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2018-05-25 20:45:09 +02:00
Hatari - m68000.c
This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2
or at your option any later version. Read the file gpl.txt for details.
These routines originally (in WinSTon) handled exceptions as well as some
few OpCode's such as Line-F and Line-A. In Hatari it has mainly become a
wrapper between the WinSTon sources and the UAE CPU code.
/* 2007/03/xx [NP] Possibility to add several wait states for the same instruction in */
/* M68000_WaitState (e.g. clr.b $fa1b.w in Decade Demo Menu). */
/* 2007/04/14 [NP] Add support for instruction pairing in M68000_AddCycles, using OpcodeFamily and */
/* LastOpcodeFamily (No Cooper Loader, Oh Crickey ... Hidden Screen). */
/* 2007/04/24 [NP] Add pairing for BCLR/Bcc. */
/* 2007/09/29 [NP] Use the new int.c and INT_CONVERT_TO_INTERNAL. */
/* 2007/11/26 [NP] We set BusErrorPC in m68k_run_1 instead of M68000_BusError, else the BusErrorPC */
/* will not point to the opcode that generated the bus error. */
/* In M68000_BusError, if we have 'move.l $0,$24', we need to generate a bus error */
/* for the read, not for the write that should occur after (TransBeauce 2 Demo). */
/* 2008/01/07 [NP] Function 'M68000_InitPairing' and 'PairingArray' as a lookup table for fast */
/* determination of valid pairing combinations (replace lots of 'if' tests in */
/* m68000.h). */
/* 2008/01/25 [NP] Add pairing for LSR/MOVE (and all other bit shifting instr) (Anomaly Demo Intro)*/
/* 2008/02/02 [NP] Add pairing for CMP/Bcc (Level 16 Fullscreen (1988)). */
/* 2008/02/08 [NP] Add pairing for LSL/LEA (and all other bit shifting instr) (TVI 2 - The Year */
/* After Demo). */
/* 2008/02/11 [NP] Add pairing for MULS/MOVEA (Delirious Demo IV Loader). */
/* 2008/01/25 [NP] Add pairing for LSR/MOVEA (and all other bit shifting instr) (Decade Demo Reset)*/
/* 2008/02/16 [NP] Add pairing for MULS/DIVS (fixes e605 demo part 3). */
/* 2008/03/08 [NP] In M68000_Exception, we need to know if the exception was triggered by an MFP */
/* interrupt or by a video interrupt. In the case MFP vector base was changed in */
/* fffa17 to an other value than the default $40, testing exceptionNr is not enough*/
/* to correctly process the exception. For example, if vector base is set to $10 */
/* then MFP Timer A will call vector stored at address $74, which would be wrongly */
/* interpreted as a level 5 int (which doesn't exist on Atari and will cause an */
/* assert to fail in intlevel()). We use InterruptSource to correctly recognize the*/
/* MFP interrupts (fix 'Toki' end part fullscreen which sets vector base to $10). */
/* 2008/04/14 [NP] Add pairing for BTST/Bcc (eg btst #7,d0 + bne.s label (with branch taken)). */
/* 2008/04/15 [NP] As tested on a real STF : */
/* - MUL/DIV can pair (but DIV/MUL can't) */
/* (eg mulu d0,d0 + divs d1,d1 with d0=0 and d1=1) */
/* - MUL/MOVE can pair, but not DIV/MOVE */
/* - EXG/MOVE can pair (eg exg d3,d4 + move.l 0(a3,d1.w),a4) */
/* - MOVE/DBcc can't pair */
/* 2008/04/16 [NP] Functions 'M68000_InitPairing_BitShift' to ease code maintenance. */
/* Tested on STF : add pairing between bit shift instr and ADD/SUB/OR/AND/EOR/NOT */
/* CLR/NEG (certainly some more possible, haven't tested everything) */
/* (fixes lsr.w #4,d4 + add.b $f0(a4,d4),d7 used in Zoolook part of ULM New Year). */
/* 2008/07/08 [NP] Add pairing between bit shift instr and ADDX/SUBX/ABCD/SBCD (fixes lsl.l #1,d0 */
/* + abcd d1,d1 used in Dragonnels - Rainbow Wall). */
/* 2008/10/05 [NP] Pass the 'ExceptionSource' parameter to Exception() in uae-cpu/newcpu.c */
/* 2010/05/07 [NP] Add pairing for ADD/MOVE ; such pairing should only be possible when combined */
/* with d8(an,ix) address mode (eg: add.l (a5,d1.w),d0 + move.b 7(a5,d1.w),d5) */
/* (fixes Sommarhack 2010 Invitation by DHS). */
/* 2010/11/07 [NP] Add pairing between bit shift instr and JMP (fixes lsl.w #2,d0 + jmp 2(pc,d0) */
/* used in Fullparts by Hemoroids). */
/* 2011/12/11 [NP] Add pairing between MUL and JSR (fixes muls #52,d2 + jsr 0(a1,d2.w) used in */
/* Lemmings Compilation 40's Intro). */
/* 2014/05/07 [NP] In M68000_WaitEClock, use CyclesGlobalClockCounter instead of the VBL video */
/* counter (else for a given position in a VBL we would always get the same value */
/* for the E clock). */
/* 2015/02/01 [NP] When using the new WinUAE's cpu, don't handle MFP/DSP interrupts by calling */
/* directly Exception(), we must set bit 6 in pendingInterrupts and use the IACK */
/* sequence to get the exception's vector number. */
/* 2015/02/05 [NP] For the new WinUAE's cpu, don't use ExceptionSource anymore when calling */
/* Exception(). */
/* 2015/02/11 [NP] Replace BusErrorPC by regs.instruction_pc, to get similar code to WinUAE's cpu */
const char M68000_fileid[] = "Hatari m68000.c : " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
#include "main.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include "gemdos.h"
#include "hatari-glue.h"
#include "cycInt.h"
#include "m68000.h"
#include "memorySnapShot.h"
#include "mfp.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "savestate.h"
#include "stMemory.h"
#include "tos.h"
#include "dsp.h"
#include "mmu_common.h"
/* information about current CPU instruction */
cpu_instruction_t CpuInstruction;
Uint32 BusErrorAddress; /* Stores the offending address for bus-/address errors */
bool bBusErrorReadWrite; /* 0 for write error, 1 for read error */
int nCpuFreqShift; /* Used to emulate higher CPU frequencies: 0=8MHz, 1=16MHz, 2=32Mhz */
int nWaitStateCycles; /* Used to emulate the wait state cycles of certain IO registers */
int BusMode = BUS_MODE_CPU; /* Used to tell which part is owning the bus (cpu, blitter, ...) */
bool CPU_IACK = false; /* Set to true during an exception when getting the interrupt's vector number */
int LastOpcodeFamily = i_NOP; /* see the enum in readcpu.h i_XXX */
int LastInstrCycles = 0; /* number of cycles for previous instr. (not rounded to 4) */
int Pairing = 0; /* set to 1 if the latest 2 intr paired */
/* to convert the enum from OpcodeFamily to a readable value for pairing's debug */
const char *OpcodeName[] = { "ILLG",
* Add pairing between all the bit shifting instructions and a given Opcode
static void M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( int OpCode )
PairingArray[ i_ASR ][ OpCode ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_ASL ][ OpCode ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_LSR ][ OpCode ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_LSL ][ OpCode ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_ROL ][ OpCode ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_ROR ][ OpCode ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_ROXR ][ OpCode ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_ROXL ][ OpCode ] = 1;
* Init the pairing matrix
* Two instructions can pair if PairingArray[ LastOpcodeFamily ][ OpcodeFamily ] == 1
static void M68000_InitPairing(void)
/* First, clear the matrix (pairing is false) */
memset(PairingArray , 0 , MAX_OPCODE_FAMILY * MAX_OPCODE_FAMILY);
/* Set all valid pairing combinations to 1 */
PairingArray[ i_EXG ][ i_DBcc ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_EXG ][ i_MOVE ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_EXG ][ i_MOVEA] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_CMPA ][ i_Bcc ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_CMP ][ i_Bcc ] = 1;
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_DBcc );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_MOVE );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_MOVEA );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_LEA );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_JMP );
PairingArray[ i_MULU ][ i_MOVEA] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_MULS ][ i_MOVEA] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_MULU ][ i_MOVE ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_MULS ][ i_MOVE ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_MULU ][ i_DIVU ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_MULU ][ i_DIVS ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_MULS ][ i_DIVU ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_MULS ][ i_DIVS ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_MULU ][ i_JSR ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_MULS ][ i_JSR ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_BTST ][ i_Bcc ] = 1;
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_ADD );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_SUB );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_OR );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_AND );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_EOR );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_NOT );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_CLR );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_NEG );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_ADDX );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_SUBX );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_ABCD );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_SBCD );
PairingArray[ i_ADD ][ i_MOVE ] = 1; /* when using xx(an,dn) addr mode */
PairingArray[ i_SUB ][ i_MOVE ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_ABCD ][ i_DBcc ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_SBCD ][ i_DBcc ] = 1;
* One-time CPU initialization.
void M68000_Init(void)
/* Init UAE CPU core */
/* Init the pairing matrix */
* Reset CPU 68000 variables
void M68000_Reset(bool bCold)
int spcFlags = regs.spcflags & (SPCFLAG_MODE_CHANGE | SPCFLAG_BRK);
if (bCold)
memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
/* Now reset the WINUAE CPU core */
/* On Hatari, when we change cpu settings, we call m68k_reset() during m68k_run_xx(), */
/* so we must keep the value of bits SPCFLAG_MODE_CHANGE and SPCFLAG_BRK to exit m68k_run_xx() */
/* and choose a new m68k_run_xx() function */
/* [NP] TODO : don't force a reset when changing cpu settings and use common code with WinUAE ? */
regs.spcflags |= spcFlags;
#else /* UAE CPU core */
if (bCold)
/* Clear registers */
memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
/* Now reset the UAE CPU core */
CPU_IACK = false;
* Start 680x0 emulation
void M68000_Start(void)
/* Load initial memory snapshot */
if (bLoadMemorySave)
MemorySnapShot_Restore(ConfigureParams.Memory.szMemoryCaptureFileName, false);
else if (bLoadAutoSave)
MemorySnapShot_Restore(ConfigureParams.Memory.szAutoSaveFileName, false);
* Check whether CPU settings have been changed.
* Possible values for WinUAE :
* cpu_model : 68000 , 68010, 68020, 68030, 68040, 68060
* cpu_level : not used anymore
* cpu_compatible : 0/false (no prefetch for 68000/20/30) 1/true (prefetch opcode for 68000/20/30)
* cpu_cycle_exact : 0/false 1/true (most accurate, implies cpu_compatible)
* address_space_24 : 1 (68000/10 and 68030 LC for Falcon), 0 (68020/30/40/60)
* fpu_model : 0, 68881 (external), 68882 (external), 68040 (cpu) , 68060 (cpu)
* fpu_strict : true/false (more accurate rounding)
* mmu_model : 0, 68030, 68040, 68060
* m68k_speed : -1=don't adjust cycle >=0 use m68k_speed_throttle to precisely adjust cycles
* m68k_speed_throttle : if not 0, used to set cycles_mult. In Hatari, set it to 0
* cpu_frequency : in CE mode, fine control of cpu freq, set it to freq/2. Not used in Hatari, set it to 0.
* cpu_clock_multiplier : used to speed up/slow down clock by multiple of 2 in CE mode. In Hatari
* we use nCpuFreqShift, so this should always be set to 2<<8 = 512 to get the same
* cpucycleunit as in non CE mode.
void M68000_CheckCpuSettings(void)
if (ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq < 12)
ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq = 8;
nCpuFreqShift = 0;
else if (ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq > 26)
ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq = 32;
nCpuFreqShift = 2;
ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq = 16;
nCpuFreqShift = 1;
changed_prefs.cpu_level = ConfigureParams.System.nCpuLevel;
changed_prefs.cpu_compatible = ConfigureParams.System.bCompatibleCpu;
/* WinUAE core uses cpu_model instead of cpu_level, so we've got to
* convert these values here: */
switch (changed_prefs.cpu_level) {
case 0 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68000; break;
case 1 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68010; break;
case 2 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68020; break;
case 3 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68030; break;
case 4 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68040; break;
case 5 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68060; break;
default: fprintf (stderr, "Init680x0() : Error, cpu_level unknown\n");
currprefs.cpu_level = changed_prefs.cpu_level;
changed_prefs.address_space_24 = ConfigureParams.System.bAddressSpace24;
changed_prefs.cpu_cycle_exact = ConfigureParams.System.bCycleExactCpu;
changed_prefs.fpu_model = ConfigureParams.System.n_FPUType;
changed_prefs.fpu_strict = ConfigureParams.System.bCompatibleFPU;
/* Update the MMU model by taking the same value as CPU model */
/* MMU is only supported for CPU >=68030, this is later checked in custom.c fixup_cpu() */
if ( !ConfigureParams.System.bMMU )
changed_prefs.mmu_model = 0; /* MMU disabled */
changed_prefs.mmu_model = changed_prefs.cpu_model; /* MMU enabled */
/* Set cpu speed to default values (only use in WinUAE, not in Hatari) */
currprefs.m68k_speed = changed_prefs.m68k_speed = 0;
currprefs.cpu_clock_multiplier = changed_prefs.cpu_clock_multiplier = 2 << 8;
changed_prefs.cpu_cycle_exact = 0; /* With old UAE CPU, cycle_exact is always false */
if (table68k)
* Save/Restore snapshot of CPU variables ('MemorySnapShot_Store' handles type)
void M68000_MemorySnapShot_Capture(bool bSave)
int len;
uae_u8 chunk[ 1000 ];
if (bSave)
//m68k_dumpstate_file(stderr, NULL);
save_cpu (&len,chunk);
//printf ( "save cpu done\n" );
save_cpu_extra (&len,chunk);
//printf ( "save cpux done\n" );
save_fpu (&len,chunk);
//printf ( "save fpu done\n" );
save_mmu (&len,chunk);
//printf ( "save mmu done\n" );
//m68k_dumpstate_file(stderr, NULL);
//m68k_dumpstate_file(stderr, NULL);
restore_cpu (chunk);
//printf ( "restore cpu done\n" );
restore_cpu_extra (chunk);
//printf ( "restore cpux done\n" );
restore_fpu (chunk);
//printf ( "restore fpu done\n" );
restore_mmu (chunk);
//printf ( "restore mmu done\n" );
restore_cpu_finish ();
if ( regs.s ) regs.regs[15] = regs.isp;
else regs.regs[15] = regs.usp;
//m68k_dumpstate_file(stderr, NULL);
#else /* UAE CPU core */
Uint32 savepc;
/* For the UAE CPU core: */
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.regs[0], sizeof(regs.regs)); /* D0-D7 A0-A6 */
if (bSave)
savepc = M68000_GetPC();
MemorySnapShot_Store(&savepc, sizeof(savepc)); /* PC */
MemorySnapShot_Store(&savepc, sizeof(savepc)); /* PC */
regs.pc = savepc;
regs.prefetch_pc = regs.pc + 128;
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.prefetch, sizeof(regs.prefetch)); /* prefetch */
if (bSave)
if (regs.s)
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.usp, sizeof(regs.usp)); /* USP */
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.regs[15], sizeof(regs.regs[15])); /* ISP */
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.regs[15], sizeof(regs.regs[15])); /* USP */
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.isp, sizeof(regs.isp)); /* ISP */
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.sr, sizeof(regs.sr)); /* SR/CCR */
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.usp, sizeof(regs.usp));
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.isp, sizeof(regs.isp));
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.sr, sizeof(regs.sr));
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.opcode, sizeof(regs.opcode));
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.instruction_pc, sizeof(regs.instruction_pc));
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.stopped, sizeof(regs.stopped));
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.dfc, sizeof(regs.dfc)); /* DFC */
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.sfc, sizeof(regs.sfc)); /* SFC */
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.vbr, sizeof(regs.vbr)); /* VBR */
MemorySnapShot_Store(&caar, sizeof(caar)); /* CAAR */
MemorySnapShot_Store(&cacr, sizeof(cacr)); /* CACR */
MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.msp, sizeof(regs.msp)); /* MSP */
if (!bSave)
/* MakeFromSR() must not swap stack pointer */
regs.s = (regs.sr >> 13) & 1;
/* set stack pointer */
if (regs.s)
m68k_areg(regs, 7) = regs.isp;
m68k_areg(regs, 7) = regs.usp;
if (bSave)
* BUSERROR - Access outside valid memory range.
* Use bRead = 0 for write errors and bRead = 1 for read errors!
void M68000_BusError ( Uint32 addr , int ReadWrite , int Size , int AccessType )
Uint32 InstrPC = M68000_InstrPC;
/* Do not print message when TOS is testing for available HW or
* when a program just checks for the floating point co-processor. */
if ((InstrPC < TosAddress || InstrPC > TosAddress + TosSize)
&& addr != 0xfffa42)
/* Print bus error message */
fprintf(stderr, "M68000 Bus Error %s at address $%x PC=$%x.\n",
ReadWrite ? "reading" : "writing", addr, InstrPC);
if ((regs.spcflags & SPCFLAG_BUSERROR) == 0) /* [NP] Check that the opcode has not already generated a read bus error */
BusErrorAddress = addr; /* Store for exception frame */
bBusErrorReadWrite = ReadWrite;
M68000_SetSpecial(SPCFLAG_BUSERROR); /* The exception will be done in newcpu.c */
/* With WinUAE's cpu, on a bus error instruction will be correctly aborted before completing, */
/* so we don't need to check if the opcode already generated a bus error or not */
exception2 ( addr , ReadWrite , Size , AccessType );
* Exception handler
void M68000_Exception(Uint32 ExceptionNr , int ExceptionSource)
if ((ExceptionSource == M68000_EXC_SRC_AUTOVEC)
&& (ExceptionNr>24 && ExceptionNr<32)) /* 68k autovector interrupt? */
/* Handle autovector interrupts the UAE's way
* (see intlev() and do_specialties() in UAE CPU core) */
/* In our case, this part is only called for HBL and VBL interrupts */
int intnr = ExceptionNr - 24;
pendingInterrupts |= (1 << intnr);
else /* MFP or direct CPU exceptions */
Uint16 SR;
/* Was the CPU stopped, i.e. by a STOP instruction? */
if (regs.spcflags & SPCFLAG_STOP)
regs.stopped = 0;
M68000_UnsetSpecial(SPCFLAG_STOP); /* All is go,go,go! */
/* 68k exceptions are handled by Exception() of the UAE CPU core */
Exception(ExceptionNr, m68k_getpc(), ExceptionSource);
/* Set Status Register so interrupt can ONLY be stopped by another interrupt
* of higher priority */
if ( (ExceptionSource == M68000_EXC_SRC_INT_MFP)
|| (ExceptionSource == M68000_EXC_SRC_INT_DSP) )
SR = M68000_GetSR();
SR = (SR&SR_CLEAR_IPL)|0x0600; /* MFP or DSP, level 6 */
if ( ExceptionNr > 24 && ExceptionNr < 32 ) /* Level 1-7 interrupts */
/* In our case, this part is called for HBL, VBL and MFP/DSP interrupts */
/* (see intlev() and do_specialties() in UAE CPU core) */
int intnr = ExceptionNr - 24;
pendingInterrupts |= (1 << intnr);
else /* direct CPU exceptions */
* Update the list of pending interrupts.
* Level 2 (HBL) and 4 (VBL) are only cleared when the interrupt is processed,
* but level 6 is shared between MFP and DSP and can be cleared by MFP or DSP
* before being processed.
* So, we need to check which IRQ are set/cleared at the same time
* and update level 6 accordingly : level 6 = MFP_IRQ OR DSP_IRQ
* [NP] NOTE : temporary case for interrupts with WinUAE CPU in cycle exact mode
* In CE mode, interrupt state should be updated on each subcycle of every opcode
* then ipl_fetch() is called in each opcode.
* For now, Hatari with WinUAE CPU in CE mode only evaluates the interrupt state
* after the end of each opcode. So we need to call ipl_fetch() ourselves at the moment.
void M68000_Update_intlev ( void )
Uint8 Level6_IRQ;
Level6_IRQ = MFP_GetIRQ_CPU() | DSP_GetHREQ();
Level6_IRQ = MFP_GetIRQ_CPU();
if ( Level6_IRQ == 1 )
pendingInterrupts |= (1 << 6);
pendingInterrupts &= ~(1 << 6);
if ( pendingInterrupts )
M68000_UnsetSpecial ( SPCFLAG_INT | SPCFLAG_DOINT );
/* Temporary case for WinUAE CPU in CE mode */
/* doint() will update regs.ipl_pin, so copy it into regs.ipl */
if ( ConfigureParams.System.bCycleExactCpu )
regs.ipl = regs.ipl_pin; /* See ipl_fetch() in cpu/cpu_prefetch.h */
* There seem to be wait states when a program accesses certain hardware
* registers on the ST. Use this function to simulate these wait states.
* [NP] with some instructions like CLR, we have a read then a write at the
* same location, so we may have 2 wait states (read and write) to add
* (nWaitStateCycles should be reset to 0 after the cycles were added).
void M68000_WaitState(int nCycles)
nWaitStateCycles += nCycles; /* add all the wait states for this instruction */
* Some components (HBL/VBL interrupts, access to the ACIA) require an
* extra delay to be synchronized with the E Clock.
* E Clock's frequency is 1/10th of the CPU, ie 0.8 MHz in an STF/STE
* This delay is a multiple of 2 and will follow the pattern [ 0 8 6 4 2 ]
int M68000_WaitEClock ( void )
int CyclesToNextE;
/* We must wait for the next multiple of 10 cycles to be synchronised with E Clock */
CyclesToNextE = 10 - CyclesGlobalClockCounter % 10;
if ( CyclesToNextE == 10 ) /* we're already synchronised with E Clock */
CyclesToNextE = 0;
return CyclesToNextE;
* In case we modified the memory by accessing it directly (and bypassing
* the CPU's cache mechanism), we need to flush the instruction and data
* caches to force an update of the caches on the next accesses.
* [NP] NOTE : for now, flush_instr_caches and flush_dcache flush
* the whole caches, not just 'addr'
void M68000_Flush_All_Caches ( uaecptr addr , int size )
M68000_Flush_Instr_Cache ( addr , size );
M68000_Flush_Data_Cache ( addr , size );
void M68000_Flush_Instr_Cache ( uaecptr addr , int size )
/* Instruction cache for cpu >= 68020 */
flush_instr_cache ( addr , size );
void M68000_Flush_Data_Cache ( uaecptr addr , int size )
/* Data cache for cpu >= 68030 is only emulated with WinUAE */
flush_dcache ( addr , size );