package de.mas.jnus.lib.entities.content; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import de.mas.jnus.lib.Settings; import de.mas.jnus.lib.entities.fst.FSTEntry; import de.mas.jnus.lib.utils.Utils; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; /** * Represents a Content * @author Maschell * */ public class Content{ public static final short CONTENT_HASHED = 0x0002; public static final short CONTENT_ENCRYPTED = 0x0001; @Getter @Setter private int ID = 0x00; @Getter @Setter private short index = 0x00; @Getter @Setter private short type = 0x0000; @Getter @Setter private long encryptedFileSize = 0; @Getter @Setter private byte[] SHA2Hash = new byte[0x14]; @Getter private List entries = new ArrayList<>(); @Getter @Setter private ContentFSTInfo contentFSTInfo = null; /** * Creates a new Content object given be the raw byte data * @param input 0x30 byte of data from the TMD (starting at 0xB04) * @return content object */ public static Content parseContent(byte[] input) { if(input == null || input.length != 0x30){ System.out.println("Error: invalid Content byte[] input"); return null; } ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(input.length); buffer.put(input); buffer.position(0); int ID = buffer.getInt(0x00); short index = buffer.getShort(0x04); short type = buffer.getShort(0x06); long encryptedFileSize = buffer.getLong(0x08); buffer.position(0x10); byte[] hash = new byte[0x14]; buffer.get(hash, 0x00, 0x14); return new Content(ID, index,type,encryptedFileSize, hash); } public Content(int ID, short index, short type, long encryptedFileSize, byte[] hash) { setID(ID); setIndex(index); setType(type); setEncryptedFileSize(encryptedFileSize); setSHA2Hash(hash); } /** * Returns if the content is hashed * @return true if hashed */ public boolean isHashed() { return (type & CONTENT_HASHED) == CONTENT_HASHED; } /** * Returns if the content is encrypted * @return true if encrypted */ public boolean isEncrypted() { return (type & CONTENT_ENCRYPTED) == CONTENT_ENCRYPTED; } /** * Return the filename of the encrypted content. * It's the ID as hex with an extension * For example: * @return filename of the encrypted content */ public String getFilename(){ return String.format("%08X%s", getID(),Settings.ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_EXTENTION); } /** * Adds a content to the internal entry list. * @param entry that will be added to the content list */ public void addEntry(FSTEntry entry) { getEntries().add(entry); } /** * Returns the size of the decrypted content. * @return size of the decrypted content */ public long getDecryptedFileSize() { if(isHashed()){ return getEncryptedFileSize()/0x10000*0xFC00; }else{ return getEncryptedFileSize(); } } /** * Return the filename of the decrypted content. * It's the ID as hex with an extension * For example: 00000000.dec * @return filename of the decrypted content */ public String getFilenameDecrypted() { return String.format("%08X%s", getID(),Settings.DECRYPTED_CONTENT_EXTENTION); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ID; result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(SHA2Hash); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Content other = (Content) obj; if (ID != other.ID) return false; if (!Arrays.equals(SHA2Hash, other.SHA2Hash)) return false; return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "Content [ID=" + Integer.toHexString(ID) + ", index=" + Integer.toHexString(index) + ", type=" + String.format("%04X", type) + ", encryptedFileSize=" + encryptedFileSize + ", SHA2Hash=" + Utils.ByteArrayToString(SHA2Hash) + "]"; } }