package de.mas.wiiu.jnus.entities.content; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import lombok.Data; import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode; import lombok.Getter; import; @EqualsAndHashCode /** * Representation on an Object of the first section * of an FST. * * @author Maschell * */ @Log public final class ContentFSTInfo { @Getter private final long offsetSector; @Getter private final long sizeSector; @Getter private final long ownerTitleID; @Getter private final int groupID; @Getter private final byte unkown; private static int SECTOR_SIZE = 0x8000; private ContentFSTInfo(ContentFSTInfoParam param) { this.offsetSector = param.getOffsetSector(); this.sizeSector = param.getSizeSector(); this.ownerTitleID = param.getOwnerTitleID(); this.groupID = param.getGroupID(); this.unkown = param.getUnkown(); } /** * Creates a new ContentFSTInfo object given be the raw byte data * * @param input * 0x20 byte of data from the FST (starting at 0x20) * @return ContentFSTInfo object */ public static ContentFSTInfo parseContentFST(byte[] input) { if (input == null || input.length != 0x20) {"Error: invalid ContentFSTInfo byte[] input"); return null; } ContentFSTInfoParam param = new ContentFSTInfoParam(); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(input.length); buffer.put(input); buffer.position(0); int offset = buffer.getInt(); int size = buffer.getInt(); long ownerTitleID = buffer.getLong(); int groupID = buffer.getInt(); byte unkown = buffer.get(); param.setOffsetSector(offset); param.setSizeSector(size); param.setOwnerTitleID(ownerTitleID); param.setGroupID(groupID); param.setUnkown(unkown); return new ContentFSTInfo(param); } /** * Returns the offset of of the Content in the partition * * @return offset of the content in the partition in bytes */ public long getOffset() { long result = (getOffsetSector() * SECTOR_SIZE) - SECTOR_SIZE; if (result < 0) { return 0; } return result; } /** * Returns the size in bytes, not in sectors * * @return size in bytes */ public int getSize() { return (int) (getSizeSector() * SECTOR_SIZE); } @Override public String toString() { return "ContentFSTInfo [offset=" + String.format("%08X", offsetSector) + ", size=" + String.format("%08X", sizeSector) + ", ownerTitleID=" + String.format("%016X", ownerTitleID) + ", groupID=" + String.format("%08X", groupID) + ", unkown=" + unkown + "]"; } @Data private static class ContentFSTInfoParam { private long offsetSector; private long sizeSector; private long ownerTitleID; private int groupID; private byte unkown; } }