How to record Atari videos with Hatari ====================================== Getting best output from Hatari ------------------------------- * Do NOT use external recorders (such as Quicktime X on OSX), as they won't get perfect framerate and sound sync like Hatari itself does. * Disable (default) frame skip, either from the Hatari GUI, or with following command line option: --frameskips 0 * For STe you could set audio to 50066 Hz using ST table, either from the Hatari GUI, or with following command line options: --sound 50066 --ym-mixing table * If you have enough free disk space, ask Hatari to use uncompressed AVI format for the recording with the following command line option: --avi-vcodec bmp Hatari AVI compression notes ---------------------------- If Hatari is configured/built with PNG development installed headers (normal case with Linux distros and pre-built binaries), Hatari will use PNG compression to produce smaller AVI recordings. Additionally, by default Hatari will use the highest PNG compression level (same as with screenshots), but this is *really* CPU intensive. Because of the PNG compression CPU usage, it's better to use uncompressed BMP format. If you don't have enough disk space for this, next best option is to ask Hatari to use lower compression level, e.g. with: --png-level 4 Valid compression levels are 0-9, with 9 being default/highest/slowest. Preparing videos for uploading ------------------------------ If the end goal is Youtube, it's recommended to run Hatari's AVI output through ffmpeg to do nearest neighbor upscale to 1080p. Then Youtube will keep the 50 FPS and you have non-fuzzy pixels in the recording. This ffmpeg line should do the trick for a 320x200 stream (5x scale): ffmpeg -i hatari.avi -vf "scale=1600:1000, \ pad=1920:1080:160:40:black" -sws_flags neighbor \ -vcodec png -acodec copy And for a 416x276 stream (so you get the overscan area as well, 4x scale): ffmpeg -i hatari.avi -vf "crop=400:270:8:0, scale=1600:1080, \ pad=1920:1080:160:0:black" -sws_flags neighbor -vcodec png \ -acodec copy Above adds padding to 1920*1080 size, that can be removed if you trust the re-encoder/player to scale properly (which has been known to fail). It also saves the stream as PNG so it's manageable to upload and store for future. (Upload information is based on atari-forum post by "evil": )