/* Hatari - clocks_timings.c This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or at your option any later version. Read the file gpl.txt for details. Clocks Timings for the hardware components in each supported machine type, as well as functions taking into account the exact length of a VBL to precisely emulate video/audio parts (number of VBL per sec, number of audio samples per VBL, ...) The video freq is not exactly 50 or 60 Hz because the number of cpu cycles per second is not a multiple of the number of cpu cycles per VBL. This can cause synchronisation errors between audio and video effects when both components use different clocks (eg in STE where audio DMA clock is not the same as the cpu clock). To get the best results, it's recommanded to set RoundVBLPerSec=false. Note that if you do so, the number of VBL won't be exactly 50 or 60 per sec but 50.05 or 60.04 ; if this does not work with your display, set RoundVBLPerSec=true to get an integer number of VBL per sec (but this should not be needed). ST : MCLK = 32 MHz SHIFTER IN = 32 MHz OUT = 16 MHz MMU IN = 16 MHz OUT = 8 MHz, 4 MHz GLUE IN = 8 MHz OUT = 2 MHz, 500 kHz BUS = 8 MHz CPU 68000 IN = 8 MHz DMA IN = 8 MHz MFP 68901 IN = 4 MHz, 2.4576 MHz (external clock) FDC WD1772 IN = 8 MHz BLITTER IN = 8 MHz YM2149 IN = 2 MHz ACIA MC6850 IN = 500 kHz IKBD HD6301 IN = 1 MHZ (local clock) STE : MCLK = 32 MHz EXT OSC = 8 MHZ OUT = 8 MHz (SCLK), 2 MHz (CLK2) GST SHIFTER IN = 32 MHz, 8 MHz (external clock SCLK) OUT = 16 MHz, 8 MHz (FCLK=SCLK) GST MCU IN = 16 MHz OUT = 8 MHz (CLK8), 4 MHz (CLK4), 500 kHz (KHZ500) BUS = 8 MHz CPU 68000 IN = 8 MHz (CLK8) DMA IN = 8 MHz (CLK8) DMA AUDIO IN = 8 MHz (SCLK) MFP 68901 IN = 4 MHz (CLK4), 2.4576 MHz (external clock) FDC WD1772 IN = 8 MHz (SCLK) BLITTER IN = 8 MHz (CLK8) YM2149 IN = 2 MHz (CLK2) ACIA MC6850 IN = 500 kHz (KHZ500) IKBD HD6301 IN = 1 MHZ (local clock) MEGA STE : MCLK = 32 MHz SCLK = 8 MHz GST SHIFTER IN = 32 MHz, 8 MHz (external clock SCLK) OUT = 16 MHz (CLK16), 8 MHz (FCLK=SCLK) GST MCU IN = 16 MHz (CLK16) OUT = 8 MHz (CLK8), 4 MHz (CLK4), 500 kHz (KHZ500) BUS = 8 MHz CPU 68000 IN = 16 MHz (CLK16) FPU 68881 IN = 16 MHz (CLK16) DMA IN = 8 MHz (CLK8) DMA AUDIO IN = 8 MHz (SCLK) MFP 68901 IN = 4 MHz (CLK4), 2.4576 MHz (external clock) FDC WD1772 IN = 8 MHz (SCLK) BLITTER IN = 8 MHz (CLK8) YM2149 IN = 2 MHz (CLK2 = SCLK / 4) ACIA MC6850 IN = 500 kHz (KHZ500) IKBD HD6301 IN = 1 MHZ (local clock) TT : MCLK = 32 MHz (CLK32) TT VIDEO IN = 32 MHz (CLK32) OUT = 16 MHz (CLK16), 4 MHz (CLK4), 2 MHz (CLK2) GST MCU IN = 16 MHz (CLK16A), 2 MHz (CLK2) OUT = 8 MHz (CLK8), 8 MHz (FCCLK), 1 MHz (CLKE), 500 kHz (CLKX5) BUS = 16 MHz CPU 68030 IN = 32 MHz (CLK32) FPU 68882 IN = 32 MHz (CLK32) DMA IN = 8 MHz (CLK8) SND SHIFTER IN = 16 MHz (CLK16F), 2 MHz (CLK2) OUT = ? MHz (FCLK) MFP 68901 IN = 4 MHz (CLK4), 2.4576 MHz (external clock) NOTE : TT has 2 MFPs 68901 FDC WD1772 IN = 8 MHz (FCCLK) BLITTER NOT AVAILABLE YM2149 IN = 2 MHz (CLK2) ACIA MC6850 IN = 500 kHz (CLKX5) IKBD HD6301 IN = 1 MHZ (local clock) FALCON : MCLK = 32 MHz (CLK32) VIDEL IN = 32 MHz (VID32MHZ), 25 MHz (25K) COMBEL IN = 32 MHz (CLK32) OUT = 4 MHz (CLK4), 500 kHz (KHZ500) BUS = 16 MHz CPU 68030 IN = 16 MHz (CPUCLKB) FPU 68882 IN = 16 MHz (CPUCLKA) DMA IN = 8 MHz (CLK8) CODEC IN = 25 MHz (25K) MFP 68901 IN = 4 MHz (CLK4), 2.4576 MHz (external clock) FDC AJAX IN = 16 MHz (FCCLK) BLITTER IN = 16 MHz YM3439 IN = 2 MHz (CLK2) ACIA MC6850 IN = 500 kHz (KHZ500) IKBD HD6301 IN = 1 MHZ (local clock) DSP 56001 IN = 32 MHz (DSP_32M) */ const char ClocksTimings_fileid[] = "Hatari clocks_timings.c : " __DATE__ " " __TIME__; #include #include #include "main.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "log.h" #include "clocks_timings.h" /* The possible master frequencies used in the different machines */ /* depending on PAL/NTSC version. */ #define ATARI_STF_PAL_MCLK 32084988 /* CPU_Freq = 8.021247 MHz */ #define ATARI_STF_NTSC_MCLK 32042400 /* CPU_Freq = 8.010600 MHz */ #define ATARI_STF_CYCLES_PER_VBL_PAL 160256 /* 512 cycles * 313 lines */ #define ATARI_STF_CYCLES_PER_VBL_NTSC 133604 /* 508 cycles * 263 lines */ #define ATARI_STF_CYCLES_PER_VBL_HI 112224 /* 224 cycles * 501 lines */ #define ATARI_STE_PAL_MCLK 32084988 /* CPU_Freq = 8.021247 MHz */ #define ATARI_STE_NTSC_MCLK 32215905 /* CPU_Freq = 8.05397625 MHz */ #define ATARI_STE_EXT_OSC 8010613 /* OSC U303 */ #define ATARI_STE_CYCLES_PER_VBL_PAL 160256 /* 512 cycles * 313 lines */ #define ATARI_STE_CYCLES_PER_VBL_NTSC 133604 /* 508 cycles * 263 lines */ #define ATARI_STE_CYCLES_PER_VBL_HI 112224 /* 224 cycles * 501 lines */ #define ATARI_MEGA_STE_PAL_MCLK 32084988 /* CPU_Freq = 16.042494 MHz */ #define ATARI_MEGA_STE_NTSC_MCLK 32215905 /* CPU_Freq = 16.1079525 MHz */ #define ATARI_MEGA_STE_EXT_OSC 16021226 /* OSC U408 */ #define ATARI_TT_PAL_MCLK 32084988 /* CPU_Freq = 32.084988 MHz */ #define ATARI_TT_NTSC_MCLK 32215905 /* CPU_Freq = 32.215905 MHz */ #define ATARI_FALCON_PAL_MCLK 32084988 /* CPU_Freq = 16.042494 MHz */ #define ATARI_FALCON_NTSC_MCLK 32215905 /* CPU_Freq = 16.1079525 MHz */ #define ATARI_FALCON_25M_CLK 25175000 #define ATARI_MFP_XTAL 2457600 /* external clock for the MFP */ #define ATARI_IKBD_CLK 1000000 /* clock of the HD6301 ikbd cpu */ CLOCKS_STRUCT MachineClocks; bool RoundVBLPerSec = false; /* if false, don't round number of VBL to 50/60 Hz */ /* but compute the exact value based on cpu/video clocks */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Initialize all the clocks informations related to a specific machine type. * We consider the machine is running with PAL clocks. */ void ClocksTimings_InitMachine ( MACHINETYPE MachineType ) { memset ( (void *)&MachineClocks , 0 , sizeof ( MachineClocks ) ); if ( MachineType == MACHINE_ST ) { int CLK16, CLK8, CLK4, CLK2, CLK500; MachineClocks.MCLK_Freq = ATARI_STF_PAL_MCLK; /* 32.084988 MHz */ MachineClocks.SHIFTER_Freq = MachineClocks.MCLK_Freq; /* 32 MHz */ CLK16 = MachineClocks.SHIFTER_Freq / 2; MachineClocks.MMU_Freq = CLK16; /* 16 MHz */ CLK8 = MachineClocks.MMU_Freq / 2; CLK4 = MachineClocks.MMU_Freq / 4; MachineClocks.GLUE_Freq = CLK8; /* 8 MHz */ CLK2 = MachineClocks.GLUE_Freq / 4; CLK500 = MachineClocks.GLUE_Freq / 16; MachineClocks.BUS_Freq = CLK8; /* 8 MHz */ MachineClocks.CPU_Freq = CLK8; /* 8 MHz */ MachineClocks.DMA_Freq = CLK8; /* 8 MHz */ MachineClocks.MFP_Freq = CLK4; /* 4 MHz */ MachineClocks.MFP_Timer_Freq = ATARI_MFP_XTAL; /* 2.4576 MHz (XTAL)*/ MachineClocks.FDC_Freq = CLK8; /* 8 MHz */ MachineClocks.BLITTER_Freq = CLK8; /* 8 MHz */ MachineClocks.YM_Freq = CLK2; /* 2 MHz */; MachineClocks.ACIA_Freq = CLK500; /* 500 kHz */ MachineClocks.IKBD_Freq = ATARI_IKBD_CLK; /* 1 MHz */ } else if ( MachineType == MACHINE_STE ) { int SCLK, CLK16, CLK8, CLK4, CLK2, KHZ500; //int FCLK; /* not used (audio filters) */ MachineClocks.MCLK_Freq = ATARI_STE_PAL_MCLK; /* 32.084988 MHz */ SCLK = ATARI_STE_EXT_OSC; /* 8.010613 MHz (SCLK) */ CLK2 = SCLK / 4; MachineClocks.SHIFTER_Freq = MachineClocks.MCLK_Freq; /* 32 MHz */ CLK16 = MachineClocks.SHIFTER_Freq / 2; //FCLK = SCLK; MachineClocks.MCU_Freq = CLK16; /* 16 MHz */ CLK8 = MachineClocks.MCU_Freq / 2; CLK4 = MachineClocks.MCU_Freq / 4; KHZ500 = MachineClocks.MCU_Freq / 32; MachineClocks.BUS_Freq = CLK8; /* 8 MHz (CLK8) */ MachineClocks.CPU_Freq = CLK8; /* 8 MHz (CLK8) */ MachineClocks.DMA_Freq = CLK8; /* 8 MHz (CLK8) */ MachineClocks.DMA_Audio_Freq = SCLK; /* 8 MHz (SCLK) */ MachineClocks.MFP_Freq = CLK4; /* 4 MHz (CLK4) */ MachineClocks.MFP_Timer_Freq = ATARI_MFP_XTAL; /* 2.4576 MHz (XTAL)*/ MachineClocks.FDC_Freq = SCLK; /* 8 MHz (SCLK) */ MachineClocks.BLITTER_Freq = CLK8; /* 8 MHz (CLK8) */ MachineClocks.YM_Freq = CLK2; /* 2 MHz (CLK2) */ MachineClocks.ACIA_Freq = KHZ500; /* 500 kHz (KHZ500) */ MachineClocks.IKBD_Freq = ATARI_IKBD_CLK; /* 1 MHz */ } else if ( MachineType == MACHINE_MEGA_STE ) { int SCLK, CLK16, CLK8, CLK4, CLK2, KHZ500; //int FCLK; /* not used (audio filters) */ MachineClocks.MCLK_Freq = ATARI_MEGA_STE_PAL_MCLK; /* 32.084988 MHz */ SCLK = ATARI_MEGA_STE_EXT_OSC / 2; /* 16.021226 MHz / 2 = 8.010613 MHz */ CLK2 = SCLK / 4; MachineClocks.SHIFTER_Freq = MachineClocks.MCLK_Freq; /* 32 MHz */ CLK16 = MachineClocks.SHIFTER_Freq / 2; //FCLK = SCLK; MachineClocks.MCU_Freq = CLK16; /* 16 MHz (CLK16) */ CLK8 = MachineClocks.MCU_Freq / 2; CLK4 = MachineClocks.MCU_Freq / 4; KHZ500 = MachineClocks.MCU_Freq / 32; MachineClocks.BUS_Freq = CLK8; /* 8 MHz (CLK8) */ MachineClocks.CPU_Freq = CLK16; /* 16 MHz (CLK16) */ MachineClocks.FPU_Freq = CLK16; /* 16 MHz (CLK16) */ MachineClocks.DMA_Freq = CLK8; /* 8 MHz (CLK8) */ MachineClocks.DMA_Audio_Freq = SCLK; /* 8 MHz (SCLK) */ MachineClocks.MFP_Freq = CLK4; /* 4 MHz (CLK4) */ MachineClocks.MFP_Timer_Freq = ATARI_MFP_XTAL; /* 2.4576 MHz (XTAL)*/ MachineClocks.FDC_Freq = SCLK; /* 8 MHz (SCLK) */ MachineClocks.BLITTER_Freq = CLK8; /* 8 MHz (CLK8) */ MachineClocks.YM_Freq = CLK2; /* 2 MHz (CLK2) */ MachineClocks.ACIA_Freq = KHZ500; /* 500 kHz (KHZ500) */ MachineClocks.IKBD_Freq = ATARI_IKBD_CLK; /* 1 MHz */ } else if ( MachineType == MACHINE_TT ) { int CLK32, CLK16, CLK8, FCCLK, CLK4, CLK2, CLKX5; MachineClocks.MCLK_Freq = ATARI_TT_PAL_MCLK; /* 32.084988 MHz */ CLK32 = MachineClocks.MCLK_Freq; MachineClocks.TTVIDEO_Freq = MachineClocks.MCLK_Freq; /* 32 MHz */ CLK16 = MachineClocks.TTVIDEO_Freq / 2; CLK4 = MachineClocks.TTVIDEO_Freq / 8; CLK2 = MachineClocks.TTVIDEO_Freq / 16; MachineClocks.MCU_Freq = CLK16; /* 16 MHz (CLK16A) */ CLK8 = MachineClocks.MCU_Freq / 2; FCCLK = MachineClocks.MCU_Freq / 2; CLKX5 = MachineClocks.MCU_Freq / 32; MachineClocks.BUS_Freq = CLK16; /* 16 MHz (CLK16) */ MachineClocks.CPU_Freq = CLK32; /* 32 MHz (CLK32) */ MachineClocks.FPU_Freq = CLK32; /* 32 MHz (CLK32) */ MachineClocks.DMA_Freq = CLK8; /* 8 MHz (CLK8) */ MachineClocks.DMA_Audio_Freq = CLK16; /* 16 MHz (CLK16) SND SHIFTER */ MachineClocks.MFP_Freq = CLK4; /* 4 MHz (CLK4) */ MachineClocks.MFP_Timer_Freq = ATARI_MFP_XTAL; /* 2.4576 MHz (XTAL)*/ MachineClocks.FDC_Freq = FCCLK; /* 8 MHz (FCCLK) */ MachineClocks.BLITTER_Freq = 0; /* No blitter in TT */ MachineClocks.YM_Freq = CLK2; /* 2 MHz (CLK2) */ MachineClocks.ACIA_Freq = CLKX5; /* 500 kHz (CLKX5) */ MachineClocks.IKBD_Freq = ATARI_IKBD_CLK; /* 1 MHz */ } else if ( MachineType == MACHINE_FALCON ) { /* TODO : need more docs for Falcon's clocks */ int CLK32, CLK25, CLK16, FCCLK, CLK4, CLK2, KHZ500; MachineClocks.MCLK_Freq = ATARI_FALCON_PAL_MCLK; /* 32.084988 MHz */ CLK32 = MachineClocks.MCLK_Freq; CLK25 = ATARI_FALCON_25M_CLK; CLK16 = CLK32 / 2; CLK2 = CLK32 / 16; FCCLK = CLK16; MachineClocks.VIDEL_Freq = CLK32; /* 32 MHz */ MachineClocks.COMBEL_Freq = CLK32; /* 16 MHz (CLK16A) */ CLK4 = MachineClocks.COMBEL_Freq / 8; KHZ500 = MachineClocks.COMBEL_Freq / 64; MachineClocks.BUS_Freq = CLK16; /* 16 MHz (CPUCLK16A) */ MachineClocks.CPU_Freq = CLK16; /* 16 MHz (CPUCLK16B) */ MachineClocks.FPU_Freq = CLK16; /* 16 MHz (CLK32) */ MachineClocks.DSP_Freq = CLK32; /* 32 MHz */ MachineClocks.DMA_Freq = CLK16; /* 16 MHz (CLK16) ? */ MachineClocks.CODEC_Freq = CLK25; /* 25 MHz (CLK25) */ MachineClocks.MFP_Freq = CLK4; /* 4 MHz (CLK4) */ MachineClocks.MFP_Timer_Freq = ATARI_MFP_XTAL; /* 2.4576 MHz (XTAL)*/ MachineClocks.FDC_Freq = FCCLK; /* 16 MHz (FCCLK) ? */ MachineClocks.BLITTER_Freq = CLK16; /* 16 MHz */ MachineClocks.YM_Freq = CLK2; /* 2 MHz (CLK2) */ MachineClocks.ACIA_Freq = KHZ500; /* 500 kHz (KHZ500) */ MachineClocks.IKBD_Freq = ATARI_IKBD_CLK; /* 1 MHz */ } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Return the number of VBL per second, depending on the video settings and the cpu freq. * This value is only known for STF/STE running at 50, 60 or 71 Hz. * For the other machines, we return CPU_Freq / ScreenRefreshRate */ Uint32 ClocksTimings_GetCyclesPerVBL ( MACHINETYPE MachineType , int ScreenRefreshRate ) { Uint32 CyclesPerVBL; CyclesPerVBL = MachineClocks.CPU_Freq / ScreenRefreshRate; /* default value */ /* STF and STE have the same numbers of cycles per VBL */ if ( ( MachineType == MACHINE_ST ) || ( MachineType == MACHINE_STE ) ) { if ( ScreenRefreshRate == 50 ) CyclesPerVBL = ATARI_STF_CYCLES_PER_VBL_PAL; else if ( ScreenRefreshRate == 60 ) CyclesPerVBL = ATARI_STF_CYCLES_PER_VBL_NTSC; else if ( ScreenRefreshRate == 71 ) CyclesPerVBL = ATARI_STF_CYCLES_PER_VBL_HI; else CyclesPerVBL = MachineClocks.CPU_Freq / ScreenRefreshRate; /* should not happen */ } /* For machines where cpu freq can be changed, we don't know the number of cycles per VBL */ /* -> TODO, for now comment code to keep the default value from above */ //else if ( ( MachineType == MACHINE_MEGA_STE ) || ( MachineType == MACHINE_TT ) || ( MachineType == MACHINE_FALCON ) ) // CyclesPerVBL = MachineClocks.CPU_Freq / ScreenRefreshRate; return CyclesPerVBL; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Return the number of VBL per second, depending on the video settings and the cpu freq. * Since the cpu freq is not an exact multiple of the number of cycles per VBL, the real * value slightly differs from the usual 50/60 Hz. * Precise values are needed in STE mode to synchronize cpu and dma sound (as they both use * 2 different clocks). * example for STF/STE : * PAL STF/STE video PAL : 50.053 VBL/sec * PAL STF/STE video NTSC : 60.037 VBL/sec * NTSC STF/STE video PAL : 49.986 VBL/sec * NTSC STF/STE video NTSC : 59.958 VBL/sec * * The returned number of VBL per sec is << 24 (=CLOCKS_TIMINGS_SHIFT_VBL) to simulate floating point using Uint32. */ Uint32 ClocksTimings_GetVBLPerSec ( MACHINETYPE MachineType , int ScreenRefreshRate ) { Uint32 VBLPerSec; /* Upper 8 bits are for int part, 24 lower bits for float part */ VBLPerSec = ScreenRefreshRate << CLOCKS_TIMINGS_SHIFT_VBL; /* default rounded value */ if ( RoundVBLPerSec == false ) { /* STF and STE have the same numbers of cycles per VBL */ if ( ( MachineType == MACHINE_ST ) || ( MachineType == MACHINE_STE ) ) VBLPerSec = ( (Sint64)MachineClocks.CPU_Freq << CLOCKS_TIMINGS_SHIFT_VBL ) / ClocksTimings_GetCyclesPerVBL ( MachineType , ScreenRefreshRate ); /* For machines where cpu freq can be changed, we don't know the number of cycles per VBL */ /* -> TODO, for now comment code to keep the default value from above */ //else if ( ( MachineType == MACHINE_MEGA_STE ) || ( MachineType == MACHINE_TT ) || ( MachineType == MACHINE_FALCON ) ) // VBLPerSec = ScreenRefreshRate << CLOCKS_TIMINGS_SHIFT_VBL; } return VBLPerSec; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Return the length in microsec of a VBL (opposite function of ClocksTimings_GetVBLPerSec) * We use precise values only in STF/STE mode, else we use 1000000 / ScreenRefreshRate. * example for STF/STE : * PAL STF/STE video PAL : 19979 micro sec (instead of 20000 for 50 Hz) * PAL STF/STE video NTSC : 16656 micro sec (instead of 16667 for 60 Hz) */ Uint32 ClocksTimings_GetVBLDuration_micro ( MACHINETYPE MachineType , int ScreenRefreshRate ) { Uint32 VBLDuration_micro; VBLDuration_micro = (Uint32) (1000000.0 / ScreenRefreshRate + 0.5); /* default rounded value, round to closest integer */ if ( RoundVBLPerSec == false ) { /* STF and STE have the same numbers of cycles per VBL */ if ( ( MachineType == MACHINE_ST ) || ( MachineType == MACHINE_STE ) ) VBLDuration_micro = (Uint32) (1000000.0 * ClocksTimings_GetCyclesPerVBL ( MachineType , ScreenRefreshRate ) / MachineClocks.CPU_Freq + 0.5); /* For machines where cpu freq can be changed, we don't know the number of cycles per VBL */ /* -> TODO, for now comment code to keep the default value from above */ //else if ( ( MachineType == MACHINE_MEGA_STE ) || ( MachineType == MACHINE_TT ) || ( MachineType == MACHINE_FALCON ) ) // VBLDuration_micro = (Uint32) (1000000.0 / ScreenRefreshRate + 0.5); } return VBLDuration_micro; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Return the number of samples needed to emulate the sound that was produced during one VBL. * This depends on the chosen audio output frequency, as well as the VBL's duration, * * We use precise values only in STF/STE mode, else we use AudioFreq/ScreenRefreshRate. * * The returned number of samples per VBL is << 28 to simulate maximum precision using * 64 bits integers (lower 28 bits are for the floating point part). * example for STF/STE with emulation's audio freq = 44100 : * PAL STF/STE video PAL : 881.07 samples per VBL (instead of 882 for 50 Hz) * 44053.56 samples for 50 VBLs (instead of 44100 for 1 sec at 50 Hz) */ Sint64 ClocksTimings_GetSamplesPerVBL ( MACHINETYPE MachineType , int ScreenRefreshRate , int AudioFreq ) { Sint64 SamplesPerVBL; SamplesPerVBL = ( ((Sint64)AudioFreq) << 28 ) / ScreenRefreshRate; /* default value */ if ( RoundVBLPerSec == false ) { /* STF and STE have the same numbers of cycles per VBL */ if ( ( MachineType == MACHINE_ST ) || ( MachineType == MACHINE_STE ) ) SamplesPerVBL = ( ((Sint64)AudioFreq * ClocksTimings_GetCyclesPerVBL ( MachineType , ScreenRefreshRate ) ) << 28 ) / MachineClocks.CPU_Freq; /* For machines where cpu freq can be changed, we don't know the number of cycles per VBL */ /* -> TODO, for now comment code to keep the default value from above */ //else if ( ( MachineType == MACHINE_MEGA_STE ) || ( MachineType == MACHINE_TT ) || ( MachineType == MACHINE_FALCON ) ) // SamplesPerVBL = ( ((Sint64)AudioFreq) << 28 ) / ScreenRefreshRate; } return SamplesPerVBL; }