#JNUSLib - All in one library to handle NUS content
JNUSLib is a library written in Java to handle NUS Contents (.app, tmd, tik, cert files) from different sources. It can be easily used in other Applications and is directed to devolpers. It's based on JNUSTool, but is heavily rewritten and extented with even more features.
Loading NUS Contents from different sources. Currently implemented:
* Local files
* Files from the NUS Server (Only the part that are needed will be downloaded)
* WUD Images. Also compressed (.wux https://gbatemp.net/threads/wii-u-image-wud-compression-tool.397901/) and splitted WUD's (parts dumped from wudumper)
For files loaded from one of the sources, the following features can be used.
* Only on-the-fly actions. Files will be downloaded only on demand, splitted files can be handled natively, and .wux have to be decompressed!
* Extracting all files. Needed decryption will be done on the fly.
* Extracting single files. Needed decryption will be done on the fly.
* Extracting the content files (.app, .h3, tmd, etc.) Useful for all sources except "local".
* This means title downloading, and .woomy, .wux, .wud and splitted .wud extracting into the "installable" format.
* Providing a InputStream to the decrypted data of a file.
* Decrypt a full content (.app) file.
For WUD files, following additional operations are possible:
* Compressing into .wux file format (from .wud and splitted .wud)
* Verifing (comparing) to different wud images.
##How to use it
At first you have to import the jnuslib.jar and the common key in the Settings class.