Hatari on constrained devices ----------------------------- In this directory are Hatari configurations files for mobile etc devices on which the builtin Hatari defaults aren't appropriate. Just copy suitable config file to the device /etc/ directory as 'hatari.cfg'. Below are some comments about the configuration files. Some comments about suitable compiler options for these platforms can be found from the Hatari v1.4 default Makefile (which is now replaced with CMake): http://hg.tuxfamily.org/mercurialroot/hatari/hatari/file/dabb65b541c9/Makefile-default.cnf Hatari v1.5 gets screen size automatically, so setting that shouldn't anymore be necessary, but shouldn't harm either. If these configuration settings don't provide sufficient performance, use of an earlier Hatari version such as v0.95 (or even earlier) should be considered. Their emulation wasn't as accurate as in latest Hatari versions and therefore they're somewhat faster. n810.cfg -------- Configuration file for the Nokia 770/N800/N810 TI Omap2/ARMv6 based devices: - Shortcut keys adapted for the device keys: - Menu, Increase, Decrease, Fullscreen, Joystick keyemu fire - Max Hatari screen size set to device screen size - Options that are more suitable for the device performance: - Non-compatible, but faster CPU mode (works fine with most things) - No Falcon DSP emulation - High spec512 threshold - Automatic frameskip - Sensible default paths even for things that don't yet exist (to minimize typing when they're enabled as N770 & N800 don't have a keyboard and N810 keyboard is very small so typing is quite awkward) For more information on these devices, see e.g: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nokia_N800 win-ce.cfg ---------- Configuration file for Windows Mobile based devices: - Start in fullscreen mode - Smaller border values / screen size limited to 320x240 resolution - Options that are more suitable for the device performance: - Non-compatible (but faster) CPU mode - Frameskip enabled - High spec512 threshold - 11kHz sound For more information on Windows CE and device based on it, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windowsce