
271 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Class and helper functions for handling (Hatari) INI style
# configuration files: loading, saving, setting/getting variables,
# mapping them to sections, listing changes
# Copyright (C) 2008-2012 by Eero Tamminen
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
import os
# mapping from Hatari config variable name to type id (Bool, Int, String)
from conftypes import conftypes
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Helper functions for type safe Hatari configuration variable access.
# Map booleans, integers and strings to Python types, and back to strings.
def value_to_text(key, value):
"value_to_text(key, value) -> text, convert Python type to string"
assert(key in conftypes)
valtype = type(value)
if valtype == bool:
assert(conftypes[key] == "Bool")
if value:
text = "TRUE"
text = "FALSE"
elif valtype == int:
assert(conftypes[key] == "Int")
text = str(value)
assert(conftypes[key] == "String")
if value == None:
text = ""
text = value
return text
def text_to_value(text):
"text_to_value(text) -> value, convert INI file values to real types"
# bool?
upper = text.upper()
if upper == "FALSE":
value = False
elif upper == "TRUE":
value = True
# integer?
value = int(text)
except ValueError:
# string
value = text
return value
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Handle INI style configuration files as used by Hatari
class ConfigStore:
def __init__(self, userconfdir, defaults = {}, miss_is_error = True):
"ConfigStore(userconfdir, fgfile[,defaults,miss_is_error])"
self.defaults = defaults
self.userpath = self._get_full_userpath(userconfdir)
self.miss_is_error = miss_is_error
def _get_full_userpath(self, leafdir):
"get_userpath(leafdir) -> config file default save path from HOME, CWD or their subdir"
# user's hatari.cfg can be in home or current work dir,
# current dir is used only if $HOME fails
for path in (os.getenv("HOME"), os.getenv("HOMEPATH"), os.getcwd()):
if path and os.path.exists(path) and os.path.isdir(path):
if leafdir:
hpath = "%s%c%s" % (path, os.path.sep, leafdir)
if os.path.exists(hpath) and os.path.isdir(hpath):
return hpath
return path
return None
def get_filepath(self, filename):
"get_filepath(filename) -> return correct full path to config file"
# user config has preference over system one
for path in (self.userpath, os.getenv("HATARI_SYSTEM_CONFDIR")):
if path:
file = "%s%c%s" % (path, os.path.sep, filename)
if os.path.isfile(file):
return file
# writing needs path name although it's missing for reading
return "%s%c%s" % (self.userpath, os.path.sep, filename)
def load(self, path):
"load(path) -> load given configuration file"
if os.path.isfile(path):
sections = self._read(path)
if sections:
self.sections = sections
print("ERROR: configuration file loading failed!")
print("WARNING: configuration file missing!")
if self.defaults:
print("-> using dummy 'defaults'.")
self.sections = self.defaults
self.path = path
self.cfgfile = os.path.basename(path)
self.original = self.get_checkpoint()
self.changed = False
def is_loaded(self):
"is_loaded() -> True if configuration loading succeeded"
if self.sections:
return True
return False
def get_path(self):
"get_path() -> configuration file path"
return self.path
def _read(self, path):
"_read(path) -> (all keys, section2key mappings)"
print("Reading configuration file '%s'..." % path)
config = open(path, "r")
if not config:
return ({}, {})
name = "[_orphans_]"
seckeys = {}
sections = {}
for line in config.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if not line or line[0] == '#':
if line[0] == '[':
if line in sections:
print("WARNING: section '%s' twice in configuration" % line)
if seckeys:
sections[name] = seckeys
seckeys = {}
name = line
if line.find('=') < 0:
print("WARNING: line without key=value pair:\n%s" % line)
key, text = [string.strip() for string in line.split('=')]
seckeys[key] = text_to_value(text)
if seckeys:
sections[name] = seckeys
return sections
def get_checkpoint(self):
"get_checkpoint() -> checkpoint, get the state of variables at this point"
checkpoint = {}
for section in self.sections.keys():
checkpoint[section] = self.sections[section].copy()
return checkpoint
def get_checkpoint_changes(self, checkpoint):
"get_checkpoint_changes() -> list of (key, value) pairs for later changes"
changed = []
if not self.changed:
return changed
for section in self.sections.keys():
if section not in checkpoint:
for key, value in self.sections[section].items():
changed.append((key, value))
for key, value in self.sections[section].items():
if (key not in checkpoint[section] or
value != checkpoint[section][key]):
text = value_to_text(key, value)
changed.append(("%s.%s" % (section, key), text))
return changed
def revert_to_checkpoint(self, checkpoint):
"revert_to_checkpoint(checkpoint), revert to given checkpoint"
self.sections = checkpoint
def get(self, section, key):
return self.sections[section][key]
def set(self, section, key, value):
"set(section,key,value), set given key to given section"
if section not in self.sections:
if self.miss_is_error:
raise AttributeError("no section '%s'" % section)
self.sections[section] = {}
if key not in self.sections[section]:
if self.miss_is_error:
raise AttributeError("key '%s' not in section '%s'" % (key, section))
self.sections[section][key] = value
self.changed = True
elif self.sections[section][key] != value:
self.changed = True
self.sections[section][key] = value
def is_changed(self):
"is_changed() -> True if current configuration is changed"
return self.changed
def get_changes(self):
"get_changes(), return (key, value) list for each changed config option"
return self.get_checkpoint_changes(self.original)
def write(self, fileobj):
"write(fileobj), write current configuration to given file object"
sections = list(self.sections.keys())
for name in sections:
fileobj.write("%s\n" % name)
keys = list(self.sections[name].keys())
for key in keys:
value = value_to_text(key, self.sections[name][key])
fileobj.write("%s = %s\n" % (key, value))
def save(self):
"save() -> path, if configuration changed, save it"
if not self.changed:
print("No configuration changes to save, skipping")
return None
fileobj = None
if self.path:
fileobj = open(self.path, "w")
if not fileobj:
print("WARNING: non-existing/writable configuration file, creating a new one...")
if not os.path.exists(self.userpath):
self.path = "%s%c%s" % (self.userpath, os.path.sep, self.cfgfile)
fileobj = open(self.path, "w")
if not fileobj:
print("ERROR: opening '%s' for saving failed" % self.path)
return None
print("Saved configuration file:", self.path)
self.changed = False
return self.path
def save_as(self, path):
"save_as(path) -> path, save configuration to given file and select it"
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
self.path = path
self.changed = True
return self.save()
def save_tmp(self, path):
"save_tmp(path) -> path, save configuration to given file without selecting it"
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
fileobj = open(path, "w")
if not fileobj:
print("ERROR: opening '%s' for saving failed" % path)
return None
print("Saved temporary configuration file:", path)
return path