#!/usr/bin/env python # # Classes for Hatari emulator instance and mapping its congfiguration # variables with its command line option. # # Copyright (C) 2008-2015 by Eero Tamminen # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. import os import sys import time import signal import socket import select from config import ConfigStore # Running Hatari instance class Hatari: "running hatari instance and methods for communicating with it" basepath = "/tmp/hatari-ui-" + str(os.getpid()) logpath = basepath + ".log" tracepath = basepath + ".trace" debugpath = basepath + ".debug" controlpath = basepath + ".socket" server = None # singleton due to path being currently one per user def __init__(self, hataribin = None): # collect hatari process zombies without waitpid() signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_IGN) if hataribin: self.hataribin = hataribin else: self.hataribin = "hatari" self._create_server() self.control = None self.paused = False self.pid = 0 def is_compatible(self): "check Hatari compatibility and return error string if it's not" error = "Hatari not found or it doesn't support the required --control-socket option!" pipe = os.popen(self.hataribin + " -h") for line in pipe.readlines(): if line.find("--control-socket") >= 0: error = None break try: pipe.close() except IOError: pass return error def save_config(self): os.popen(self.hataribin + " --saveconfig") def _create_server(self): if self.server: return self.server = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if os.path.exists(self.controlpath): os.unlink(self.controlpath) self.server.bind(self.controlpath) self.server.listen(1) def _send_message(self, msg): if self.control: self.control.send(msg) return True else: print("ERROR: no Hatari (control socket)") return False def change_option(self, option): "change_option(option), changes given Hatari cli option" return self._send_message("hatari-option %s\n" % option) def set_path(self, key, path): "set_path(key, path), sets path with given key" return self._send_message("hatari-path %s %s\n" % (key, path)) def set_device(self, device, enabled): # needed because CLI options cannot disable devices, only enable "set_path(device, enabled), sets whether given device is enabled or not" if enabled: return self._send_message("hatari-enable %s\n" % device) else: return self._send_message("hatari-disable %s\n" % device) def trigger_shortcut(self, shortcut): "trigger_shortcut(shortcut), triggers given Hatari (keyboard) shortcut" return self._send_message("hatari-shortcut %s\n" % shortcut) def insert_event(self, event): "insert_event(event), synthetizes given key/mouse Atari event" return self._send_message("hatari-event %s\n" % event) def debug_command(self, cmd): "debug_command(command), runs given Hatari debugger command" return self._send_message("hatari-debug %s\n" % cmd) def pause(self): "pause(), pauses Hatari emulation" return self._send_message("hatari-stop\n") def unpause(self): "unpause(), continues Hatari emulation" return self._send_message("hatari-cont\n") def _open_output_file(self, hataricommand, option, path): if os.path.exists(path): os.unlink(path) # TODO: why fifo doesn't work properly (blocks forever on read or # reads only byte at the time and stops after first newline)? #os.mkfifo(path) #raw_input("attach strace now, then press Enter\n") # ask Hatari to open/create the requested output file... hataricommand("%s %s" % (option, path)) wait = 0.025 # ...and wait for it to appear before returning it for i in range(0, 8): time.sleep(wait) if os.path.exists(path): return open(path, "r") wait += wait return None def open_debug_output(self): "open_debug_output() -> file, opens Hatari debugger output file" return self._open_output_file(self.debug_command, "f", self.debugpath) def open_trace_output(self): "open_trace_output() -> file, opens Hatari tracing output file" return self._open_output_file(self.change_option, "--trace-file", self.tracepath) def open_log_output(self): "open_trace_output() -> file, opens Hatari debug log file" return self._open_output_file(self.change_option, "--log-file", self.logpath) def get_lines(self, fileobj): "get_lines(file) -> list of lines readable from given Hatari output file" # wait until data is available, then wait for some more # and only then the data can be read, otherwise its old print("Request&wait data from Hatari...") select.select([fileobj], [], []) time.sleep(0.1) print("...read the data lines") lines = fileobj.readlines() print("".join(lines)) return lines def enable_embed_info(self): "enable_embed_info(), request embedded Hatari window ID change information" self._send_message("hatari-embed-info\n") def get_embed_info(self): "get_embed_info() -> (width, height), get embedded Hatari window size" width, height = self.control.recv(12).split("x") return (int(width), int(height)) def get_control_socket(self): "get_control_socket() -> socket which can be checked for embed ID changes" return self.control def is_running(self): "is_running() -> bool, True if Hatari is running, False otherwise" if not self.pid: return False try: os.waitpid(self.pid, os.WNOHANG) except OSError as value: print("Hatari PID %d had exited in the meanwhile:\n\t%s" % (self.pid, value)) self.pid = 0 if self.control: self.control.close() self.control = None return False return True def run(self, extra_args = None, parent_win = None): "run([parent window][,embedding args]), runs Hatari" # if parent_win given, embed Hatari to it pid = os.fork() if pid < 0: print("ERROR: fork()ing Hatari failed!") return if pid: # in parent self.pid = pid if self.server: print("WAIT hatari to connect to control socket...") (self.control, addr) = self.server.accept() print("connected!") else: # child runs Hatari env = os.environ if parent_win: self._set_embed_env(env, parent_win) # callers need to take care of confirming quitting args = [self.hataribin, "--confirm-quit", "off"] if self.server: args += ["--control-socket", self.controlpath] if extra_args: args += extra_args print("RUN:", args) os.execvpe(self.hataribin, args, env) def _set_embed_env(self, env, parent_win): if sys.platform == 'win32': win_id = parent_win.handle else: win_id = parent_win.xid # tell SDL to use given widget's window #env["SDL_WINDOWID"] = str(win_id) # above is broken: when SDL uses a window it hasn't created itself, # it for some reason doesn't listen to any events delivered to that # window nor implements XEMBED protocol to get them in a way most # friendly to embedder: # http://standards.freedesktop.org/xembed-spec/latest/ # # Instead we tell hatari to reparent itself after creating # its own window into this program widget window env["PARENT_WIN_ID"] = str(win_id) def kill(self): "kill(), kill Hatari if it's running" if self.is_running(): os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGKILL) print("killed hatari with PID %d" % self.pid) self.pid = 0 if self.control: self.control.close() self.control = None # Mapping of requested values both to Hatari configuration # and command line options. # # By default this doesn't allow setting any other configuration # variables than the ones that were read from the configuration # file i.e. you get an exception if configuration variables # don't match to current Hatari. So before using this the current # Hatari configuration should have been saved at least once. # # Because of some inconsistencies in the values (see e.g. sound), # this cannot just do these according to some mapping table, but # it needs actual method for (each) setting. class HatariConfigMapping(ConfigStore): _paths = { "memauto": ("[Memory]", "szAutoSaveFileName", "Automatic memory snapshot"), "memsave": ("[Memory]", "szMemoryCaptureFileName", "Manual memory snapshot"), "midiin": ("[Midi]", "sMidiInFileName", "Midi input"), "midiout": ("[Midi]", "sMidiOutFileName", "Midi output"), "rs232in": ("[RS232]", "szInFileName", "RS232 I/O input"), "rs232out": ("[RS232]", "szOutFileName", "RS232 I/O output"), "printout": ("[Printer]", "szPrintToFileName", "Printer output"), "soundout": ("[Sound]", "szYMCaptureFileName", "Sound output") } "access methods to Hatari configuration file variables and command line options" def __init__(self, hatari): userconfdir = ".hatari" ConfigStore.__init__(self, userconfdir) conffilename = "hatari.cfg" self.load(self.get_filepath(conffilename)) self._hatari = hatari self._lock_updates = False self._desktop_w = 0 self._desktop_h = 0 self._options = [] def validate(self): "exception is thrown if the loaded configuration isn't compatible" for method in dir(self): if '_' not in method: continue # check class getters starts = method[:method.find("_")] if starts != "get": continue # but ignore getters for other things than config ends = method[method.rfind("_")+1:] if ends in ("types", "names", "values", "changes", "checkpoint", "filepath"): continue if ends in ("floppy", "joystick"): # use port '0' for checks getattr(self, method)(0) else: getattr(self, method)() def _change_option(self, option, quoted = None): "handle option changing, and quote spaces for quoted part of it" if quoted: option = "%s %s" % (option, quoted.replace(" ", "\\ ")) if self._lock_updates: self._options.append(option) else: self._hatari.change_option(option) def lock_updates(self): "lock_updates(), collect Hatari configuration changes" self._lock_updates = True def flush_updates(self): "flush_updates(), apply collected Hatari configuration changes" self._lock_updates = False if not self._options: return self._hatari.change_option(" ".join(self._options)) self._options = [] # ------------ paths --------------- def get_paths(self): paths = [] for key, item in self._paths.items(): paths.append((key, self.get(item[0], item[1]), item[2])) return paths def set_paths(self, paths): for key, path in paths: self.set(self._paths[key][0], self._paths[key][1], path) self._hatari.set_path(key, path) # ------------ midi --------------- def get_midi(self): return self.get("[Midi]", "bEnableMidi") def set_midi(self, value): self.set("[Midi]", "bEnableMidi", value) self._hatari.set_device("midi", value) # ------------ printer --------------- def get_printer(self): return self.get("[Printer]", "bEnablePrinting") def set_printer(self, value): self.set("[Printer]", "bEnablePrinting", value) self._hatari.set_device("printer", value) # ------------ RS232 --------------- def get_rs232(self): return self.get("[RS232]", "bEnableRS232") def set_rs232(self, value): self.set("[RS232]", "bEnableRS232", value) self._hatari.set_device("rs232", value) # ------------ machine --------------- def get_machine_types(self): return ("ST", "STE", "TT", "Falcon") def get_machine(self): return self.get("[System]", "nMachineType") def set_machine(self, value): self.set("[System]", "nMachineType", value) self._change_option("--machine %s" % ("st", "ste", "tt", "falcon")[value]) # ------------ CPU level --------------- def get_cpulevel_types(self): return ("68000", "68010", "68020", "68EC030+FPU", "68040") def get_cpulevel(self): return self.get("[System]", "nCpuLevel") def set_cpulevel(self, value): self.set("[System]", "nCpuLevel", value) self._change_option("--cpulevel %d" % value) # ------------ CPU clock --------------- def get_cpuclock_types(self): return ("8 MHz", "16 MHz", "32 MHz") def get_cpuclock(self): clocks = {8:0, 16: 1, 32:2} return clocks[self.get("[System]", "nCpuFreq")] def set_cpuclock(self, value): clocks = [8, 16, 32] if value < 0 or value > 2: print("WARNING: CPU clock idx %d, clock fixed to 8 Mhz" % value) value = 8 else: value = clocks[value] self.set("[System]", "nCpuFreq", value) self._change_option("--cpuclock %d" % value) # ------------ DSP type --------------- def get_dsp_types(self): return ("None", "Dummy", "Emulated") def get_dsp(self): return self.get("[System]", "nDSPType") def set_dsp(self, value): self.set("[System]", "nDSPType", value) self._change_option("--dsp %s" % ("none", "dummy", "emu")[value]) # ------------ compatible --------------- def get_compatible(self): return self.get("[System]", "bCompatibleCpu") def set_compatible(self, value): self.set("[System]", "bCompatibleCpu", value) self._change_option("--compatible %s" % str(value)) # ------------ Timer-D --------------- def get_timerd(self): return self.get("[System]", "bPatchTimerD") def set_timerd(self, value): self.set("[System]", "bPatchTimerD", value) self._change_option("--timer-d %s" % str(value)) # ------------ RTC --------------- def get_rtc(self): return self.get("[System]", "bRealTimeClock") def set_rtc(self, value): self.set("[System]", "bRealTimeClock", value) self._change_option("--rtc %s" % str(value)) # ------------ fastforward --------------- def get_fastforward(self): return self.get("[System]", "bFastForward") def set_fastforward(self, value): self.set("[System]", "bFastForward", value) self._change_option("--fast-forward %s" % str(value)) # ------------ sound --------------- def get_sound_values(self): # 48kHz, 44.1kHz and STE/TT/Falcon DMA 50066Hz divisable values return ("6000", "6258", "8000", "11025", "12000", "12517", "16000", "22050", "24000", "25033", "32000", "44100", "48000", "50066") def get_sound(self): enabled = self.get("[Sound]", "bEnableSound") hz = str(self.get("[Sound]", "nPlaybackFreq")) idx = self.get_sound_values().index(hz) return (enabled, idx) def set_sound(self, enabled, idx): # map get_sound_values() index to Hatari config hz = self.get_sound_values()[idx] self.set("[Sound]", "nPlaybackFreq", int(hz)) self.set("[Sound]", "bEnableSound", enabled) # and to cli option if enabled: self._change_option("--sound %s" % hz) else: self._change_option("--sound off") def get_ymmixer_types(self): return ("linear", "table", "model") def get_ymmixer(self): # values for types are start from 1, not 0 return self.get("[Sound]", "YmVolumeMixing")-1 def set_ymmixer(self, value): self.set("[Sound]", "YmVolumeMixing", value+1) self._change_option("--ym-mixing %s" % self.get_ymmixer_types()[value]) def get_bufsize(self): return self.get("[Sound]", "nSdlAudioBufferSize") def set_bufsize(self, value): value = int(value) if value < 10: value = 10 if value > 100: value = 100 self.set("[Sound]", "nSdlAudioBufferSize", value) self._change_option("--sound-buffer-size %d" % value) def get_sync(self): return self.get("[Sound]", "bEnableSoundSync") def set_sync(self, value): self.set("[Sound]", "bEnableSoundSync", value) self._change_option("--sound-sync %s" % str(value)) def get_mic(self): return self.get("[Sound]", "bEnableMicrophone") def set_mic(self, value): self.set("[Sound]", "bEnableMicrophone", value) self._change_option("--mic %s" % str(value)) # ----------- joystick -------------- def get_joystick_types(self): return ("Disabled", "Real joystick", "Keyboard") def get_joystick_names(self): return ( "ST Joystick 0", "ST Joystick 1", "STE Joypad A", "STE Joypad B", "Parport stick 1", "Parport stick 2" ) def get_joystick(self, port): # return index to get_joystick_values() array return self.get("[Joystick%d]" % port, "nJoystickMode") def set_joystick(self, port, value): # map get_sound_values() index to Hatari config self.set("[Joystick%d]" % port, "nJoystickMode", value) joytype = ("none", "real", "keys")[value] self._change_option("--joy%d %s" % (port, joytype)) # ------------ floppy handling --------------- def get_floppydir(self): return self.get("[Floppy]", "szDiskImageDirectory") def set_floppydir(self, path): return self.set("[Floppy]", "szDiskImageDirectory", path) def get_floppy(self, drive): return self.get("[Floppy]", "szDisk%cFileName" % ("A", "B")[drive]) def set_floppy(self, drive, filename): self.set("[Floppy]", "szDisk%cFileName" % ("A", "B")[drive], filename) self._change_option("--disk-%c" % ("a", "b")[drive], str(filename)) def get_floppy_drives(self): return (self.get("[Floppy]", "EnableDriveA"), self.get("[Floppy]", "EnableDriveB")) def set_floppy_drives(self, drives): idx = 0 for drive in ("A", "B"): value = drives[idx] self.set("[Floppy]", "EnableDrive%c" % drive, value) self._change_option("--drive-%c %s" % (drive.lower(), str(value))) idx += 1 def get_fastfdc(self): return self.get("[Floppy]", "FastFloppy") def set_fastfdc(self, value): self.set("[Floppy]", "FastFloppy", value) self._change_option("--fastfdc %s" % str(value)) def get_doublesided(self): driveA = self.get("[Floppy]", "DriveA_NumberOfHeads") driveB = self.get("[Floppy]", "DriveB_NumberOfHeads") if driveA > 1 or driveB > 1: return True return False def set_doublesided(self, value): if value: sides = 2 else: sides = 1 for drive in ("A", "B"): self.set("[Floppy]", "Drive%c_NumberOfHeads" % drive, sides) self._change_option("--drive-%c-heads %d" % (drive.lower(), sides)) # ------------- disk protection ------------- def get_protection_types(self): return ("Off", "On", "Auto") def get_floppy_protection(self): return self.get("[Floppy]", "nWriteProtection") def get_hd_protection(self): return self.get("[HardDisk]", "nWriteProtection") def set_floppy_protection(self, value): self.set("[Floppy]", "nWriteProtection", value) self._change_option("--protect-floppy %s" % self.get_protection_types()[value]) def set_hd_protection(self, value): self.set("[HardDisk]", "nWriteProtection", value) self._change_option("--protect-hd %s" % self.get_protection_types()[value]) # ------------ GEMDOS HD (dir) emulation --------------- def get_hd_cases(self): return ("No conversion", "Upper case", "Lower case") def get_hd_case(self): return self.get("[HardDisk]", "nGemdosCase") def set_hd_case(self, value): values = ("off", "upper", "lower") self.set("[HardDisk]", "nGemdosCase", value) self._change_option("--gemdos-case %s" % values[value]) def get_hd_drives(self): return ['skip ACSI/IDE'] + [("%c:" % x) for x in range(ord('C'), ord('Z')+1)] def get_hd_drive(self): return self.get("[HardDisk]", "nGemdosDrive") + 1 def set_hd_drive(self, value): value -= 1 self.set("[HardDisk]", "nGemdosDrive", value) drive = chr(ord('C') + value) if value < 0: drive = "skip" self._change_option("--gemdos-drive %s" % drive) def get_hd_dir(self): self.get("[HardDisk]", "bUseHardDiskDirectory") # for validation return self.get("[HardDisk]", "szHardDiskDirectory") def set_hd_dir(self, dirname): if dirname and os.path.isdir(dirname): self.set("[HardDisk]", "bUseHardDiskDirectory", True) self.set("[HardDisk]", "szHardDiskDirectory", dirname) self._change_option("--harddrive", str(dirname)) # ------------ ACSI HD (file) --------------- def get_acsi_image(self): self.get("[HardDisk]", "bUseHardDiskImage") # for validation return self.get("[HardDisk]", "szHardDiskImage") def set_acsi_image(self, filename): if filename and os.path.isfile(filename): self.set("[HardDisk]", "bUseHardDiskImage", True) self.set("[HardDisk]", "szHardDiskImage", filename) self._change_option("--acsi", str(filename)) # ------------ IDE master (file) --------------- def get_idemaster_image(self): self.get("[HardDisk]", "bUseIdeMasterHardDiskImage") # for validation return self.get("[HardDisk]", "szIdeMasterHardDiskImage") def set_idemaster_image(self, filename): if filename and os.path.isfile(filename): self.set("[HardDisk]", "bUseIdeMasterHardDiskImage", True) self.set("[HardDisk]", "szIdeMasterHardDiskImage", filename) self._change_option("--ide-master", str(filename)) # ------------ IDE slave (file) --------------- def get_ideslave_image(self): self.get("[HardDisk]", "bUseIdeSlaveHardDiskImage") # for validation return self.get("[HardDisk]", "szIdeSlaveHardDiskImage") def set_ideslave_image(self, filename): if filename and os.path.isfile(filename): self.set("[HardDisk]", "bUseIdeSlaveHardDiskImage", True) self.set("[HardDisk]", "szIdeSlaveHardDiskImage", filename) self._change_option("--ide-slave", str(filename)) # ------------ TOS ROM --------------- def get_tos(self): return self.get("[ROM]", "szTosImageFileName") def set_tos(self, filename): self.set("[ROM]", "szTosImageFileName", filename) self._change_option("--tos", str(filename)) # ------------ memory --------------- def get_memory_names(self): # empty item in list shouldn't be shown, filter them out return ("512kB", "1MB", "2MB", "4MB", "8MB", "14MB") def get_memory(self): "return index to what get_memory_names() returns" sizemap = (0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5) memsize = self.get("[Memory]", "nMemorySize") if memsize >= 0 and memsize < len(sizemap): return sizemap[memsize] return 1 # default = 1BM def set_memory(self, idx): # map memory item index to memory size sizemap = (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 14) if idx >= 0 and idx < len(sizemap): memsize = sizemap[idx] else: memsize = 1 self.set("[Memory]", "nMemorySize", memsize) self._change_option("--memsize %d" % memsize) def get_ttram(self): return self.get("[Memory]", "nTTRamSize") def set_ttram(self, memsize): # guarantee correct type (Gtk float -> config int) memsize = int(memsize) self.set("[Memory]", "nTTRamSize", memsize) self._change_option("--ttram %d" % memsize) if memsize: # TT-RAM need 32-bit addressing (i.e. disable 24-bit) self.set("[System]", "bAddressSpace24", False) self._change_option("--addr24 off") else: # switch 24-bit addressing back for compatibility self.set("[System]", "bAddressSpace24", True) self._change_option("--addr24 on", False) # ------------ monitor --------------- def get_monitor_types(self): return ("Mono", "RGB", "VGA", "TV") def get_monitor(self): return self.get("[Screen]", "nMonitorType") def set_monitor(self, value): self.set("[Screen]", "nMonitorType", value) self._change_option("--monitor %s" % ("mono", "rgb", "vga", "tv")[value]) # ------------ frameskip --------------- def get_frameskip_names(self): return ( "Disabled", "1 frame", "2 frames", "3 frames", "4 frames", "Automatic" ) def get_frameskip(self): fs = self.get("[Screen]", "nFrameSkips") if fs < 0 or fs > 5: return 5 return fs def set_frameskip(self, value): value = int(value) # guarantee correct type self.set("[Screen]", "nFrameSkips", value) self._change_option("--frameskips %d" % value) # ------------ VBL slowdown --------------- def get_slowdown_names(self): return ("Disabled", "2x", "3x", "4x", "5x", "6x", "8x") def set_slowdown(self, value): value = 1 + int(value) self._change_option("--slowdown %d" % value) # ------------ spec512 --------------- def get_spec512threshold(self): return self.get("[Screen]", "nSpec512Threshold") def set_spec512threshold(self, value): value = int(value) # guarantee correct type self.set("[Screen]", "nSpec512Threshold", value) self._change_option("--spec512 %d" % value) # --------- keep desktop res ----------- def get_desktop(self): return self.get("[Screen]", "bKeepResolution") def set_desktop(self, value): self.set("[Screen]", "bKeepResolution", value) self._change_option("--desktop %s" % str(value)) # --------- keep desktop res - st ------ def get_desktop_st(self): return self.get("[Screen]", "bKeepResolutionST") def set_desktop_st(self, value): self.set("[Screen]", "bKeepResolutionST", value) self._change_option("--desktop-st %s" % str(value)) # ------------ force max --------------- def get_force_max(self): return self.get("[Screen]", "bForceMax") def set_force_max(self, value): self.set("[Screen]", "bForceMax", value) self._change_option("--force-max %s" % str(value)) # ------------ show borders --------------- def get_borders(self): return self.get("[Screen]", "bAllowOverscan") def set_borders(self, value): self.set("[Screen]", "bAllowOverscan", value) self._change_option("--borders %s" % str(value)) # ------------ show statusbar --------------- def get_statusbar(self): return self.get("[Screen]", "bShowStatusbar") def set_statusbar(self, value): self.set("[Screen]", "bShowStatusbar", value) self._change_option("--statusbar %s" % str(value)) # ------------ crop statusbar --------------- def get_crop(self): return self.get("[Screen]", "bCrop") def set_crop(self, value): self.set("[Screen]", "bCrop", value) self._change_option("--crop %s" % str(value)) # ------------ show led --------------- def get_led(self): return self.get("[Screen]", "bShowDriveLed") def set_led(self, value): self.set("[Screen]", "bShowDriveLed", value) self._change_option("--drive-led %s" % str(value)) # ------------ monitor aspect ratio --------------- def get_aspectcorrection(self): return self.get("[Screen]", "bAspectCorrect") def set_aspectcorrection(self, value): self.set("[Screen]", "bAspectCorrect", value) self._change_option("--aspect %s" % str(value)) # ------------ max window size --------------- def set_desktop_size(self, w, h): self._desktop_w = w self._desktop_h = h def get_desktop_size(self): return (self._desktop_w, self._desktop_h) def get_max_size(self): w = self.get("[Screen]", "nMaxWidth") h = self.get("[Screen]", "nMaxHeight") # default to desktop size? if not (w or h): w = self._desktop_w h = self._desktop_h return (w, h) def set_max_size(self, w, h): # guarantee correct type (Gtk float -> config int) w = int(w); h = int(h) self.set("[Screen]", "nMaxWidth", w) self.set("[Screen]", "nMaxHeight", h) self._change_option("--max-width %d" % w) self._change_option("--max-height %d" % h) # TODO: remove once UI doesn't need this anymore def set_zoom(self, value): print("Just setting Zoom, configuration doesn't anymore have setting for this.") if value: zoom = 2 else: zoom = 1 self._change_option("--zoom %d" % zoom) # ------------ configured Hatari window size --------------- def get_window_size(self): if self.get("[Screen]", "bFullScreen"): print("WARNING: don't start Hatari UI with fullscreened Hatari!") # VDI resolution? if self.get("[Screen]", "bUseExtVdiResolutions"): width = self.get("[Screen]", "nVdiWidth") height = self.get("[Screen]", "nVdiHeight") return (width, height) # window sizes for other than ST & STE can differ if self.get("[System]", "nMachineType") not in (0, 1): print("WARNING: neither ST nor STE machine, window size inaccurate!") videl = True else: videl = False # mono monitor? if self.get_monitor() == 0: return (640, 400) # no, color width = 320 height = 200 # statusbar? if self.get_statusbar(): sbar = 12 height += sbar else: sbar = 0 # zoom? maxw, maxh = self.get_max_size() if 2*width <= maxw and 2*height <= maxh: width *= 2 height *= 2 zoom = 2 else: zoom = 1 # overscan borders? if self.get_borders() and not videl: # properly aligned borders on top of zooming leftx = (maxw-width)/zoom borderx = 2*(min(48,leftx/2)/16)*16 lefty = (maxh-height)/zoom bordery = min(29+47, lefty) width += zoom*borderx height += zoom*bordery return (width, height)