnd);
* Opens a console window and starts the Java executable there.
* <p>
* If this is used on a system other than Windows, a message box is shown telling the user to start the program from the console. BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW
* @param executableName
* the full file name of the executable (without path)
* @param stayOpenAfterEnd
* If true (and if someone can figure out the necessary parameters for other systems than Windows), the console will not close once the
* executable has terminated. This is useful e.g. if you want to give some kind of bye bye message because you actually assumed that people start
* the program from console manually.
private static void startExecutableInConsole(final String executableName, final boolean stayOpenAfterEnd) {
String launchString = null;
switch (getOsType()) {
if (stayOpenAfterEnd) {
launchString = "cmd /c start cmd /k java -jar \"" + executableName + "\""; // No, using /k directly here DOES NOT do the trick.
} else {
launchString = "cmd /c start java -jar \"" + executableName + "\"";
case LINUX:
case MACOS:
// launchString="/usr/bin/open -a Terminal /path/to/the/executable";
if (launchString == null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
* @param args
* the args as given to PSVM
* @return whether the first command line argument was "ide" (ignoring case). Don't forget to change your IDE's run configuration accordingly.
private static boolean isRunFromIDE(final String[] args) {
return args != null && args.length > 0 && args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("ide");
* @return if System.console() is available. DOES NOT WORK properly from IDE, will return false then even though it should be true. Use isRunFromIDE or
* other means additionally.
private static boolean isRunningInConsole() {
return System.console() != null;
* @param fallbackExecutableName
* Can be null. In the very unlikely case this method can't determine the executable, the fallback will also be checked. But if the fallback also
* doesn't exist AS A FILE in the CURRENT path, null will be returned regardless, even if you're sure that your fallback should be correct.
* @return the name of the running jar file, OR NULL if it could not be determined (which should be a certainty while in IDE, hence can be abused for
* determining that).
public static String getExecutableName(final String fallbackExecutableName) {
String executableNameFromClass = null;
final CodeSource codeSource = AutoRunFromConsole.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource();
if (codeSource == null) {
System.err.println("UNEXPECTED: Main.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource() returned null");
} else {
final String path = codeSource.getLocation().getPath();
if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) {
System.err.println("UNEXPECTED: codeSource.getLocation().getPath() returned null or empty");
} else {
executableNameFromClass = new File(path).getName();
final Properties properties = System.getProperties();
final String executableNameFromJavaClassPathProperty = properties.getProperty("java.class.path");
final String executableNameFromSunJavaCommandProperty = properties.getProperty("sun.java.command");
// System.out.println("\n\nexecutableNameFromClass:\n" + executableNameFromClass);
// System.out.println("\n\nexecutableNameFromJavaClassPathProperty:\n" + executableNameFromJavaClassPathProperty);
// System.out.println("\n\nexecutableNameFromSunJavaCommandProperty:\n" + executableNameFromSunJavaCommandProperty);
// System.out.println("\n\nfallbackExecutableName:\n" + fallbackExecutableName);
if (isThisProbablyTheExecutable(executableNameFromClass)) {
return executableNameFromClass;
if (isThisProbablyTheExecutable(executableNameFromJavaClassPathProperty)) {
return executableNameFromJavaClassPathProperty;
if (isThisProbablyTheExecutable(executableNameFromSunJavaCommandProperty)) {
return executableNameFromSunJavaCommandProperty;
if (isThisProbablyTheExecutable(fallbackExecutableName)) {
return fallbackExecutableName;
return null;
* @param candidateName
* suspected name of the running java executable
* @return if name is not null, ends with ".jar" (Case is ignored.), and points to a FILE existing in the CURRENT directory.
private static boolean isThisProbablyTheExecutable(final String candidateName) {
if (candidateName == null || !candidateName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) {
return false;
final File file = new File(candidateName);
return file.exists() && file.isFile();